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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revokes
plea deal for accused 9/11 terrorists
in shocking reversal

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Posted By: Imright, 8/2/2024 9:28:33 PM

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin revoked plea deals on Friday that would have spared the death penalty for the accused mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and two alleged accomplices. In a memo, Austin, 70, announced that he relieved the official responsible for signing off on the plea agreements from authority and that he assumed control of the Convening Authority for Military Commissions. (Photos) “I have determined that, in light of the significance of the decision to enter into pre-trial agreements with the accused in the above-referenced case, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me as the superior convening authority under the Military Commissions Act of 2009,” Austin wrote.


* Craig McCarthy & Chris Nesi

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Reply 1 - Posted by: hershey 8/2/2024 9:31:02 PM (No. 1771614)
Wow...did he actually do the right thing, finally???? Should have turned them into pig manure a long time ago...
92 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: stablemoney 8/2/2024 9:38:16 PM (No. 1771616)
Democrats discovered their political suicide, and backed out of the deal to try and save themselves --- but the mindset has been exposed, and everyone knows the true inclinations of the Democrats, and should act accordingly.
129 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Nashman 8/2/2024 9:38:45 PM (No. 1771617)
Nobody did the right thing... the deal polled really badly with the public. Only reason for the retraction.
143 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Nimby 8/2/2024 9:39:54 PM (No. 1771618)
Guess they did a poll and found it is going to hit Kamala’s election ???
91 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 8/2/2024 9:44:21 PM (No. 1771619)
What’s the backstory? Or, if you prefer, what are they not telling us?
68 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: itsonlyme 8/2/2024 9:47:06 PM (No. 1771620)
August 2, 2024 "The Convening Authority for Military Commissions, Susan Escallier, entered into pretrial agreements with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, the DOD said." Aaron Rugh Chief Prosecutor Clay Trivett Managing Trial Counsel Jeffrey Groharing Trial Counsel Charles Zelnis VWAP Director
22 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 8/2/2024 9:58:18 PM (No. 1771621)
Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin defended the plea bargain today in a slobbering report.
27 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 8/2/2024 10:19:23 PM (No. 1771622)
Austin was FOR the plea agreement before he was AGAINST it.
67 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mc squared 8/2/2024 10:27:30 PM (No. 1771624)
Did NOBODY think this may be unpopular. Especially when Harris expects to be the POTUS. 5 year olds in charge.
59 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Californian 8/2/2024 11:22:02 PM (No. 1771633)
It's an election year. No one was stopped or fired for giving Iran billions of dollars of Hamas a billion dollars after October 7 or Ukraine 100+ billion dollars or ....
48 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Birddog 8/2/2024 11:52:33 PM (No. 1771639)
This is the 3rd or fourth time something similar has happened and been crawfished by political honcho's, leading to yet another appeal by the peps defense teams, they are now(yet again) demanding a Dismissal because of it. The 2006 law, revised in 2009 has conditions and codicils to prevent ANY "Command Influence" in the making of, or breaking of convictions, sentencing and plea agreements. Dems attacked Trump, Sessions, and Mattis for doing something similar in 2017/2018, Then Biden rejected nearly the same deal last Sept. The Lady Brig.General in charge of it all was Beau Bidens old Boss(back when he was "killed" in Iraq) Not sure how it works in the Army, but a similar "Loss of confidence in Command" decision in the Navy would be an "End of Career Letter".
27 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Omen55 8/3/2024 12:26:47 AM (No. 1771647)
he relieved the official responsible for signing off on the plea agreements Did he fire dem?
23 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 8/3/2024 12:53:47 AM (No. 1771653)
AMAZING. Now take them out and put a bullet in each head, and dump them in the sea off of Gitmo. END THIS.
41 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: thefield 8/3/2024 1:32:44 AM (No. 1771660)
#13 I am ashamed of you. With their physical condition you don't need to waste a bullet. Just dump them overboard.
21 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: crashnburn 8/3/2024 1:59:30 AM (No. 1771662)
#13, I vote for the nearest pig farm!
26 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: DVC 8/3/2024 2:11:37 AM (No. 1771665)
Re #15, might make the pigs sick and I wouldn't buy meat from those pigs.
19 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: watashiyo 8/3/2024 2:36:09 AM (No. 1771668)
It's a bummer for the terrorists. Yesterday was full of joy, but drowning in grief today.
14 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Strike3 8/3/2024 3:45:12 AM (No. 1771674)
I'm sure the backlash from real Americans was deafening. This does not make Austin the good guy for being shamed into doing the right thing.
41 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Trigger2 8/3/2024 3:50:41 AM (No. 1771676)
Shocking? Not hardly. All one has to do is remember that this is an election year and demonrats have to demonstrate that they're not that bad and once in a while, sanity and common sense comes back.
21 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/3/2024 6:32:42 AM (No. 1771733)
Was Austin getting a Spine Transplant in Walter Reed a few months ago? That's quite a shift for "that black guy," as Biden would refer to him.
15 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Jethro bo 8/3/2024 6:46:51 AM (No. 1771740)
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut very now and then.
14 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: privateer 8/3/2024 6:55:50 AM (No. 1771745)
It is never shocking when Dems back off a position that they learn was 'unexpectedly' terribly unpopular. They live only for power, and popularity is an important precursor of that. As people, they are stuck in a mean girl, student council member mindset. They can still hate the people they have to please to get what they want.
19 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: vrb8m 8/3/2024 7:14:48 AM (No. 1771754)
Standing Wolf was right.
15 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: janjan 8/3/2024 7:29:59 AM (No. 1771763)
It has taken the Feds 21 YEARS to discuss a plea agreement with these monsters?? They should have been whacked a long time ago. Their lives are worth nothing. It’s astounding.
38 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: JackBurton 8/3/2024 7:38:05 AM (No. 1771768)
to Poster #2... Democrats always discover the right thing and correct course... an election year. But only until the election.
26 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: 3XALADY 8/3/2024 7:42:48 AM (No. 1771769)
Too many likes to count for #24. They have been breathing our air for 23 years too long. What is wrong with you people!
25 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Hazymac 8/3/2024 7:46:38 AM (No. 1771772)
Re #23: Oldtime LDotters remember the often repeated mantra of the upright lupine: "Nuke the terrorist savages." Best thing for them, really. Their therapy was going nowhere.
17 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: msjena 8/3/2024 8:35:11 AM (No. 1771788)
Will someone ask Harris if she favors the death penalty for these murderers?
23 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: aripeny 8/3/2024 8:50:30 AM (No. 1771791)
The biden administration slide this in, hoping Americans wouldn't notice since some of the Russian hostages were coming home. The biden-harris got caught and the great American people spoke loud & clear, we aren't going to allow these terrorists to get away with killing our own, in our country.
19 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/3/2024 9:01:46 AM (No. 1771796)
Mr. Secretary, so, biden the cheater got on the horn and told you to clean this up asap before Kamalie could explain this mess in another one of her word salads?
21 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Lawsy0 8/3/2024 9:16:52 AM (No. 1771804)
Yeah, but drowning in grief is too slow. By about 24 years!
13 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/3/2024 10:12:40 AM (No. 1771824)
Is there any one out there who really believes that Austin made an independent decision...I think became obvious that the out cry from the victims families would cause a large deficit in the voters in New York because of the deaths of Americans...and so the obama machine quickly decided to back off...New York is up for grabs now...and they are leaning towards President Trump...that's why....
17 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: felixcat 8/3/2024 10:17:09 AM (No. 1771825)
Did anyone catch the "interview" of the man who lost a brother on 9/11 and is in charge of the 9/11 Families on Fox and Friends this morning? Somehow he blamed Trump for everything: the attacks, this plea, etc. As if the Clintons, Obama and Bush never existed.
12 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/3/2024 10:39:30 AM (No. 1771838)
Good ole Austin, always there to cover Joey's sorry behind! Hang the scum NOW and save all the Drama!
11 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: moebellini3 8/3/2024 10:51:53 AM (No. 1771845)
Real question is, who is running this country. Lets face it. Biden is done, he's an eggplant, Harris isn't done, she was never there in the first place. The dumb get dumber. This country has been destroyed in the last 3 1/2 years and still, no one has gone to jail. We might not last until November. Got it.
12 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: John Farson 8/3/2024 11:07:04 AM (No. 1771855)
Why are these bastards still alive? Stand them up against a wall and shoot them. Starting with their knees.
10 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: danu 8/3/2024 12:46:44 PM (No. 1771908)
in these trying economic times, we opine there's money to be saved in staging ksl's final 'you're going to hell' ceremony...along with a pork bbq sammich tossed into his earthen hole. promise him the 72 virgins, but give him sjl, as all 72 wrapped up in one. such a deal. however, satan is appealing the plea deal, in part. agrees to take ksl, and sammich--not sjl.
3 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: bighambone 8/3/2024 1:57:57 PM (No. 1771950)
Generals in the Army are also politicians, or in peacetime their chances of being promoted to the General Officer ranks would be dim. In this case you can bet that the General who approved the deal with the terrorists took that decision with the initial approval from the Department of Justice and the White House. Then came a massive backlash to that decision from the American people especially in New York and other locations affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Following that you can bet that the White House and the Democrats ducked, and told the Secretary of Defense to revoke the plea deals, as White House and the Democrats realized that them reaching a deal with the 9/11 terrorists during the run-up to the November election could well cause Harris to crash and burn in that election. So in the end that General who approved the deal with the 9/11 terrorists is being flipped into a scapegoat, with the White House and the Democrats ducking the issue entirely.
4 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 8/3/2024 8:59:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Lucky5 8/3/2024 10:46:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/3/2024 4:15:25 PM Post Reply
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Posted by pensom2 8/4/2024 12:52:59 AM Post Reply
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CNN Stunned as a Group of Black Men at
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Posted by Imright 8/3/2024 8:59:41 PM Post Reply
A group of Black men at a barbershop in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, voiced their skepticism on Kamala’s racial identity. This comes as Harris has frequently identified as Indian-American throughout her political career and even during her campaign for vice president. (X's Videos) President Donald Trump recently took the stage at the National Association of Black Journalists conference, where he didn’t hold back on addressing questions surrounding Harris’s shifting racial identity. During a heated exchange with ABC’s nasty and rude reporter Rachel Scott, Trump responded,
Kamala Camp's Response About a Fox Debate
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17 replies
Posted by Imright 8/3/2024 2:03:26 PM Post Reply
As we reported, former President Donald Trump agreed to a presidential debate on Fox, moderated by Bret Baier and Martha McCallum in Pennsylvania. After agreeing to go on CNN, this time, Trump set some terms of his own with Kamala Harris, specifying an audience--something that thQuite frankly, he's gracious to give them any debate at all, given the machinations they've pulled, shoving Joe Biden to the side. As Trump noted in his statement about the debate, what the Democrats did here is the "real threat to democracy."But now comes the response from Harris:
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17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/3/2024 10:35:31 AM Post Reply
Democratic strategist James Carville said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that Vice President Kamala Harris was “not close” to beating former President Donald Trump in November. Guest host Michael Steele said, “I want to touch on a little bit of the noise he made earlier this week, which I personally appreciated and wanted to make sure people understood what I thought of what you said, when you caution folks. All the exuberance and all the excitement we are seeing right now in the campaign is good, it’s healthy, it is important, particularly given the campaign for Joe Biden was. Your point is don’t let that exuberance cloud
Kyle Rittenhouse flip-flops on Trump support
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16 replies
Posted by DVC 8/4/2024 1:08:21 AM Post Reply
Kyle Rittenhouse, the conservative campaigner who shot two men during a Black Lives Matter protest nearly four years ago, flip-flopped this week on whether he would be voting for Former President Donald Trump in the November election. Rittenhouse, 21, took to X on Thursday, to declare his intentions to instead write in former Libertarian presidential nominee Ron Paul, who is not running for president. “Unfortunately, Donald Trump had bad advisors making him bad on the Second Amendment and that is my issue,” said Rittenhouse. “If you cannot be completely uncompromisable on the Second Amendment I will not vote for you.”
Harris Blames Bad Economy On — Who Else? 16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/3/2024 10:41:21 AM Post Reply
Vice President or Something Kamala Harris has just gotten some bad news in her quest to become the next person to pretend to be president of the United States, if she isn’t doing that already: the Biden regime Labor Department on Friday released a jobs report that shows that job growth is cratering while unemployment is rising. As job growth has been one of the chimerical accomplishments that Old Joe and his henchmen have most often touted as evidence of the “success” of the regime, this was the last thing the woman whom we now all love and admire wanted to hear.
July 13 Butler Rally First Time Secret
Service Sent Counter-Sniper to Trump Event
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/4/2024 9:39:29 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania — where he survived an assassination attempt — was the first time the Secret Service sent a counter-sniper to a Trump event to protect the 45th president, the agency admitted. “It was the first time Secret Service counter-snipers were deployed to support the former president’s detail,” Secret Service acting director Ronald Rowe revealed during a Friday press briefing. Watch Below: (Video) “With respect to why they were there in Butler, listen, we evaluate our threat landscape every day, we calibrate based on that threat, we evaluated a threat stream that we have, and we put our Secret Service counter-sniper personnel
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