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Reject Moral Illiteracy

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Posted By: Judy W., 11/21/2023 5:36:12 AM

No, my bingo card did not have Generation Z embracing the wit and wisdom of Osama bin Laden, but it probably should have. Osama bin Laden‘s ravings about how Israel is bad and America is worse, or vice versa, have hit a chord among recently-born TikTok viewers. Osama’s Been Litup’s rants have it all – claims of nefarious Jewish influence, complaints about evil capitalists, and whining like a little girl about Americans and Israelis fighting back against sociopathic Jihadi scum**** who go on murder sprees. This nonsense is supposed to provide “context” for 9/11, and to have further applicability to the current elimination of Hamas.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: privateer 11/21/2023 7:08:47 AM (No. 1602395)
As always, the straight story from Schlichter. And always incisive, and told with clarity and a dash of wit.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 11/21/2023 7:18:07 AM (No. 1602398)
Wiping out every single Hanas terrorist is a moral and physical necessity. All that Israel owes the world is a bona fide effort to keep collateral damage to a minimum. Nothing more. Actual damage that occurs will solely depend on the terrorists. Unrealistic demand that this damage be zero is simply another act of terrorism.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: pros7767 11/21/2023 7:41:48 AM (No. 1602402)
The author nails it! Excellent article!
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Reply 4 - Posted by: downnout 11/21/2023 8:48:30 AM (No. 1602452)
Well done by a manly man writing manly things.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 11/21/2023 8:49:49 AM (No. 1602455)
Schlichter is always worth the read no matter what the topic. The blame goes squarely on parents who haven't explained to their delicate offspring why it was necessary to fry all of the civilians in two cities in Japan and turn Berlin into a heap of rubble 80 years ago. The palestinian civilians dying now are the cost of achieving relative peace in the Middle East for a long time to come. These riots in support of pauses and cease fires that are being demanded around the world will do nothing except to promote the murder of innocents for decades. If not for the savages of Hamas and the Mad Mullahs in Iran, there would have been zero deaths in Israel and Gaza not due to natural causes.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: mean Gene 11/21/2023 8:54:42 AM (No. 1602459)
Once lefties buy into the guilt-trip thing, they can blame themselves for things they had nothing to do with. Like when Osama blamed the present-day West for Muslims losing Spain 600+ years ago. Only people who blame themselves for slavery that ended before their own families even came here would buy into this garbage argument.
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Anarcho-Capitalism and Dr. Javier Milei 7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/21/2023 10:20:01 AM Post Reply
Oops, they did it again. First Giorgia Meloni was elected prime minister of Italy. This despite the objections and smears of the self-important and seemingly all-powerful US Deep State and its Mockingbird press, which in the run up to the Italian general election had painted her as the second coming of Benito Mussolini. (Snip) After decades of alternating corrupt mismanagement by the two entrenched traditional Argentine parties, an academic economist of the Austrian school named Javier Milei has been elected President of Argentina, adding salt to the self-inflicted wounds of approved narrative defenders. And once again, we are predictably being gifted with the usual stream of character assassination and hate
Reject Moral Illiteracy 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/21/2023 5:36:12 AM Post Reply
No, my bingo card did not have Generation Z embracing the wit and wisdom of Osama bin Laden, but it probably should have. Osama bin Laden‘s ravings about how Israel is bad and America is worse, or vice versa, have hit a chord among recently-born TikTok viewers. Osama’s Been Litup’s rants have it all – claims of nefarious Jewish influence, complaints about evil capitalists, and whining like a little girl about Americans and Israelis fighting back against sociopathic Jihadi scum**** who go on murder sprees. This nonsense is supposed to provide “context” for 9/11, and to have further applicability to the current elimination of Hamas.
Confessions of a former antisemite 11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/20/2023 7:44:27 AM Post Reply
As an Iranian in Sweden, I was dubbed a “svartskalle”. Directly translated, it means “black head”, a slur aimed at the demographic which, in the Anglo-sphere, is often referred to as “brown” people. (Snip) Every new town I moved to - the first group of friends I made were fellow immigrants from the Middle East. One thing was consistent, regardless of where I went; We all hated Jews. In the cultures we grew up in - even when there was very little else in common (Shia v Sunni, Arab vs Persian, Religious vs Atheist, Theocrat vs Monarchist etc) - Jew-hatred is omnipresent. We were born with it, we grew up
Put a Chick in it and Make Her Gay. And Lame. 13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/18/2023 8:48:48 AM Post Reply
I got sucked into The Morning Show on Apple TV, because sometimes I just like to hate-watch. I don’t watch violence anymore or sex, and if anything starts with someone on a toilet, I’m out. (Snip) Or stupid women talking, like the Housewives or even more offensive, The Buccaneers. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men. YOU ARE THE STUPIDEST WOMEN WHO EVER LIVED.
Memo to Hamas: Settler Societies Aren't Evil 3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/17/2023 7:44:11 AM Post Reply
In the nauseating demonstrations celebrating Hamas' slaughter of Israelis, one hears repeated, again and again, the refrain that Israelis are "settlers" and "colonists" -- and therefore, in the catechism inculcated in universities in recent decades, oppressors not deserving of mercy or sympathy when tortured and murdered by those who deemed themselves the oppressed. (Snip) Of course, people -- and peoples -- don't always fit neatly into these categories. Jews have been living in the lands "from the river to the sea," between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, since Biblical times, in varying numbers. Their claim to the supposedly morally superior status of the indigenous has as much strength as
The Struggle for Black Freedom Has Nothing
to Do with Israel
3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/16/2023 9:45:35 AM Post Reply
As the Israel-Hamas war drags on in its second month and shows no sign of abating, many Westerners have drawn comparisons between the state of Israel and Jim Crow-era America or apartheid South Africa. In their telling, Israelis are the white people, Palestinians are the black people, and the ethics of the conflict mirror the ethics of Jim Crow and apartheid. Once framed this way, the correct view becomes obvious. Israelis: racist oppressors. Palestinians: noble victims. (Snip) But close-to-home analogies rarely explain distant events. Whereas Europeans had no claim to belong in the New World, Jews are indigenous to the land and have lived there continuously for millennia.
'Anything Can Happen Now' 12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/16/2023 8:55:53 AM Post Reply
Our real lives have become Black Mirror episodes. (Snip) I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, and neither have you. In fewer than 48 hours, TikTok has convinced tens of thousands of Americans to take the side of the man most responsible for 9/11. Think about that. The Chinese Communists have created a weapon that compels Americans to cheer for 9/11, the same as people throughout the Arab world did at the time. They are endorsing it because in the epistle, the leader of al Qaeda condemns the Jews and tells Americans he committed terror against them in part because of America’s support of Israel.
Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury
reports, barely follow up: investigation
11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/14/2023 8:17:30 AM Post Reply
Federal public health agencies are reportedly withholding the most accurate and up-to-date reports of vaccine injury from the public, allegedly to protect privacy. Patients don't necessarily see it that way, and it's not clear the feds told Congress. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, jointly managed by the CDC and FDA, has a secret "back end" privy only to regulators, an FDA official told advocates of VAERS reform nearly a year ago, according to a British Medical Journal investigation published Friday. "Anything derived from medical records by law" cannot be included in the "front end system" accessible to the public, Narayan Nair, director of the Division of Pharmacovigilance, allegedly told
Exodus and Remembrance 2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/12/2023 9:19:59 AM Post Reply
In recent days I have been seeing a lot of old images. I have been looking at pictures of London as it was, and Britain as it was. It is just a tiny fraction over a century since the Cenotaph, which honours Britain’s war dead, was completed and unveiled. It is a starkly simple monument, with an elegance characteristic of its era, and fitting to its purpose. A century, in the life of old nations, should be a little thing. And yet the world, and this nation, could hardly have been altered more radically if we had lost both the great world wars of the 20th century.
Lizard King? Philanthropath? Genocidal Maniac? 5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/11/2023 2:58:55 PM Post Reply
The month before 9/11, I was in Seattle interviewing the new digital titans for the Sunday Telegraph. (Snip) A new book, The Gates of Hell,Why Bill Gates Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World by Daniel Jupp, manages to dissect all of Gates’s activities since September 2011 and has he ever been a busy psychopath. Jupp is one of the several gifted polemicists called forth by the gnarly times we live in. He soared to recognition with witty, but somehow soothing Facebook blasts that combined PJ O’Rourke with Jonathan Swift with Steve Bannon. Jupp, if that is his real name, hails from working class England, Essex to be precise-ish,
The "Genocide" Canard Against Israel 4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/11/2023 9:07:52 AM Post Reply
The word “genocide” may be the one rendered most meaningless in our discourse. It has some steep competition, of course. “White supremacy” now means asking someone to show up on time. “Trauma” means being referred to with the wrong pronoun. And “genocide” can, among other things, mean debating experimental sex reassignment procedures for children. (Go look up #transgenocide on Twitter and weep.) But the supporters of Hamas and of the Palestinians have seized the g-word with particular zeal. And who can blame them? There’s a real, adolescent frisson in accusing the victims of the worst genocide in modern history of being genocidal themselves.
Why they hate Snow White 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/10/2023 11:34:29 AM Post Reply
Rachel Zegler is the go-to token Hispanic in Hollywood. Steven Spielberg hired her to be Maria in his remake of West Side Story. The film bombed like it were dropped from a B-52 as did her next movie, Shazam! Fury of the Gods. Her third movie premieres later this month. We will see if she is box office poison or box office toxic waste. Of course, that is not her third movie. The Disney remake of Snow White is. Disney shot the movie in England in the spring of 2022. Its release date was scheduled for this year, then next year and now it is set for 2025.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Pope Francis Invites 44 Transgenders Who
Work as “Prostitutes” to Vatican for
Lunch (Video)
32 replies
Posted by Imright 11/22/2023 6:21:30 PM Post Reply
The commie Pope invited a busload of 44 transgenders to the Vatican for lunch. “On Sunday, the women — many of whom are Latin American migrants and work as prostitutes — joined over 1,000 other poor and homeless people in the Vatican auditorium as Francis’ guests for lunch to mark the Catholic Church’s World Day of the Poor,” AP reported. In July, Pope Francis told a transgender that “God loves us as we are.” Also, earlier this month, the Vatican’s doctrinal office announced that transgender people can receive baptisms, serve as godparents and be witnesses in religious ceremonies in the Roman Catholic Church.
MSNBC Contributor and Former Democrat
Senator Says Trump Is More Dangerous Than Hitler
29 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 11/22/2023 5:15:43 PM Post Reply
MSNBC contributor and former Democrat U.S. Senator of Missouri, Claire McCaskill, recently went on air and wrongly claimed Donald Trump is “even more dangerous” than dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. While on MSNBC’s Dateline, McCaskill stated, “A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler and the use of the terminology like ‘vermin’ and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship.” She continued, “The difference, though, I think makes Donald Trump even more dangerous, and that is he has no philosophy he believes in.”
Breaking: Israel Agrees to 4 Day Ceasefire
with Hamas – Deal Includes Release of
50 Israeli Hostages and May Extend Extra
Days for Each 10 Hostages Released
28 replies
Posted by Imright 11/22/2023 3:50:56 AM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit’s Richard Abelson reported earlier Israel has reached a deal with Hamas for a temporary cease-fire in return for the release of some of the hostages, Arutz Sheva reports. The deal is expected to go into effect Thursday, with 12 Israelis being freed every day. All the children and 13 moms are said to be involved in the deal. The right-wing parties oppose the deal, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will go ahead and pass it with the votes of the left-wing parties. “A political official presented this evening (Tuesday) the outline for the deal to release dozens of hostages from Hamas captivity and emphasizes that
Two terror suspects drove car at 100mph
toward Rainbow Bridge's second checkpoint
before going AIRBORNE and crashing into
fireball: Buffalo airport closes and FBI
shuts all four US-Canada land crossings
20 replies
Posted by OhioNick 11/22/2023 3:49:54 PM Post Reply
A suspected terror attack on Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls today saw a car explode, causing a massive explosion at a toll checkpoint that killed the vehicle's two occupants. Fox News cites law enforcement sources who say the intention was a larger attack to kill more an the FBI Terrorism Task Force is investigating but officials are yet to confirm the motive. Two men who had been traveling in the vehicle both died in the explosion. Their identities remain unknown and there were no other serious injuries.
JFK assassination: 60 years later we know
the truth about the real killer
18 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/22/2023 3:39:09 AM Post Reply
On Nov. 22, 1963, we lost not only a popular young president, but we also lost our national innocence. We lost our trust in government. Once lost, it has not returned and never will. The rifle shots fired at the president’s motorcade changed my own life as I watched TV coverage of my bloodied "friend" Lee Harvey Oswald dragged into the Dallas Police Station. When the Secret Service knocked on my door the morning after the assassination, they came for me as someone identified as a "known associate" of the presumed JFK assassin. My involvement with Lee and Marina Oswald began in June 1962.
‘No Sign of Terrorist Activity’ in
Vehicle Explosion at U.S.-Canada Border,
Hochul Says
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/22/2023 9:19:54 PM Post Reply
The vehicle explosion that occurred near a U.S.-Canada border crossing Thursday afternoon is not believed to be the result of terrorism, New York governor Kathy Hochul said early Wednesday evening. Two passengers are reported dead after a vehicle exploded near the Rainbow Bridge border crossing separating the United States from Canada. A border agent was also reportedly injured in the attack. Sources told Reuters that it is now likely believed that the blast was the result of reckless driving, contrary to earlier assessments of a terrorist attack initially reported by Fox News.
House Ethics Committee Makes Decision
Regarding Jamaal Bowman Pulling Fire Alarm
16 replies
Posted by Imright 11/22/2023 6:18:17 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, the House Ethics Committee voted against opening an investigation or a report into Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who, on September 30, pulled the fire alarm while the House was voting to avert a government shutdown. Doing so is a violation of the DC code, and Bowman was charged by the DC Attorney General and pled guilty last month. The Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to charge Bowman for "obstructing an official proceeding," despite how the congressman pulling the fire alarm when there was no such emergency disrupted the vote.
Biden fails to congratulate Argentina's
new president, libertarian Javier Milei
16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/22/2023 10:10:09 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has always been Johnny-on-the-spot whenever a radical leftist has gotten elected in Latin America. But for Argentina's new president, elected by a ten-point-plus margin? Crickets. He's said nothing at all to Javier Milei, Argentina's first libertarian president, on his quite truly historic victory in an undoubtedly free and fair election, with 30 million hand-counted ballots, their validity approved by both parties and delivered on election night, that made Milei president. He could have congratuated just the election if he couldn't stand Milei, which we know he can't as a fair-minded formality, but of course, he didn't. The White House web site is bereft of any pretense
Gov. Josh Shapiro Has Bizarre Theory For
Why Trump Is Leading Biden In The Polls
14 replies
Posted by Imright 11/22/2023 6:13:23 PM Post Reply
Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro has a unique explanation for why former President Donald Trump is ahead of President Joe Biden in recent polls. NBC News interviewed Shapiro for a story published Wednesday and asked him to explain Trump’s polling lead against Biden. Shapiro attributed Trump’s lead to “brain fog” from voters, and he expects it to clear up ahead of the 2024 presidential election.“I’m not sure folks remember just how chaotic it was, how divisive it was, how he was just in your face in your living room every day,” Shapiro told NBC News. “I don’t think people want to go back to that.”
Will Stars Align for Haley in Bizarre
GOP Contest?
14 replies
Posted by Attila DiMedici 11/22/2023 4:15:27 PM Post Reply
The political world spends a lot of time discussing former President Donald Trump's lead over the Republican field in national polls -- currently at 45.4%, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls. But, of course, the race will unfold as a series of state contests, beginning in Iowa on Jan. 15, New Hampshire on Jan. 23, Nevada on Feb. 8 and South Carolina on Feb. 24. By then, Republicans should have a pretty good idea who their 2024 presidential nominee will be.
NY vehicle explosion at Rainbow Bridge
border crossing is attempted terror attack: sources
14 replies
Posted by Imright 11/22/2023 2:33:43 PM Post Reply
The FBI is investigating a vehicle explosion Wednesday at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada in what sources tell Fox News was an attempted terrorist attack. Explosives were in the vehicle at the time and two people who were in the car are dead, the sources told Fox News. A border officer was injured. The vehicle was driving from the U.S. to Canada and were attempting to drive toward the border officer building, the sources said.
FBI Investigating 'Vehicle Explosion'
at U.S.-Canada Border Crossing
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/22/2023 1:57:44 PM Post Reply
A vehicle exploded at the Rainbow Bridge between Canada and the United States in upstate New York on Wednesday afternoon according to state and federal officials — though additional details remain unknown at this time. At least one individual, a 27-year-old male, has been hospitalized after being injured in the explosion, according to reports. [Tweet] A statement from the FBI said that agents from its Buffalo field office are "investigating a vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge, a border crossing between the U.S. and Canada in Niagara Falls." [Tweet] The FBI added it is "coordinating with our local, state and federal law enforcement partners in this investigation"
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