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California woman charged with arson in
spreading Fawn Fire

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Posted By: DVC, 9/25/2021 3:52:44 PM

A California woman has been arrested by authorities on suspicion of starting the state's 6,820-acre Fawn Fire. Speaking to reporters on Friday, Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie A. Bridgett said that 30-year-old Alexandra Souverneva of Palo Alto, Calif. had been found with an operable lighter in her pocket. "We received the [CAL FIRE] report yesterday and today we announce that we have filed felony arson charges against her not only for arson but also for committing an arson during a state of emergency. The maximum penalty that she currently faces is nine years in state prison," she said.


With all the government caused problems that we have, we really don't need horrible people setting fires. They note that she might have set other fires, too.
If she is guilty, she should spend a long time in prison.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Birddog 9/25/2021 4:04:32 PM (No. 926338)
Yoga teacher, Shaman, Cal Tech Grad with a....wait for it....Degree in Forestry.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Maggie2u 9/25/2021 4:58:54 PM (No. 926384)
Her name is Global Warming.../s
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What is it about academics and arson? 4 replies
Posted by DVC 9/26/2021 12:35:29 PM Post Reply
You've heard of "going postal:? Maybe the next odious term should be "going academic." We're seeing an awful lot of arson as cause for California's wildfires and at treasured institutions being perpetrated by academics. Here's the latest going on near Redding, California from the Washington Post: Thousands of people have fled their homes to escape a wildfire engulfing a forest in California’s north, which authorities believe was sparked deliberately. Police have arrested a 30-year-old woman on charges of igniting the Fawn fire. Workers at a quarry in Shasta County said they saw the woman trespassing last Wednesday before the fire erupted in a remote canyon
California woman charged with arson in
spreading Fawn Fire
2 replies
Posted by DVC 9/25/2021 3:52:44 PM Post Reply
A California woman has been arrested by authorities on suspicion of starting the state's 6,820-acre Fawn Fire. Speaking to reporters on Friday, Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie A. Bridgett said that 30-year-old Alexandra Souverneva of Palo Alto, Calif. had been found with an operable lighter in her pocket. "We received the [CAL FIRE] report yesterday and today we announce that we have filed felony arson charges against her not only for arson but also for committing an arson during a state of emergency. The maximum penalty that she currently faces is nine years in state prison," she said.
It's time to start arresting school board
members for child pornography
10 replies
Posted by DVC 9/25/2021 2:13:16 PM Post Reply
When I was in junior high school, the "edgy" novel was Judy Blume's Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, about a girl entering puberty and talking with her friends about periods and bras. How things have changed. Now high schools have graphic novels with text and illustrations favorably detailing all aspects of homosexual sex, including pedophilia. When a mother in Fairfax, Virginia, brought that to the board's attention, the board shut her down. It's time that parents use lawfare and shut these board members down. It's time that parents across America do that.
From pandemic to endemic: foreign countries
begin recognizing COVID panic porn is
not useful
7 replies
Posted by DVC 9/25/2021 1:59:44 PM Post Reply
While the Biden-Harris administration continues to demonize those who do not wish to be human guinea pigs in a massive experiment with gene therapies and encourages mask mandates and other symbolic but largely ineffective measures to control a virus, a few foreign countries are recognizing that viral illnesses follow a predictable course as they mutate. Reuters reports on Norway: Norway will reopen society on Saturday, the government said, ending its coronavirus-curbing restrictions, which have limited social interaction and hobbled many businesses. The Nordic nation joins a small but growing number of countries, including Denmark and Britain, which have removed all domestic restrictions
Intriguing Facts about Fraud in Russia's
Recent Election that May Seem Familiar
1 reply
Posted by DVC 9/24/2021 5:41:36 PM Post Reply
Last week, nationwide parliamentary elections were held in Russia. The elections spanned over a period of three days from Sept. 17 to Sept. 19. Leading contenders in this race were the United Russia party led by President Vladimir Putin and the Communist Party of Russia. Also in the race were the nationalist LDPR party, the Just Russia party, the New People party, and myriad independents. The results were declared with the United Russia party winning nearly 50% of the votes while the Communist Party received around 19% of the vote. The United Russia party had around two-thirds of the 450 seats in the Russian parliament which is an absolute majority.
Oklahoma dad hops into action when he
sees man touching boy inappropriately
at bus stop
12 replies
Posted by DVC 9/24/2021 5:22:15 PM Post Reply
A father in Oklahoma City tackled a local pastor who was seen inappropriately touching his son at a bus stop, leaving the suspect with a cracked skull and a bloody mugshot. "There’s hardly any words that are camera appropriate," witness Lisa Ward said of the incident. "It’s just sickening." Oklahoma City Police arrested the suspect, Michael Coghill, on Wednesday, after he was recorded on camera touching a nine-year-old boy at a bus stop and was confronted by the boy’s father, according to News9. The police department, however, could not confirm to Fox News that the boy's father was the one to confront the suspect due to the Open Records Act.
Why Do Doctors Go Along with COVID Panic
Porn and CDC Prescriptions?
13 replies
Posted by DVC 9/22/2021 5:51:00 PM Post Reply
I recently had a conversation with a reasonably well-informed writer who simply missed the real reasons why most practicing physicians go along with the Fauci Fraud. As a public service, I will attempt to fill in a few gaps. But first, I must define the fraud. There are two basic legs to the fraud. First is the idea that the Centers for Disease Control is in any way concerned with a mission related to its name. The failure of the CDC to endorse any treatment that did not emanate from its exalted halls should give us our first glint of clarity.
Here's a nurse who may have figured delta out 25 replies
Posted by DVC 9/21/2021 7:53:07 PM Post Reply
As the big picture begins to sharpen on the COVID pandemic, a few things become clear to me. The "vaccine" isn't even a vaccine. It is a radical gene therapy currently being tested on the human race. The vaccine doesn't work for its stated purpose. It doesn't prevent infection. The vaccine is very risky — far more so than getting the disease. The VAERS system for recording vaccine injuries shows breathtaking statistics despite being undermined by erasures, denial of reports, and failure to count eligible reports.
Is the Republic dead? Can it be saved? 20 replies
Posted by DVC 9/19/2021 5:19:43 PM Post Reply
It’s not nearly as complicated as once I thought it was. It’s a top-down insurrection. All that it ever needed was a sufficient number of conspirators, in key positions, to network with each other. Granted, the numbers needed were large. That is why it took so many years to take hold. Once the threshold was reached, however, circa 2015 or 16, the treachery began in full swing. The plotters were delayed by one mistake, a very big one, in 2016. They underestimated the amount of electoral fraud that was needed to place Hillary Clinton in the White House. That set them back four years.
We Need to Talk about Pakistan 7 replies
Posted by DVC 9/19/2021 3:55:11 PM Post Reply
It was either Voltaire or Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, one of the founding fathers of the French Revolution, who observed that the now-former nation of Prussia “is not a state that has an army, rather an army that has a state.” In contemporary times, that description aptly applies to Pakistan. An examination of the history of Pakistan reveals several disturbing consistencies. In Pakistan, few ‘elected leaders’ ever complete their tenure in office. These ‘leaders’ are either executed or jailed after Pakistan's deep state stages a coup. The more fortunate manage to bribe their way out in exchange for being ‘exiled’ to a foreign country, where they live in great luxury.
NRA instructor trains thousands of inner
city women 'to ensure they’re
never victims'
16 replies
Posted by DVC 9/18/2021 3:42:50 PM Post Reply
An NRA instructor described as "the Left’s worst nightmare" helped train thousands of minority women from Detroit on how to safely protect themselves with guns "to ensure they’re never victims." "The left thinks the Second Amendment wasn’t made for people who look like us. They said the same thing during the Jim Crow era too," NRA instructor Rick Ector, who is black, said in a video published by the NRA on Thursday morning. Ector held a two-day annual event at the end of August where he helped train 4,000 minority women from inner city Detroit on gun safety and use, explaining that Americans deserve to use their Second Amendment rights to protect
HUGE: Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State
Is COVID-19 Free Proving the
Effectiveness of “Deworming Drug” IVERMECTIN
18 replies
Posted by DVC 9/16/2021 9:29:29 PM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that COVID cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive population. The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become free from COVID-19 government informed on Friday. The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7% proving the effectiveness of IVERMECTIN as part of the “Uttar Pradesh Covid Control Model.” Of course, the media won’t mention that Ivermectin is being used for the treatment of COVID-19. This state has an estimated population of 241 million people in 2021 and has the highest population in India.
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Pelosi Cheers as Dems Pass Radical Abortion
Without Limits Bill – Legalizes Partial
Birth Abortion, Dismembering Babies, Lifts
All Restrictions
46 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2021 1:47:29 PM Post Reply
Democrats passed the most radical pro-abortion bill in history on Friday — as Americans remain stranded in Afghanistan and the US southern border remains wide open to unvaccinated illegal aliens. The new law legalized partial-birth abortion, dismembering babies, decapitating babies, and targeting babies in the womb for any reason.And Nancy Pelosi cheered. (Photo) The U.S. House passed a radical pro-abortion bill Friday that would force states to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions without limits up to birth nation-wide.
CDC alert to medical professionals: Afghan
refugees may spread infectious diseases
42 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2021 1:23:07 AM Post Reply
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32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2021 1:18:39 AM Post Reply
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Female American soldier reports being
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32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/25/2021 1:12:17 AM Post Reply
The FBI has opened an investigation into the assault of a female solider by several male Afghan refugees at the US Army's Fort Bliss base, in New Mexico. The alleged assault took place on Sunday, at around midnight, when at least three men allegedly attacked the soldier near her car after she arrived for work at the Dona Ana Complex, which had been accepting refugees airlifted out of Afghanistan are housed, ABC 7 reports.(Snip)The solider has received medical care and counseling following the assault. She was reported to have recovered from her physical injuries. Payne added that more security measures, including improved lighting and enforcing 'buddy system,'
I&I/TIPP Poll: Biden Voters Abandon Him
In Droves
30 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/25/2021 7:35:03 AM Post Reply
If an election were held today, a substantial number of those who voted President Joe Biden in November wouldn’t do so now, a new I&I/TIPP Poll shows. This comes after a spate of recent polls from TIPP and others suggesting Biden’s political support is in a freefall as Americans question his leadership on issues ranging from COVID-19 to the chaos on the U.S.’ southern border to the recent botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. The I&I/TIPP Poll asked Americans: “If the presidential election were held today, and the following were the candidates, for whom would you vote?”
‘It’s Just Not OK’ — Harry and
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in Vaccine Push
28 replies
Posted by Imright 9/26/2021 1:42:07 PM Post Reply
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle strode to center stage in New York City’s Central Park on Saturday afternoon to urge wealthy nations with power and privilege to share their good fortune by expediting distribution of the coronavirus vaccine to those less fortunate.The couple also pushed multinational pharmaceutical firms to waive their intellectual property rights in order to expand releases in countries with low access to the jab.“The way you’re born should not dictate your ability to survive,” the Duke of Sussex told the crowds.The two were appearing at the 24-hour Global Citizen Live event in NYC to push for a worldwide vaccine policy after earlier visiting U.N. headquarters
Oregon health officials say you can kiss
on dates -- if both vaccinated
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2021 2:12:29 PM Post Reply
If you're vaccinated and looking for a smooch, now might be the time to visit Oregon. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on Wednesday revised its position on safe-dating practices during the COVID-19 pandemic and now says it is OK to get intimate with your date--as long as you've both been vaccinated. "If you're both vaccinated and taking COVID-19 precautions, intimacy is likely to be safe," OHA wrote on Facebook. It was a striking change to the beginning of the pandemic last year when OHA released previous advice for daters in the time of COVID-19. "You are your safest sex partner," OHA wrote at the time. "Kissing can easily pass COVID-19.
Woke Writer Attacks The Word ‘Virginity,’
Suggests ‘Sexual Debut’ Instead
27 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 9/25/2021 6:48:49 AM Post Reply
When was your “sexual debut”? The term “virginity” has come under fire from some woke folks, who suggested calling the act of having intercourse for the first time a “debut.” As the BBC reports, feminist scholars have long called for a term to replace “virginity,” which traditionally places female sexuality on a pedestal as a souvenir that can be “taken” or “lost.”
Costco Limits Purchases of Toilet Paper,
Paper Towels, and Bottled Water amid Inflation,
Supply-Chain Issues
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2021 1:37:55 AM Post Reply
Costco is implementing new consumer limitations on purchases of household essentials including toilet paper, paper towels, and Kirkland bottled water as the company has seen an increase in demand due to a surge in the delta variant and supply-chain complications. Costco has been dealing with significant issues centered around supply-chain complications and inflation according to the company’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Richard A. Galanti. Galanti informed analysts of the issues during a conference call, transcribed by Alpha Street, regarding Costco’s fourth-quarter earnings on September 23: From a supply chain perspective, the factors pressuring supply chains and inflation include port delays, container shortages, COVID disruptions,
Exclusive: 'Biden should have supported
us before spouting off': Border Patrol
agents blast president for false claim
that mounted officers 'strapped' migrants
and say it's 'outrageous' he wouldn't
give them 'benefit of the doubt'
26 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2021 9:20:35 PM Post Reply
Border Patrol agents' outrage at Joe Biden is growing, with officers furious that the president has thrown them under the bus over the Haitian migrant debacle.They are especially angry at the White House’s rush to judgment over pictures of a mounted agent swinging the reins of his horse while confronting an immigrant, which were first believed to show him whipping the man.That account has already been debunked with even the photographer saying his image showed no such thing.But that didn’t stop Biden calling the image and video ‘outrageous.’‘It is absolutely outrageous that President Biden wouldn’t give us the benefit of the doubt before spouting off,’
The Tyrannical Scenes out of Australia
Grow Darker and More Disturbing
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/26/2021 1:12:15 AM Post Reply
What’s going on in Australia may be the most disturbing story of the year. A once, somewhat flourishing democracy has been reduced to a tyrannical medical state in which people are violently abused by government authorities for daring to walk outside. All in the name of fighting COVID-19, of course. Unfortunately for those that live Down Under, there is no end in sight, and the scenes are only growing darker. Both of those videos purport to show people being violently assaulted by police for the sin of not wearing a mask outdoors. The fact that masks are ineffective outside
Brooks: Biden Immediately Reversing Trump
Rules on Immigration Was ‘Open Door
Signal’ and He Was Warned It Was Dangerous
25 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2021 9:53:41 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that President Joe Biden has made the immigration system worse and that his immediate reversal of former President Donald Trump’s immigration rules was “a big open door signal.”Brooks said Biden “inherited a gigantic mess that nobody has had the solution for. I think Biden did make it worse. And part of the problem was, they promised, on day one, they would reverse all the Trump rules. Reversing the Trump rules was a good idea. But doing it all at once, on day one,
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