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Trump slams Biden's 'Electric Car Hoax'
that sold out union workers

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Posted By: Imright, 9/23/2023 11:51:43 AM

Former President Donald Trump slammed President Joe Biden's decision to picket with United Auto Workers union members who are on strike, ahead of his own trip to visit striking workers. Biden announced on Friday that he will be visiting with workers in Detroit, Michigan, on Tuesday. Trump went after Biden's policies, specifically on the "electric car hoax," as having "sold them down the river," in a lengthy post on Truth Social early Saturday morning. "Crooked Joe Biden had no intention of going to visit the United Autoworkers, until I announced that I would be heading to Michigan to be with them, & help then out.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: jimkata 9/23/2023 12:34:27 PM (No. 1561838)
One fact alone should align autoworkers to Trump. Trump left office I paid $1.80 a gallon for gas. Now its $3.69 where I'm at. Lower gas means more people driving, more cars wearing out, more cars to buy, more affordable cars produced and jobs for autoworkers. See the connection?
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Reply 2 - Posted by: thomthomp 9/23/2023 12:38:02 PM (No. 1561841)
The unions have been on the Democrat plantation for years, and this union "leader" is a fool, spouting the party line. Pray the rank and file figure out they need new leadership in the union AND in Washington.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: singermom9 9/23/2023 12:41:05 PM (No. 1561842)
Illegal Immigrants should THANK the UAW. Instead of the owners having to move the car plants to other 3rd world countries Biden has already gotten the workers from 3rd world countries to take the place of American workers. TY to American workers for fighting so hard to raise the salary so that the workers from 3rd world countries can get a meaningful wage after the Americans are FIRED so the 3rd world workers can "find a meaningful wage" in America. (I bet the dem workers will STILL vote for the dems) If the workers vote dem then they DESERVE what they get-IDIOTS all.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: stablemoney 9/23/2023 2:46:11 PM (No. 1561898)
All a union does is transfer wealth from non-union workers to union workers, by fixing their wages above market prices.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: FJB 9/23/2023 5:23:03 PM (No. 1561963)
Biden is an Obama Traitor. Trump should say so at a time like this at a place that they might have fooled. And everywhere else. This whole thing is sick. MAGA
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Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 9/24/2023 5:50:55 AM (No. 1562189)
You can stifle market forces for just so long until something explodes. The union workers should read up on the steel industry, or at least what used to be the steel industry.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: DiegoDude 9/24/2023 7:45:13 AM (No. 1562213)
The UAW brought this on themselves. It takes less auto workers to build a road flare(EV), so they might want to get ready for unemployment if they vote Biden.
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Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 9:24:16 PM Post Reply
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on campus: ‘Absolute joke’
7 replies
Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 9:14:13 PM Post Reply
An anti-religion group attempting to throw cold water on an Alabama university after the school’s football coach was filmed assisting with the baptism of a student has a "twisted interpretation of the First Amendment," a legal expert says. On Friday, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent a letter to Auburn University President Christopher Roberts warning that more than 200 student baptisms, one of which was assisted by Auburn Tigers head football coach Hugh Freeze, somehow violated the Constitution’s Establishment Clause. "These ongoing and repeated constitutional violations at the University create a coercive environment that excludes those students who don’t subscribe to the Christian views being pushed onto players by their coaches,"
WaPo/ABC Poll: Trump Takes Commanding
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3 replies
Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 9:09:23 PM Post Reply
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bussing them North. exposes
the damning TRUTH behind Biden's laughable
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7 replies
Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 8:25:22 PM Post Reply
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Democratic Mayor Proposes Government-Owned
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Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 8:20:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 8:08:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 7:47:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 8:20:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 9/24/2023 11:41:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/24/2023 6:12:27 PM Post Reply
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Clyburn: GOP Wants to Impeach Biden for
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20 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/24/2023 3:05:27 PM Post Reply
Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Republicans opened an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden because he was “being a father to his son.” (snip) Clyburn said, “I think it’s appropriate to be a father to your son, and if your son is having a problem, and we all know the history of the problem that Hunter has with addiction, and he is being a father to his son. You don’t impeach a man for being a father to his children.”
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20 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/24/2023 2:45:54 PM Post Reply
An investigator with the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s Office accidentally shot herself in the leg inside a courthouse bathroom on Friday. ABC News reported the incident occurred in the same courthouse in which “former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants were arraigned” on charges related to the 2020 presidential election. The incident did not result life-threatening injuries. FOX 5 noted the female investigator was in a “handicap accessible bathroom” on the fourth floor when she shot herself. The name of the investigator has not been released. Former prosecutor Ash Joshi commented on the incident, saying, “It was an accidental shooting, so there is no intent to commit a crime."
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20 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 9/24/2023 9:02:24 AM Post Reply
Work continues to preserve pieces of art made after 2020 unrest Call it a labor of love, in a northeast Minneapolis warehouse. “I feel very attached, like connected to these pieces personally,” says Amira McLendon, a University of Minnesota art student. “I didn’t make any of them. But knowing they were from my community is important to me.” McLendon is an intern with the group ‘Memorialize the Movement.’ This weekend, the organization, founded by Leesa Kelly, is busily archiving and organizing about 1,000 pieces of plywood art..
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‘best and final’ offer as deal nears
on strike
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/24/2023 12:14:09 AM Post Reply
The major film and television studios on Saturday evening delivered their “best and final” offer to the striking writers, a person close to the situation told CNN, adding to significant hope that the negotiations to end the months-long strike will conclude with an agreement this weekend. Negotiators with the Writers Guild of America were expected to review the offer and deliver their response. The Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers spent Saturday negotiating for the fourth consecutive day. Should a tentative deal be reached, it would still need to be ratified by rank-and-file members before it could go into effect.
‘God’s Plan Includes Abortion’:
Group Plants Pro-Abortion Billboards in
Pro-Life States Along Highway to Illinois
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/24/2023 2:37:06 PM Post Reply
A group that promotes “normalizing abortion” has lined up six billboards on Interstate 55 through pro-life states leading to Illinois, one of which falsely reads, “God’s plan includes abortion.” Shout Your Abortion, a far-left advocacy group, placed the billboards in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee — all states which have outlawed or limited abortions. The black and white billboards, which face travelers heading into pro-abortion Illinois, also include messages such as, “Abortion is OK. You know what’s right for you,” and “Abortion is OK. You are loved.”
Now They’re Just Poking Their Fingers
in Our Eyes
18 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/24/2023 5:44:34 AM Post Reply
Reading this week’s news of the Biden Administration, I kept thinking of the Three Stooges poking fingers in each other’s eyes. (Snip) Nothing seems to get through to them; their conduct is clear evidence that they believe they can get away with being completely outrageous because they suffer no consequences. (I know you probably can point to more examples -- apart from the open border through which the number of invaders now is the population equivalent of 17 states.) This litigation strikes me as this week’s most easily understood misuse of the law. The Department of Justice is suing Elon Musk for not hiring refugees to build advanced rocket technology.
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