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Vladimir Putin seen gripping table with
veins bulging as illness rumors mount

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Posted By: Imright, 6/16/2022 10:00:54 AM

Russian President Vladimir Putin was once again seen apparently gripping a table for dear life — appearing tense as his veins bulge, amid mounting speculation about his possible declining health. The Kremlin leader’s vise grip was captured in footage taken during a meeting in Moscow with Sergei Kulikov, CEO of the RusNano State Corp., according to the UK’s Metro. Putin’s awkward appearance mirrors his meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in April, when he was seen grasping a desk for support, also with his right hand, while looking bloated. And it comes days after he was seen shaking and struggling to stand during an awards ceremony at the Kremlin,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Sanchin 6/16/2022 10:15:08 AM (No. 1187614)
Desperate propaganda by deep state controlled operatives in the media.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jasonB 6/16/2022 10:15:57 AM (No. 1187615)
Joe Biden seen wondering about and being chased by the Easter Bunny with veins bulging as mental illness rumors mount.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Mofongo 6/16/2022 11:32:51 AM (No. 1187752)
Give it up, Rupert.
7 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: formerNYer 6/16/2022 11:49:18 AM (No. 1187781)
He looks pale and bloated - death can't come too soon for this horrible, evil, despicable lowlife.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 6/16/2022 1:20:20 PM (No. 1187873)
Well, we have that table-gripping stuff on camera. We know it isn't made up. And that he did it continuously for about six minutes during a meeting with one of his henchmen. Let's try an experiment! Everyone who reads this, clamp your hand on the nearest desk or countertop and hold it that way for six minutes. My guess is you will find it awkward and uncomfortable about 20 seconds in. But Prince Vladimir of House Harkonnen held it like that for 6 minutes. I'd say there was big trouble, right here in River City.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Axeman 6/16/2022 1:21:59 PM (No. 1187876)
All this time I thought he was a lot older than me.
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 6/16/2022 1:53:22 PM (No. 1187909)
He doesn't look unwell in these photos. He has looked unwell in previous videos, though. We'll only find out when he's dead if he's actually sick.
2 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Faithfully 6/16/2022 7:18:22 PM (No. 1188226)
Putin is protecting Russia. Not the Communist USSR previously run by Bolsheviks. Russia sees the Ukraine as Nazis and Russians have long memories. Don't poke the Bear.
2 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/16/2022 9:43:35 PM (No. 1188363)
Please God, Put Mr. Putin OUT OF his misery...your choice on how, or you can let Lucifer take over!
1 person likes this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JimBob 6/16/2022 11:05:08 PM (No. 1188405)
I watched the video, and I did NOT see 'Gripping the table, veins bulging' as promoted by the headline. Looks like Bovine Scatology to me.
2 people like this.

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Gunfight at the No-Kay Corral 9 replies
Posted by Imright 6/17/2022 10:19:47 AM Post Reply
When will they ever learn? Apparently not any time soon. Once again, progressive Democrats have lured weak-kneed Senate Republicans – apparently eager for ‘approval’ from people and organizations who will, in truth, never give it to them – to cross over to the dark side in a gun control bill. These ten sell-outs – nearly half of whom having already announced they’re not running for re-election in 2022 – have signed on with Senate Democrats, to pull together what the Democrats love to misleadingly label as “commonsense gun laws,” as reported in the Washington Post. These senators have been urged on by New York senator and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and
READ The Letter The Sham January 6 Committee
Sent Ginni Thomas Requesting Her Appearance
7 replies
Posted by Imright 6/17/2022 10:04:12 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, the January 6 House Committee sent a letter to Virginia “Ginni” Thomas requesting she speak to them regarding “information concerning John Eastman’s plans and activities relevant to” their investigation. The Daily Caller first obtained the letter. It comes just hours after Chairman Bennie Thompson told Axios that the committee thinks “it’s time that we, at some point, invite her [Thomas] to come talk to the committee.” Thomas indicated that she would be willing to go and speak with the committee and said she “can’t wait to clear up misconceptions.”
Trump demands EQUAL 'air time' during
the January 6 hearings and tears into
the 'low-rated, one-sided and slanderous'
committee for repeating 'lies and falsehoods'
12 replies
Posted by Imright 6/17/2022 4:28:21 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday condemned the work of the January 6 committee and demanded he get equal TV time to set out his case of massive election voter fraud. Television networks as well as cable news channels and online carriers broadcast the third public hearing of the investigation into the attack on the U.S. Capitol last year, as members set out how Trump pressured Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 results. The first hearing, last week, was held in prime time as the committee tried to get the biggest possible audience for its work.
Read the full text of Biden's first interview
in four months: President calls Lester
Holt a 'wise guy' and insists he isn't
to blame for soaring inflation
14 replies
Posted by Imright 6/17/2022 4:09:46 AM Post Reply
A transcript of an Oval Office interview Thursday with President Joe Biden by AP White House reporter Josh Boak. Where the audio recording of the interview is unclear, ellipses or a notation that the recording was unintelligible are used. AP: I wanted to thank you for taking the time to do this. BIDEN: Sure, happy to. AP: And I´m really interested in how you´re thinking and how you´re making choices during what seems like a really unique time in American history. BIDEN: Well, I´m making choices. It´s an interesting question. I´m making choices like I always have, in the sense that circumstances change but my objective doesn´t change. Does that make sense to you?
Over one-third of all flights at LaGuardia
Airport canceled Thursday
9 replies
Posted by Imright 6/17/2022 3:51:13 AM Post Reply
More than one-third of all flights at LaGuardia Airport and over a quarter of flights at Newark Airport were cancelled Thursday in one of the worst travel days yet this summer. The huge percentage of flight cancellations, cited by tracking service FlightAware, were due in part to the chance of storms late in the day. However, the travel chaos was not limited to New York City-area airports, with more than 1,500 flights cancelled on Thursday across the country as the peak summer travel season gets underway.
ExxonMobil Fires Back At Biden After He
Accuses Oil Companies Of Profiteering
In Letter
8 replies
Posted by Imright 6/17/2022 3:46:51 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden simply refuses to accept any responsibility for rising gas prices. His policies are causing it but he just can’t or won’t admit it. Instead, he has lashed out at everything and everyone else. First it was the pandemic, then it was Russia, now it’s the oil companies. Biden recently sent a letter to oil companies accusing them of profiteering, but one company has fired back. Townhall reports: ExxonMobil ‘Comes Out Swinging’ in Response to Biden’s Letter to Oil Companies
Elite NYC private schools are teaching
kids that American society must be destroyed
12 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 11:55:46 PM Post Reply
Ryan Finlay is a brave young man. A senior at the elite private Horace Mann School, Finlay last week published a pointed but measured essay describing the aggressive political bias that’s dominated his education on the Bronx campus, where generations of famous and well-connected New Yorkers, from Jack Kerouac to Eliot Spitzer, have matriculated or sent their children. Faculty “feel obligated to open students’ eyes to the inequality that surrounds them,” Finlay explained, but that takes the form of “continuous pressure in the classroom to embrace visions of wholesale societal reform.”
Brooklyn venue cancels sold-out concert
by would-be assassin who tried to shoot
Ronald Reagan dead in 1981 to impress
Jodie Foster after receiving threats over
the booking
10 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 11:34:19 PM Post Reply
A NYC club has canceled a concert by a musician notorious for trying to shoot former President Ronald Reagan dead to impress Jodie Foster in 1981. The Market Hotel in Brooklyn announced Wednesday that it was canceling the July 8 sold-out show by John Hinckley Jr, 67, after a series of threats made to the venue. In a lengthy statement posted to its Instagram page, the Market Hotel said they'd canceled the booking 'after a lot of serious consideration.' The venue said the concert had been scheduled through a third-party promoter earlier this year, and that it had 'sounded like an interesting gathering and memorable night.'
Biden insists recession is NOT inevitable,
admits Americans are 'really, really down'
and 'need mental health' and calls Republican
claims he caused inflation 'bizarre' in
first press interview since February 10
14 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 11:11:08 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden said Americans are 'really, really down' amid record inflation and the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic – but said a recession is 'not inevitable.' He made the comments in a 30-minute sit down interview – his first formal sit-down since February, when he spoke to NBC and called interviewer Lester Holt a 'wise guy' over his inflation comments. This time, he said a recession is not inevitable and bristled at claims by Republican lawmakers that last year's COVID-19 aid plan was fully to blame for inflation reaching a 40-year high, calling that argument 'bizarre.'
Justice Department ups pressure on Jan.
6 committee to release transcripts of
witness interviews
1 reply
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 11:03:41 PM Post Reply
The Justice Department renewed its request for transcripts of witness interviews from the House Jan. 6 Select Committee this week, arguing that the committee's "failure" to release the transcripts is complicating their efforts to prosecute defendants. The request came as part of a motion to continue filed by two alleged members of the Proud Boys, who requested that their trial on seditious conspiracy charges be moved from August to December. Prosecutors agreed with the motion, writing that the defendants could face "prejudice" if the transcripts are released after the trial begins.
Dr. Simone Gold Sentenced to Prison For
Speaking with Megaphone Inside US Capitol
on January 6
17 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 10:56:26 PM Post Reply
Dr. Simone Gold on Thursday was sentenced to two months in prison for speaking with a megaphone inside of the US Capitol on January 6. In March Dr. Simone Gold pleaded guilty to a class A misdemeanor count, “entering and remaining in a restricted building charge.” NBC News reported: U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper in Washington, D.C., also sentenced Dr. Simone Gold to 12 months of supervised release after her 60-day prison term and ordered her to pay a $9,500 fine. She can report to prison at a date to be determined.
Biden Now Claims Shipping Companies Are
'Price Gouging' but the Facts Say Differently
8 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 10:45:16 PM Post Reply
There’s a tendency to ask, “What is the government doing?” when things are messed up. But as Ronald Reagan schooled us, the nine worst words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Beyond that, this is not the nature of our government. We’re not a dictatorship. We don’t have a king who operates by fiat. At least we’re not supposed to. The government isn’t our daddy who tells us what to do. But the more power we allow the government to have, the more those in government will take.
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W.H.O. Will Rename ‘Monkeypox’ to
Remove Stigma, Racism
59 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/16/2022 6:49:17 AM Post Reply
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) announced on Tuesday that it will officially rename the monkeypox to address concerns about the stigma and racism associated with the word. Monkeypox has thus far infected over 1,600 people in more than two dozen countries, first breaking out in the United States this past May in Massachusetts and possibly having originated in Canada. W.H.O. director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced on Tuesday that the organization will be “working with partners and experts from around the world on changing the name of monkeypox virus, its clades, and the disease it causes.”
‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman predicts ‘civil
war’ if GOP takes control in midterms
58 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/16/2022 12:46:02 AM Post Reply
Progressive Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.” During a Saturday interview with MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross,” the Bronx-Westchester member of the congressional “Squad” led by socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed Republicans will quickly take action to halt Democratic progress in the investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying the House select committee’s findings would be “completely suppressed.” Bowman also claimed the GOP would “impeach President Biden as quickly as possible
Exclusive: Florida woman who found Ashley
Biden's diary in 'halfway house' is under
FBI investigation for SELLING the journal
in which president's daughter recalled
'showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)'
and details of her drug and sex addiction
48 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 10:41:39 AM Post Reply
A Florida woman who found Ashley Biden's private diary is being investigated by the FBI – not for stealing the journal but for selling it, has learned. The diary's explosive contents include Ashley's speculation that showering with her father, then-Senator Joe Biden, as a young girl may have contributed to her sex addiction. 'I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),' she wrote in a January 2019 entry After a stint in rehab, the president's daughter, now 41, briefly lived in a Palm Beach home often used by recovering addicts,
Laurence Tribe: Donald Trump Attempted
to Murder Vice President Pence
42 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/17/2022 7:21:32 AM Post Reply
Harvard Law professor emeritus Laurence Tribe said Thursday on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” that former President Donald Trump attempted to murder Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021. Burnett asked, “From everything you have seen so far, including the hearing today that focused so much on Trump causing violence against Pence, do you believe the committee has proven that Trump himself knowingly committed crimes?” Tribe said, “Without any doubt, beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond any doubt, and the crimes are obvious. The most obvious was that he was ordering his vice-president to do
The day Mike Pence hid for his life: Image
surfaces of Pence, his wife Karen, daughter
Charlotte and Congressman brother Greg
- who voted to object Biden's win - taking
cover in Senate office during Capitol riot
42 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2022 10:55:48 AM Post Reply
A new photo shows Mike Pence and his family hiding in a Senate office just minutes after he was evacuated on January 6 as a mob stormed the Capitol. The image taken by a White House photographer and published Wednesday night by ABC portrays the Vice President, second lady Karen, his daughter Charlotte and his Republican Congressman Greg sitting and waiting as the chaos unfolded. Karen is seen closing the curtains so rioters couldn't see inside while the vice president, Charlotte and Greg sit and wait on chairs. In the hours before, Greg Pence had voted against certifying Joe Biden's election win and Trump supporters were heard chanting 'hang Mike Pence'.
Oxford announces ‘African American English’
dictionary, Harvard’s Gates to oversee
3-year project
38 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/16/2022 11:07:55 AM Post Reply
Oxford University Press has announced it will produce a new dictionary of “African American English,” which will include slang ranging from “hip” to “diss.” Black Harvard literary critic Henry Louis Gates Jr. will oversee the three-year project for Oxford Languages to compile the “Oxford Dictionary of African American English,” the publisher said in a news release Thursday. The new book will include “quotations taken from real examples of language in use,” alongside the usual Oxford dictionary notations on the meaning, pronunciation, spelling, usage and history of each word. “This will serve to acknowledge the contributions of African-American writers, thinkers, and artists, as well as everyday African Americans,
Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker
admits having 2 more ‘secret’ children
35 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/16/2022 3:25:32 PM Post Reply
Republican Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker acknowledged Thursday he has two more children the public doesn’t know about—just one day after it was revealed he has a “secret” 10-year-old son. Walker, 60, confirmed to the Daily Beast that he has a total of four children—three sons and a daughter. Until this week, the ex-NFL star had only publicly spoken about one of them—his 22-year-old son, Christian Walker. In addition to the 10-year-old son, whom he has not played an active role in raising, Walker has a 13-year-old boy and an adult daughter who was born when
'Lightyear' Star Chris Evans Calls Critics
of the Disney Movie's Lesbian Kiss 'Idiots':
Going to 'Die Off Like Dinosaurs'
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/16/2022 9:53:49 AM Post Reply
Lightyear star Chris Evans called critics of the movie’s gay kiss “idiots,” adding, “those people” are going to “die off like dinosaurs.” The Disney-Pixar animated children’s movie has been banned in Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), over a scene featuring a kiss between two female characters. “The real truth is those people are idiots,” Evans told Reuters. “There’s always going to be people who are afraid and unaware and trying to hold on to what was before. But those people die off like dinosaurs.” “I think the goal is to pay them no mind, march forward and embrace the growth that makes us human,” the actor added.
Biden tells AP he's unpopular because
Americans are mentally unwell
26 replies
Posted by PageTurner 6/17/2022 9:48:53 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden, as his party propaganda and media enablers say, is a man of compassion. And he's now loaded with such compassion with remarks like this, addressing his own unpopularity with the American people. (Snip for tweet) Heres what he actually told the Associated Press in his interview with them: AP: What’s that paradox? BIDEN: Well, I think the paradox is, part of it is, I think what, the failure of the last administration to act on COVID had a profound impact on the number of people who got COVID and the number of people who died. Now here’s what I’m, I think Vivek Murthy is right and most of the international
Jan. 6 panel leaders prepare to call Ginni Thomas 26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/16/2022 1:46:40 PM Post Reply
Leaders of the Jan. 6 select committee say the time has come to interview Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, about her connections to Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the election. Panel Chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) agreed Thursday that the committee needed to delve into Thomas’ role. Thompson’s comments and Cheney’s agreement — confirmed to POLITICO by an aide — coincided with news reports suggesting Thomas had been in touch with at least one key architect of Trump’s bid to cling to power: Attorney John Eastman. “At this point, the information we have come upon
Biden says stock market 'has gone up exponentially
since I've been president'
25 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 6/16/2022 10:29:43 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Wednesday bragged about the performance of U.S. stocks during his time in office, as he made a speech in honor of labor unions at the White House. "The stock market has gone up exponentially since I've been president. You haven't heard me say word about it," Biden said, in an apparent reference to former President Donald Trump's frequent comments about the stock market. The S&P 500 SPX, -2.65% has gained about 17% since Jan. 20, the day that Biden was inaugurated.
Private Massachusetts Catholic school
is EXCOMMUNICATED by local bishop for
refusing to remove BLM and Pride flags
after being warned both represent ideologies
that 'contradict' church teaching
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/17/2022 5:39:52 AM Post Reply
A Catholic private school in Massachusetts has been excommunicated by a local bishop after ignoring orders to remove pride and BLM flags. The Nativity School of Worcester has been sanctioned by Robert J. McManus, the Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester, for their refusal to take them down. He says the facility - the only tuition-free private school in the region - cannot continue to call itself Catholic while flying in the face of key church teachings. The school, run by Principal Emily Kent is the only tuition-free private middle school in the region and serves about 60 students.
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