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Report: Chelsea Clinton Eyeing UK Diplomatic
Post if Kamala Harris Wins Election

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Posted By: Imright, 8/5/2024 6:16:40 AM

Chelsea Clinton is aspiring to take up an ambassadorship if Kamala Harris claims the presidency come November, sources confided to the New York Post, with the UK seen as the first choice in her diplomatic ambitions. “Chelsea really wants to be the ambassador to the UK,” said a Clinton source cited by the outlet. “There’s a reason why Bill and Hillary came out in the first five minutes to support Kamala’s presidential bid — they were currying favor.”The source said the Clintons have been “working on this idea for a long time” and would like to see her accepted by The Court of St James’s.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PChristopher 8/5/2024 6:28:52 AM (No. 1772752)
Oh God, please no!!!
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 8/5/2024 6:29:10 AM (No. 1772753)
If they didn’t fluff themselves, who would?
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: chumley 8/5/2024 6:50:26 AM (No. 1772763)
Forget it Chelsea. The only things in the UK left to steal are the Crown Jewels, and they keep an eye on those. Your precious migrants got the rest with the help of the government.
24 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 8/5/2024 6:57:17 AM (No. 1772768)
Does her husband work? Or does he just grift off her grift of PIAPS and Horndog, both of which are keeping out of the spotlight lately.
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mifla 8/5/2024 7:07:38 AM (No. 1772775)
I wondered why the Clintons were so quick to endorse Kamala. Now I know why.
30 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: MissNan 8/5/2024 7:15:50 AM (No. 1772783)
She looks so much like Hillary, only worse.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: hisself 8/5/2024 7:16:52 AM (No. 1772784)
Just what this country needs, Chelsea Clinton representing us. . .
22 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: hisself 8/5/2024 7:17:51 AM (No. 1772786)
Another good reason to vote for Trump!
28 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: privateer 8/5/2024 7:22:30 AM (No. 1772790)
The Oinkubette is hungry for power. But she is as unlikable as the Pig Woman, but with zero capabilities. And a face that would stop an 8-day clock.
19 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: AbingtonJim 8/5/2024 7:33:54 AM (No. 1772800)
Even with plastic surgery, Webb Hubbell's daughter is not an attractive woman. Perhaps she can convert to Islam and wear a burqa.
23 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 8/5/2024 8:23:50 AM (No. 1772830)
Grifters gotta run their grifts. Can't actually do anything useful, so they just act like leeches.
18 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Peregrine 8/5/2024 8:43:21 AM (No. 1772853)
What does she bring to the table besides a knife and fork?
18 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: jkb 8/5/2024 8:47:25 AM (No. 1772861)
She wants to play princess just in time for the islamists to take down the monarchy.
15 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: TexasHillCountry 8/5/2024 8:54:15 AM (No. 1772868)
If anyone can think a less qualified individual for such a post I would be interested to know who that incompetent might be.
21 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: hershey 8/5/2024 9:03:51 AM (No. 1772876)
How about Hati...afterall that's where some of the Clinton money went....supposedly...
20 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 8/5/2024 9:13:07 AM (No. 1772884)
She's 44 years old, and has only held jobs that her parents gave her (Clinton Foundation) or got for her (NBC, various board seats), and she has been unexceptional in every one. I have no doubt, however, that if KH wins the election, Chelsea will get a cushy appointment in the Harris administration that doesn't require ability or showing up. Ditto for her failed hedge fund founder husband.
22 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: chillijilli 8/5/2024 9:43:49 AM (No. 1772910)
Of course the UK ambassadorship would be her first choice for her diplomatic ambitions. The 12-story $1 BILLION glass cube with a moat is the most expensive US Embassy building in the world, with a staff of 800. Don't all 44 year olds have ambassadorships as a midlife goal... or is that only for white elites? For a laugh (or a cry) find an image of that embassy and realize that usually only massive donors and experienced diplomats would be considered for that job. Now I know why PIAPS has been so quiet. She's been sucking up big time promoting Chelsea and didn't want to say a single thing that Harris might take issue with. She sees herself in that embassy as an advisor hanging on to Chelsea's coattails this time rather than Bill's.
18 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: NorthernDog 8/5/2024 10:00:38 AM (No. 1772916)
How about Libya? She can clean up the mess her mother left in Benghazi.
20 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: udanja99 8/5/2024 10:03:35 AM (No. 1772918)
Once upon a time not so long ago, being the US ambassador to the Court of St. James was an important job. Now, not so much.
12 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: udanja99 8/5/2024 10:07:30 AM (No. 1772919)
One more thing - Chelsea, that hair style went out in the early 1970’s.
9 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: felixcat 8/5/2024 10:40:22 AM (No. 1772932)
Too bad the Clintons along with Chelsea's long hair were out of style. Somewhat OT but have you noticed that on Newsmax, in particular, if you're a female show host, you have got to have very long hair? I'm sorry but you reach a certain age - lose the looong hair.
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Readaholic 8/5/2024 10:40:54 AM (No. 1772933)
It’s been awhile since she’s had a juicy sinecure.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Italiano 8/5/2024 10:53:56 AM (No. 1772940)
You really thought that the vacuous, entitled ditz would ever go away?
11 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: paral04 8/5/2024 11:08:28 AM (No. 1772955)
If God forbid, Kamala wins she need to make Chelsea ambassador to Iran. That should keep her busy. Trying to get appointments with anyone of consequences for openers.
8 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/5/2024 12:09:30 PM (No. 1772997)
Hey Chelsea, I hear McDonalds is hiring Burger Flippers, this seems like a 100% match to your "Skills"!
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: padiva 8/5/2024 12:25:42 PM (No. 1773011)
BJC would want to visit often to meet new babes.
8 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: TXknitter 8/5/2024 3:11:02 PM (No. 1773106)
Diplomatic posts have been given to big donors or the well-connected regardless of qualifications for a long time. Can you say Calista Gingrich? Caroline Kennedy? UK government and Royals would love having a suitable lefty like Chelsea in the position. However…Harris is not going to be President. Trump/Vance 2024 MAGA LANDSLIDE please Almighty God
4 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: padiva 8/5/2024 4:42:31 PM (No. 1773156)
PIAPS wants to be Sec'y of State again so she can travel the world (at the taxpayers' expense) with dirty hair.
1 person likes this.

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Transgender: Tim Walz Signed Law to Strip
Children of Parental Protections
1 reply
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 8:55:01 AM Post Reply
Gov. Tim Walz signed a law that strips parental protections from out-of-state teenagers and children who claim to want irreversible transgender medical treatment in Minnesota. He also signed laws that install tampon-dispensing machines in K-12 schools to broadcast the state’s claim that teenage girls can choose their legal sex, and also a law that allows pedophilia to be someday legally protected under existing state anti-discrimination laws. President Donald Trump’s campaign is eagerly spotlighting Walz’s pro-transgender advocacy, and is describing him as “#TamponTim.”
Teachers spark debate for 'Alphabet Song'
tune changes: 'Hits my ears wrong'
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Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 8:49:51 AM Post Reply
Social media users appear to be divided as educators are revealing online how they are altering the way in which they teach young students the "ABCs." Different from the classic "Alphabet Song," the latest version is switched up by separating the letters into different groups and changing the ending to, "Now I will never forget, I know how to say the alphabet." On TikTok, literacy advocate and Florida resident Jessica Farmer shared a video of herself singing the "new" song on her account, @Farmerlovesphonics.
Watch JD Vance Explain Why Policies Supported
by Kamala Harris and Democrats Are Preventing
Americans From Becoming Homeowners (Video)
0 replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 8:24:35 AM Post Reply
JD Vance appeared on the Sean Hannity show tonight and said that one of the questions he is asked the most by voters is why it is so difficult for Americans to buy a house and become homeowners. He absolutely nailed the explanation in a very direct answer, which he laid directly at the feet of Kamala Harris and her party. Vance explained that the two main problems are the flood of illegal immigrants into the country who make competition for housing much worse. And secondly, high interest rates which make purchasing a home that much more difficult.
Kamala Harris: Tim Walz, Who Dodged Iraq
Duty, Is ‘Varsity’; JD Vance, Who
Fought in Iraq, Is ‘JV Squad’
5 replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 8:21:43 AM Post Reply
Democrat Presidential candidate Kamala Harris made an odd sporting comparison between her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and Donald Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), calling it a match between the “varsity team and the JV squad.” Harris made the comparison during her announcement of Walz as her VP pick on Tuesday, and referred to his time as a high school football coach. “When you compare Walz’s resume to Trump’s running mate, well, some might say it’s like a matchup between the varsity team and the JV squad!” she said before laughing.
AP Reporter: The Kamala Honeymoon Is Coming
to an End
9 replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 12:45:53 AM Post Reply
Even before Kamala Harris picked left-wing Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, reporters were catching wind of Kamala Harris's honeymoon period ending. That timeline might have been pushed up with Walz, a midwestern version of Lenin. The Democratic Party opted for political suicide instead of picking Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, which was everyone’s choice because it made the most sense. We all forgot that Kamala Harris is an idiot. For those who wonder why her campaign imploded before the 2020 primaries began, this is why: she makes horrific decisions, among other things. Last night, Associated Press reporter Michelle Price warned that Harris’
REMINDER: Just a Month Ago, Tim Walz Was
One of the Democrat Governors Insisting
Joe Biden Was Fine to Run for Reelection (Video)
5 replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 12:29:35 AM Post Reply
This is an amazing reminder of how much has happened to the Democrats in this election in just a month. At the beginning of July, Joe Biden was still the presumptive Democrat nominee but rank and file Democrats and their media allies were in total panic over Biden’s diminished mental state which had just been exposed for all to see. As a result, Democrat governors from all over the country came to Washington, DC to meet with Joe Biden at the White House. Several of these governors emerged from the meeting and insisted that Joe Biden was just fine to run for reelection.
Kamala Harris’ VP pick Tim Walz completes
the progressives’ takeover of the Democratic Party
10 replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 12:22:11 AM Post Reply
The media’s drooling over Kamala Harris for making Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz her running mate exposes the big picture: Democrats are offering voters the most far-left ticket a major American party has ever devised. All the DEI boxes are checked, but there is no ideological or political diversity. They are two people who are physically different but share a single radical viewpoint. The contrast with just four years ago is stunning. Then, Joe Biden was depicted as a centrist who picked Harris because of her biracial status and gender and also because she checked the progressive box with her left-coast policies.
WATCH: Tim Walz Called Trump ‘Fascist,’
‘Threat to Democracy’ Weeks After
Assassination Attempt
4 replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 12:18:39 AM Post Reply
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), who was unveiled Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, said last week that former President Donald Trump was a “threat to democracy,” and called Republicans “fascist.” Walz seemed unperturbed by the fact that such hostile, incendiary rhetoric has been widely blamed for creating the context of fear and hatred in which a gunman tried to kill Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania just weeks before. Walz parroted the Democratic Party talking point that Trump and running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) are “weird.” But he continued: These guys are just weird. [Laughter] That’s who they are. It isn’t much else.
‘So Fake’: X Has A Field Day With
Harris Phone Call Asking Walz To Be Her
Running Mate
8 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 7:35:44 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris posted a video on Tuesday showing the phone call in which she invited Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) to be her running mate — and critics had a field day with just how “fake” and “scripted” the whole scenario appeared to be. “When I called @Tim_Walz this morning to ask him to join our campaign, I shared my deep level of respect for him and the work we’ve done together. We’re going to unify this country and we’re going to win. Let’s go get this done,” Harris captioned her post. (X Video)
Does This Cringe CNN Interview Help Explain
Why Pelosi Suggested Biden for Mt. Rushmore?
6 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 7:32:25 PM Post Reply
On Monday night, CNN aired the interview that Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had with Dana Bash about her relationship with President Joe Biden. In the days leading up to Biden's July 21 withdrawal from the presidential race, Pelosi was among those who reportedly had a role in his ouster. Her particularly icy appearance spoke even further to the strained relationship, even as she had just laughably suggested that Biden should be on Mt. Rushmore. During her interview with Bash, Pelosi claimed "I had nothing to do with that" with regards to her "allies" who were among those calling on Biden to withdraw:
Megyn Kelly: Walz Is "Gavin Newsom With
White Hair," This Is About The Pair That
Loves America And The Pair That Doesn't
3 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 7:07:11 PM Post Reply
Megyn Kelly reacts to Kamala Harris' pick for vice president, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), and the difference between the Republican and Democratic party's nominees. From Tuesday's edition of 'The Megyn Kelly Show' on SiriusXM: MEGYN KELLY: Tim Walz changed the Minnesota flag to look almost exactly like the Somali flag. It's a dead ringer for the flag of Somalia. It's got the highest population of Somalis than any other state in America. And you look at Kamala Harris' website… good luck finding an American flag on there. Good luck finding one policy…[There’s] nothing. You know what it is? It's LGBTQ pride merch. That's what's on her website.
Tim Walz unites AOC and Democratic foe
Joe Manchin as party rallies around VP
pick: 'It's really kind of nuts'
6 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 6:58:41 PM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is basking in newfound Democratic unity, remarking that it's 'really kind of nuts' both her and centrist Sen. Joe Manchin approve of Kamala Harris' VP pick. Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate following days of anticipation. The 60-year-old father-of-two is a former U.S. congressman, school teacher and served more than two decades in the Army National Guard. He was seen as a more liberal pick than fellow frontrunner Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.
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Tim Walz picked as Kamala Harris' VP in
the 2024 presidential election
35 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 9:04:12 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota's progressive governor Tim Walz as her running mate after weeks of speculation, according to CNN. The 60-year-old father-of-two, who has been married to his teacher wife Gwen since 1994, joins the ticket in a victory for the progressive left of the party who were concerned about some of the other contenders' support of Israel. In Minnesota he has codified the right to abortion, signed universal free school meals, legalized recreational marijuana and gave voting rights to former prisoners.
NBC: 'Moderate' Walz Looks 'Like a Lot
of Dads,' Hails Ticket As 'A Beautiful Mosaic'
25 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 3:45:38 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris selecting Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate on Tuesday caused NBC's cast of characters to gush with praise. Throughout the coverage, Walz would be called a “moderate” who can win over Republicans and a "progressive" who can appease Muslim and Arab voters upset with President Joe Biden on Israel while also being lauded for looking “like a lot of dads,” while the Harris-Walz ticket was described as a “beautiful mosaic.” White House correspondent Gabe Gutierrez’s biography of Walz recalled, “After moving to Minnesota, he volunteered for John Kerry’s presidential campaign, and in an upset, he was elected to Congress in 2006.
Trump Says Joe Biden Will Try to “Take
Back the Nomination” at the DNC After
It Was Stolen by Kamala — “I HEAR
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/6/2024 5:36:41 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that Joe Biden will attempt to reclaim the Democratic nomination after it was “stolen” by Kamala Harris. This comment comes in light of recent announcements confirming Harris’s position as the Democrat presidential nominee, following a controversial series of events leading to Biden’s abrupt withdrawal from the 2024 race. Last week, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison announced that Harris has amassed enough delegates to secure her place at the top of the ticket, with final results expected to be confirmed on Monday. Despite never winning a primary election, Harris has now found herself positioned as the official Democrat nominee.
Wow: Josh Shapiro Backed Out of the Kamala
Veepstakes at the Last Minute
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 4:49:02 PM Post Reply
As recently as last week, Kamala Harris appeared to be on the cusp of picking Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.) as her running mate. Despite the progressive backlash against him and a slew of scandalous leaks, he was the runaway frontrunner in the betting odds as conventional wisdom held that Kamala needed a "moderate" swing state Democrat to help expand her path to 270 Electoral College votes. Shapiro's chances remained high even after he faced serious allegations by a fellow Democrat of covering up harassment in his office. The sexual harassment cover-up didn't take Shapiro out of contention, and neither did another cover-up — this one involving murder.
RFK DESTROYS New Yorker Hit Piece on Him
and I Haven't Laughed This Hard In Years
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/6/2024 10:29:11 AM Post Reply
The New Yorker set out to write a total, ruinous take-down of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Tuesday to force the nephew of Camelot to bow down to commie Kamalot. RFK Jr. took the story, utterly destroyed and exquisitely mocked it, and hilariously commanded his own story—a scoop— that the magazine had hoped would horrify voters but instead made me laugh harder than I have in years. RFK Jr. put his own story out on X, taunting The New Yorker, "Looking forward to seeing how you spin this, @NewYorker." Kennedy obviously got a head's up the story was coming and decided he'd get in front of it, scooping the magazine.
Is Harris/Walz a Throwaway Ticket? 18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 4:37:17 PM Post Reply
This has already been a weird election cycle, and no, I'm not talking about anything JD Vance said about cat ladies. It's the Democrats that are behaving strangely, even for them - and given that they have been maintaining a Weekend at Bernie's presidency for almost four years, keeping befuddled old Joe Biden in place, insisting he was "sharp as a tack" and "on his game" until they couldn't hide the fact any longer that His Dessicatedness has lost it. So now they have anointed Joe's life insurance policy, Kamala Harris, Queen of the Word Salad. And as RedState informed you, she has picked
Here is the Deciding Factor in Kamala
Harris’s Decision to Reject Pennsylvania
Governor Josh Shapiro as Running Mate
and Pick Radical Leftist Tim Walz Instead
18 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 12:22:20 PM Post Reply
As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate to the delight of anti-semites and socialists across the country. Walz is a radical leftist who presided over the George Floyd riots in 2020 and ignored cries from across the state. Instead, he stated that “a society that does not put equity and inclusion first will come to this result.” (X Video) He even mocked Minnesota national guardsmen as a bunch of ’19-year-old cooks” when asked why he rejected Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s request to send them to the city.
Minnesota Nice: Creepy Tim Walz Uses Fake
Internet Sex Meme to Mock JD Vance
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 10:19:10 PM Post Reply
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) referred to a crude sex joke based on a fake meme to make fun of rival Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) during a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate. “I can’t wait to debate the guy,” Walz said, to cheers. Then he added: “That is, if he’s willing to get off the couch and show up.” The crowd roared with laughter. “You see what I did there?” he said, clearly aware of the joke. The joke refers to a meme that claims Vance had sex with a couch, based on a fake citation from his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy.
Pakistani National with Iranian
Ties Charged with Murder-for-Hire in Foiled
Assassination Plot Against President Trump
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 3:29:35 PM Post Reply
A federal complaint unsealed on Tuesday in Brooklyn has charged Asif Merchant, also known as “Asif Raza Merchant,” a 46-year-old Pakistani national, with murder-for-hire in connection with a foiled assassination plot targeting a politician or U.S. government officials on American soil. The plot was thwarted by law enforcement before any attack could be executed. Merchant is currently in federal custody in New York, according to the press release. FBI investigators believe that the intended targets of the plot included Trump and other current and former U.S. government officials, according to a U.S. official briefed on the matter, per CNN.
Secret Service whistleblower makes damning
claim about the lead agent during Trump's
assassination attempt
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/6/2024 11:00:02 AM Post Reply
A whistleblower is claiming that the lead Secret Service agent in charge of Donald Trump's deadly Butler, Pennsylvania, rally was 'inexperienced' and 'failed to implement appropriate security protocols.' (snip) 'The site agent, the lead agent, was known to the Trump campaign to be inexperienced, to be ineffectual, to be, frankly, incompetent at their job,' Hawley told Fox News' Jesse Watters Monday evening. 'I'm also told by whistleblowers that on that day, she was not enforcing the normal security protocols.' The Missouri senator noted a slew of concerning abnormalities with the tragic rally from flags that obstructed agents' views to authorities forgoing ID checks.
Minnesota National Guard Leaders Expose
Tim Walz for Stolen Valor: Lied About
Rank, and Quit Upon Learning of Iraq Deployment
14 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 3:32:25 PM Post Reply
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, recently announced as Kamala Harris’ running mate for the 2024 election, has been accused of stolen valor by retired leaders of the Minnesota National Guard. Retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr published a scathing letter in the West Central Tribune, exposing what they claim are significant fabrications and omissions in Walz’s military record. Walz, who served in the US House of Representatives for 12 years before being elected governor in 2018, has long touted his military service as a key component of his public image. The retired leaders assert it is their duty to expose what they describe as a pattern of deception
‘Sanctuary state’ Gov. Tim Walz gave
illegal migrants taxpayer-funded healthcare,
tuition, driver’s licenses
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 11:37:39 AM Post Reply
President Biden’s “border czar,” Veep Kamala Harris, has chosen a fellow soft-on-illegal-immigration politician as her running mate. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, 60, who was named Harris’ vice-presidential pick Tuesday, has supported efforts to turn his home state into a sanctuary state while also backing other stances that cater to undocumented migrants. “My position on Minnesota becoming a sanctuary state boils down to who has the responsibility for enforcing immigration laws,” Walz told CBS News in 2018. “Here’s what I believe: Congress has given federal agencies the authority to enforce immigration laws in Minnesota, and I support their doing so,” he said. “Congress has not given local law enforcement that same authority.
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