Pelosi: Biden Is Reducing Inflation
Breitbart Clips,
Jeff Poor
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
6/27/2024 2:08:19 PM
Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the former Speaker of the House, declared President Joe Biden was “reducing” inflation in America.
According to the California Democrat, Biden was not only proactive regarding the U.S. economy but also employed means to save the world from climate change.“So then you look at something else,” she said. “People are concerned about inflation; 16 Nobel laureates came out this week and said that if what’s-his-name were elected president, with his fiscal policies, inflation would just increase enormously in our country. And you have Joe Biden on the other side
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
thekidsmom66 6/27/2024 2:19:54 PM (No. 1744581)
If that Nobel letter gets brought up, Trump should say something like, "I'm sure this has the same credibility as the letter you produced from the Intel officials saying Hunter's laptop was fake?".
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 6/27/2024 2:53:19 PM (No. 1744593)
A different liar telling a Big Lie about the main liar who is actually making inflation WORSE every day.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
MickTurn 6/27/2024 2:53:50 PM (No. 1744594)
Yea, if you're drinking a quart of SCOTCH before Lunch, right NanNoneEmpty?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
JimBob 6/27/2024 2:57:39 PM (No. 1744603)
What I have noticed is that the HairSniffer and his handlers have, over the last 3 years, significantly reduced my purchasing power.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
hershey 6/27/2024 3:49:31 PM (No. 1744645)
Biteme isn't doing anything except ruining this country, bit by bit....he needs to be voted out...him and all his alphabet appointees...(dunno what scrap heap his turning over to find them)
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Birddog 6/27/2024 4:04:05 PM (No. 1744655)
"Biden is reducing his wife beating...he has gone from an all time high of 9 wifebeatings per day, to a highly reduced, closer to statistical averages, THREE point four times per day! Praise him!!"-Nancy P-lousy
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This is Nancy-speak for: "He had to raise inflation in order to lower it.."
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Skinnydip 6/27/2024 4:34:26 PM (No. 1744665)
Seems like Nancy doesn’t know the difference between inflation and the rate of inflation.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 6/27/2024 4:43:35 PM (No. 1744667)
And box wine from Kansas is superior to anything Napa Valley offers too right nancy?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
24tea@Mag 6/27/2024 4:49:23 PM (No. 1744670)
Pelosi lies or she is living in another world.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 6/27/2024 4:53:25 PM (No. 1744673)
Pelosi's and 0'Biden's idea of "reducing Inflation" is : Letting the air out of your tires.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
thekidsmom66 6/27/2024 5:51:14 PM (No. 1744693)
There was an episode of Frasier where they were doing an old-fashioned radio show (Nightmare Inn). Frasier cut a bunch of lines from the dialog of his colleague, Gil. So, Gil kept trying to find ways to interject his lines. Frasier finally "kills" the character, so Gil keeps starting over as a different person - the deceased's brother, cousin, etc., until Frasier "killed" them all. Nancy reminds me of Gil. She just keeps coming back, insisting on being seen and heard. She's obnoxious
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Some enterprising reporter should ask Pelosi, the pig elitist, if she noticed that the price of her ice cream went up.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
mifla 6/28/2024 10:03:27 AM (No. 1745225)
And who caused the inflation in the first place, Nancy?
Not sure why you are still in Congress. You have your insider trading millions and a nice freezer filled with ice cream. Go home Nancy,
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
paral04 6/28/2024 11:28:23 AM (No. 1745297)
Nancy needs to hit the supermarket and look at the prices and then compare the same items, ounce for ounce, against what they were 4 years ago. Do the same for gasoline while she is at it.
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