AI, mRNA, Cancer Vaccines and "Stargate"
Robert W. Malone, MD, MS
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
1/22/2025 4:35:36 PM
Here they go again. Really? Is this the narrative you would want to push two days into your second term as President of the USA?
Calling Susie Wiles, press room, STAT, we have an emergency narrative control problem ….
I can’t believe that we are being spoon-fed this hype from the likes of Oracle’s Larry Ellison so soon after the inauguration. Having this guy lecture us on mRNA vaccines for cancer is over the top. And apparently the prior propaganda reference to “Star Trek” (operation warp speed) is no longer effective, and we need something bigger, more potent. Something else out of science fiction television that evokes yet another trendy topic -
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 1/22/2025 4:45:30 PM (No. 1879392)
I will carefully and assiduously be avoiding any and all mRNA 'vaccines' for ANY malady. I trust Malone far more than any of these billionaire hot shots.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 1/22/2025 4:46:56 PM (No. 1879394)
Stargate may be the wrong solution. We need to be looking at how to get around the Moore’s law barrier. mNRA vaccines…still experimental, still unproven. Trump warns to move with shock and awe, I caution a little more deliberation
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Illinois Mom 1/22/2025 4:49:35 PM (No. 1879395)
Hearing mRNA perked my ears up too. Maybe it's good to know the plan right off of the bat so we can follow this technology from the start. I'll listen to Dr Malone on this one.
AI is in our future, and it is going to be developed. I'm glad right now that these big tech firms will be doing it here in the U.S. rather than China.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 1/22/2025 5:02:22 PM (No. 1879401)
Who needs dangerous MRNA when ivermectin works so effectively?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
stablemoney 1/22/2025 6:29:20 PM (No. 1879444)
Ellison is tone deaf to the disgrace government mandates have brought to vaccines. I could not distinguish between Ellison, Gates, and Fauci by his message. Ellison did not address privacy concerns of electronic medical records, doctor concerns with employer mandated treatment protocols, and other issues. Ellison should have stuck with AI being a library of human knowledge that everyone can access. AI is not artificial intelligence. AI is a collective of human knowledge input to a computer. It takes humans to input the information, assess whether the information is accurate, or useful. Mathematical iterations can be done that a human could not do in years, if ever.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
anniebc 1/22/2025 6:33:20 PM (No. 1879449)
Ellison is not a doctor, but yesterday, he acted like he knew everything there is to know about medicine.
Three words. One World Government.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Heil Liberals 1/22/2025 6:59:09 PM (No. 1879466)
Here is my beef with this: Someone actually allowed Ellison to get close enough to POTUS Trump to talk him into supporting this. This could be the unneeded battle right at the beginning of his term. STOP! Ellison is looking for his teat on the Fedzilla pig. Focus on what we elected him to focus on. This is and will become a distraction that is full of graft, theft, and all other manner of criminality because - cancer cure! It won’t. I would rather they focus AI on eliminating doctors medical errors that kill over 100k people per year.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
earlybird 1/22/2025 7:08:53 PM (No. 1879477)
This should be a mst read if for other reason that most don't know that cancer is not a single disease, it is not like an infectious disease, and probably impossible to immunize against. It is just too complex. Read Dr. Malone.
He winds up with this:
The risks associated with infectious diseases are generally overstated. The human immune system has been dealing with infectious diseases during the entire course of human evolution, basically fighting off the threat to a standoff. Much of the neanderthal DNA that persists in the general population involves those very major histocompatibility complex molecules that are so critical to managing antigen presentation and immune responses.
Many of the risks associated with cancer can be traced back to environmental toxins, lifestyle, obesity, and dietary factors. In my opinion, we are highly unlikely to discover some universal magic bullet vaccine or therapeutic for treating or preventing cancer. What we can do, with a high probability of success and measurable improvements in public health, is to do “The Science” (tm) necessary to better understand these things, and to accurately and succinctly convey that information to the public.
That is how we should be spending public funds. Not on bankrolling some new “cancer moonshot” program named after a science fiction TV program, and based on outdated ideas that have been on the table and (largely unsuccessfully) explored for decades.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
red1066 1/22/2025 7:55:27 PM (No. 1879511)
When I heard Ellison mention mRNA vaccines as part of this Stargate AI push, red flags went up immediately. The Covid mRNA non vaccine has ruined any trust in anything mRNA. They may improve AI, but if they think anything mRNA is going to go over well with most people, they're in for a big surprise.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Strike3 1/22/2025 9:17:04 PM (No. 1879580)
No worries for now. They won't get this AI thing off the ground for another ten years.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Zigrid 1/23/2025 10:57:18 AM (No. 1879944)
Okay lost me....have a happy and fun weekend....
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 1/23/2025 1:46:29 PM (No. 1880061)
I watched the interview of Megan Kelly with Nicole Shanahan (Bobby Kennedy's running mate). It was enlightening. They are skeptical of any new mRNA vaccines. There needs to be more caution about this AI and cancer designer vaccines since the Covid shots and the total shutdown of free speech in this country from 2020-2024 during that time. No one was allowed to criticize Fauci or any of the medicines that were on the market for years that was known to be effective. No, we had to take the clot shot and take expensive medications that made billions of dollars for Big Pharma.
Americans no longer trust Big Pharma and Big Government. It's going to take a long time before many will trust a new vaccine because of what was done to us. Talking to friends and neighbors, we've all lost that trust that our government has our best interests at heart. That's sad.
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