Chelsea Clinton reaps $9 million
from corporate board position
The Hill,
Alexander Bolton
Original Article
Posted By: ConservativeYankee,
1/6/2020 2:06:34 PM
Chelsea Clinton has reaped $9 million in compensation since 2011 for serving on the board of an internet investment company, according to Barron’s, the financial publication.
Barron’s reported Sunday that Clinton has profited handsomely as a board member for IAC/InterActiveCorp, a media and internet investment company that has an ownership stake in 150 well-known brands, such as Vimeo, Tinder, Angie’s List and Home Advisor.
Clinton, the only child of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has served on IAC’s board since 2011 and receives an annual $50,000 retainer and $250,000 worth of restricted IAC stock units, Barron’s reports.
Headline corrected. Please post carefully and proofread before submitting.
Everyone, she reaped $9 million. It pains me to correct that.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Sanddollar 1/6/2020 2:18:10 PM (No. 280463)
I thought board members were selected due to experience in business. All she knows how to do is use her family name. I guess that is her expertise. That is a lot of money in 8 years.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 1/6/2020 2:19:38 PM (No. 280466)
I can only think of two people who had/have more talent than Chelbeast - -
Hunter Biden - - who simultaneously ran an energy company in Ukraine, a hedge fund in China, and a legal advisory in Romania - - and - - Chelbeast's own uncle - - the late, great Tony Rodham - - who ran a walnut conglomerate in the Republic of Georgia while also running a gold mine in Haiti.
Gee - - I wish I had talent like those folks do.
34 people like this.
How can any sane person look at this and NOT see a payoff and buying of access to the supposed next POTUS?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 1/6/2020 2:24:47 PM (No. 280475)
Nice work if you can get it!
8 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Clinger 1/6/2020 2:26:11 PM (No. 280476)
Wow, who knew Web Hubble was that influential.
22 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 1/6/2020 2:36:09 PM (No. 280483)
I just don't buy what liberals are selling anymore. They claim unfairness at all levels and, yet, fail to see that a salary of that amount could be dispersed more fairly to other employees. I think I am going to add hypocrite to my adjective list. . .
10 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
earlybird 1/6/2020 2:41:14 PM (No. 280485)
She got 50 grand a year; Hunter the Know-Nothing was pulling in excess of 50 grand a month! Chelsea must be wondering how it all went wrong for her….
18 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 1/6/2020 2:47:05 PM (No. 280487)
Purely political name, zero skills, zero knowledge.
15 people like this.
Must be nice to do very little and make so much - thanks to NBC and Barry Diller:
She earned an annual salary of $600,000 working as a special correspondent for NBC News in 2013 and part of 2014.
Clinton was named to the board of Expedia Group in March of 2017, a position that typically earned $250,000 in 2015, according to a report at the time by The Guardian.
Both IAC and Expedia are controlled by Barry Diller, the business and television mogul, who is a friend of Hillary Clinton.
And, if she was vested in her $250,000 worth of stock units (5,868.5446 shares) at the end of 2011 ($42.60/share on 12/30/11), she'll have quite the capital gains ($253.58 today).
But, if she's getting $250,000 worth each year, it's a whole other amount of $$$$
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Newtsche 1/6/2020 2:55:49 PM (No. 280494)
Yeah great, $9 million, but you get up every day and you're still Chelsea Clinton **sigh**.
21 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
lakerman1 1/6/2020 3:33:23 PM (No. 280536)
Be objective here.
The corporation is paying a relatively small price for possible entre to the Oval Office, should her mother have won the presidency. It was a relatively inexpensive bet.
And if Chelsea wants to whore her ugly self out, hey, this is America, the land of opportunity!
6 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Gruntmedic 1/6/2020 3:46:17 PM (No. 280550)
What did she do to earn it.
8 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 1/6/2020 4:56:04 PM (No. 280601)
I'd like to be a fly on the wall for the board meetings when she deigns to attend. I can't imagine her contributing anything of value unless she brings donuts and coffee.
8 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 1/6/2020 5:00:26 PM (No. 280605)
Another Hunter Biden.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
bad-hair 1/6/2020 5:29:03 PM (No. 280631)
Yo Chelsea, name's Hunter. Whazzup Good Lookin ?
7 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
skacmar 1/6/2020 5:50:25 PM (No. 280652)
Sorry, but Chelsea Clinton is just another example of "It's not what you know, it's who you know". Like most Presidential offspring, she got into a big Ivy League College. I have a hard time believing that the percentage of presidential children who get into Ivy League Colleges is equal to the percentage of their IQ's. They got in based on who their parents are. Name recognition can get you far. The same goes for their jobs after going to college. Chelsea's husband got his job based on his father's business. Chelsea got her job based on her parents names. Hunter (and the other Biden) got their jobs based on dad being VP and Jeb Bush probably got big boost from his father being President. Unfortunately, the media portrays Chelsea a some kind of genius. Lucky for her she is smart enough to take advantage of her name recognition even though none of it is earned.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 1/6/2020 5:56:43 PM (No. 280661)
How nice for you, Chelsea. Being on the right side of Arkancide has its benefits, no?
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The Clinton Crime Family: specialists is influence peddling, extortion and money laundering.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
vhs68 1/6/2020 7:57:07 PM (No. 280751)
#18. FYI: Chelsea attended Stanford for her undergraduate degree. Then Oxford.
Still elite though.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
cor-vet 1/6/2020 8:00:24 PM (No. 280753)
This looks suspiciously like 'white' privilege to me. Mama must be appalled, since she's always complaining about it!
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
TulsaTowner 1/6/2020 8:28:29 PM (No. 280771)
Why is this legal?
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
kono 1/6/2020 8:59:28 PM (No. 280787)
Isn't this kind of BS contrary to the Democrats' supposed ideology? I guess they're going to cynically exploit the current system until they outlaw it.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Salt5792 1/6/2020 9:19:55 PM (No. 280801)
I don't know why. They don't have influence over anything any more.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Penney 1/6/2020 10:43:41 PM (No. 280856)
The deep State is rotten to the core.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Trigger2 1/6/2020 11:37:44 PM (No. 280886)
Well known brands? Really? Never heard of them, nor would I ever use any of them. Being a Clinton, I'm sure there's a lot of fraud going on in each of them.
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How about those taxes ? IRS audit her or Hunter ?
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
tootall 1/7/2020 6:59:47 AM (No. 281007)
The Board of Directors of these Corporations should be held PERSONALLY liable for these corrupt payoffs to individuals they have hired. Hired without the expertise they are supposedly being paid to bring to decision making; merely to provide access to lawmakers or collude (yes, I used the C word) with competitors illegally.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
ROLFNader 1/7/2020 11:00:06 AM (No. 281247)
Geez,#14- have you never seen her or heard her talk?
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