Chris Christie: Trump Will Be ‘Out on
Bail’ During Campaign — Can’t Beat Biden
Pam Key
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
7/30/2023 1:01:48 PM
Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former President Donald Trump would be “out on bail” during the presidential campaign.
Therefore, according to Christie, Trump can’t beat President Joe Biden.
Christie said, “You can’t say there was no underlying potential crime here. This was the withholding on classified confidential information from the government, after 18 months of asking Donald Trump to return it voluntarily. Not only did he not return it, he lied about having it. This is not the kind of thing we can’t do. I want you to think about the potential effect
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Quigley 7/30/2023 1:28:12 PM (No. 1523766)
Yes, Chris, let’s acquiesce to the Dim’s coup by acknowledging that all their banana republic abuse of power was justified because Trump is too flawed but you are not.
Chris, your position is to take advantage of their coup for your own gain. No, no, no. That puts you in league with the Dims. You are a co-conspiritor, Chris. You are a bad guy.
64 people like this.
And el chubbo will be attending Weight Watchers meetings, so what. Dershowitz has already said that Mr Trump can campaign from and even be President from a jail cell. Actually he would be safer there than walking among all those vipers in DC.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
idahoskook 7/30/2023 1:32:12 PM (No. 1523769)
Chis Christie is literally the biggest loser ever.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
FJB 7/30/2023 1:34:45 PM (No. 1523772)
Christie is ridiculous, but how can Newsmax still forecast a 50-50 tie between DJT and Traitor Joe? Bidet needs to be led out of office in handcuffs before doing any more damage.
29 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
caljeepgirl 7/30/2023 1:38:03 PM (No. 1523774)
Ya' know. I recently read Paul Manafort's really interesting book 'Political Prisoner'. In it, he states that the 3 finalists interviewing for Trump's VP pick on the 2016 ticket were Pence, Christie and Gingrich! IMO that disappointment explains a lot about Christie's current behavior....the man is obsessed!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
formerNYer 7/30/2023 1:41:43 PM (No. 1523779)
Eat another donut you fat pig!
28 people like this.
I heard that Crispy caused that traffic jam on the bridge to NYC because he went jogging, fell down, and blocked all six lanes.
23 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
stablemoney 7/30/2023 1:48:03 PM (No. 1523787)
Christie won't win any primaries, so he should stop worrying about Trump.
20 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 7/30/2023 1:48:39 PM (No. 1523788)
Fatboy can't beat ANYONE.
20 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Mike22 7/30/2023 1:50:02 PM (No. 1523791)
Chris Christie is a lawyer and former Federal Prosecutor. Has he read the Presidential Records Act? What does he think it says? Trump was President and took his records with him. Looks to me like that is covered.
I hear the press spewing their sophistries and want to vomit.
If Trump is guilty of something with respect to those records, what about Hillary, Joe, Mike and all the others who were found to have those kinds of records at home and various other unsecured locations.
None of them were President and arguably the records they took were far more readily accessible than records locked in a room in Key Largo.
I know what would have happened to me if a box of merely Top Secret records had been found in my garage, or Top Secret files on an unsecured server in my bathroom or in a academic location completely open to a hostile foreign country.
Trump has what appears to be a get out of jail free card no one has besides former Presidents.
None of them have that protection.
And until they are all locked up, how could I find Trump guilty of anything? Fourteenth amendment anyone?
18 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Thos Weatherby 7/30/2023 1:56:02 PM (No. 1523802)
Right, from the Obama hugger himself. Christie, maybe Bud is hiring.
19 people like this.
I must edit post #7. He was on his way to audition as the Sta-Puft destroyer in the third Ghostbusters movie and he had a wardrobe malfunction.
7 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
cor-vet 7/30/2023 2:05:52 PM (No. 1523812)
Chrispy is not the last person I'd listen to for advise or council, but he's right in there with actors, sports figures, late night hosts, vipers of the View, members of the Congressional black caucus, Adam Schiff and the Squad!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
judy 7/30/2023 2:32:53 PM (No. 1523833)
Chris ..get lost..go on a a Diet!!!!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
bighambone 7/30/2023 3:13:48 PM (No. 1523856)
Christie acts like a nasty bully. He will never be President.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Birddog 7/30/2023 3:15:58 PM (No. 1523858)
He wouldn't be out on "Bail", property bond perhaps(merely as a formality, or as a partisan political ploy to demean him)...he is clearly not a flight risk, particularly not while running for President, making public appearances daily, in front of thousands, surrounded by police and SS well as other elected officials.
He is not a Ukrainian President, victim of a democrat fostered insurrection, that would flee to Russia. Or a leader of ANY of the Color Revolution countries where US Democrats fostered and funded insurrections to remove them from office so that THEY could pick a new govt there.(govts that ALL ended up MUCH worse for the people)
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
msjena 7/30/2023 3:45:19 PM (No. 1523871)
Christie doesn't get it. Trump's supporters are angry about the sham indictments and will be even angrier if Trump is convicted. They will be not only voting for him, they will also be voting against the corrrupt system.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Venturer 7/30/2023 4:32:44 PM (No. 1523901)
Chris Christi. A man who would rather dump the US in the trash than be a patriot.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Hazymac 7/30/2023 4:34:13 PM (No. 1523902)
Stifle yourself, Fattie.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
ronniethek 7/30/2023 6:15:14 PM (No. 1523937)
Shut up a -hole.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
paral04 7/30/2023 6:21:56 PM (No. 1523945)
Chis, you are no longer relevant.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
5 handicap 7/30/2023 6:29:13 PM (No. 1523954)
Charles Dickens couldn't imagine or write about a more sleazy, despicable, Gob of Spit than Chris Christie!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
judy 7/30/2023 6:42:46 PM (No. 1523961)
Christie is a pos!!!!
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
mc squared 7/30/2023 8:02:46 PM (No. 1523992)
Like some others wanna-bees, the GOPe is running spoilers hoping to diminish DJT
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Jersey boy Christie is as corrupt as all the rest of the people who serve in the state legislature and governor's office. He will never ever live down his public tongue bathing of Obama three days before the election in 2008. That is just the tip of a fetid iceberg named Christie.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
smokincol 7/31/2023 2:59:16 AM (No. 1524101)
for someone who's not exactly "squeaky clean" in the political world, he's certainly opening himself up to some selective criticism that might eradicate every insinuation he's ever made about anybody but mostly our President and
- when I heard he is the reason Christopher Wray is where he is, that only exposes him even more as being part of the problem and not part of the solution
- how exactly would this happen: Wray is held over by joebiden from Trump?? for what reason?? they couldn't find their own lackey to fill his post at the FBI?? - give me a break and
- who's behind Wray?? Chris Christie, the Pillsbury doughboy
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
chance_232 7/31/2023 9:42:33 AM (No. 1524250)
And Chris Christie can’t beat Trump. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
broken01 7/31/2023 7:44:32 PM (No. 1524739)
Poor Cholesterol Christie. Wasn’t picked to be in the PDJT Administration and he’s been a bitter slug ever since. He says nothing about how the Biden crime family has been a corrupt entity for years. Fat Man needs to sit down shut up and have another eclair.
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