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VIDEO: Armed Robber Attacks A Clerk Who
Is A Military Veteran – It Didn’t
End Well

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Posted By: Black Conservative Voice, 1/11/2022 12:46:47 PM

A clerk who used to serve in the military fatally shot one of two armed robbery suspects who had entered a Bay Point convenience store, pistol-whipped him, and stole money from the register. Mark Kasprowicz, who served in the USAF in the 1980s, was working at Kam’s Market when two suspects entered the store and demanded the contents of the register, with one bandit flanking around the back of the store and holding the manager at gunpoint. Video of the robbery shows one of the suspects jump over the counter, and pistol whip Kasprowicz, forcing him to the ground.


Just like a VETERAN would do in the service...this man went ABOVE & BEYOND the call of duty. I hope he get a nice bonus for his efforts!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Black Conservative Voice 1/11/2022 12:52:30 PM (No. 1035140)
Some people are asking why the clerk is risking his life over some money...How about why these 2 people risked their lives robbing a gas station? With one ending up killed in the process???
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: nelsonted1 1/11/2022 1:14:08 PM (No. 1035156)
This happened in 2019. Why didn't the.article mention when it.happened?
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: SkeezerMcGee 1/11/2022 1:31:22 PM (No. 1035165)
This Article is more than late as it does not answer the question we are all asking: What happened to the robber who was shot? The GOOD NEWS Answer is: "CBS San Francisco said the attacker only made it a block before falling over and dying. The other person who tried to rob the store has not been found, law enforcement said."
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 1/11/2022 2:29:05 PM (No. 1035222)
On body carry is the best, but keeping your head out of your rear end is a key part of this. The bad guy walked in dressed like an armed robber....and the clerk was not paying any attention, could have had time to put his hand on his gun, or even draw it. Overall....good shooting, and he's lucky that the perp didn't just kill him right off. I hope he doesn't have permanent damage. Getting pounded on the head can be very bad. Violent times, rough to be a clerk in a "stop and rob", as my police officer friends tended to call them.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 1/11/2022 2:51:13 PM (No. 1035255)
Nice story but it happened in Dec 2019. The dead man is the robber pistol whipping the clerk. The robber is forever 31.
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Black Conservative Voice 1/12/2022 6:35:26 AM (No. 1035720)
I think it was the other clerk who picked up the gun at the end!
0 people like this.

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