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Alaska National Guard plans deployment
to assist federal government on US-Mexico border

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Posted By: Pinkpanther, 2/5/2024 7:15:43 PM

The Alaska Army National Guard said Friday it has begun preparing for a potential deployment early next year in support of the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts. In a prepared statement, the Alaska National Guard on Friday said that a memorandum from the federal government had been issued, directing Alaska forces to prepare two LUH-72 Lakota helicopters and 20 guardsmen to potentially be deployed in early 2025. The units would help provide aviation support to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said Alaska National Guard spokesperson Alan Brown. Ryan Wierzbicki, a spokesman for the U.S. Army’s Joint Task Force North, said in a phone interview


Interesting this comes at a time when Texas has a conflict with the feds over the border.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 2/5/2024 7:40:37 PM (No. 1651621)
The deployment will not come until 2025. After Trump is Inaugurated. Trump will need them to close the border-------------------Tight. Whoever ordered this knows Trump will win.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Omen55 2/5/2024 7:58:31 PM (No. 1651636)
Just need every Red state to deploy troops to TX & called Joey's bluff.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: itsonlyme 2/5/2024 9:27:21 PM (No. 1651681)
"potentially be deployed in early 2025" While Homeland Security Secretary continues to intentionally open up the border to ILLEGALS. Mayorkas. Enemy Of The People.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Proud Texan 2/5/2024 10:46:29 PM (No. 1651700)
Is Biden trying to cause another constitutional crisis by using one states national guard against another state's national guard, or make sure Alaska isn't able to guard their own border?
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 2/5/2024 10:54:41 PM (No. 1651707)
About time fir some gray uniforms?
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 2/6/2024 4:33:46 AM (No. 1651792)
Hopefully, they won't be needed to prevent Putin from taking Alaska back.
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: 5 handicap 2/6/2024 6:55:41 AM (No. 1651818)
I wonder who's side they'll be on when the shooting starts?
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Reply 8 - Posted by: mc squared 2/6/2024 10:14:06 AM (No. 1651976)
I had to read it twice. The Alaska NG isn't being sent to help Texas but in " support of the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts" That sounds like helping ICE allow illegals to escape..
3 people like this.

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Alaska National Guard plans deployment
to assist federal government on US-Mexico border
8 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 2/5/2024 7:15:43 PM Post Reply
The Alaska Army National Guard said Friday it has begun preparing for a potential deployment early next year in support of the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts. In a prepared statement, the Alaska National Guard on Friday said that a memorandum from the federal government had been issued, directing Alaska forces to prepare two LUH-72 Lakota helicopters and 20 guardsmen to potentially be deployed in early 2025. The units would help provide aviation support to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said Alaska National Guard spokesperson Alan Brown. Ryan Wierzbicki, a spokesman for the U.S. Army’s Joint Task Force North, said in a phone interview
Stanford scientist, after decades of study,
concludes: We don’t have free will
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Posted by Pinkpanther 10/21/2023 12:32:41 PM Post Reply
Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generation. Today we know epilepsy is a disease. By and large, it’s accepted that a person who causes a fatal traffic accident while in the grip of a seizure should not be charged with murder. That’s good, says Stanford University neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky. That’s progress. But there’s still a long way to go.
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Posted by Pinkpanther 6/6/2023 9:25:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Pinkpanther 5/25/2023 4:44:53 PM Post Reply
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Fatalities Confirmed, At Least 9 Hurt
in Shooting at Allen Outlets
13 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 5/6/2023 8:28:32 PM Post Reply
An unknown number of people are dead and at least nine are injured after a mass shooting at the Allen Premium Outlets Saturday, according to police officials. Allen Police confirmed there were fatalities in the shooting but were not yet ready to release the number of people who had been killed. Allen Fire Chief Jonathan Boyd said at least nine shooting victims were taken by city ambulances to area hospitals but cautioned that there could be others who were injured who were taken to hospitals other ways. U.S. Rep. Keith Self (R-McKinney, District 3) said on Twitter at about 6:15 p.m. that the gunman was no longer a threat
Frisco Fair canceled due to public safety concerns 6 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 5/4/2023 11:06:22 AM Post Reply
FRISCO, Texas - The city of Frisco has decided to pull the special event permit for the Frisco Fair effective immediately due to public safety concerns. The Fair, which was scheduled to run until May 14, has been canceled effective immediately after 911 was called multiple times on Saturday night. The city says 911 dispatchers received multiple calls regarding disruptive behavior arguments, fights and gunshots. Frisco police later posted on Facebook that social media posts inaccurately reported the incidents at the fair and said that no arrests were made and that there were not any known gunshot victims.
Defiant Trump releases new video as he
waits for indictment vowing to dismantle
the 'deep state' by firing 'rogue' bureaucrats,
targeting corruption, getting rid of media
leakers and overhauling the federal government 
7 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 3/21/2023 6:54:52 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump on Tuesday set out his plans to dismantle what he calls the 'deep state' and root out corruption in Washington, issuing a video statement as he waits to be indicted by a New York grand jury. It is reportedly finishing hearing evidence and could make a decision on Wednesday about whether the former president should face charges in connection with hush money paid to Stormy Daniels. The case has reignited Trump's accusations that Democrats have weaponized key institutions against him. 'This is how I will shatter the deep state and restore government that is controlled by the people
FBI Headquarters Purges Leaked Intelligence
Document Targeting ‘Radical-Traditionalist Catholics’
17 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 2/10/2023 9:27:09 AM Post Reply
FBI authorities purged from its system an unclassified intelligence document that targeted traditional Catholics following a whistleblower leak. FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin says the document, first published in UncoverDC, specifically points to “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists in radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology.” Through tripwires and liaisons, which are trusted contacts, Seraphin noted, the FBI can employ threat mitigation against such groups ahead of the next election. The document draws attention to the so-called Radical-Traditional Catholic, described as someone who rejects the Second Vatican Council as a valid church council, shows disdain for most of the popes elected
Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty 16 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 10/31/2022 11:49:53 AM Post Reply
In April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes. We all wore cloth masks that I had made myself. We had a family hand signal, which the person in the front would use if someone was approaching on the trail and we needed to put on our masks. Once, when another child got too close to my then-4-year-old son on a bridge, he yelled at her “SOCIAL DISTANCING!” These precautions were totally misguided. In April 2020, no one got the coronavirus from passing someone else hiking. Outdoor transmission was vanishingly rare  CORRECTION*
IRS seeks armed accountants ready for
‘deadly force’
23 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 8/10/2022 8:47:04 PM Post Reply
Even before Congress and President Joe Biden give the final OK for the IRS to hire 87,000 more agents in an $80 billion package, the tax agency is revealing a priority job category that could get first dibs on the huge budget expansion. On its jobs page is a listing of vacancies for special agents to be placed around the country to root out financial fraud. But these are opening for more than just financial experts: They will also be armed. Among the job requirements listed: “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”
NYC Mayor Eric Adams declares war on Texas
Gov. Greg Abbot for bussing illegal migrants
to the Big Apple and says he is considering
dispatching New Yorkers to the border
to campaign to unseat him!
31 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 8/9/2022 8:37:08 PM Post Reply
Big Apple Mayor Eric Adams wants to take his quarrel with Governor Greg Abbott to Texas, threatening on Tuesday to bus New Yorkers to the Lone Star state to get out the vote against the southwestern Republican. 'I already called all of my friends in Texas and told them how to cast their vote,' Adams said. "I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of New Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good old fashion doorknocking, because for the good of America we have to get him out of office.'Abbott is facing former Democratic flavor-of-the-month Beto O'Rourke in the November gubernatorial general election.
Christians are sick of being punished
for their views in America
8 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 7/10/2022 10:33:03 AM Post Reply
It may seem radical to say it these days, but it’s true: America is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. Words from scripture are inscribed on our money and our most hallowed institutions, including Congress, the US Supreme Court and state capitols everywhere. Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges our “Creator” as the being from whom all our rights flow. This does not mean that other religious groups are not welcome in America. Of course they are. People who practice no religion at all are also welcome. But while the First Amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion,
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Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 3:39:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 2/5/2024 11:58:06 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 3:42:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 10:23:07 PM Post Reply
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We were friends for years. Trump tore
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30 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 2/6/2024 11:59:40 AM Post Reply
I miss my friends. We lost one another somewhere along the way, through the pandemic and politics of the last few years, old boys who had known one another since Little League and caught boatloads of walleyes together on Storm Lake in Iowa. (snip) I know where I live. Northwest Iowa is a frozen slice of Texas, one of the most conservative places in the country. I guess I am what you call woke because I don't think immigrants are the problem; I think income — lack of it — is the problem.
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30 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 10:44:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 2/5/2024 7:56:13 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 8:38:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 2/5/2024 8:58:38 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 8:44:10 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's foul language continues after he allegedly called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a 'bad f****** guy.' People who have spoken to President Joe Biden are claiming that the 81-year-old leader called Benjamin Netanyahu a 'bad f****** guy' in private conversations, Politico revealed. Biden's alleged insults come as the U.S. is dragged further into war and conflict in the Middle East. Politico's Jonathan Martin wrote a column on Sunday explaining how Biden, 81, is losing millions of votes amongst young liberals for the United States' support of Israel amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza with Hamas.
King Charles III is diagnosed with cancer:
Monarch, 75, postpones public duties and
returns to London for immediate treatment
after medics spotted condition while he
was undergoing surgery for enlarged prostate
25 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 2:11:35 PM Post Reply
King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace announced in a statement this evening. The 75-year-old monarch has returned to London from Sandringham to begin treatment immediately. It is not connected with his recent surgery and is not prostate cancer, but medics spotted it when he underwent his medical procedure for an enlarged prostate. The King is understood to have personally informed his sons Prince William and Prince Harry about his condition. The Duke of Sussex will travel to the UK to see him in the coming days, a source close to Harry said.
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