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Suburban moms focused on Kamala’s intersectionalism
ignore their kids’ futures

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Posted By: DW626, 7/28/2024 10:22:24 AM

The two greatest demographic bulwarks of the modern Democrat Party are urban blacks and suburban college-educated women. The first is a true mystery, given the degradation of our cities under 70 years of straight Democrat control. The second, though, is a less explored, greater mystery for at least one large subgroup: Those suburban college-educated women with children. Over the last 40 years (and accelerating over the last 15), there has been a significant decline in all types of education metrics in the US. Math scores. Reading scores. And try to get the average high schooler (or even college student) to write you a structured, grammatical, and coherent paragraph!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 7/28/2024 10:48:47 AM (No. 1767802)
Society today has people who are generally more distracted, gullible, entitled, narcissistic, and intolerant of both other people's opinions and their own ignorance. I think its because of a combination of social media and having too much convenience\. If its one thing American want, it's convenience, even if its not good for us. We don't have to grow food, or hunt for it, shop for it, or even cook it if we don't want to. Same thing with news-we're bombarded with a plethora of news outlets but almost all of them are promoting an agenda instead for just giving us who/what/how/where/when, they TELL us why.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 7/28/2024 10:51:30 AM (No. 1767805)
Every candidate has a cohort of reliable voters. These are Kamala's
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Reply 3 - Posted by: marbles 7/28/2024 11:11:58 AM (No. 1767818)
Are these women so stupid that all they can see is woman of " color "? They lack the critical thinking to understand that kami has absolutely no qualifications to be in any office of power and responsibility and that she is against the principles that this country was founded upon.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: dwa 7/28/2024 11:27:59 AM (No. 1767825)
College "educated" women aren't really educated, they are indoctrinated into Leftist ideology -- and apparently easily indoctrinated
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Reply 5 - Posted by: wilarrbie 7/28/2024 11:55:34 AM (No. 1767847)
We've been bombarded for the past coupla decades that THE most important qualifiers for positions of power and responsibility is reflected most by one's skin color and gender, just so long as it's not White, and especially White and male. So, Whoo-hoo - we got a candidate who is double qualified. She'll pick Buttiboy for the trifecta and we'll be ff to the races.
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Nothing Is Out Of Bounds In Attacking
Kackling Kamala
15 replies
Posted by DW626 7/29/2024 5:27:12 AM Post Reply
One of the challenges of defeating Kamala Harris is figuring out just what to slam her on. There are so many powerful lines of attack to use against this leftist hack that it takes some consideration to figure out which is the most effective. But already, some Republicans are trying to help leftists place some of the most potent attacks are being put off limits. We’re being told there are certain things we just can’t say about her. We’re not supposed to mention that she’s a goofy weirdo with an evil laugh. We’re not supposed to mention she’s an incompetent DEI hire.
Suburban moms focused on Kamala’s intersectionalism
ignore their kids’ futures
5 replies
Posted by DW626 7/28/2024 10:22:24 AM Post Reply
The two greatest demographic bulwarks of the modern Democrat Party are urban blacks and suburban college-educated women. The first is a true mystery, given the degradation of our cities under 70 years of straight Democrat control. The second, though, is a less explored, greater mystery for at least one large subgroup: Those suburban college-educated women with children. Over the last 40 years (and accelerating over the last 15), there has been a significant decline in all types of education metrics in the US. Math scores. Reading scores. And try to get the average high schooler (or even college student) to write you a structured, grammatical, and coherent paragraph!
VP Kamala Harris Had a 92-Percent Staff
Turnover During Her First Three Years-
‘Soul-Destroying Bully’ Whose Toxic
Behavior Left People in Tears
10 replies
Posted by DW626 7/27/2024 7:06:31 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’s inability to hold onto staff due to her allegedly toxic behavior and accusations of bullying is common knowledge. Open the Books reports Harris had a 92 percent staff turnover during her first three years. Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job. The rest either quit or were fired. One former staffer told the Washington Post, “It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work.” “With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence.
US Government Agrees to Pay Peter Strzok
$1.2 Million in Lawsuit Settlement Over
Release of Anti-Trump Text Messages
35 replies
Posted by DW626 7/26/2024 9:22:05 PM Post Reply
The Justice Department agreed to pay former FBI special agent Peter Strzok a $1.2 settlement over the release of his anti-Trump text messages. Peter Strzok sued the DOJ for ‘unlawfully disclosing’ his text messages to his paramour Lisa Page. Strzok and Lisa Page discussed an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of office. “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office…that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected…but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok text messaged to Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 exchange, referring to Andrew McCabe.
Journalist Who Criticized Aaron Rodgers
for His Views on COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Dies
Unexpectedly’ at 43
15 replies
Posted by DW626 7/26/2024 4:46:42 PM Post Reply
Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune (TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday. Driscoll’s death was announced by his news network. “We’ve lost a friend and beloved colleague, but Tacoma and Pierce County have lost someone who never stopped caring,” said fellow TNT writer Sean Robinson. Washington Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA) also paid tribute to Driscoll on social media. “Tacoma still has the Rainiers and the Narrows Bridge, but our City of Destiny has a hole in our hearts at the loss of Matt Driscoll. What a big heart and an insightful pen he gave us. I miss him already,” wrote Inslee.
Ben Carson Tells Tucker Carlson That The
Media Will Elevate Kamala Harris To “Godlike
Figure” (Video)
6 replies
Posted by DW626 7/26/2024 2:06:18 PM Post Reply
Dr. Ben Carson recently sat down with Tucker Carlson, and the two discussed several topics, such as Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 race, the Trump shooting, Kamala Harris, and much more. Kamala Harris was brought up when Tucker asked Dr. Carson, “What do you think of Kamala Harris?” Carson responded, “I think she is a politician. And she’s interested in the accumulation of power and control.” Tucker asked Carson again, “Do you think she believes in anything?” The former HUD Secretary answered quickly, “Yes, I think she is a Marxist.” Tucker then asked Carson a very important question: “Do you think Kamala can win?”
Newsweek descends deeper into the gutter
of vile propaganda
8 replies
Posted by DW626 7/26/2024 7:27:28 AM Post Reply
A lot of people assume that Democrats heavily influence the media. But that is not just an understatement but an inaccurate statement. To be influenced, the media and Democrats would have to separate organizations. Also, the Democrats would have to employ their powers of persuasion to influence the media. In reality, the media is the propaganda arm of the Democrats. There is no difference between the utterances of the press and the Democrats. If you want to know what the Democrat leadership is thinking, just follow in the mainstream media.
The Fate of Kamala Harris 10 replies
Posted by DW626 7/26/2024 7:25:04 AM Post Reply
The current presidency is by all accounts in its final days, a lurching leviathan sinking into the great abyss, a footnote for the history books. Over the weekend, Joe Biden found himself stranded in the political wilderness, long on detractors but short on friends. Facing insurmountable odds, Biden folded his hand and, giving only one minute’s heads-up to his staff, notified the world that his campaign for a second term was over. He intends to remain in office for the final few months but the House speaker, The National Review, and others are calling for him to skip the curtain call
A World of Illusions 2 replies
Posted by DW626 7/26/2024 7:22:04 AM Post Reply
Nothing is as it appears. Kim Cheatle resigned as director of the Secret Service under intense pressure. In a rare display of bipartisanship, Republicans and Democrats grilled Cheatle as she stonewalled in front of James Comer’s House Oversight Committee. Stonewalling is art among Biden administration appointees. Yet, don’t think that committee Democrats joined Republicans on principle. As always in Washington, low politics downed Cheatle, a favorite of Doc Jill Biden. That favoritism showed the weekend Donald Trump was shot.
We Might Know Why Obama Has Been Silent
About Kamala Harris
6 replies
Posted by DW626 7/25/2024 2:09:56 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama released a detailed letter in the aftermath of President Joe Biden dropping out of the race. It did not endorse Kamala Harris, who is taking over the top spot on the 2024 Democratic Party ticket. Most of the party is behind Harris since they have no other choice. The party is saddled with two loser candidates, though one—Harris—appears to have solved the Democrats’ fundraising problems for now. Yet, the most popular Democrat has been mum on Harris, and we know why: he also thinks she can’t beat Trump
It’s Far from Over 4 replies
Posted by DW626 7/25/2024 12:20:56 PM Post Reply
The second candidacy of Ronald Reagan was the last time things have gone so well for a Republican campaign. We are in a time of a turning tide, a time where the Stalinist left is being exposed, where leftists are in disarray, and where American ideals long buried are being resurrected. Trump’s miraculous skirting of death has opened the eyes of many people to the evils we face. Breitbart’s saying that politics is downstream from culture is finally reassuring for those not on the left. Our nation is waking up from its slumber. I need to add that warning bells and sirens should be going off.
Is Donald Trump safe? 15 replies
Posted by DW626 7/25/2024 7:35:08 AM Post Reply
Trump supporters cheered when we saw that the former president had survived the assassination attempt and pumped his fist in defiance and heroic resolve. We mourned the death of Corey Comperatore who died heroically protecting his family from harm, and we prayed for David Dutch and James Copenhaver who were seriously wounded by the assassin’s bullets. In the days afterwards, we’ve been overwhelmed with the tumult surrounding the Secret Service’s epic and compounded failures in securing the rally site and allowing an unsophisticated,
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
'No one is above the law': Biden calls
for sweeping Supreme Court reforms
38 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/29/2024 6:44:56 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden called for major changes to the Supreme Court on Monday, including a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity for presidents, impose term limits for justices and stipulate an enforceable code of ethicst. In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Biden said "no one is above the law." “Not the president of the United States,” he wrote. “Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one.” In July, the Supreme Court ruled that presidents cannot be prosecuted for "official acts" during their time in office. The court's ruling stemmed from a case concerning former President Donald Trump.
Who is Pete Buttigieg? Transportation
Secretary is a potential Harris running mate
37 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/28/2024 9:10:26 AM Post Reply
When Vice President Kamala Harris became the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination following President Joe Biden’s dramatic exit from the race on Sunday, the next question was: Who will she select as her running mate? A Harris campaign official told USA TODAY on Thursday that the Vice President is searching for a running mate who has “shared values of fighting for the middle class, protecting democracy and freedoms, treating people with respect and dignity, and creating an America where everyone gets a fair shot,” as she prepares to square off against the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump and
It All Tracks – Hersch Reports Barack
Obama Threatened Biden with 25th Amendment Removal
28 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/28/2024 4:01:55 PM Post Reply
In popular lingo young people simply say, “that tracks.” It’s a quick way of saying, new information makes sense with pre-existing information. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersch writes on his substack [SEE HERE], an article outlying how his sources in Washington DC and the White House have confirmed to him that former President Barack Obama was the impetus to push Joe Biden out of the 2024 presidential race.Seymour Hersh says President Obama was “deeply involved” with the alleged coup and called Joe Biden after his “incident” in Las Vegas, which, from all outward appearances, looks like a major slip and fall – with a significant hit to the head.
Interns Were Warned Not to Look Kamala
in the Eye: "That privilege was only allowed
to senior staff members."
26 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/29/2024 3:41:09 PM Post Reply
The “public servants” in Washington D.C. act like our masters. And it’s an open secret that not only are many members of Congress horrible bosses, the more ‘officially oppressed’ Congressmembers (and some of the most socialist ones like Sen. Bernie Sanders) are the absolutely worst and nastiest bosses. [SNIP] Harris vocally throws around “F-bombs” and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day. As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General.”
AOC claims J.D. Vance and Republicans
are running on an 'incel platform': Squad
member says GOP is 'obsessed' with women
and 'watching what LGBTQ people do'
22 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/29/2024 3:56:09 PM Post Reply
Squad leader AOC sounded off on Donald Trump and running mate J.D. Vance's 'SUPER weird' political platform, saying they're trying to attract sexually frustrated voters. [SNIP] Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's assault on Trump and Vance supporters was accompanied by a flurry of insults at the Republican presidential ticket, calling the GOP pair 'creepy' and 'abnormal.' 'Being obsessed with repressing women is goofy,' AOC posted on X in response to a post from former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. 'Trying to watch what LGBTQ+ people do all the time is abnormal.'
Paris Olympic Official Claims Opening
Ceremony Achieved Goal of Showing ‘Community Tolerance’
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/28/2024 3:43:11 PM Post Reply
Despite a furious backlash that is still going well into its third day, the spokesperson for the Paris Olympic Committee believes that their LGBT and drag queen-inspired opening ceremony performance achieved its goal of “community tolerance.” Anne Descamps, an official with the committee, told reporters on Sunday that their performance hit its intended mark.“Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. (The opening ceremony) tried to celebrate community tolerance,” Descamps told reporters, according to Reuters.“We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense, we are really sorry.”
Kamala reportedly ignoring her daily presidential
intelligence briefs
21 replies
Posted by DVC 7/29/2024 4:43:00 PM Post Reply
What kind of president would Kamala Harris be if she were in office and another 9/11 struck? According to reporter Seymour Hersh, probably a pretty surprised one. She doesn't read her daily presidential intelligence briefings, because, well, that's "homework." Kamala doesn't do homework, as previous reports have noted. [snip] Kamala would be the nominee if she could perform, and here was Obama's concern: "One possible drawback, I was told, was Harris’s sometime disdain for the work of the US Intelligence Community. She is known not to be especially interested in the President’s Daily Brief, a highly classified summary of current intelligence..."
Warren: As President, Harris Will Work
with Congress to ‘Create a Pathway to Citizenship’
21 replies
Posted by Imright 7/28/2024 5:20:33 PM Post Reply
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that as president, Kamala Harris will work with Congress to “create a pathway to citizenship.” Anchor Jake Tapper said, “President Biden charged Vice President Harris with addressing the root causes of mass migration at the border by going to those Central American countries. She’s consistently defended his handling of the border crisis. I don’t need to tell you voters overwhelmingly disapprove of how the Biden-Harris administration has handled the border by giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort. So aren’t democrats doubling down on one of your party’s biggest vulnerabilities?”
Biden formally unveils plan to overhaul
Supreme Court — with focus on limiting
Trump’s powers
20 replies
Posted by Imright 7/29/2024 9:09:39 AM Post Reply
President Biden formally unveiled his planned overhaul of the Supreme Court on Monday — with a clear eye on limiting the powers of former President Donald Trump should he succeed him. The commander-in-chief took the unusual step of unveiling his major planned policy steps in a newspaper op-ed, with the Washington Post helpfully telling readers: “The writer is president of the United States.” The president laid out three main changes to the court — which he said is “mired in a crisis of ethics” — including term limits and a binding code of conduct.
Associated Press Celebrates Trans-Infused
Olympics Opening Ceremony as ‘Unprecedented
Display of Inclusivity
20 replies
Posted by Imright 7/28/2024 10:20:31 PM Post Reply
After the exercise in debauchery seen in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics, the Associated Press raced to praise the transgender-infused program. The AP was agog over the program created by gay French artist Thomas Jolly.Aside from the scores of obviously gay dancers, the large number of transgenders, and the dance scene suggesting a bisexual three-some sex encounter, Jolly was also condemned for a gross parody of the famed “Last Supper” painting that depicts the last time Jesus Christ met with his disciples.
Sanders: Biden Had ‘Most Progressive’
Presidency ‘in Modern History’
20 replies
Posted by Imright 7/28/2024 6:14:28 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) praised President Joe Biden as someone who “has put together the most progressive agenda and accomplishments of any president in modern history.” While discussing his lack of a formal endorsement of 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris and what commitments he wants from her, Sanders said, “I’m going to do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump, clearly the most dangerous president in our history, somebody who doesn’t believe in democracy, the right of women to control their own bodies. We don’t talk about it enough, this guy thinks climate change is a hoax
Does “accepting” gays mean we have
to pay them to mock our religion?
19 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/29/2024 12:27:11 AM Post Reply
Twenty-six years ago, a young man named Matthew Shepard was beaten and strung up on a Wyoming barbed wire fence to die. The beating and murder were because Shepard was gay. The perps were quickly found, tried for murder, convicted, and sentenced to prison. They’re still there. It was a good news story about bad news and was widely reported. But it wasn’t true. It has since been shown that Shepard and one of the perps were in the drug business together. Shepard was due to receive a $10,000 shipment of meth. The perp himself was gay and had been in a gay relationship with Shepard.
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