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Republicans threaten to boycott 2024
presidential debates unless changes
are made

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Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2021 7:55:19 PM

The chairwoman of the Republican Party warned that she would advise the GOP's 2024 White House nominee to skip the presidential debates without numerous reforms from the commission that organizes them.Ronna McDaniel, in a three-page letter sent Tuesday to the Commission on Presidential Debates, slammed the organizers of the 2020 debates for what she called 'repeated missteps and partisan actions.' 'The Republican Party needs assurances that the CPD will make meaningful reforms to the debate process by working with stakeholders to restore the faith and legitimacy it has lost. If not, as RNC Chairman, I will have no choice but

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 6/2/2021 8:00:20 PM (No. 804147)
Sounds right to me. get some Conservatives asking the questions instead of the biased "journalists."
51 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 6/2/2021 8:02:02 PM (No. 804149)
Good. As for moderators, Have Mark Levin host the first debate and make sure HE poses the hard questions to the dim throwbacks.
78 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 6/2/2021 8:17:32 PM (No. 804163)
And if only Rush was still here and could host one of these debates. At this household, we miss him bigly.
92 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: sanspeur 6/2/2021 8:31:09 PM (No. 804172)
Bannon ! or James Woods !! Jon Voight !
43 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: pensom2 6/2/2021 8:49:25 PM (No. 804191)
You know that the Commission on Presidential Debates or the League of Women Voters will not recognize conservatives as legitimate "journalists" and they'll say that journalists are schooled to be independent in their writing, and not be swayed by their personal political views, blah, blah, blah. They'll probably throw the Republicans a bone and say that Chris Wallace is with Fox News, a recognized conservative news site, etc., so stop complaining. Then if the Republican candidate declines to join the debate, Kamela Mattressback or whoever their nominee is, will taunt the Republican candidate, "What are you afraid of? Can't you argue your point of view before unbiased journalists? If you're afraid to debate, you're not Presidential material, and so on. Stacked deck.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Saryden 6/2/2021 8:54:47 PM (No. 804194)
Unless the vote-counting machines and mail-out-in voting are exterminated... it don't make diddly-squat what Rona says. We have no enthusiasm for another fraud election... can't believe Republicans let Dems get away with the Steal!! As they say in Bridge... pencil-whipped.
42 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: local500 6/2/2021 9:15:58 PM (No. 804203)
This was long overdue.
29 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: TXknitter 6/2/2021 9:37:30 PM (No. 804210)
The generalized tone of her letter does not move the powers that be, not one iota. Specific requests that would make major adjustments in who moderates the debates is a good start. Asking for general assurances that there will be fairness is not serious. I am not trying to be negative. We have had how many biased Presidential debate forums designed to help Democrats. Its always the same thing. Our side accepts it and never puts teeth in the threats or truly fights for CHANGE.
24 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Omen55 6/2/2021 9:51:38 PM (No. 804223)
No Chrissy Wallace.
21 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 6/2/2021 11:25:39 PM (No. 804284)
As usual, it will be SOSDD.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Strike3 6/2/2021 11:45:46 PM (No. 804295)
The debates are fine, even with the lunatic rioters outside. Fix the election process or it all means nothing!
15 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: stablemoney 6/3/2021 12:36:20 AM (No. 804317)
I boycotted the 2020 debates. What a farce! Don't bother with presidential debates. It is a waste of time debating a Democrat. Don't make voting a waste of time, Ronna! There is no way I am bothering to vote if Dominion is counting the votes, or the Democrat and RIno Secs of State, and Zuckerburg are running the election.
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 6/3/2021 1:10:18 AM (No. 804348)
They should just PLAN on not going to these Dem propaganda events. If the Dems want to change MASSIVELY, let them submit to Republican control.
10 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: beancounter 6/3/2021 1:52:56 AM (No. 804369)
The candidates should pick the moderators not some left wing organization with zero credibility. They can have 2 moderators and have them take turns asking questions.
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: RedWhiteBlue 6/3/2021 1:58:22 AM (No. 804375)
17 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: RedWhite&Blue2 6/3/2021 2:37:40 AM (No. 804395)
Ok first question.. Do you have any knowledge of Democrat vote fraud at any time anywhere? Second question Do you mind if republicans verify the votes as they are counted? Third question Do you believe that dominion and the Chinese have in place a way to skew the votes toward the democrat candidates? Fourth question Why are you such a liar?
12 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: mifla 6/3/2021 5:28:29 AM (No. 804414)
Only took decades.
8 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Rinktum 6/3/2021 6:15:46 AM (No. 804447)
The problem with the Republican Party is that they will swallow a camel and choke on a gnat. Get your priorities in check. There was massive cheating that changed the outcome of the 2020 election, but let’s make sure the Commission on Presidential Debates gets a strongly worded letter to make sure everything there is on the up and up. What does that matter when the democrats are set to do what they did in 2020 & 2022 in 2024? This is an issue that needs to be addressed but the issue of the day, nay the century, is that an illegitimate fraud is sitting behind the Resolute Desk and the country is being destroyed because of it. Get behind these audits or nothing else matters.
21 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Kafka2 6/3/2021 7:10:04 AM (No. 804480)
This is not a great idea. If this is all that is done, the Republicans will have surrendered to the Democrats. The Republicans need to provide an alternative at the same time the CPD/Democrats are holding their "debate." A President Trump style pep rally comes to mind.
6 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: msjena 6/3/2021 7:45:46 AM (No. 804519)
I wish Trump had skipped the debates. The first one, with Never Trumper Chris Wallace, was a disaster with the candidates interrupting each other and the second one was too late to do any good. As for the future, there is no one who can be an unbiased moderator--at least not among the MSM. We saw this even during the Obama-Romney debate. The debates are basically to see if the moderator can throw the Republican candidate off his game.
10 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: bpl40 6/3/2021 8:10:19 AM (No. 804539)
#2, before looking at the postings, Mark Levin was the first name that I thought of.
7 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: bigfatslob 6/3/2021 8:24:18 AM (No. 804551)
This is far reaching futuristic garbage to be discussing. We better worry about fixing voting fraud before 2022 first. Those debates do mean a thing and hasn't since Hillary and Obama era politics hit Washington. Primary dog shows are better when it within the parties after that it's rigged against the republican candidates. At this juncture since the national fraud of 2020 I think the RNC should be thinking about serious things like winning in the next election and not beyond that.
5 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Blue-Z-Anna 6/3/2021 8:26:49 AM (No. 804553)
Candy Crowley and Donna Brazille need not apply. "Thank you Sir, may I have another?". It's all showbiz 'til we fix the fix.
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: milwaukeeroad 6/3/2021 8:41:49 AM (No. 804568)
Moderator to Democrat candidate: “Why is the Republican Party so corrupt?” Democrat candidate: “Well, blah, blah, and blah.” Moderator, (in all their balance and fairness) then immediately asks the Republican candidate: “Why is your party so corrupt?”
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/3/2021 9:06:32 AM (No. 804591)
Ya think? The Media has always had control of these SHAM debates, asked softball questions of Democraps and Hardball of Republicans...It was very obvious when Pres. Trump was in the debates but he handled them well and shoved most questions up their nether regions! Going forward I wouldn't accept questions from ANY MSM Democrap Hack, first I'd reject their pathetic biased premise (which they always are), then I would criticize the questioner naming their biases/faults, and take down their employer etc. only then I would I'd rephrase the question to be meaningful and truthful, then answer.
3 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Lawsy0 6/3/2021 9:12:07 AM (No. 804600)
The ''debates'' should go the way of the founding organization, the League of Women Voters. Take the hoop skirts, bustles and top hats with you. There is a certain bad taste left from the most recent set of debacles that can only worsen. Like the old adage says, when you've gone too deep, stop digging.
2 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: mc squared 6/3/2021 9:53:45 AM (No. 804672)
If it's the Republican party I know - they'll fold. Probably backwards.
6 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: qr4j 6/3/2021 10:03:48 AM (No. 804682)
As if the threat of boycott even matters . . . until the GOP grows a pair for real, these threats are mere blather.
2 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 6/3/2021 10:35:04 AM (No. 804746)
This article is a bit snarky. Trump didn't give Covid to anyone. Remember here on there was a story about Trump's inner circle and Trump getting the virus and with suspicious circumstances after the first debate. Never trust the demonrats! Check it out!
2 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Zigrid 6/3/2021 10:42:31 AM (No. 804757)
Guess chris wallace is out of the running as moderator...maybe even bret bair...I'd like to see Newsmax offer some alternative moderators...and I wouldn't mind Tucker Carlson... although I rarely watch fox anymore..
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Red Ghost 6/3/2021 12:16:14 PM (No. 804846)
Mega dittos to Ldotter 18. My reaction was exactly the same when I saw this article. First of all McDaniel is a total disaster. She sat on a YUUGE pot of money in 2020 and did absolutely nothing to stop the steal, even as Democrats publicly reported on what they were going to do. And now she writes some ridiculous letter about the 2024 debates, as she sits in her office, hiding under her desk and NEVER,EVER commenting on (at least I haven't seen it if she has) all of the states that are auditing their elections and how they are being thwarted at every turn from uncovering the facts of 2020, whatever they be. What the hell do we have a Republican party for? She should be on TV every single day giving updates on exactly what is happening with those states. Yo Ronna, we aint' never gonna take back the House and Senate in 2022 unless some sort of integrity is restored to elections. Instead of fretting over what will happen in the 2024 debates, I suggest you concentrate on what will be happening in the 2022 election. Got it? The fact that this gross incompetent was re-elected Chair of the RNC tells you everything you need to know about just how lame and what a pathetic loser organization the Republican Party is. She needs to be dumped, today and get someone like maybe Mercedes Schlapp to take over. Then Ronna can go off and have family dinners with her uncle Pierre.
3 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: doctorfixit 6/3/2021 3:13:23 PM (No. 805017)
They're not debates. For Dems, they're schmooze-fests. For GOPs they're a lynch mob. GOPs should boycott them.
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 8:02:49 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 7:45:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 6:02:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 1:31:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 1:24:43 PM Post Reply
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Donald Trump to Headline North Carolina
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 1:08:53 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump will headline the North Carolina Republican Party’s annual State Convention scheduled from June 4-6.Trump’s second appearance since leaving the White House will be held virtually and physically at the Greenville Convention Center: (Tweet) Other notable event speakers will be Gov. Kristi Noem, Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC), Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC), and Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC). Trump’s first appearance after leaving office was at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on February 28. Nearly seven in ten CPAC attendees indicated in a straw poll vote they want to see Trump run for president again in 2024.
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 9:38:12 AM Post Reply
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Biden administration squeezing suburbs
out of existence with zoning laws
29 replies
Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 9:25:43 AM Post Reply
A house with a white picket fence and a big backyard might have been a staple of the American dream once upon a time, but if the Biden administration gets its way, the dream could soon be out of reach for millions of people.As part of his $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, the Biden administration is pushing local governments to allow apartment buildings in neighborhoods that are restricted to single-family homes. The administration claims it's a way to ease a national affordable housing shortage and combat racial injustice in the housing market.Current zoning laws that favor single-family homes, known as exclusionary zoning,
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/2/2021 2:32:25 AM Post Reply
Well this sounds a little racist. Joe Biden on Tuesday delivered a speech on the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. Biden was being his old perverted, racist self on Tuesday. He just can’t help himself. Joe Biden made a racist remark during his speech after telling little girls in pigtails they would get ice cream if they sat through his speech. “The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas,” Biden said.
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Posted by NorthernDog 6/2/2021 10:44:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/2/2021 7:24:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 6/2/2021 4:07:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/2/2021 11:56:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/2/2021 9:41:01 PM Post Reply
Barack and Michelle Obama are creating a Netflix animated series designed to “reframe” how children think about government and civic engagement, with musical performances by artists including Adam Lambert, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Janelle Monáe.Netflix announced the ten-episode We the People is set to debut July 4. The Obamas, who have an ongoing production deal with Netflix, are serving as executive producers on the series, along with Doc McStuffins creator Chris Nee and ABC’s Black-ish creator Kenya Barris.In a press release sent to multiple news outlets, the streamer called the show “an exuberant call to action for everyone to rethink civics as a living, breathing thing
The Award for Worst Political Strategy in
History Goes to Republicans Who Sided
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38 replies
Posted by Imright 6/2/2021 2:46:55 AM Post Reply
The Republican Party successfully captured the record for ‘Worst Political Strategy in World History.’ There is no way they could have performed any worse. What were they thinking?It’s pretty clear after decades of failures and the rise of the Marxist left in the US that Republicans are not the brightest politicians and strategists.They somehow stumble into wins. Their policies make sense and most Americans agree with these policies. But Republicans have a knack for losing even when wins are handed to them.
Queen to meet Biden next Sunday: Monarch
will host US President and First Lady at
Windsor Castle on June 13 after his stay
in Cornwall for G7 summit
32 replies
Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 9:00:29 AM Post Reply
The Queen will meet US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill on June 13, Buckingham Palace has announced. In a statement released this afternoon, it was confirmed that Her Majesty will host the president and First Lady at Windsor Castle next Sunday. Mr Biden, 78, will meet the Queen, 95, after his stay in Cornwall for the G7 summit, which runs from June 11 to June 13. He will be the 13th American president the Queen has met since ascending to the throne in 1953. There is speculation that the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall will also meet the American couple at some point
Republicans threaten to boycott 2024
presidential debates unless changes
are made
32 replies
Posted by Imright 6/2/2021 7:55:19 PM Post Reply
The chairwoman of the Republican Party warned that she would advise the GOP's 2024 White House nominee to skip the presidential debates without numerous reforms from the commission that organizes them.Ronna McDaniel, in a three-page letter sent Tuesday to the Commission on Presidential Debates, slammed the organizers of the 2020 debates for what she called 'repeated missteps and partisan actions.' 'The Republican Party needs assurances that the CPD will make meaningful reforms to the debate process by working with stakeholders to restore the faith and legitimacy it has lost. If not, as RNC Chairman, I will have no choice but
World's largest meat supplier JBS shuts All
of its US beef plants after Russian cyber
attack: Government asks other producers
to pick up slack to avoid meat shortages
and 30% price hikes
31 replies
Posted by Imright 6/2/2021 2:00:53 AM Post Reply
The US could be hit with beef shortages and price rises after the world's largest meat producer was forced to close all of its plants due to a cyber attack which the White House has blamed on Russian hackers. JBS - which supplies 20 per cent of all beef and pork in the US - warned the Memorial Day weekend hack could disrupt its supply chains and increase prices up up to 30 per cent.JBS received a demand from 'a criminal organization likely based in Russia' following the attack that has affected its operations in Australia and North America, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday.
Biden administration squeezing suburbs
out of existence with zoning laws
29 replies
Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 9:25:43 AM Post Reply
A house with a white picket fence and a big backyard might have been a staple of the American dream once upon a time, but if the Biden administration gets its way, the dream could soon be out of reach for millions of people.As part of his $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, the Biden administration is pushing local governments to allow apartment buildings in neighborhoods that are restricted to single-family homes. The administration claims it's a way to ease a national affordable housing shortage and combat racial injustice in the housing market.Current zoning laws that favor single-family homes, known as exclusionary zoning,
Chamber CEO to Congress: Import Workers
for Us, Pay Them with Citizenship
27 replies
Posted by Imright 6/3/2021 1:31:16 PM Post Reply
The U.S. government should import foreign workers for home construction jobs and also pay them with shares of American citizenship, an industry executive demanded Wednesday at an advocacy event held by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.“We, right now, this year, need 430,000 workers [and] over the next couple years by 2023, we’re going to need probably another million,” said Michael Bellaman, the president and CEO of the Associated Builders and Contractors trade group. He continued: We need a merit-based, market-based, rule-of-law worker visa system that provides the necessary opportunities for [foreign] people that want to work in the United States, as well as for our employers to take those
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