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Now at least FOURTEEN members of Congress
have COVID: Vaccinated and boosted New
Jersey Rep. says Omicron 'spreads like
wildfire' and joins three more Democrats
who have tested positive since Christmas

Original Article

Posted By: Ribicon, 12/30/2021 11:52:49 PM

Democrat Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. of New Jersey announced he tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, becoming the fourteenth member of Congress to be infected in just two weeks as another virus wave sweeps the country. He warned on Twitter that the new Omicron variant, which has infected people across the globe at a record-shattering pace, is 'spreading like wildfire.' More than a dozen lawmakers have announced positive diagnoses since Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren announced her breakthrough case on December 19.(Snip)Pascrell joins three other fully-vaccinated and boosted members of his caucus in who have all contracted COVID since Christmas: Reps. Kaialiʻi Kahele of Hawaii,


* Natasha Anderson, and Nikki Schwab
"But my symptoms were, like, totally mild thanks to the wonderful vaccine," they parrot back, just the same as in people who were not tricked or forced into taking these ridiculous shots that flat-out do not work. And the beautiful thing is that the well-connected shot peddlers can't be held to account for selling dangerous snake oil because this is America, where profits are king.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 12/30/2021 11:56:58 PM (No. 1023730)
How can ANYONE make the claim that you should get The Shots? They clearly don't protect you or prevent you from passing it on. The only remaining claim that MIGHT have some validity is it MIGHT make symptoms milder....but still a hell of a lot of folks in hospitals that took The Shots. Laugh at the next idiot that tells you to get The Shots.
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Gazela 12/31/2021 12:16:22 AM (No. 1023745)
I guess I’m not in a position to say much, since I fell in line this week and got a booster shot—but how the hell can these pols be so sure their vaccinations caused them to have no symptoms or only mild ones? When the one “meaningful” COVID statistic ceases overnight to be the death rate and magically becomes the number of infections, regardless of effects, shouldn’t that be a tip-off to all of us?
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: JubilationTCornpone 12/31/2021 1:05:38 AM (No. 1023767)
Wonder how many of them are taking HCQ and ivermectin? I’d guess each and every one.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: GoodDeal 12/31/2021 2:23:01 AM (No. 1023812)
Omicron scrambled spells moronic. Omicron spelled backwards is common cold.
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: BirdsNest 12/31/2021 4:23:22 AM (No. 1023831)
It's all part of the long running play called "Covid: How to hamstring America." Now it's cool to be positive. I wonder if they get a check($) for revealing to the public that they tested positive. It's just a darned cold you nimwits. Get over yourselves!
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DCGIRL 12/31/2021 5:18:00 AM (No. 1023848)
Word is out that those in congress are receiving ivermectin. Once again, who cares about the number of cases. I don't see everyone reporting the number of colds or seasonal flu cases.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: judy 12/31/2021 6:16:53 AM (No. 1023861)
Didn't Biden exempt congress from covid vaccinations???
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: TCloud 12/31/2021 6:56:37 AM (No. 1023886)
Alright! Who wants to play Covid Fest and git da shot? I do, I do, I do! What do you think Vern you gonna play? Vern says wait em out until Spring!
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Jethro bo 12/31/2021 7:09:56 AM (No. 1023900)
Keep in mind, these are the same nut jobs that believed Trump was trying to overthrow the goobernment. If thee people are that stupid then believing a vaccine saved their lives isn't a stretch.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JHHolliday 12/31/2021 7:18:17 AM (No. 1023908)
My wife tested positive the day after Christmas. Symptoms were what a common cold gives you. She also had the double vax plus booster. People will say the shots give you milder symptoms, but Omicron seems to be no more than a cold. I would like to see the death numbers from it. I have the idea that it's less dangerous than seasonal flu. It also seems weird that people who have had the booster seem more susceptible to getting Omicron. I had the two Moderna shots almost a year ago, but no booster and I won't be getting one.
12 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Chiritwo 12/31/2021 7:45:14 AM (No. 1023930)
We are a nation in fear of getting sick.
8 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: ramona 12/31/2021 7:49:04 AM (No. 1023937)
It is worth remembering the horrors of Covid esp. for people with underlying conditions. An aunt of mine is recovering after several weeks in the hospital. What her family witnessed her going through was nearly unspeakable as it has been for so many others. I detest the overreach of the mandates but that doesn't blind me from the reality of the suffering so many have endured and from which many have not recovered. The government blew it big time when therapeutics were ignored and slammed in favor of the "vaccine." President Trump found that balance and even he is being shunned now. My patience is growing thin for people who don't respect others' decisions whether to use Ivermectin or get the jab (or both). I don't want to get Covid and am prepared with Ivermectin on hand, but I will not apologize for getting the vaccine either. Enough with the fierce disrespect for personal choice on a highly charged life and death issue. What hope do we have for holding a Conservative, Traditionalist base together if we knock each other down over an issue that is still not fully understood? God help us!!!!!! Ramona (the Pest)
9 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Venturer 12/31/2021 8:06:03 AM (No. 1023961)
Stop the masks, stop the Vax go out get the Omicron and then it will be over. Looks like we all will catch it, go out and get it and then they can start some new one to frighten us with.
12 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Rama41 12/31/2021 8:12:30 AM (No. 1023970)
I don't care how many members of Congress have Covid. How many are in the hospital and how many have died?
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: anniebc 12/31/2021 8:37:01 AM (No. 1023996)
At least none of them have died.
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: ARKfamily 12/31/2021 8:55:36 AM (No. 1024012)
I have been told all along by my primary physician that when it comes to viruses, there is nothing you can do. You can get flu shots but it doesn't mean you won't get the flu. So now comes along coronavirus and because they have called it a vaccination, everyone thinks they are protected now. How many signs have we seen - unvaccinated must wear mask, optional for vaccinated? The vaccinated have become sloppy. . .
1 person likes this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: ChattyCatsSusan 12/31/2021 9:45:36 AM (No. 1024088)
The jabs are what is giving these people their covid. Plus, wanna bet they had access to all the invermectin they wanted without being hassled by doctors and medical review boards? Besides, I thought the tests and the jabs couldn't tell what variant you had, just that you were positive for something.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: cor-vet 12/31/2021 9:47:34 AM (No. 1024091)
People don't self test for the flu or common cold. If people just quit w/ these self tests, treat their common cold symptoms and go on with their lives, like we've been doing for decades before Omicron, America could get back to business! And I don't care how many politicians test positive, but feel fine because they have the shots and the boosters. Because politicians lie, especially dem polititians.
3 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Highlander 12/31/2021 9:51:26 AM (No. 1024098)
The common cold spread like wildfire too. Before all this Covid thing got started.
4 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 12/31/2021 9:55:36 AM (No. 1024104)
Did any of them exhibit symptoms? Did any of them go to a doctor? Let me guess. The DIY test with a helpline in India. The symptoms are milder? Then why have more people died of COVID in 2021 than 2020? What is the difference between today, and February of 2020? We have a 'vaccine', but are more likely to catch COVID, and the death rate is about the same. This is not a success. It's only a success in the totalitarian minds of the left. This has been nothing short of a colossal failure and disaster.
4 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: paral04 12/31/2021 10:08:21 AM (No. 1024127)
Good. Maybe they will shut up about how great those gene manipulation shots work.
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: red1066 12/31/2021 10:10:23 AM (No. 1024129)
Testing positive doesn't mean one has Covid. Are any of these people actually sick?
3 people like this.

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Now FAA says it could cancel flights too
as Omicron hits its 14,000 air traffic
controllers and officials warn Americans
to prepare for delays, as US records 1,523
NYE cancellations
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Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 5:54:15 PM Post Reply
The Federal Aviation Administration on Friday warned that even more flights could be canceled as its air traffic control staff are hit by COVID, even as airlines themselves nix thousands of flights because of staff felled by the Omicron variant. In a statement, the FAA said an increasing number of its employees are testing positive for the virus, CNN reports, which could force it to implement health and cleaning procedures that will reduce the number of available flights. 'To maintain safety, traffic and volume at some facilities could be reduced, which might result in delays during busy periods,' the administration warned.(Snip)Americans throughout the country are already facing thousands
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Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 2:25:20 PM Post Reply
A pair of NYPD housing cops sidelined for not taking action when a gunman opened fire inside a Brooklyn apartment were a foot from the door when two loud shots rang out, body camera footage obtained by the Daily News Thursday shows. Officers Waqar Zafar and Sergio Garcia-Castillo were inside the Bushwick Houses in East Williamsburg about 9 p.m. Sunday responding to a call for help when they were met by a man at the apartment door. “Is it all right if we go into the apartment?” one of the officers asked a moment before the loud shots can be heard, the video shows. “What was that?”
Watch: Nearly 100 shots fired in NE Portland;
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Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 1:57:35 PM Post Reply
Gunshots again pierced the Portland night as nearly 100 shots were fired Tuesday night in the snow-dappled Parkrose Heights neighborhood. Portland police found almost 100 spent cartridges of multiple calibers, and, at a nearby restaurant, several parked cars with fresh bullet holes, after responding to reports of shots fired near Northeast 108th Avenue and Weidler Street around 9 p.m. Video taken by a residential surveillance system shows three people walking on the sidewalk, then bolting back the way they came as the first shots are fired. The group then doubles back again, as five more people run in the street close behind. Police said the group was likely “involved”
Jewish leaders are set to confront BBC
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Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 12:05:29 PM Post Reply
Jewish leaders are set to confront BBC chief Tim Davie to demand a public apology after an investigation revealed a 'colossal error' in its reporting of an anti-Semitic attack on Oxford Street. Earlier this month, a video emerged of a group of men hurling abuse and spitting at a group of Jewish teenagers sitting inside a bus, before banging on the windows as it pulled away.(Snip)But in its original report, BBC News said 'racial slurs about Muslims could be heard inside the bus', a claim criticised by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.
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Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 11:43:47 AM Post Reply
Ted Cruz has criticized the Biden administration after the president's Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted there was a difference between the number of children hospitalized 'with COVID' as opposed to 'because of COVID.' Fauci told MSNBC on Wednesday night: 'If a child goes into the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID and they get counted as a COVID-hospitalized individual, when, in fact, they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that.(Snip)Cruz responded with a tweet saying: 'Now Fauci says this? Is this because pandemic politics have changed for the Biden admin?'
Over 65 shots fired on busy Philadelphia
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13 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 11:29:34 AM Post Reply
Philadelphia—Two gunmen fired more than 65 rounds on a Philadelphia street, sending nighttime pedestrians on a busy block teeming with markets and restaurants scrambling for cover and injuring six people, at least one of them critically, police said Friday. Police responded around 11:30 p.m. Thursday in the Germantown neighborhood and found a 21-year-old woman shot multiple times in the abdomen and chest and lying near dozens of spent casings. Officers rushed her to the hospital, where she was in critical condition Friday. Five men ages 19 to 29 were taken with gunshot wounds by private vehicles to two hospitals, police said. All were expected to survive.
Error-riddled Virginia teachers union
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11 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 11:21:17 AM Post Reply
Reading, writing and ratios. An error-laden letter from a Virginia teachers union calling for more protections against the coronavirus has gone viral on Twitter. Startled by a slew of linguistic gaffes, an Arlington parent took a correction pen to the piece and posted the aftermath online. “Hey @VEA4Kids, are you going to send out more of these grammar worksheets over break?” the poster quipped derisively. “My kids and I had a great time spotting errors! Did we find them all?” Despite the letter only consisting of five paragraphs, the Twitter teacher spotted roughly 20 blunders and highlighted them in green pen.
Hy-Vee adding team of armed retail security
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7 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 11:03:06 AM Post Reply
Springfield, Mo.—Hy-Vee stores across the country could get an extra layer of security. The supermarket chain announced on Wednesday the beginning of its new Hy-Vee Retail Security team. Right now only a few Hy-Vee stores have these new officers, but the chain will gradually add them to other stores.(Snip)HyVee says the officers will be armed and trained for diffusing tough situations.(Snip) One Springfield Hy-Vee shopper said she saw similar security efforts while living in Las Vegas. ”I saw it every time I went in the store into a grocery store,” said shopper Brigett Gladden. “A lot of Walgreens and CVS’s also had security
The Mystery of an Electronic ‘Let’s
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14 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/31/2021 12:43:03 AM Post Reply
Sioux Falls—“Let’s Go Brandon,” the anti-Joe Biden catchphrase that has made waves this holiday season—as highlighted by an ex-cop uttering it directly to the president—is now officially in roadside prank territory. An electronic road sign in Dell Rapids, South Dakota, a town of 3,600 people about 20 miles north of Sioux Falls, has been displaying the message in recent days. “Let’s Go Brandon FJB,” it stated, the last three letters abandoning any pretense that the phrase means something other than “**** Joe Biden!”(Snip)This electronic insult in South Dakota came on the heels of another appearance in the state
Now at least FOURTEEN members of Congress
have COVID: Vaccinated and boosted New
Jersey Rep. says Omicron 'spreads like
wildfire' and joins three more Democrats
who have tested positive since Christmas
22 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 11:52:49 PM Post Reply
Democrat Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. of New Jersey announced he tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, becoming the fourteenth member of Congress to be infected in just two weeks as another virus wave sweeps the country. He warned on Twitter that the new Omicron variant, which has infected people across the globe at a record-shattering pace, is 'spreading like wildfire.' More than a dozen lawmakers have announced positive diagnoses since Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren announced her breakthrough case on December 19.(Snip)Pascrell joins three other fully-vaccinated and boosted members of his caucus in who have all contracted COVID since Christmas: Reps. Kaialiʻi Kahele of Hawaii,
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de Blasio to host his final press conference
inside as NYC's 'worst ever mayor' prepares
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by murder and Omicron chaos to Eric Adams
15 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 11:45:30 PM Post Reply
Bill de Blasio spent his last full day as mayor hosting two separate farewell press conferences and a TV appearance as he prepares to handover New York City which is suffering its worst murder rate in ten years—while hundreds of protesters celebrate the end of his office. The outgoing mayor had his last day mired by mobs a protesters outside City Hall with anti-de Blasio signs, including a giant banner that read: 'Buh-bye s*** head. Thanks for f****** up our city.' De Blasio kicked off his farewell tour with an appearance on NBC's Today Show at 8am, where he discussed his scaled-back plans
Homeless services provider blew city money
on staff booze cruise, fast food: audit
9 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 8:49:20 PM Post Reply
An embattled shelter and services provider that has been repeatedly lit up for failing to address the homeless situation at Penn Station blew city money on a booze cruise, fast food, and movie tickets for its staff, according to an audit. Bowery Residents’ Committee charged the city at least $2,653 for the $36,510 catered boat ride, along with $1.4 million in other expenses that were either unsupported or not allowed, the audit by state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s office found.(Snip)BRC’s work at MTA hubs including Penn Station was previously called “very expensive” and “minimally effective” by the MTA Inspector General. The non-profit held $527 million in city homeless service contracts
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/30/2021 10:54:53 PM Post Reply
Former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton appeared to single out progressive lawmakers for criticism in a recent interview, warning that an inability to “get things done” could cost Democrats the House and Senate in next year’s midterm elections. “I think that it is a time for some careful thinking about what wins elections, and not just in deep-blue districts where a Democrat and a liberal Democrat, or so-called progressive Democrat, is going to win,” Clinton told MSNBC’s Willie Geist. “I understand why people want to argue for their priorities. That’s what they believe they were elected to do.”
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Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 11:26:55 AM Post Reply
The United States has hit a record of nearly 500,000 daily coronavirus cases—the most any country has ever reported—and risks grinding to a halt as experts say that the latest surge of infections will only get worse in the next month. On Wednesday, 489,267 positive Covid cases were reported. According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anywhere from 40 to 70 percent of new cases in America are of the Omicron variant, which was first discovered last month by South African health officials.(Snip)Research shows that the emerging virus strain has the ability to circumvent protection provided by the existing crop
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Posted by DW626 12/31/2021 6:42:44 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday evening a jury found socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, the former girlfriend to convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein, guilty on five counts related to sex trafficking and abuse of minors. Maxwell, who just turned 60, will spend the rest of her life behind bars. "Judge Nathan did not set a date for Ms. Maxwell to be sentenced. On the most serious of the counts for which she was convicted — sex trafficking of minors — she could face up to 40 years in prison.
Biden: I Have the ‘Strongest First-Year
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36 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2021 7:35:32 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden declared on Wednesday that despite record inflation and a record trade deficit, he has the “strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years.”“We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years,” the president tweeted, adding, “Let’s keep the progress going”:(Tweet) On the same day, the Commerce Department released a dismal trade deficit report showing that the gap between the cost of imported goods exceeded the value of exported at a record high and would likely continue for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic.
IRS reminds thieves, drug dealers to report
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35 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/30/2021 10:48:49 PM Post Reply
Steal any property or deal any drugs this year? Well, the IRS wants it reported as taxable income. The Internal Revenue Service is reminding Americans that they must report all of their hard-earned income to be taxed, even if it is the result of criminal activity, according to the bureau’s updated Publication 17 for the 2021 tax season, which offers general guidelines for filing taxes. “If you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it unless you return it to its rightful owner in the same year,” the IRS told sticky-fingered Americans.
Keith Olbermann is the new ‘Scrooge’
after tweet about Mitt Romney’s family
35 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 9:34:16 AM Post Reply
Twitter turned on Keith Olbermann after he mocked a photo of Sen. Mitt Romney’s large extended family and suggested the clan use birth control. The sports correspondent-turned-liberal political commentator posted a screenshot of Romney’s Christmas greeting Wednesday with the caption: “Somebody gift these people some vasectomies.” The Mormon Republican senator from Utah and his wife, Anne, have five sons and dozens of grandchildren. His Christmas post featured the photo, a Bible verse and the greeting, “From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!”(Snip)“Keith Olbermann has no children. Just an empty penthouse near Central Park where he yells at people about vaccines all day like the Scrooge.
Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell in tears
after learning she will have to MOVE because
redistricting swiped her seat for the
2022 midterms: 23 of her colleagues have
already dropped out and GOP momentum is surging
33 replies
Posted by Imright 12/31/2021 12:24:06 AM Post Reply
Democrat Rep. Debbie Dingell grew emotional on Wednesday night over having to leave her hometown of Dearborn, Michigan in order to keep serving in Congress after redistricting swiped her seat ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.For the first time in history, Michigan's new map was drawn by an independent commission rather than political operators. That saw the state's number of House seats drop from 14 to 13, and is forcing Dingell out of the 12th Congressional District she took over from her husband, late longtime Rep. John Dingell.Members of her party are watching nervously as next year's races begin to take shape with 23 less Democrat incumbents --
Millions of Americans Are Getting 'Fresh
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33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/30/2021 10:27:06 PM Post Reply
There is a quiet revolution happening across America and it could mark the beginning of the biggest spiritual, cultural, and political changes this country has seen since the Civil War. New data made public earlier this week by the U.S. Census Bureau makes clear that millions of Americans are leaving Blue high-tax, high-crime, high-COVID-mandate Democratic states and moving to Red Republican states where taxes are lower, the police aren’t being defunded, and churches still thrive. Consider the contrast between Texas and Idaho on the one hand and New York and the District of Columbia on the other, as described by the Census Bureau (emphasis added):
Infectious Disease Expert: Cases Will
Rise So ‘Dramatically’ in Coming Weeks
It Will Be Hard to Keep ‘Everyday’
Life Operating
33 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 12/30/2021 11:03:15 AM Post Reply
Dr. Michael Osterholm warned viewers of Morning Joe that a sharp spike in Covid-19 infections in the coming three to four weeks means “we’re going to have a hard time keeping everyday life operating.” The Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and member of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Advisory Board appeared on MSNBC Thursday morning to discuss the sharp rise in coronavirus cases brought about by the Omicron variant and new CDC guidelines that shorten the recommended time to quarantine for asymptomatic individuals following a positive test. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle
Nancy Pelosi Announces Day's Events to
Mark Anniversary of January 6
32 replies
Posted by Imright 12/31/2021 12:49:13 AM Post Reply
With the anniversary of the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill one week away, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has released a list of events for the day as highlighted in a "Dear Colleague" letter. The letter notes that while Congress will not be in session that day, "a full program of events is being planned, based on Member input." Events will be live-streamed, "so that Members can watch and participate from their districts." (Tweet) Agenda items include a "House Pro Forma Session;" a "Historic Perspective," which includes Jon Meacham who spoke at the DNC in August 2020; "Members' Testimonials;" and a "Prayer Vigil."
Biden signs $137 million deal with German
pharmaceutical company for COVID test
strip factory that will take THREE YEARS
to build and will start producing 83.3
million tests a month in late 2024 at
the earliest
29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 4:01:20 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration struck a $137 million deal to build a new factory in the U.S. to ramp up production of COVID-19 testing kits–but the new facility won't be completed until late 2024 at the earliest. MilliporeSigma, a brand formed by Germany’s Merck KGaA, will build a new factory in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Defense Department announced as the U.S. hit a high record of 489,267 COVID cases on Wednesday. While the contract gives the company three years to complete the facility, it is not immediately clear when it will ramp up to full production, which is expected to pump out 83.3 million tests per month.
Trans Activists Admit They’ve Lost the
Debate, Urge Stealth Tactics
28 replies
Posted by Imright 12/31/2021 12:31:03 AM Post Reply
Advocates for the transgender ideology are admitting they cannot persuade their own progressive allies, or even “persuadable” swing voters, to back their revolutionary goal of suppressing Americans’ recognition of sex differences.“Right now, our opposition wins the debate on trans youth in sports against any and all arguments we have tried for our side,” admits a “Messaging Guide” by the California-based Transgender Law Center.Overall, “we can at best elicit sympathy, a passive and often patronizing attitude that alienates our base [of current supporters] and fails to generate sustained interest from persuadable audiences” of swing voters, said the guide, which is titled “Transgender Youth and the Freedom to Be Ourselves.”
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