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McCarthy says if Republicans win back
the House Swalwell, Omar, Schiff will
lose committee seats

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Posted By: Beardo, 1/10/2022 11:34:54 PM

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says he plans to take away committee assignments from at least three Democrats should Republicans win control of the chamber in November. "The Democrats have created a new thing where they’re picking and choosing who can be on committees," he said in an interview with published Monday. The California Republican also said: "Never in the history [of Congress] have you had the majority tell the minority who can be on committee."

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PChristopher 1/11/2022 12:17:15 AM (No. 1034541)
Lose their seats? They need to be brought up on charges!
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Robert Jones 1/11/2022 12:17:28 AM (No. 1034543)
That is all that the Republicans will do? There should be consequences. How about prison for lying on national TV?
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: seamusm 1/11/2022 12:48:26 AM (No. 1034571)
Not good enough. Impeach them and send 'em packin.
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Avikingman 1/11/2022 1:03:56 AM (No. 1034582)
I'll believe it when I see it.
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Surroundedbyblue 1/11/2022 2:03:08 AM (No. 1034587)
Sure they will. The spineless, feckless McCarthy will do all kinds of things except what We The People want them to do in Congress. Screw him.
9 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: justjana 1/11/2022 2:13:38 AM (No. 1034589)
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: SALady 1/11/2022 2:19:05 AM (No. 1034592)
Sadly, McCarthy is a swamp creature Republi-Can't. When they win, they will quickly forgive and forget, and not do squat! but "play nice" with the Demon-Rats!! The only cure for DC swamp-itis is term limits!!!! 2 terms in either the House or the Senate, or 1 term in each, and then you go back home. No retirement from Congress. No special perks. Nothing. Just be a citizen legislator for 2 terms (max) and back to your day job!!!!!
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: anniebc 1/11/2022 3:27:08 AM (No. 1034602)
The pubs won't do anything and neither will we. We're too polite to drag. "Never in the history [of Congress] have you had the majority tell the minority who can be on committee." "Never in the history [of Congress] have spineless Republicans allowed rabid, evil Demoncrats tell us squishy minority weak-kneed Republicans (led by me and sorry-butt Mitch) who can be on committee."
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 1/11/2022 4:14:46 AM (No. 1034619)
Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you Kevin? Some of us don't want you to be Speaker.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Trigger2 1/11/2022 4:58:39 AM (No. 1034643)
It'd be the best thing that could happen to this country. Out with the trash!
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 1/11/2022 6:45:44 AM (No. 1034691)
And hearings! Lots and lots of hearings followed by sternly-worded letters!
6 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: F15 Gork 1/11/2022 7:37:20 AM (No. 1034738)
Believe McCarthy? Give me a break.
5 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Daisymay 1/11/2022 8:02:19 AM (No. 1034759)
McCarthy talks from Both sides of his mouth. He wants to be Speaker and he will do or say anything to get there! Personally, if I were in Congress I would NOT vote for him. Jim Jordon would be much better in that Seat!
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: 49 Ford 1/11/2022 8:20:03 AM (No. 1034770)
Lamentations and demands for things which will not/cannot happen do not help matters.
1 person likes this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Venturer 1/11/2022 9:00:37 AM (No. 1034806)
And what will hap[pen to nancy's political prisoners -----if they are still locked up.
1 person likes this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: MickTurn 1/11/2022 9:34:47 AM (No. 1034850)
Criminal charges at the least...ALL the DemoNazi's need to be removed and put in PRISON!
2 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: DVC 1/11/2022 12:54:06 PM (No. 1035143)
McCarthy isn't a whole lot different than Boehner or Ryan, who were both fakes, not actually Republicans, just swamp critters working for the Swamp, NOT for the American people.
1 person likes this.

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United Methodists Sing an “all faiths
lead to God” Hymn at the 2024 General Conference
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/2/2024 5:29:18 PM Post Reply
At the United Methodist Church’s 2024 General Conference, which has so far been a wokefest of heresy and blasphemy and where they overwhelmingly vote to repeal a longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy, the denomination gathered around for an un-rousing rendition of the “hymn” Creator of the Intertwined.’ (snip) "The song of peace is sung by all; strength grows from unity. In harmony we celebrate Your gift: diversity."
United Methodists Allow LGBTQ Clergymen
In Historic Vote: REPORT
33 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/1/2024 1:15:36 PM Post Reply
United Methodists repealed their church’s ban on LGBTQ clergy in a landslide 692 votes for and 51 votes against at their General Conference Wednesday with no debate, The Associated Press (AP) reported. The repeal removed the church’s rule that expressly forbade “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” from becoming ordained or appointed as ministers, The AP reported. The vote also reportedly repealed a ban on same-sex marriages, allowing clergymen to perform LGBTQ wedding ceremonies without repercussions.
SCOTUS Arguments Don’t Bode Well For
DOJ Prosecutors Pushing J6 Obstruction Charges
10 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/1/2024 10:40:24 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday morning in the case of Fischer v. United States, one of the many criminal cases arising out of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. Like defendants in a large subset of those cases, Joseph Fischer was charged, among other offenses, with obstruction of an official proceeding under 18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(2). Fischer’s case in the Supreme Court challenges whether the events of that day can be prosecuted using this obstruction statute. Most of the justices seemed dubious, or at a minimum concerned, about the Department of Justice’s very broad interpretation of the statute
Trans killer serving 3 life sentences
for murder, abuse of women demands access
to female prison population in Kansas
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/30/2024 5:54:01 PM Post Reply
An 82-year-old trans-identifying male inmate in Kansas, currently serving three life sentences for killing and sexually abusing multiple women in 1969 and 1970, has filed a lawsuit demanding to be allowed to live amongst the female prison's general population. Thomas Lamb, who goes by Michelle, has been kept isolated from female inmates due to the nature of the crimes committed, and conduct in prison. (snip) "I'm being treated as if I'm public enemy number one here at TCF, being escorted by two officers all the time," Lamb added. "I'm denied the most basic need, especially for us females: the need to have close contact and relationships with other females."
Gavin Newsom Asked the Internet to Submit
Designs for a New Coin Honoring CA's Innovations,
and Hoo Boy..
5 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/30/2024 12:17:15 PM Post Reply
When he's not making ignorantly silly commercials about access to abortion in Alabama, California Gov. Gavin Newsom's favorite hobby is getting ratioed online. (snip) So on Thursday Newsom was again roasted online when he announced that California is getting its own $1 coin to honor innovation in the state and asked the internet for submissions. (snip) And so many submissions centered on themes of homeless encampments, dumpster fires, and endless COVID masking rules. (snip) Dr. Houman Hemmati invoked the $73 billion budget shortfall Newsom managed to create just a few years after a record surplus. (snip) A poo map for the streets of San Francisco is definitely a California innovation.
Study: Religious School Kids Are Way More
Tolerant And Informed Than Public Schoolers
7 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/29/2024 4:56:04 PM Post Reply
A new study by researchers at the University of Arkansas and the University of Buckingham, which analyzed 57 international studies, concluded that religious schools are far more effective at teaching children to become engaged citizens than secular public schools — resulting in students who model political tolerance, knowledge, and skills better than their publicly educated peers. The study found that receiving a private, faith-based education increased political tolerance and knowledge by 12 percent of a standard deviation. In turn, receiving such an education also resulted in increased volunteering and community engagement — all positive traits for a healthy society.
NYC to pay $2.1M in race discrimination
settlement with three educators: ‘Toxic whiteness’
8 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/28/2024 3:16:10 AM Post Reply
The city will pay a total $2.1 million to three white Department of Education executives demoted under ex-Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza and replaced by less-qualified people of color, they charged. (snip) Herrera, who had a Harvard master’s degree, was working successfully as CEO of the Office of Safety and Youth Development when one of Carranza’s deputy chancellors abruptly stripped her title and replaced her with a “less-qualified” Black man, Mark Rampersant, who held a GED, the suit alleged. (snip) Feijoo — then-Senior Supervising Superintendent who oversaw 46 DOE superintendents – was replaced by an underling, Cheryl Watson-Harris, who is Black and, at the time, lacked the required NY licensing.
Model-turned DEI manager is fired by university
for posing in front of Israeli flag emblazoned
with swastikas - and is now suing over
claims her free speech rights were violated
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/27/2024 1:13:42 PM Post Reply
A model-turned DEI manager who was fired because she posed in front of an Israeli flag emblazoned with swastikas is now suing because her First Amendment rights were 'violated'. Mashal Sherzad, 29, was fired from her position as the diversity, equity and inclusion manager at the University of Minnesota because of now seemingly deleted pictures that she accidentally uploaded onto her public social media of her posing in front of the controversial flag. Sherzad, who identified as Muslim, and who is in a relationship with a woman, began her role in October, 2023, and travelled to Barcelona to attend a pro-Palestinian rally just two months later.
BLM activist who went to Capitol on Jan.
6 to 'incite violence' sentenced to 6
years in prison
9 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/26/2024 11:52:55 PM Post Reply
John Earle Sullivan who previously gave a speech at a Black Lives Matter rally in DC, has been sentenced to 6 years after being charged with felony obstruction of an official proceeding and civil disorder. Prosecutors in the case said that Sullivan sought to "incite violence" and "foment anarchy" during the Capitol protests on J6, according to NBC News. (snip) ​​​​"I brought my megaphone to instigate s***" he told jurors in the case. He previously gave a speech at a BLM rally in DC in 2020.
Secret Service Scuffle Prompts DEI, Vetting Scrutiny 12 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/26/2024 4:00:40 PM Post Reply
An incident involving a physical attack by a female Secret Service agent tasked with protecting Vice President Kamala Harris is raising questions about whether the agency had thoroughly vetted her during her hiring and whether an ongoing push to increase the numbers of women in the service and boost overall workforce staff played a role in her selection. (snip) But Herczeg’s bizarre behavior didn’t stop. She then began mumbling to herself, hid behind curtains, and started throwing items, including menstrual pads, at an agent, (snip) In 2016, Herczeg, then an officer with the Dallas police force, filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against the city,
Peacock Streaming Service Lost $639 Million
in Q1
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/25/2024 11:25:49 PM Post Reply
Comcast/NBC/Universal’s streaming service, Peacock, lost a whopping $639 million in the first three months of 2024. (snip) Oh, so Peacock is on pace to “narrow” its losses from $2.7 billion in 2023 to … … … $2.556 billion in 2024. (snip) And it’s not just Peacock bleeding billions. Other than Netflix, all the streaming services are losing billions as the Golden Affirmative-Action Goose that was pay TV dries up and dies. (snip) Eventually, economic reality will force these streaming services to stop with the woke programming, the gay sex, and the left-wing lectures and produce stuff Normal People want to watch.
NPR’s Old CEO Was Accused Of ‘Racism’
For Asking Employees For ‘Civility’: REPORT
9 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/25/2024 11:13:01 AM Post Reply
National Public Radio’s (NPR) former CEO got accused of racism in 2023 for requesting “civility” from employees, The New York Times reported on Wednesday. Former NPR CEO John Lansing pushed employees to consider “civility” more during a question-and-answer forum regarding the outlet’s hip-hop podcast focused on black and queer issues (snip) When Lansing made the request after the podcast’s editor Soraya Shockley had pressed him about lack of funding for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), an employee at NPR wrote in the forum’s chat that the term “civility” is “racist” (snip) Shockley submitted a human resources complaint against Lansing following the session, suggesting the “civility” comments “dog-whistle racism,”
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MSNBC’s Wallace: If Trump Wins in November
Freedom of the Press Could End
28 replies
Posted by Imright 5/2/2024 12:26:19 AM Post Reply
MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said Monday on “Deadline” that freedom of the press could end if former President Donald Trump wins re-election in November. Wallace said, “The annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner is one of the symptoms, one of the signs of a healthy, functioning democracy.” She continued, “It’s a coming together and, at its core, the president doing everything right celebrates and honors the free press. Behind the levity, though, there was something darker, a darker undercurrent, if you will, and a point that the president had to make. And it was more profoundly serious. Because at this exact time next year, depending on what happens in November,
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Posted by Imright 5/2/2024 5:51:21 AM Post Reply
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Report: Democrats in ‘Panic Mode’
Over Gaza Protests Pushing the Country
to the Right
20 replies
Posted by Imright 5/2/2024 12:38:48 AM Post Reply
Democrats are reportedly in a panic over the Gaza protests because they think the images of campus takeovers are pushing Americans to the right. They have good reasons to be panicked. Trump is already leading in almost every swing state and one of the reasons is because the country is sick and tired of the antics of the radical left. Joe Biden’s total silence and lack of action is only going to make things worse for them. Axios reported: Democrats enter panic mode as Gaza protests erupt..House and Senate Democrats’ anxiety is spiking as pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses around the country kick into overdrive. Why it matters: The protests are
United Methodists Sing an “all faiths
lead to God” Hymn at the 2024 General Conference
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/2/2024 5:29:18 PM Post Reply
At the United Methodist Church’s 2024 General Conference, which has so far been a wokefest of heresy and blasphemy and where they overwhelmingly vote to repeal a longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy, the denomination gathered around for an un-rousing rendition of the “hymn” Creator of the Intertwined.’ (snip) "The song of peace is sung by all; strength grows from unity. In harmony we celebrate Your gift: diversity."
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/2/2024 1:47:32 AM Post Reply
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Boeing whistleblower Joshua Dean, 45,
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quality control manager John Barnett took
his own life
17 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/2/2024 11:12:22 AM Post Reply
A Boeing whistleblower who raised the alarm about defects in 737 Max jets has died suddenly at the age of 45. Joshua Dean previously said he was fired from his job as a quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystems for questioning standards at the supplier's plant in Wichita, Kansas, in October 2022. Spirit manufactured the door plug on the Boeing jet which shockingly blew out midair on an Alaska Airlines flight in January. Dean died in hospital on Tuesday after a sudden illness, his family said on social media. He was fired from Spirit AeroSystems in April 2023. Earlier this year, Dean spoke with NPR about being fired
Biden's Plan to Accept Gaza Refugees Would
Be a National Security and Historic Blunder
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/2/2024 4:38:48 PM Post Reply
CBS News is reporting that the Biden administration wants to bring some refugees from Gaza to the United States. CBS says documents obtained from the White House reveal that "senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents." The CBS report continues, “The plans would require coordination with Egypt, which has so far refused to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza. Those who pass a series of eligibility, medical and security screenings would qualify to fly to the U.S. with refugee status,
Middle School Girls Banned From Track
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13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/2/2024 2:14:24 PM Post Reply
Five West Virginia middle-school track athletes who protested the participation of a transgender student in a recent competition have been barred from future meets and are now engaged in a legal battle with their school district that could end up at the Supreme Court. On April 18, during the 2024 Harrison County Middle School Championships, the student athletes — all girls — made local headlines by stepping out of the shot-put circle, choosing to forfeit rather than compete against a 13-year-old transgender female. The silent protest came after a federal appeals court struck down part of West Virginia's transgender sports ban, allowing the 13-year-old in question to compete
DOJ official Kristen Clarke comes clean
after falsely testifying to Senate that
she had never been arrested
13 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/2/2024 7:58:19 AM Post Reply
Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke admitted Wednesday that she was arrested and chose not to disclose the legal matter during her Senate confirmation process because it had been expunged from her record. During her 2021 confirmation process, Clarke, who now heads the Justice Department’s civil rights division, was asked by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in a questionnaire if she’d “ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person.” To which Clarke responded, “No.” The Daily Signal reported on Tuesday that Clarke was arrested in Maryland in relation to a domestic violence complaint back in 2006.
Poll: News Organizations Have Trust Issues
as They Gear up to Cover Another Election
13 replies
Posted by Imright 5/2/2024 5:48:42 AM Post Reply
New York— Even as many Americans say they learn about the 2024 election campaign from national news outlets, a disquieting poll reveals some serious trust issues. About half of Americans, 53%, say they are extremely or very concerned that news organizations will report inaccuracies or misinformation during the election. Some 42% express worry that news outlets will use generative artificial intelligence to create stories, according to a poll from the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The poll found 47% of Americans also expressing serious concern that news outlets would report information that has not been confirmed or verified, and 44% worry that accurate information
Antony Blinken's Big, Stupid Middle East Trip 12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/2/2024 3:45:12 PM Post Reply
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Israel earlier this week, speaking loudly and waving a small stick. While Blinken ostensibly represents America's national interests abroad, his job in Israel is all about Presidentish Joe Biden's reelection bid — and how Israeli's defensive military actions in the Gaza Strip are complicating things for Biden at home. Blinken met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in hopes, once more, of getting a temporary ceasefire with Hamas. A truce would "give us something to build on," Blinken said. Who is this "us," Kemosabe, and what are we trying to build? Hamas has rejected every offer for a ceasefire
Emory University protest descends into
chaos as Georgia cops 'spray tear gas',
fire rubber bullets and arrest dozens
of students
12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/2/2024 9:53:48 AM Post Reply
A protest at Emory University has descended into chaos as Georgia police officers fired rubber bullets and tasers at anti-Israel activists. In this, the latest explosive example of unrest on American college campuses, students and faculty members were arrested as videos showed Atlanta Police Officers and Georgia State Troopers wrestling them on the ground. A demonstrator was also seen being tasered by an officer as he lay in the grass. Another protest broke out at Northeastern University's Centennial Common as more than 100 pro-Palestine protestors gathered in tents with University and Boston Police standing by. Protests erupted in the
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