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DEA agent charged in MAGA riot tells Tucker
Carlson an FBI informant urged him to
break into the Capitol: The Army veteran
faces 15 years prison despite never entering
the building

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Posted By: Ribicon, 11/2/2021 9:29:22 PM

A former Drug Enforcement Agency official faces up to 15 years in prison over the January 6 riot at the US Capitol, despite his insistence that he never entered the building. Mark Ibrahim, an Army veteran who was fired from the DEA over his participation in the events of January 6, spoke out in Tuesday's episode of Fox News host Tucker Carlson's series on the fallout from the riot. Ibrahim made the explosive claim that he was invited to attend Donald Trump's 'Stop The Steal' rally by an FBI informant he knew from his military service, who subsequently urged him to join the mob breaking into the Capitol, which he


The FBI? Everyone knows it was the Russians who planned The Great Insurgency. Them and the Bad Orange Man.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: curious1 11/2/2021 9:33:31 PM (No. 965299)
Sounds like bogus charges. There are a lot of doj types that need to be assembled with rope and lamp posts.
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: formerNYer 11/2/2021 9:43:08 PM (No. 965310)
The tweets from the democRATs and RINOs are despicable and only trying to do one thing, stifle free speech. Instead of trying to kill the messenger if Tucker is lying point out his lies with facts, Can't do that can you?
43 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: 4Justice 11/2/2021 11:11:49 PM (No. 965364)
Most of the charges ARE bogus. It was a setup from the beginning. Even the murders were planned...not the victims...just that there would be victims. The Feds are evil and have been for a long time. I told you about their putting my friend on the concrete slab for 3 years. The only good thing that came of it is he learned deep meditation that brought him closer to God and he later learned remote viewing. But it was torture...cruel & unusual punishment.
32 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 11/3/2021 1:55:19 AM (No. 965451)
How can you possibly be charged with anything if you never entered the Capitol building? Is it illegal to be in DC?
48 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rinktum 11/3/2021 6:14:34 AM (No. 965511)
#4, It is illegal to be in DC if you are a conservative. Doubly so if you are a patriot. Triply so if you are a white male patriot, and you are totally out of luck if you are a conservative white male patriot Christian.
43 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 11/3/2021 6:46:47 AM (No. 965530)
The FBI owns the false insurrection. The person who proves the link between them and Nasty Nancy will be an American hero. She is the one pushing it as an armed revolution by Trump's domestic terrorists. Nobody is forgetting that the election was stolen and they are clinging to January 6th to distract from that fact.
30 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: judy 11/3/2021 6:50:54 AM (No. 965533)
Poor dems...they tried to destroy Trump with ....2 impeachments, hearings, Mueller, January
20 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: SkeezerMcGee 11/3/2021 7:47:53 AM (No. 965582)
It's astonishing that dozens of lawsuits have not been filed in federal courts to immediately enjoin the unconstitutional abuse of the Jan 6 defendants who are incarcertated in the DC jail. Something is terribly wrong. Very few Republican politicians are raising these issues and there is almost zero public outrage. Last evening on TV regarding the coverage of the Virginia elections there were numerious criticisms of Democrat policies that are ruining our country, but not one mention of the unconscionable abuse of the Jan 6 prisioners,
33 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Clinger 11/3/2021 8:16:27 AM (No. 965610)
One assertion new to me from Tucker Carlson's series is that the initial surge against the Capitol was quelled by Trump supporters, order was restored and then the police began lobbing the tear gas into the crowd. There was video that supported the case but of course video can be edited to show just about anything. I still want to see who the actual vandals and instigators were, see their mugs on video and match that to who they are in real life. Ray Epps, John Sullivan come to mind. Where are the people we can see breaking windows and whipping up the crowd and are they in jail? And let's revisit the story about Brian Sicknick. Who advanced the lie that he was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher? If 1/6 was so bad why did they have to make up a story to characterize the protesters as violent? The only people who died at the event connected to the event were Trump supporters. Overlay the Gretchen Whitmer plot, 12 of 18 conspirators were FBI agents and the Detroit Field officer in charge has been promoted to DC and is in charge of investigating 1/6. Then look at the fake white supremacists at the Youngkin rally. But I'm a nut job conspiracy theorist if I think the reality of 1/6 doesn't fit the insurgency narrative.
27 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Otis Gill 11/3/2021 9:01:27 AM (No. 965659)
14 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/3/2021 9:47:03 AM (No. 965733)
Well...well...Greg Kelly of Newsman fame was spot on...he said something was not right about the capitol police urging the demonstrators to storm the was a set up all nervous nancy could get some material for her phony commission....russia/russia/russia all over again....
13 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Rokkitt 11/3/2021 10:28:48 AM (No. 965771)
Jan 6th was a complete set up. There are plenty of videos out there even now. It shows Antifa breaking thru the windows first and were ushered in quickly by the CAPITOL POLICE. The FBI is famous for their setup schemes. None of this is news. It's what were going to do about it that matters.
14 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: RayLRiv 11/3/2021 10:48:14 AM (No. 965799)
Just looking for scapegoats cause Orange Man Bad.
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 11/3/2021 12:17:01 PM (No. 965927)
We knew from the beginning the FBI, Anti-FA, and BLM were involved in the J6 setup. A Christian organization was there on January 5th and were filming and talking to these anti-Constitutional groups meeting near the D.C. Capitol. Funny how the main stream media and Fox News never mentioned that they were there. At other Trump rallies at the Capitol these anti-govt. groups were there harassing Trump supporters. Funny how somehow these groups were not at the J6 demonstration. It takes a Christian video group to show the TRUTH way before Tucker did his documentary.
5 people like this.

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Posted by Ribicon 11/3/2021 6:11:03 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 11/3/2021 5:45:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 11/3/2021 1:39:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 11/3/2021 10:49:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 11/3/2021 9:26:05 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 9:37:30 PM Post Reply
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DEA agent charged in MAGA riot tells Tucker
Carlson an FBI informant urged him to
break into the Capitol: The Army veteran
faces 15 years prison despite never entering
the building
14 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 9:29:22 PM Post Reply
A former Drug Enforcement Agency official faces up to 15 years in prison over the January 6 riot at the US Capitol, despite his insistence that he never entered the building. Mark Ibrahim, an Army veteran who was fired from the DEA over his participation in the events of January 6, spoke out in Tuesday's episode of Fox News host Tucker Carlson's series on the fallout from the riot. Ibrahim made the explosive claim that he was invited to attend Donald Trump's 'Stop The Steal' rally by an FBI informant he knew from his military service, who subsequently urged him to join the mob breaking into the Capitol, which he
Breaking news: Republican Youngkin takes
early edge over McAuliffe in Virginia
race with more than half of votes counted
- while precincts print MORE ballots because
they ran out and Fairfax 're-scans' votes
4 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 9:22:41 PM Post Reply
All eyes are on Virginia as Republican Glenn Youngkin takes the edge over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the race for governor. Though the race hasn't been called, with 61% of precincts reporting, Youngkin leads his opponent by about 10%, 54.5% to 44.8%, or about 193,000 votes. Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel put out a statement declaring Youngkin victorious and congratulating him on the win.(Snip)Fairfax County, the state's most populous, delayed its reporting of early ballots. The county had originally said it would have results for early vote ballots by 8 pm but now says it will be later. McAuliffe's campaign has said a portion
NASCAR orders Kyle Busch to take sensitivity
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15 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 8:51:39 PM Post Reply
NASCAR has ordered driver Kyle Busch to undergo sensitivity training before the start of the next season for saying the r-word in a post-race interview on Sunday in Martinsville, Virginia. Busch, who finished second at the Xfinity 500, complained in a post-race interview about third-place driver Brad Keselowski rear-ending him on the final straightaway, which nearly caused him to spin out as he crossed the finish line. According to Busch, Keselowski's driving was 'frickin' r*******.' 'He drills my ass coming out of [turn] 4 for no reason,' Busch told reporters. 'I mean, where was he going? What was he gonna do? Spin me out?
‘Hating our candidate’: Dems reluctantly
turn out for McAuliffe
14 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 7:17:51 PM Post Reply
Virginia Democrats are turning out Tuesday to vote for Terry McAuliffe but some are holding their nose as they cast their ballot for the former governor. Voters in the Democratic stronghold of northern Virginia said they were not excited about Mr. McAuliffe but turned out to support the Democratic Party. Arlington Democratic Party volunteer Justin Boadner, 23, was standing outside of a polling place encouraging people to vote for the party. He said he’s seen support fueled by more of an anti-Trump sentiment than excitement for Mr. McAuliffe.(Snip). “I had one lady come and say ‘I voted for the Democrats, but seriously Terry McAuliffe?
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Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 7:06:12 PM Post Reply
The Senate confirmed the first openly lesbian judge to a federal circuit court on Monday, flipping the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit to a majority of Democrat-appointed judges. Judge Beth Robinson, who previously served on the Vermont Supreme Court, was confirmed by a 51-45 vote. Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke with their party and supported her confirmation.(Snip)LGBTQ groups cheered the confirmation but said their community continues to be underrepresented in the federal judiciary, calling for a transgender appointment. “LGBT representation in the courts is critical because judges that more accurately reflect the diversity of our nation
Pfizer raises Covid-19 vaccine sales forecast
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Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 6:21:26 PM Post Reply
The US drugmaker Pfizer has lifted its 2021 forecast for revenues from its Covid vaccine to $36bn (£26.3bn), and forecast another $29bn sales next year after it started shipping booster jabs and shots for children. The Covid jab, called Comirnaty and developed with Germany’s BioNTech, contributed $13bn of revenues in the three months to 30 September. That was more than half of Pfizer’s total revenues of $24bn in the quarter, which rose 134% from a year earlier. In the first six months of the year, Corminaty revenues were $11.3bn. Pfizer, which shares profits on the Covid vaccine evenly with BioNTech, raised its 2021 forecast for Corminaty sales from $33.5bn
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/3/2021 12:45:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 11/3/2021 1:39:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 11/2/2021 8:40:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by hershey 11/2/2021 3:21:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 3:53:41 PM Post Reply
An Afghan father who has been forced to sell his nine-year-old daughter to a 55-year-old man as a child bride so he can buy food has pleaded for his child's new husband not to beat her. Parwana Malik, nine, is being sold by her parents to a stranger who the youngster describes as an 'old man' due to his white beard and eyebrows. On the day Parwana was taken away by her 55-year-old buyer, Qorban, her weeping father, Abdul Malik, pleaded for him to not hurt his child, reports CNN.(Snip)Parwana's family said they had no choice, and are among scores of destitute
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33 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 10:26:30 AM Post Reply
The Buttigieg family is spending Halloween in the hospital. U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, 39, and his husband Chasten, 32, recently welcomed twins Joseph August and Penelope Rose in August. But on Sunday, Chasten announced on Instagram that 2-month-old Joseph had been hospitalized. "Happy Halloween from these #twinfrastructure safety advocates! 🎃🚗 🚧🚸," he captioned photos of the twins dressed up as orange traffic cones in a nod to the politician's mission to pass the nation's infrastructure bill.
Navy investigation reveals sub hit uncharted
underwater mountain
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 2:01:36 PM Post Reply
A U.S. Navy investigation has determined that the nuclear attack submarine damaged in a collision in the South China Sea in early October struck an uncharted underwater mountain, defense officials said Monday. The Navy’s U.S. 7th Fleet commander Vice Adm. Karl Thomas is now conducting a review of the findings to determine whether any additional accountability measures will be taken, U.S. Naval Institute News reported. "The investigation determined USS Connecticut grounded on an uncharted seamount while operating in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region,” 7th Fleet spokesperson Cmdr. Hayley Sims said in a statement. Vice Adm. Thomas “will determine whether follow-on actions, including accountability, are appropriate.”
News FLASH: Large, naked Scottish man
exposes himself to President's motorcade
as it drives past his house to COP26
29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 4:06:27 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden was flashed by a 'large naked Scottish man' as he travelled with his motorcade from Edinburgh to Glasgow. The American leader had been en route to the COP26 summit inside his armoured Cadillac 'Beast' when the naked man took a picture of the president's fleet of vehicles from his front window, according to the White House pool report.(Snip)Today, BBC reporter Jon Sopel tweeted: 'From the White House pool report on @POTUS journey from Edinburgh to Glasgow: ''At one point when we were still on smaller country roads, a large, naked Scottish man stood in his front window taking a picture of the motorcade with his phone
'The pace at which China is moving is
stunning': Vice Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff says Beijing's military
advancements have rattled the US
29 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 11/2/2021 10:36:38 AM Post Reply
China's growing military muscle and its drive to end American predominance in the Asia-Pacific is rattling the U.S. defense establishment. American officials see trouble quickly accumulating on multiple fronts — Beijing's expanding nuclear arsenal, its advances in space, cyber and missile technologies, and threats to Taiwan. 'The pace at which China is moving is stunning,' said General John Hyten, the No. 2-ranking U.S. military officer, who previously commanded U.S. nuclear forces and oversaw Air Force space operations. At stake is a potential shift in the global balance of power that has favored the United States for decades.
Halyna Hutchins’ final words revealed
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Posted by Imright 11/2/2021 6:16:14 AM Post Reply
Seconds after being shot by Alec Baldwin, cinematographer Halnya Hutchins told a boom operator on the “Rust” movie set, “That was no good. That was no good at all.” Hours later, she was pronounced dead.The haunting final words of the 42-year-old mom, who had been working as the director of photography on Baldwin’s upcoming Western flick, were reported by the Los Angeles Times based on interviews with 14 crew members, emails and text messages.A few moments earlier, Baldwin had been preparing for a shootout scene inside a church
Pete Buttigieg says supply chain disruptions
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pandemic in the rearview mirror'
27 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 10:24:31 AM Post Reply
Though the federal government and private companies have both tried to find solutions to the supply chain crisis, bottlenecks and inflation aren't going away, says the Biden Administration — at least while COVID-19 is still around. According to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the supply chain crisis is the result of myriad factors tied directly to the ongoing pandemic. Speaking on a circuit of morning shows on Sunday, Buttigieg touted the Biden Administration's budget reconciliation bill in combatting inflation and supply chain stressors as it continues to battle COVID-19.
Anti Mandate New Yorkers Greet The VP
Outside Carnegie Hall With Chants Of ‘Kamala
Is A Wh**e’ – No MSM Coverage(Videos)
27 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 11/2/2021 8:54:35 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris visited New York City Monday, touring John F. Kennedy International Airport as part of an effort to see how climate action can create jobs. “To meet our climate commitment, we must, we must, I say to my fellow Americans, put in the work,” she said. Harris was joined at JFK Airport by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, as they touted two new initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gases. “First, a new partnership between our government and private companies to drive innovation in electric heat pumps,” Harris said. Later she participated in a celebration marking the 30th anniversary of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.
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