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'Top Gun: Maverick' Breaks Box Office
Records and Hollywood's China Chains

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/29/2022 12:28:54 AM

Things have been pretty bleak and heartbreaking of late, so here’s some good news. “Top Gun: Maverick” has been lighting up movie screens and — based on my own personal social media observations — is routinely inspiring clapping and cheering from American audiences. And that’s not even the best part. The second installment of the 1986 Tom Crusie classic is achieving its success without the help of a formerly very vocal Chinese investor, internet and tech giant Tencent. Remember the flight jacket, scrubbed in the 2019 trailer of certain flags to appease Chinese censors? My how things have changed. To the joy of Taiwanese audiences hitting the theaters this week, Top Gun: Maverick features

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Dreadnought 5/29/2022 12:30:07 AM (No. 1169079)
Ten hours ago the OP was siting in a purveyor of PG13 and adult beverages minding its business by reading the referenced weekend WSJ's digital paper TGM/Tencent article when a stranger 2 chairs over broke my concentration with an enthusiastic "You absolutely must see that movie!" That's the best marketing there is 'cause word of mouth is free. A clear sign the movie will mint money. People want something better for the country than what they are experiencing now.
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 5/29/2022 12:53:03 AM (No. 1169092)
I just can't watch Tom Cruise. He actually thinks he's a god. He's treated like one by the cult he's part of. He had nothing to do with his daughter because she's a subversive or something in the cult because she left. His cult demands he have nothing to do with her. So if he made a good movie, fine. The cult needs the money. But I'll have to take a pass.
19 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 5/29/2022 12:58:58 AM (No. 1169093)
I can't wait to download it and watch it for free, I'm still not giving Hollywood a single dime.
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bedub 5/29/2022 3:33:53 AM (No. 1169104)
I saw the movie at the first morning showing on the first day. I sat in the relaxing lounge seats, eating movie popcorn. The theater was filled, all ages. Everyone was enjoying themselves. I enjoyed myself! No message, just great entertainment! Husband was a Navy pilot, we recently spent a weekend at NAS Fallon where Top Gun training is now done. Tom Cruise has aged well (IMHO). What a wonderful way to start the weekend! What more can one ask for?
22 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 5/29/2022 5:54:59 AM (No. 1169129)
I love suspension of disbelief. Tom Cruise I just tolerate, his underlying affect is just too weird.
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 5/29/2022 7:35:06 AM (No. 1169197)
No, thank you.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Ruhn 5/29/2022 7:48:04 AM (No. 1169213)
Good to hear that the Taiwanese flag is back on Mav’s Navy G-1 leather flight jacket after it was airbrushed off from the trailers a few years ago. I’ll take that small victory.
15 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: downnout 5/29/2022 9:05:46 AM (No. 1169271)
We’re looking forward to seeing the movie. Tom Cruise? Not so much.
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 5/29/2022 9:10:29 AM (No. 1169276)
Sorry, Hollyweird. My money stays in my pocket.
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: dave wright 5/29/2022 9:27:22 AM (No. 1169294)
I don't belive in conspiracies but it seems more than just a coincidence that this movie would come out and tout the superiority of our Hollywood military when the Chinese just held a secret meeting on May 14th to finalize their plan to invade Taiwan. I hope the real Navy is as good as Tom when the real, not movie, version de uts.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: AltaD 5/29/2022 9:31:46 AM (No. 1169299)
Decades later I'm still baffled as to why 'Top Gun' was so popular. My roommates and I went to see it because we all had a bit of a crush on Tom Cruise after 'Risky Business'. But 'Top Gun' was so corny and predictable that towards the end of the movie we debated about leaving early. It didn't help that Cruise had more chemistry with his rival pilot than he did with female instructor.
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Muguy 5/29/2022 10:18:27 AM (No. 1169339)
There were cheers and loud applause at the end of the showing my wife and I attended!!! It was made in 2019, before all this woke crap and attempts to break this country down against itself by demonrat socialist marxists and their co-conspirators in the press and social media creating hysteria with Covid-1984 and fake news to bring down a President.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 5/29/2022 11:06:43 AM (No. 1169425)
I'll go see it. I've lived in a USN pilot family my whole life. Most of my family, father and two siblings were USN aviators, and two of the next generation were/are USMC aviators. And I am a pilot of civilian aircraft, although I did get a rare chance to fly a two seat version of a USN attack jet and even do some aerobatics with myself flying. THAT was very special for me. I have done aerobatics in a WW2 USN training aircraft, also. Flying casual aerobatics is one of my favorite things, and I always wanted to be a USN aviator....but my eyes wouldn't pass their ultra stringent testing. I'll watch it, and enjoy it, I'm sure. And some of it will be over the top, and probably a bit silly for those who know what USN aviation is actually like, but it still should be fun.
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: bigfatslob 5/29/2022 11:44:40 AM (No. 1169453)
Just a bit of observation for all you non-Tom Cruisers which I have to agree with you. In the Reacher series Cruise is much more mature and better he carries that persona in this movie. I only watched the trailer and the making of the new movie. Cruise is better in this movie from the 1988 Top Gun. I'm looking forward to seeing it but in my home not in a theater. It's about time a good movie comes out with all the garbage being thrown out there with mysterious messages like Disney is known to do.
3 people like this.

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Axios Report: Midterm Outlook 'Bleak'
for House Democrats
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/30/2022 10:25:11 AM Post Reply
House Democrats have such a bleak outlook for the upcoming midterms even districts President Joe Biden won by up to 15 points are in danger of flipping red, according to a report from Axios. Citing the Cook Political Report that predicts Republicans will gain a net 20 to 35 seats in the midterm, shifting 10 races in favor of Republicans while only two in favor of Democrats, Axios concluded that Democrats have “bleak” prospects for this November. Per the report: 23 House Democrats have announced they won’t seek re-election, compared to just 11 Republicans. President Biden’s approval has been hovering in the low 40s
When no one steps up to deal with violence
and insanity
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/29/2022 12:44:51 AM Post Reply
We’re all still wondering why police in Uvalde, Texas didn’t storm the classroom and kill the gunman given that active-shooter training indicates that’s what should happen. Also this week there’s a video circulating on Twitter which has me wondering almost the same thing. Why did no one act? A viral video on social media shows a woman being assaulted on a New York City subway train as bystanders keep a safe distance away from the scene. The video shows an individual acting out on the subway. As other passengers move away, the individual pulls one passenger down onto a seat by her hair. The passenger can be seen mouthing, “Somebody help me,”
'Top Gun: Maverick' Breaks Box Office
Records and Hollywood's China Chains
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/29/2022 12:28:54 AM Post Reply
Things have been pretty bleak and heartbreaking of late, so here’s some good news. “Top Gun: Maverick” has been lighting up movie screens and — based on my own personal social media observations — is routinely inspiring clapping and cheering from American audiences. And that’s not even the best part. The second installment of the 1986 Tom Crusie classic is achieving its success without the help of a formerly very vocal Chinese investor, internet and tech giant Tencent. Remember the flight jacket, scrubbed in the 2019 trailer of certain flags to appease Chinese censors? My how things have changed. To the joy of Taiwanese audiences hitting the theaters this week, Top Gun: Maverick features
NBC: BORTAC agents who were told not to
enter the school waited 30 minutes and
then went in anyway
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/28/2022 12:53:17 AM Post Reply
As Allahpundit pointed out here, when BORTAC agents showed up at Robb Elementary School Tuesday, they were told by the on scene commander not to enter the school. The NY Times reported the agents had driven from the border and showed up between noon and 12:10 pm. And we know from an earlier timeline that they finally breached the door around 12:50 pm and killed the suspect within a few minutes. Now NBC has published a story with a small but significant update to what the Times reported earlier. It turns out the BORTAC agents who killed Ramos were never told to go inside. Instead,
Liberals Want the Government to Save Us
from Guns, Conservatives Want Guns to
Save Us from the Government
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/28/2022 12:44:57 AM Post Reply
Guns aren’t going away. Yes, school shootings are horrific, we all agree. Liberals who whine that “conservatives love guns more than children” are stupid, entitled cucks who have never been punched in the face for their shooting off their mouths. They jump and scream on cue when tragedy strikes but they are nothing more than useful idiots for the REAL reason the far left wants to take away our guns. We Need More Gun Laws! Your liberal sister-in-law is all over Facebook with this nonsense, but guess what?  New York is as red as Lavrenti Beria’s lucky underpants, and its stringent laws couldn’t stop the left-leaning Buffalo shooter from blazing
DPS offers timeline, admits on-scene commander
got it wrong: 'It was the wrong decision.
Period.' (Update)
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/28/2022 12:36:52 AM Post Reply
One of the questions being mulled over yesterday was how the shooter so easily gained access to the school. Robb Elementary didn’t have the same “hardening” efforts, including a buzz-in security vestibule, that the Uvalde high school had. But there was supposedly a security plan that included keeping doors to the school locked from the outside. A short time ago Texas DPS director Steven McGraw gave a timeline of the incident which revealed a teacher had propped open that door moments before the shooter arrived. “We know from video evidence at 11:27 the exterior door…where we knew the shooter entered, was propped open by
Texas Official Admits Officers Waited
Too Long to Storm Classroom: ‘It Was
the Wrong Decision’
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/27/2022 3:07:48 PM Post Reply
Addressing the mass-shooting that claimed 21 lives in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday, Department of Public Safety Director Steven McGraw acknowledged Friday that responding officers waited too long to breach the classroom where the killing took place. Speaking to reporters at a press conference held at the scene of the shooting, McGraw said that the on-scene incident commander, Chief of Police Daniel Rodriguez, made the decision to fall back and wait for U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Teams to breach the classroom. McGraw said the decision to delay entering the classroom was mistaken. According to Texas active shooter doctrine, officers are required to make an immediate breach
Biden and Obama step on Uvalde victims
to remember George Floyd
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/27/2022 12:30:55 AM Post Reply
The former president and his vice-president provided a joint message on the day after a mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas – remember George Floyd. The two most prominent Democrats in the country stepped over the dead bodies of at least 19 children and two teachers to recognize the second anniversary of the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. It is hard to imagine a more tone deaf response. We expect more from our presidents, past and present. Joe Biden delivered a horrendous speech on Tuesday night, hours after the unspeakable happened – again. He began his speech in the mode of comforter-in-chief
Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Gun Violence
Will Increase Under Joe Biden
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/27/2022 12:26:09 AM Post Reply
The majority of voters believe gun violence will increase during President Joe Biden’s tenure, a Politico/Morning Consult poll found Thursday. When respondents were asked whether they believed “there will be more, fewer, or the same amount of incidence [sic] of gun violence” in the “next few years,” 54 percent said there would be more gun violence during that time, which would be during Biden’s presidency. Thirty-four percent said gun violence would remain about the same. Only five percent said they believed gun violence would decrease in the next few years.
Why Team Biden might be purposefully grinding
down the middle class
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/27/2022 12:01:10 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Lenin supposedly once said, “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” There’s some doubt as to whether this line is genuine; regardless, it seems like a pretty good description of what the Biden administration is doing to Ameri ca’s middle class. Inflation is running rampant. The Producer Price Index, the most useful measure of general inflation, is up a whopping 16.3% from April 2021, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means that roughly $1 out of every $6 that people earn has been lost to inflation in a single year.
Uvalde mom: The feds cuffed me when I
begged cops to go in and confront the shooter
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/26/2022 10:22:52 PM Post Reply
Feels like we have a full-blown scandal in the making here. Bad enough for the cops not to intervene while frantic parents begged them to go in. But to actually punish them, however briefly, for pleading for their children’s lives? I’m trying to picture the scene outside the building at the next school shooting. (And the one after that, and the one after that, and the one after that….) How many parents will bring guns with them and race for the school’s entrance before the cops can stop them? If you have reason to fear that your local PD won’t put their lives on the line
Florida IG Rejects Conspiracist Rebekah
Jones’s ‘Unsubstantiated’ Covid
Cover-up Claims
5 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/26/2022 6:37:55 PM Post Reply
A former dashboard manager at the Florida Department of Health made “unsubstantiated” claims that Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration fired her because she refused to obey her superiors’ instructions to fudge the state’s Covid-19 data, a new investigation has found. The extensive report from the Health Department’s Office of Inspector General found “insufficient evidence” that Rebekah Jones was ordered to falsify, alter, or misrepresent Covid positivity rates on the state COVID-19 Data and Surveillance dashboard that she helped build.
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Abortion-Communion controversy: Pope Francis
elevates bishop who defended serving pro-choice politicians
49 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/30/2022 2:43:20 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis on Sunday named as cardinal San Diego Bishop Robert W. McElroy, a Roman Catholic leader who had spoken out against the calls for bishops to exclude pro-choice politicians like President Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Holy Communion over their stances on abortion. The move comes in the wake of San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone's announcement earlier this month that he would bar Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to her stance on abortion. In naming McElroy, Francis passed over Cordileone, who holds a higher rank.
Joe Biden Suggests He Wants to Ban “High
Caliber” 9mm Handguns
45 replies
Posted by hershey 5/30/2022 12:51:37 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Monday suggested he wants to ban “high caliber” 9mm handguns in remarks to reporters on the South Lawn. “And they showed me an x-ray – he said, ‘a 22-caliber bullet will lodge in a lung and we can probably get it out.. and maybe save a life. A 9mm bullet, blows the lung out of the body,'” Biden said of his trip to Uvalde, Texas.
World Economic Forum Says Go Vegan: Eat
Seaweed, Algae, and Cacti to Save the Plane
40 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/30/2022 11:06:53 AM Post Reply
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has finished its annual conference in Davos, Switzerland, with a grim warning about the future of the planet and the threats posed by a reliance on meat protein in everyday diets. The answer? Consumers urgently need to turn away from the grill, change their eating habits and embrace vegan alternatives to meat. These include grains and seaweed, algae, cacti, and even avocado seeds alongside a host of other “climate beneficial foods” and meat-free protein sources that will save the planet from destruction.(Snip)There is no record of exactly what was served to the 2,500 invited delegates dining at the elite gathering in Davos
O'Rourke bets shooting will shake up Texas
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30 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 5/30/2022 8:50:08 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Still mourning a Texas mass shooting, Democrat Beto O'Rourke gave his long-shot campaign a jolt by imploring a national audience that it was finally time for real action to curb the proliferation of high-powered guns in his home state and across America. That was 2019, and the former congressman was running for president when he declared during a debate, “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15,” weeks after a gunman targeting Mexican immigrants killed 23 people at a Wal-Mart in O'Rourke's native El Paso. Last week, following the massacre of 19 elementary school students and two teachers by
PM Trudeau: "It Will No Longer Be Possible
To Buy, Sell, Transfer, Or Import Handguns
Anywhere In Canada"
27 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 5/30/2022 8:45:43 PM Post Reply
(Tweet) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with reporters in Ottawa following his government’s tabling of new legislation on gun control. He is joined by federal ministers Marco Mendicino (public safety), David Lametti (justice), Marci Ien (women and gender equality and youth), and Bill Blair (emergency preparedness), as well as several victims of gun violence. Among the measures proposed in Bill C-21 are the implementation of a national freeze on the importing, buying, selling, and transferring of handguns; the revoking of firearms licenses of those involved in acts of domestic violence or criminal harassment; and the imposing of increased criminal penalties
BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Drunk Husband
Paul Caused an Accident Prior To DUI Arrest
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/30/2022 11:18:27 AM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul was driving his Porsche drunk after leaving a Napa Valley Winery Saturday when he pulled out onto a highway into the path of a 48-year-old man driving a Jeep. On Saturday, Paul Pelosi, 82, was arrested for driving while drunk. said it obtained his arrest report, revealing he was driving eastbound on Walnut Lane, six miles south of the Pelosi’s vineyard in St Helena. According to the report, Pelosi pulled out onto S-29 to cross it, ignoring a stop sign, and was struck by Jesus V. Lopez, who was driving a 2014 Jeep. Lopez was reportedly traveling northbound on the state road.
Strange Coincidence – A US Army Recon
Plane Landed In Uvalde Before The Shooting
And Left Just Before The Shooter Was Killed (Photos)
26 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 5/30/2022 11:02:23 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday morning, a gunman walked into Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and opened fire in a fourth-grade classroom, killing at least 19 children and two teachers. Salvador Ramos, 18, had already shot and critically wounded his grandmother by the time he arrived at the grade school; ultimately, it was a U.S. Border Patrol agent, and not police officers outside the building, who killed Ramos at the scene. The attack had gone on for about 40 minutes before that. There are many details from the first official reports of the Uvalde shooting that have since changed or been completely debunked.
Va. middle school librarian justifies
pro-prostitution book because many students
‘do sex work’: report
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/30/2022 5:55:40 AM Post Reply
The woke culture pervasive throughout government-run schools set another benchmark in insanity in Northern Virginia after a librarian defended the “validation” garnered from one questionable book for students who may have confessed to being sexually abused. The Loudon County Public School (LCPS) district has become something of a household name (snip) A new report from the Daily Wire explained that a teacher at Sterling Middle School reported the librarian, Stefany Guido, to the police after she confided that a book promoting prostitution was beneficial to the students because there are kids aged 11- to 13-years-old enrolled there who “do sex work” and the content affirms their lifestyle.
Activist disguised as elderly lady in
wheelchair smears cake on Mona Lisa portrait
in Paris
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/30/2022 11:30:58 AM Post Reply
A purported climate change activist masquerading as a wheelchair-bound elderly lady allegedly tried to vandalize the Mona Lisa at the Louvre on Sunday before he was hustled out by security guards. The wig-wearing man allegedly tried to break through the bullet-proof glass that protects the iconic painting and then threw a piece of cake or a custard pie at it shortly before closing time at the gallery. Leonardo da Vinci’s 16th-century masterpiece is one of the most popular attractions at the world-famous Paris museum and is situated in its own room where crowds often assemble to view it and routinely take pictures.
Joe Biden on Memorial Day: ‘The Constitution,
the Second Amendment Was Never Absolute’
22 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2022 5:46:05 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden pushed for more gun control on Monday, even though it was Memorial Day, a national patriotic holiday.“The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute,” Biden said to reporters.The president spoke to reporters about gun control as he returned to Washington, DC, from Delaware for Memorial Day ceremonies.Biden falsely claimed again that Americans were unable to purchase a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed, despite being repeatedly fact-checked as false by even the Washington Post and Politifact.“You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed and you couldn’t go out and purchase a lot of weapons,” he said.
Pope Francis declares war on conservative Catholics 22 replies
Posted by PageTurner 5/30/2022 10:18:32 AM Post Reply
I don't know what else you'd call this -- Pope Francis naming the Church's strongest and most outspoken progressive, San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy a Cardinal -- other than a war on conservative Catholics, with whom the Holy Father already takes a very dim view. Here's the news: Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, one of Pope Francis' ideological allies who has often sparred with more conservative U.S. bishops, was named by the pope on Sunday as one of 21 new cardinals. The San Diego diocese said McElroy will be installed by Pope Francis on August 27 at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Winning a cardinal's hat doesn't outrank the archbishop's mitre,
Doctors confirm trans swimmer Lia Thomas
DOES have an unfair advantage even after
taking testosterone suppressants
21 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/30/2022 2:26:02 PM Post Reply
Doctors have confirmed that trans swimmer Lia Thomas does have an unfair advantage over the biological women she swims against even after taking testosterone suppressants. In an interview with The New York Times on Monday, a Mayo Clinic doctor and an international physiologist who consults on the sports both confirmed Thomas's advantage is inescapable. 'There are social aspects to sport, but physiology and biology underpin it. Testosterone is the 800-pound gorilla,' Michael J. Joyner, the Mayo Clinic doctor, said.(Snip)Their comments confirm the fears of Lia's competitors, who were literally blown out of the water after she started transitioning from male to female when she was 19.
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