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Schooling Terry McAuliffe

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Posted By: Garnet, 10/25/2021 6:14:55 AM

When Terry McAuliffe won the Democratic nomination for governor of Virginia, he probably expected to defeat Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin without breaking a sweat. McAuliffe is a former Virginia governor with decades of political experience and countless connections. Youngkin began the race with little political experience and less name recognition. Yet McAuliffe clearly is sweating the race, and for good reason. The polls show Youngkin surging to a tie with him and suggest that the Republican is making inroads among crucial voter blocs whose support McAuliffe can’t afford to lose. According to a Monmouth University poll published October 20, for example, Youngkin has gained considerable support among independents and women:

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Reply 1 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 10/25/2021 6:31:02 AM (No. 956624)
Not to worry, Terry still has 100% of the Dead and Printed Ballots...
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 10/25/2021 7:41:46 AM (No. 956660)
Don’t get your hopes up. As stated above, dead democrats are a dependable voting block.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: anniebc 10/25/2021 8:35:32 AM (No. 956695)
The polls are making it look close simply for the optics. It should be a blowout for Youngkin, but McAuliffe will win with 81 million votes. It's happen before.
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: walcb 10/25/2021 8:54:29 AM (No. 956712)
My only question is who is going to count the votes?
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Trump'sCousin 10/25/2021 9:14:23 AM (No. 956731)
Not to worry! The degenecrats have it in the bag for him tied up with a giant rainbow ribbon!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: ROLFNader 10/25/2021 10:10:00 AM (No. 956792)
McAuliffe has exactly NO redeeming qualities. Any questions?
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Reply 7 - Posted by: h24015 10/25/2021 10:23:12 AM (No. 956812)
Fraudulent votes in Fairfax have determined every Virginia election for the past 14 years. However, hundreds of Virginians have recently received training to be poll watchers. My hope is that this will have some impact on the state's election integrity. It's a slim hope.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: ChattyCatsSusan 10/25/2021 11:54:25 AM (No. 956895)
If Terry wins, even after all the nonsense he insulted the parents with in his state, we will know the fraud machine is up and running. I am hoping Youngkin wins this, but with the denials about the presidential election fraud still going strong, I am not real hopeful. I just hope this puts a real nice scare into the DNC though.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 10/25/2021 1:15:43 PM (No. 956992)
McAuliffe has already won, only the point spread is to be determined. Dishonest elections nowadays are the norm, honest and true the deviation.
4 people like this.

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The Startling Statistic That Could Spell
Doom for Joe Biden
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Posted by Garnet 10/26/2021 2:22:12 PM Post Reply
The writing has been on the wall for Democrats for some time now, with President Joe Biden’s approval ratings dropping close to basement levels (freefalling after the Afghanistan debacle) and Congress’ approval among a majority of voters being even worse.But new numbers out from Gallup Polls show a rather startling statistic that is going to keep Joe Biden or, rather, his handlers up late at night trying to figure out ways to overcome. One key bit of data from the poll shows that support among Democrats for the Democrat-controlled Congress has dropped from 55% last month to 33% just one month later: (Snip)A 22 percent drop. Among Democrats. Wowsers.
Liberty is the American virus 1 reply
Posted by Garnet 10/26/2021 12:22:09 PM Post Reply
If I wanted to persuade my fellow Americans to eat more cheese, I would begin by launching a campaign to ban cheese. This might start with the argument cheese clogs arteries or lowers IQ. I’d find some doctors willing to testify that cheese inhibits testosterone, and some other doctors to insist it fouls up estrogen. Then I would move on to the damage cheese does to the climate: too many cows, goats, sheep — methane, don’t you know. Greenhouse gases. Deforestation brought to you by cheddar. “Cheese kills!” might serve as a motto. Next, I would sort out the cheese-producing states that would have to be melted into submission
Joe from Scranton? More like Bogus Biden 9 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/25/2021 10:04:48 AM Post Reply
During the 2020 election, Joe Biden positioned himself as the Democrat who could win the working class from President Donald Trump. “Joe from Scranton,” as the media affectionately calls him, was bringing normalcy back to the White House. I wrote last September that this characterization of the Syracuse law grad and lifelong politician was a sham: “Biden has built his career on being dishonest to working-class Americans,” I warned. Ten months into his presidency, and this has proven true. Trump may love a good show —”stay tuned!” — but it is Joe Biden who oversees the most inauthentic administration, one that is shockingly divorced from the lives of everyday Americans.
Schooling Terry McAuliffe 9 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/25/2021 6:14:55 AM Post Reply
When Terry McAuliffe won the Democratic nomination for governor of Virginia, he probably expected to defeat Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin without breaking a sweat. McAuliffe is a former Virginia governor with decades of political experience and countless connections. Youngkin began the race with little political experience and less name recognition. Yet McAuliffe clearly is sweating the race, and for good reason. The polls show Youngkin surging to a tie with him and suggest that the Republican is making inroads among crucial voter blocs whose support McAuliffe can’t afford to lose. According to a Monmouth University poll published October 20, for example, Youngkin has gained considerable support among independents and women:
Is Terry McAuliffe ‘losing it’? 13 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/22/2021 9:49:25 AM Post Reply
Is Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe really “losing it”? Last week, McAuliffe snapped at a tracker who asked him if he really believes that parents shouldn’t have a say in their children’s education, demanding to know if the tracker is vaccinated and questioning why he wasn’t wearing a mask. It was a bizarre exchange and suggested the stress of the campaign may be getting to McAuliffe. His Republican challenger, Glenn Youngkin, responded to this revealing moment during a radio interview with Larry O’Connor and me on WMAL last week.
Biden Says First Responders, Police Who
Refuse Vaccine Mandates Should Be Fired
18 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/22/2021 9:22:30 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden said Thursday that first responders and police officers who refuse vaccine mandates should be forced to remain at home or be fired.Biden issued vaccine mandates or weekly testing for private companies with 100 or more employees in early September. The president also announced a stricter vaccine requirement for federal workers and contractors in September that limited the loophole for unvaccinated individuals.Other mandates have been put in place across the country by cities. Police officers and first responders across the country – including in places like Chicago and Washington – have voiced opposition to the mandates, with some leaving the job over it.
‘Everyone should be very worried’:
Dems seek wake-up call as Virginia goes
to the wire
18 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/21/2021 1:31:43 PM Post Reply
A creeping sense of worry among Democrats about the Virginia governor's race spilled into the open on Wednesday, after the release of a new Monmouth University poll showing former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe deadlocked with Republican Glenn Youngkin less than two weeks before Election Day. And the panic may be a good thing, some of them say.The Monmouth poll was the latest in a series of data points to increase concern about McAuliffe's prospects. While other recent polls in Virginia have shown McAuliffe staked to narrow leads, President Joe Biden's national ratings have slid into majority disapproval
Brian Laundrie search: Attention shifts
to parents after human remains found
12 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/21/2021 12:37:29 PM Post Reply
Now that human remains have been found alongside Brian Laundrie's backpack and notebook in the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, attention is shifting to his parents' actions following Gabby Petito's homicide and their son's subsequent disappearance. Chris and Roberta Laundrie left their North Port home early Wednesday to search in Myakkahatchee, which sits alongside the T. Mabry Carlton Jr. Memorial Reserve. While they were there, "some articles belonging to Brian were found," according to the family's attorney, Steven Bertolino. Michael McPherson, special agent in charge of the FBI's Tampa division, later confirmed that human remains were found in an area that had been underwater until recently.
Voters already blaming government spending
for rising prices
7 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/21/2021 12:31:30 PM Post Reply
We’re still a long ways away from the double-digit inflation of the early 1980s. However, while prices of specific things like healthcare, college, or gas have been political hot-buttons from time to time, the issue of inflation writ-large has barely registered as a major issue during my lifetime. This makes it notable that inflation is emerging as a key worry for voters and that many are tying the inflation specifically to Democratic policies. The Biden administration is struggling with voters as of late, and disappointment in the state of the economy is a major piece of this dynamic.
It’s not just McAuliffe vs. Youngkin.
The fight is on for control of Virginia’s House.
6 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/20/2021 9:49:28 AM Post Reply
Alex Askew knows firsthand how tight elections can get for Democrats in Virginia. He barely won his seat in the state House of Delegates, defeating his Republican opponent by just 802 votes in 2019. That’s why Askew is campaigning furiously ahead of the November election. On the first Sunday of “Souls to the Polls” early voting over the weekend, Askew, 36, attended two church services before an afternoon of campaign events and canvassing. He was joined by a colleague, state Del. Nancy Guy, who clinched her seat by an even closer margin of just 40 votes.
The Stupid Money on the Right Rides the
Grift Train
7 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/19/2021 3:20:55 PM Post Reply
Recently on the America Moment podcast, Michael Anton named names regarding Conservatism, Inc. The wide-ranging interview goes on for over an hour and a half, but the best clip is here in which Anton says, Now I’ll name names. If you’re at National Review, AEI or Heritage Foundation, your job is to pretend to oppose but really support; your whole business model as staff and management collapses if you don’t do that. It’s an open question why the donors donate to these places. I actually believe they’re deceiving their donors for the most part; that is I’d like to believe most donors to Conservatism, Inc. (NRO, AEI, Heritage)
Virginia’s Election Is Breaking the Rules 8 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/19/2021 3:14:32 PM Post Reply
Usually, when Washington is at a decisive consensus that one party is in disarray — that its next election cycle will be messy, that its wings can’t agree, that voters aren’t convinced by its standard bearer — its candidates follow a simple formula: Ditch the national party and focus instead on local issues. But with three weeks until Virginia votes for its next governor, the electoral equation has been scrambled. From Richmond to Virginia Beach, it is Democrats who are working to nationalize the campaign despite President Biden’s dipping approval ratings and Republican optimism about next year’s midterms, a move Biden’s White House has dialed into in recent weeks, CORRECTIONS*
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Exclusive: Rookie armorer Hannah Gutierrez
Reed, 24, is spotted for first time since
Alec Baldwin used gun she had loaded to
accidentally shoot dead cinematographer
on set of Rust
39 replies
Posted by Come And Take It 10/26/2021 10:55:24 AM Post Reply
Pacing up and down and talking animatedly on her phone, rookie armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was seen for the first time since a gun she loaded killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins while being handled by Alec Baldwin. Gutierrez-Reed, 24, has fled Santa Fe and was found at her dilapidated Bullhead City, Arizona, home by where she declined to speak about the fatal accident. Exclusive photos show a worried-looking Gutierrez-Reed pacing outside her home and speaking on the phone before dashing back inside and refusing to answer the door.
US conservation group to drop Audubon
name over ‘pain’ caused by slaveholder
39 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 10/25/2021 12:19:05 PM Post Reply
A leading US conservation group, the Audubon Naturalist Society (ANS), has announced it will change its name, due to the “pain” caused by the 19th-century ornithologist and slaveholder John James Audubon. The group, which holds wildlife sanctuaries across Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland, said that it had become clear its name did not connect to its diverse set of programmes and that some members and volunteers had objected. “The mission and vision of the organisation have not changed,” said Lisa Alexander, executive director of ANS. “The deliberate and thoughtful decision to change our name is part of our ongoing commitment
How The Rachel Levine ‘Four-Star Admiral’
Photo-Op Will Damage U.S. Security
38 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/25/2021 11:49:26 AM Post Reply
To great public fanfare, Joe Biden has anointed Rachel Levine a “four-star admiral” in the Public Health Service (PHS). The public relations campaign in support of Levine has emphasized his status as the first transgender four-star “admiral” in the “eight U.S. uniformed services.” That PR campaign is misleading, and it is part of a dangerous effort to undermine the military.(snip) This roll-out and publicity barrage leave little doubt that Levine’s primary qualification for his instant promotion is his transgender status. What’s worse, it will damage U.S. military recruitment and morale, thus damaging U.S. national security. This Is Politically Driven Rank Inflation
Obama Gets Fact Checked Hard Over 'Fake
Outrage' Claim About Parents in Virginia
36 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/26/2021 12:29:38 AM Post Reply
I wrote previously about the offensive remarks that Barack Obama made while he was campaigning for Terry McAuliffe in Virginia. Among those remarks were ones attacking the concerns that parents have had in Virginia about what is happening in the schools and what is being taught. “We don’t have time to be wasted on these phony trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage, the right-wing media’s pedals to juice their ratings.” He accused Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin of avoiding “serious problems that affect serious people,” and suggested that outrage over the actions of school boards is unjustified. So, someone want to apprise Mr. Pen and Phone
White House Claims They Are ‘Unfamiliar’
with ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ and ‘Let’s
Go Brandon’ Chants
36 replies
Posted by Imright 10/25/2021 7:16:11 PM Post Reply
A spokesman for the White House claims that the administration is “unfamiliar” with the popular “F*ck Joe Biden” or “Let’s Go Brandon” chants that have filled the halls of so many events in the past few months.The two chants have been spreading like wildfire since the start of the college football season and an early October NASCAR race respectively.(Photo) But the White House is feigning ignorance of the persistent attack on their boss.According to the Washington Post: “Administration officials sought to downplay the phenomenon, and at least one claimed to be unfamiliar with the ‘Let’s go Brandon’
First female mayor of Illinois village
sparks outrage after hiring registered
child sex offender who spent 24 years
in prison for brutal gang rape to be town's
code enforcement officer - which requires
him to enter homes
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/25/2021 3:16:50 PM Post Reply
The new mayor of a village in a Chicago suburb unleashed a firestorm after it has emerged that she hired a registered child sex offender who worked on her campaign to be the town's code enforcement officer—a job that requires him to inspect inside homes and businesses. Trustees in the Village of Dolton—a community of 23,000 located just south of Chicago—say they are appalled that Mayor Tiffany Henyard offered Lavelle Redmond a municipal job without consulting them.(Snip)Redmond, 46, served 24 years in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault with a weapon stemming from a gang rape that took place
The Alec Baldwin Conundrum 27 replies
Posted by mc squared 10/25/2021 12:59:58 PM Post Reply
Alec Baldwin got to play his dream role last week, and unfortunately for an innocent woman, it was a method-acting version of Ted Kennedy. Now, you note that I am mocking a guy whose probable gross negligence killed a lady and maimed a man, and this raises an important question – do we really want to live in a world where our reaction to a tragedy caused by an enemy is not sorrow and compassion but mockery? It doesn’t matter what we want. We do live in such a world, in large part due to the likes of Alec Baldwin.
Scientists are working on vaccine that
will combat ALL types of current and future
coronaviruses in an effort to 'ward off
the next pandemic'
27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/25/2021 10:20:47 AM Post Reply
Scientists are working to create a vaccine that could combat of all types of coronaviruses in an effort to potentially prevent the next pandemic. The La Jolla Institute for Immunology, in San Diego, California, has received a $2.6 million grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to work on their ambitious project to potentially prevent future pandemics. Researchers believe they could build on the research and development used to create the current crop of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent other similar viruses.(Snip)'Rather than having to constantly launch new vaccines… we need a single vaccine that's going to protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants and whatever
What Questions Must We Ask Concerning
COVID Vaccinations for Children?
26 replies
Posted by Magnante 10/26/2021 3:35:04 AM Post Reply
The FDA is meeting on October 26th to give advice to parents on vaccination for children ages 5-12 and the Biden administration is poised to roll out vaccines for this age group for COVID-19. Is this a good idea and what information do parents need to make this decision for their kids? (snip) For ages 0-19, the survival rate is 99.9973%. This means that for age 0-19 there will be one death for every 37,000 infections (snip) For age 12-17 there have been 22 deaths and 21,000 adverse events reported. In the late teens and twenties, 111 deaths have occurred
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace slams Donald
Trump's peace deal with the Taliban saying
it 'couldn’t have been more helpful
to the regime in achieving its victory'
in taking over Afghanistan
25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/26/2021 12:27:21 PM Post Reply
The Defence Secretary today blamed Donald Trump for the speedy collapse of Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban. Ben Wallace told MPs that a 2020 deal struck by the Trump administration with the Islamic extremists 'couldn’t have been more helpful to the regime in achieving its victory'. He made the claim as he faced a grilling over the speedy military collapse of Afghanistan, which sparked an emergency evacuation of western forces and diplomats in the summer.(Snip)He denied that Nato soldiers had been militarily defeated but admitted: 'Our resolve was found wanting'. And he said he knew 'the game was up' in July.
Donald Trump Jr. sells t-shirts mocking
Alec Baldwin’s ‘Rust’ movie set
shooting tragedy
25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/26/2021 10:20:46 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump Jr. is taking aim at a longtime family foe—he’s hawking a t-shirt that uses a tragic movie-set shooting to mock Alec Baldwin, who famously skewered his father on “Saturday Night Live.” A tee declaring “Guns Don’t Kill People, Alec Baldwin Kills People” is selling for $27.99 on a merchandise site linked to the former president’s namesake son. The reference is to the Thursday slaying of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who was hit by discharge from a prop gun while working on the Baldwin film “Rust.” Baldwin, the film’s star, was handling the weapon from which the fatal shot was fired. The movie’s director was injured as well.
USMC Warns Marines Will Be Kicked Out
for Refusing the Vaccine
24 replies
Posted by Imright 10/26/2021 11:45:22 AM Post Reply
The Marine Corps warned in a message to the force on Saturday that Marines will be kicked out if they do not get the coronavirus vaccine.The Marine Administrative Message (MARADMIN), signed October 23 and posted to the Marine Corps’ website, said: Marines refusing the COVID-19 vaccination, absent an approved administrative or medical exemption, religious accommodation, or pending appeal shall be processed for administrative separation [in accordance with] this MARADMIN and supporting references. General Court-Martial Convening Authorities (GCMCA) retain authority to take any additional adverse administrative or disciplinary action they deem appropriate.The MARADMIN applies to both active duty and reservists.
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