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Despite widespread job openings, Biden
administration to extend jobless
benefits past deadline

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Posted By: Skinnydip, 8/23/2021 7:38:12 AM

The Biden administration is working to ensure that $300 weekly unemployment payments from federal taxpayers continue in some form beyond their expiration date set by Congress. Lawmakers enacted weekly $300 unemployment payments and set them to expire Sept. 6 in response to joblessness during the pandemic. A political battle is expected over the payments, especially since many Republicans have argued they are contributing to elevated unemployment despite widespread job availability.


And the gifts just keep on coming, especially if you're a deadbeat.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: F15 Gork 8/23/2021 7:57:02 AM (No. 889363)
Biden, he be buyin dem votes, don’cha know....
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Sandpiper 8/23/2021 8:06:11 AM (No. 889374)
I live in a small town. 2 years ago all the stores and restaurants were busy and open. Now, following the pandemic, these same businesses are desperate for workers. Local restaurants have abbreviated hours because they lack staff - especially cooks - to be open longer. Help wanted signs are on the outside of every business establishment. Long lines for check out are now normal because of limited staff. Just the other day I went to a Jo Ann’s Fabric store only to find it closed at midday. Why? Because one worker had gone home sick and THE ONLY OTHER EMPLOYEE LEFT WAS A TRAINEE. She was almost in tears as she begged those of us waiting outside to please be patient until the store owner arrived from another town. Where have all the workers gone?! They haven’t moved - in fact, our town’s numbers have increased! I can only conclude people are staying home collecting unemployment rather than working. It is too profitable, being paid not to work. It is killing businesses here.
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Come And Take It 8/23/2021 8:29:54 AM (No. 889398)
Why don't they just cut the crap and send out $300 checks marked 'Democrap Vote Buying Scheme'?
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: NorthernDog 8/23/2021 8:34:03 AM (No. 889400)
We have had similar experiences to #2. On Saturday we waited in line 40 minutes for the checkout. Only 1 line was open. When we left they were opening a second register but there was a snafu getting the register up and going.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: chance_232 8/23/2021 8:37:55 AM (No. 889407)
Who didn't see this coming? Everywhere I go, businesses are begging for employees. Everywhere I go, I see "Hiring" signs out. My own employer took 8 months to find my replacement when I took a different position. Add to the people collecting free cash, the number of people out for covid and we have a real mess out here.
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: NamVet70 8/23/2021 8:40:38 AM (No. 889409)
Even if the law as passed by Congress says no, the Biden Regime is all powerful and can do whatever they wish. They have already tested the courts by ignoring the constitution and the law on eviction moratoriums, so they will just keep on keeping on.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: reefdiver 8/23/2021 8:57:40 AM (No. 889434)
There is a vacancy in the White House, we need to correct that first.
15 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 8/23/2021 9:26:35 AM (No. 889464)
Let me clear. I loathed the Mulatto Kenyan. But Xiden has taken that to a new (low) level. (See #2 in the VDH article.)
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: moebellini3 8/23/2021 9:36:49 AM (No. 889475)
Where does this insanity end. Enough already.
3 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 8/23/2021 11:02:06 AM (No. 889588)
This is strangling small businesses across the country. Evil, evil, evil.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: bighambone 8/23/2021 11:03:58 AM (No. 889592)
Where will the wimpy Republicans be when Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrats pass another “free” money vote buying scheme, probably hiding under their mattresses?
1 person likes this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: TarAndFeathers 8/23/2021 11:35:31 AM (No. 889624)
In Biden-Speak “Build Back Better” means “Maximum Damage in Minimum Time”.
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: skacmar 8/23/2021 1:18:18 PM (No. 889763)
Congress authorizes and spends the money per the Constitution. Biden, in theory, can not just extend or spend extra just because he feels like it. Of course, it has never stopped him before. Judging by the Help Wanted signs outside of just about every factory, restaurant, store, and other business in my area, there is no reason for anyone to not have a job. If you are unemployed it is because you do not want to work!
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Proud Boys leader sentenced to five months
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Posted by Skinnydip 8/24/2021 8:03:57 AM Post Reply
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Despite widespread job openings, Biden
administration to extend jobless
benefits past deadline
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Posted by Skinnydip 8/23/2021 7:38:12 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is working to ensure that $300 weekly unemployment payments from federal taxpayers continue in some form beyond their expiration date set by Congress. Lawmakers enacted weekly $300 unemployment payments and set them to expire Sept. 6 in response to joblessness during the pandemic. A political battle is expected over the payments, especially since many Republicans have argued they are contributing to elevated unemployment despite widespread job availability.
Biden Photo at Camp David Raises Red Flags
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Posted by Skinnydip 8/16/2021 10:13:09 AM Post Reply
As Afghanistan crumbled on Sunday, the American people had one question on their minds: ‘Where is the president?’ [snip] One of the first things people noticed was the utter lack of Operational Security: It showed on the television that there were camera feeds from both the CIA and Doha Station. [snip] There is an issue with the clocks showing London and Moscow are three hours apart. Those two cities are two hours apart, so either the photo is wrong or the clocks at Camp David are wrong.
Ashli Babbitt’s mom rips Pelosi, Feinstein,
claims questions about daughter’s death
going unanswered
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Posted by Skinnydip 8/15/2021 10:25:04 AM Post Reply
The grieving mother of Ashli Babbitt, the U.S. Air Force veteran who was fatally shot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, says neither Nancy Pelosi nor Dianne Feinstein – nor any other current elected official, Democrat or Republican, has reached out to her regarding questions about her daughter’s death. California resident Micki Witthoeft spoke out last week in a podcast conversation with conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza. She also said no one from the Biden administration or the Justice Department has answered her questions, including about the identity of the law enforcement officer seen on video firing his weapon at Babbitt.
Mayorkas says 'we're going to lose' the
border crisis: Leaked audio
16 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 8/14/2021 7:12:04 AM Post Reply
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed the administration is "going to lose" the border crisis as "unsustainable" numbers of migrants continue to pour into the United States. [snip] "A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, 'If, if our borders are the first line of defense, we're going to lose, and this is unsustainable,'" Mayorkas said in leaked audio obtained by Fox News. "We can't continue like this, our people in the field can't continue, and our system isn't built for it."
Texas Dems who fled state sue Gov. Abbott
for trying to bring them
back: 'Discomfort and embarrassment'
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Posted by Skinnydip 8/7/2021 12:24:10 PM Post Reply
Nearly two dozen Texas House Democrats who fled the state last month have sued Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republican officials, alleging that GOP efforts to bring them back to the state Capitol for a special legislative session infringed on their constitutional rights. The 22 plaintiffs have been "deprived of liberty for substantial periods of time, suffered much anxiety and distress over separation from their families, and much discomfort and embarrassment," the complaint filed late Friday alleges. [snip] The lawsuit also alleges that some of the Democrats were targeted due to race, but did not provide evidence, the Texas Tribune reported.
Two House Democrats who broke quorum
missing from Washington, D.C.,
reportedly vacationing in Portugal
8 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 8/4/2021 7:23:35 PM Post Reply
Their vacation does not affect the lack of quorum that the House has in Austin that prevents the chamber from passing an elections bill. But it is at odds with Democrats’ insistence that they would use their time away to advocate for federal voting rights legislation in the nation’s capital. State Reps. Julie Johnson of Farmers Branch and Jessica González of Dallas were not with other House Democrats on Tuesday in the nation's capital, according to a person familiar with the situation. On Tuesday evening, Texas Monthly reporter Jonathan Tilove tweeted that he "can confirm [Johnson] and her wife & [González] and her fiancé are in Portugal for a vacation...
USWNT loses in Olympic semifinal 1-0 to Canada 65 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 8/2/2021 7:28:51 AM Post Reply
The U.S. Women's National Soccer Team quest for Olympic gold ended Monday when it lost 1-0 to Canada in the semifinal. Canada's Jessie Fleming scored a penalty kick in the 75th minutes to reach the country's first Olympic soccer final, guaranteeing at least a silver medal. The U.S. will have to settle for the chance to win bronze in a third-place play-off on Thursday. [snip] "Not our best game, not our best tournament," star midfielder Megan Rapinoe said after the game. "It's a bitter one to swallow, obviously we don't want to lose to Canada.
Mike Lindell pulls MyPillow
ads from Fox News
21 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 7/30/2021 7:19:25 AM Post Reply
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said he directed the removal of his company's advertisements from Fox News programming after the network declined to run one of his commercials. The ad he sought to have aired promotes his cyber symposium event that will discuss the 2020 election. Lindell has repeatedly asserted the election was fraudulent, claiming Dominion Voting Systems machines were manipulated to steal votes from former President Donald Trump. Election officials and the company have rejected the claims. Lindell asserted the commercial would not discuss claims of election fraud, according to the Wall Street Journal, but he has said the event will prove election fraud.
Federal Government Gives Millions to Group
That Supports Defunding the Police
7 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 7/29/2021 9:35:58 AM Post Reply
The federal government provides tens of millions of dollars each year to a nonprofit group that supports the movement to defund police departments and dismantle the criminal justice system. Officials with the Brooklyn-based Vera Institute of Justice have urged the government to "radically dismantle" police departments in order to fix a system they say dehumanizes people of color. The institute is heavily funded by the federal government. So far this fiscal year, the Department of Justice, Department of Health and Human Services, and other agencies have awarded the Vera Institute more than $89 million in contracts and grants.
DOJ indicates it might sue states
returning to pre-pandemic voting regulations
21 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 7/28/2021 5:01:06 PM Post Reply
President Biden's Justice Department warned states on Wednesday that they could face legal action in rolling back COVID-era voting procedures. "The department's enforcement policy does not consider a jurisdiction’s re-adoption of prior voting laws or procedures to be presumptively lawful; instead, the department will review a jurisdiction’s changes in voting laws or procedures for compliance with all federal laws regarding elections, as the facts and circumstances warrant," reads a document released by DOJ. It proceeds to outline a long list of statutory protections on voting rights, including those surrounding mail-in voting.
59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing;
GOP senators demand answers from DOJ
22 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 7/15/2021 10:41:54 AM Post Reply
Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed for evidence of leaks. Republican Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa sent a letter to the Justice Department Wednesday asking for more information regarding missing phones used by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team during the Russian collusion investigation. The senators sent the letter after finding out the Justice Department "could not locate 59 of the 96 phones used by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team," according to Grassley's website.
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George W. Bush's CIA Director Gen. Michael
Hayden calls Trump supporters
'our Taliban' and suggests sending
the 'the MAGA wearing unvaxxed'
on planes to Afghanistan
58 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/23/2021 11:59:53 AM Post Reply
A retired top US military general and former CIA chief sparked outrage over the weekend by comparing supporters of former President Donald Trump to the Taliban and calling a suggestion to send 'the MAGA wearing unvaxxed' to Afghanistan a 'good idea.' Retired four-star Air Force General Michael Hayden on Thursday retweeted a split image of armed militants in a caravan of white pickup trucks with the caption 'Their Taliban.' Under that was a picture of cars adorned with Trump 2020 and American flags along a highway. (Snip)He was first appointed by President Bill Clinton to serve as Director of the National Security Agency.
Fox News Host Says It: Jill Biden 'Failed
the Country' by Not Stopping
'Mentally Frail' Joe From Running
for President
53 replies
Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 9:14:04 PM Post Reply
How many of us have thought it? From the beginning? How many of us have said it, for at least two years, to all who would listen? And now, even worse — far worse — how many of us, on both sides of the political aisle, have seen it in action during a real crisis? How can I put this “tactfully”? The 46th president of the United States is clearly mentally unfit to lead America. It’s not even close. Joe Biden is confused. Dare I say —hell yeah, I do — delusional? He appears to be incapable of understanding the disastrous reality of the debacle on Afghanistan
Juan Williams: Biden gave ‘most effective,
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speech by an American president
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37 replies
Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 9:03:03 PM Post Reply
While it’s easy to suggest that Juan Williams is an idiot based on the content of an op-ed he just penned on Afghanistan that The Hill published, there may be more to the story here.Liberal pundits like Williams, who plies his trade on Fox News, exist primarily to carry water for the Democratic Party and its leaders in Washington, D.C., and with President Joe Biden taking a beating for the spectacular blundering of the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, Biden and his party are desperate to redirect the narrative here. Unfortunately for Democrats, when the debacle is as big as what is now happening in Kabul, that’s like
U.S. Capitol officer cleared in fatal
shooting of Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6
36 replies
Posted by Dodge Boy 8/23/2021 2:40:29 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6 during the insurrection was cleared Monday after an internal review concluded the action may have spared the lives of lawmakers and staffers who had barricaded themselves inside the building. "The officer’s actions were consistent with the officer’s training and (U.S. Capitol Police) policies," the agency's inquiry found. The agency declined to identify the officer. Federal prosecutors decided in April not to pursue criminal charges in the case. Some who supported the Capitol siege by rioters angry about the outcome of the presidential election cast Babbitt as a martyr to the conservative cause.
Terry McAuliffe calls for vaccine mandate
to ‘make life difficult’
for unvaccinated
36 replies
Posted by Come And Take It 8/23/2021 2:27:41 PM Post Reply
Democratic nominee for Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe on Monday called on all employers in his state to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations following the Food and Drug Administration’s full approval of the Pfizer vaccine. "Today, I am calling on every Virginia employer to require all eligible employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19," the former Virginia governor said in a statement Monday afternoon. "I have long said that the best way to defeat this deadly virus, keep our students in school and keep Virginia’s economy strong is by getting every eligible Virginian vaccinated as quickly as possible."
CBS Poll: Majority of Americans No Longer
Believe Biden Is Competent, Admit
Botched Afganistan Withdrawal
36 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/23/2021 1:23:12 AM Post Reply
The majority of Americans no longer believe President Joe Biden is competent in his role as the Commander-in-Chief, according to a CBS News poll. Fifty-one percent of the respondents said Biden is not competent in his position as president. This is compared to only 49 percent who said he is. Additionally, the poll found that 52 percent of the respondents did not feel the president has been focused. The poll was taken during and after the fall of the now-Taliban-controlled Kabul, Afghanistan, when Biden botched the U.S. troops’ withdrawal from the country. With that, 53 percent of the respondents said they disagree with the way Biden withdrew the troops.
Biden Decides to Stick to August 31 Withdrawal
Deadline amid Taliban Threats
35 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/24/2021 12:43:48 PM Post Reply
President Biden has decided to adhere to his initial August 31 deadline for withdrawing American forces from Afghanistan, multiple outlets reported on Tuesday. Biden has requested contingency plans should the U.S. need to keep troops in Afghanistan until a later date, a senior administration official told CNN. A Taliban spokesman said on Tuesday that the U.S. must withdraw all its forces from the country by August 31, with “no exceptions.” In response to the Taliban threat, Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) urged Biden to ignore the withdrawal deadline. “Damn the deadline. The American people are not going to surrender our fellow citizens to the Taliban.
Psaki Bristles at Suggestion Americans
Are ‘Stranded’ in Afghanistan: ‘Irresponsible’
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/23/2021 4:43:01 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki labeled it “irresponsible” to say that Americans currently attempting to leave Afghanistan are “stranded” in the country, in response to a question from Fox News reporter Peter Doocy at a press briefing on Monday. “First of all, I think it’s irresponsible to say Americans are stranded. They are not,” Psaki said. “We are committed to bringing Americans who want to come home, home,” adding that the U.S. is in touch with Americans in Afghanistan by phone, email, and other communications. “‘There are no Americans stranded’ is the White House’s official position on what’s happening in Afghanistan right now?” Doocy countered.
Biden celebrates moment 'millions have
been waiting for' with the FDA's
approval of the Pfizer vaccine -
but walks out WITHOUT taking questions
as Afghanistan debacle rages on
33 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/23/2021 3:31:20 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden hailed the FDA's approval of the Pfizer vaccine as the 'moment you’ve all been waiting'–as he urged Americans who have been sitting on the fence to get their vaccine shots 'today' but dodged comment on Afghanistan. It was a welcome moment of good news for an administration battered by weeks of negative headlines, from spiking cases of COVID-19 to the collapse of the Afghan government and plunging poll numbers. And Biden, speaking at the White House, portrayed it as a huge victory even though it will be of limited practical value months after the vaccination received emergency approval.
Andrew Cuomo reportedly leaves his dog
behind at Albany mansion
31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/23/2021 12:33:33 PM Post Reply
As disgraced outgoing Gov. Andrew Cuomo packed his bags and sent his belongings to his sister’s house in his last days in office, he left something very important behind—his dog. Instead, Cuomo asked staff at his Albany mansion if they want to take care of his dog, Captain, the Albany Times Union reported, citing two state police sources. The sources also told the publication an Executive Mansion worker recently took Captain home but didn’t want to take care of the canine. The pooch—a 3½-year-old Siberian-shepherd-Malamute mix—has bitten multiple people in recent years, the Times Union reported.
The Afghanistan Debacle Will Relegate
the Current Ruling Class to the Dustbin
of American History
30 replies
Posted by Magnante 8/24/2021 3:07:52 AM Post Reply
The disaster that is the withdrawal from Afghanistan coupled with other innumerable debacles that Joe Biden has singlehandedly precipitated in just seven months should not come as a surprise to anyone who has paid attention to his career. His fifty-years as a politician is littered with a litany of failures due to unforced errors, countless flip-flops, plagiarism, cupidity, mendacity and demagoguery all brought about by an overweening sense of infallibility and egocentrism. Yet he was chosen by the current ruling class to be the figurehead in their devious scheme to defeat Donald Trump by any means possible in the 2020 election.
'Flat wrong': Fox News' Chris Wallace
confronts Blinken on Biden's al-Qaida statement
30 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/23/2021 3:13:04 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday confronted Secretary of State Antony Blinken for statements that President Joe Biden has made on Afghanistan, including the president's claim that al-Qaida is no longer active in the country. During remarks on Friday, Biden said the United States no longer has any interest in keeping troops in Afghanistan because al-Qaida, which was behind the 9/11 attacks, is gone. “What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point with al-Qaida gone?” Biden said. "We went to Afghanistan for the express purpose of getting rid of al-Qaida in Afghanistan, as well as... getting Osama bin Laden. And we did."
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