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Younger Americans fearing 2024 election
could spark a civil war are preparing
for disaster: 40% of Gen-Z have spent
money on doomsday preparations, new survey finds

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Posted By: Imright, 12/4/2023 11:56:48 PM

More young Americans are doomsday prepping ahead of the next presidential election over fears of a societal collapse or failed natural disaster response, a survey has found. Gen-Z, adults born after 1997, is the most likely to be preparing for a disaster with a whooping 40 percent claiming to have spent money on doomsday supplies in the past year, according to a Finder survey. The survey of 2,179 US adults was conducted from January 9 to February 17 and has a two percent margin of error. Finder - who has been collecting prepping data since 2017 - asked people if they had spent money preparing for emergencies over the last twelve months.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 12/5/2023 1:34:34 AM (No. 1610744)
Perhaps they are smarter than we think. Of course, ten cans of beans and a case of Ramen Noodles with a 24 pack of water bottles isn't much in the way of "prep".
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: FJB 12/5/2023 3:20:16 AM (No. 1610758)
Well, what did we expect? Barry Hussein ran to transform our nation and won twice.
13 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: mifla 12/5/2023 4:04:06 AM (No. 1610760)
If they are serious about this, they would also be buying guns.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: petrichor 12/5/2023 6:20:19 AM (No. 1610785)
The Gen Z snowflakes I've heard in interviews are not people who cope well. I can't believe that they represent the majority of Gen Z. Then again, time will tell. I have wondered about how well the progressives will respond to Trump's election. Maybe we'll hear screams in the night for four years.
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Krause 12/5/2023 7:04:22 AM (No. 1610814)
Gen Z, probably the most debilitated group of students by being subjected to fascist professors at subversive universities.
9 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: skacmar 12/5/2023 8:06:01 AM (No. 1610861)
Since this bunch of depressed, helpless, whiney babies get their information from Tick Tok, CNN, & MSNBS, and are continually told that it is the end of democracy if Trump is reelected, Republicans take over Congress, and that the US is spiraling towards fascism by conservative policies. It is no wonder these snowflakes are melting. Of course, if the were not indoctrinated in liberal theology, they could think for themselves and realize all of the liberal fear mongering has been happening for years and years and never happened. They would see that it was their liberal overlords doing what they fear.
8 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: judy 12/5/2023 8:11:59 AM (No. 1610864)
DM is about as reliable as Newsweak...Does anyone really believe this? It sounds like they get their Big news scoops from the Biden WH????
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Kate318 12/5/2023 9:28:33 AM (No. 1610929)
A silly, psy-ops article from the left, trying to scare the right into thinking twice before messing with the left if it comes to civil war. I’ve seen and worked with this generation. Believe me, prepping would take far too much time and energy away from their “real life” in their cell phone. But, notice the frequency of these doomsday articles now, with a third Trump presidency on the horizon?
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Strike3 12/5/2023 9:40:22 AM (No. 1610938)
I find this hard to believe but then it is the DMUK. Most parents' basements do not have enough space for the bed, Xbox and big screen to find enough storage area for emergency supplies.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: kennedylaw 12/5/2023 9:49:40 AM (No. 1610943)
We are Boomers. We have cash, gold, silver and several weeks of food and other supplies set aside just in case. Our kids are Millennials. They all have similar (but smaller) caches set aside. In the event of a long term societal collapse, our kids will just need to get their families to our land in rural West Texas, where we have a river for fishing and water, game for hunting, solar powered batteries for the freezer, power tools, and lights, and enough guns and ammo to make it for several years.
6 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 9:54:44 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 8:35:39 PM Post Reply
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IDF Chief Suggests Israel May Flood Hamas
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 8:15:38 PM Post Reply
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi suggested Tuesday that it might be a “good idea” to flood the Hamas terror tunnels in Gaza with seawater, commenting on a report in the Wall Street Journal that Israel was thinking about it. The Journal report stated: “Israel has assembled a system of large pumps it could use to flood Hamas’s vast network of tunnels under the Gaza Strip with seawater, a tactic that could destroy the tunnels and drive the fighters from their underground refuge but also threaten Gaza’s water supply, U.S. officials said.”
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 7:56:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 7:34:37 PM Post Reply
The identities of eight crew members killed when a US Air Force Osprey aircraft crashed last week off southwestern Japan have been revealed. A search team recovered three members and located the remains of three others, while still searching for the two missing bodies, authorities said Tuesday. 'The depth of sorrow is immeasurable,' Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, Air Force Special Operations Commander, said in a statement announcing the names of the crew.
Biden admits 'if Trump wasn't running,
I'm not sure I'd be running': President,
81, says Democrats 'cannot let him win'
- even as polls show him TRAILING the
Republican frontrunner
12 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 7:28:33 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden admitted to donors on Tuesday that he might not be running for a second term if Donald Trump were not the likely Republican candidate. The 81-year-old told supporters at a fundraising event outside Boston that the former president was a grave threat to democracy. 'If Trump wasn’t running, I'm not sure I’d be running,' he said.'But we cannot let him win for the sake of our country.' However, Biden's approval ratings are underwater and a string of polls suggest he could lose to Trump.
‘These Are War Crimes’: Blackburn
Decries Hamas Treatment of Women
3 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 7:20:41 PM Post Reply
Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Faulkner Focus,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) criticized Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s (D-WA) effort to equate the Israeli response to the October 7 terror attacks to the actual terror attack itself and the other reported atrocities committed by Hamas. According to the Tennessee Republican lawmaker, the acts that she deemed “barbaric” and “sexual atrocities” were war crimes.“It is disgusting,” Blackburn said. “And the fact that you have Congresswoman Jayapal, who will try to draw a moral equivalence when asked about the sexual atrocities that have been committed against Israeli women.
'PR Disaster for Universities': Jewish
Students Speak Out Against Administrators
Amid Antisemitic Attacks
5 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 2:16:18 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) convened a press conference on Tuesday to give a platform to Jewish students at American universities where jarring scenes of antisemitic demonstrations have played out in recent weeks amid Hamas terrorists' barbaric war against Israel. (X) The students, from schools including MIT, NYU, Harvard, and UPenn, spoke out against the administrators
Liz Cheney Exploring Third-Party 2024
Presidential Bid
26 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:54:03 PM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Monday she is exploring a third-party 2024 presidential bid after dramatically losing Wyoming’s congressional seat in the 2022 GOP primary by about 40 points before settling for a professorship at the University of Virginia. If Cheney decides to run, she said the calculation would include how to spoil former President Donald Trump’s path to reelection. She said that plan could entail joining a bipartisan ticket.
BREAKING NEWS FBI director says US is
facing highest risk of attack in YEARS:
Chris Wray says there are 'blinking lights
everywhere' and warns terrorists will
'exploit' the southern border
28 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:40:34 PM Post Reply
FBI director Christopher Wray has warned that the United States is facing the highest risk of a terrorist attack in years in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas atrocity in Israel. Wray warned the Senate Judiciary Committee that there are 'blinking red lights everywhere' when asked to assess the 'threat matrix' faced by the U.S. 'The threat level has gone to a whole 'nother level since October 7,' Wray said. His comments come at a time when U.S. forces are being subjected to a barrage of strikes in the Middle East and with Jewish and Muslim communities being targeted at home.
We need more little Uns! North Korean
dictator Kim Jong Un CRIES in front of
thousands of women as he calls on them
to have more children to halt country's
falling birth rate
12 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 12:20:32 PM Post Reply
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un cried as he called on women to have more children, saying over the weekend that it was their duty to halt the country's declining birth rate in order to strengthen national power. In his seemingly highly-choreographed emotional plea, the authoritarian leader was seen dabbing his eyes with a handkerchief while addressing thousands of women gathered at a National Mothers' Meeting in Pyongyang on Sunday. 'Preventing a decline in birth rates and good childcare are all of our housekeeping duties we need to handle while working with mothers,'
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Posted by minuteman 12/4/2023 1:37:21 PM Post Reply
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Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window -
CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination
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Posted by Kate318 12/4/2023 8:14:19 PM Post Reply
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BREAKING NEWS FBI director says US is
facing highest risk of attack in YEARS:
Chris Wray says there are 'blinking lights
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:40:34 PM Post Reply
FBI director Christopher Wray has warned that the United States is facing the highest risk of a terrorist attack in years in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas atrocity in Israel. Wray warned the Senate Judiciary Committee that there are 'blinking red lights everywhere' when asked to assess the 'threat matrix' faced by the U.S. 'The threat level has gone to a whole 'nother level since October 7,' Wray said. His comments come at a time when U.S. forces are being subjected to a barrage of strikes in the Middle East and with Jewish and Muslim communities being targeted at home.
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– Black Chicago Residents Issue Warning
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Posted by Imright 12/4/2023 8:49:14 AM Post Reply
Black Chicago residents are furious that Joe Biden’s illegal aliens are taking up the city’s resources. Black residents issued a stark warning to the Democrat party last week at Chicago City Hall. Earlier this year the Democrat National Committee announced that Chicago will host the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Chicago residents have been outraged over the influx of illegal aliens and the strain they are putting on the city’s resources.
Republicans suckered into expelling George
Santos and the most conservative voting
record in NY: ‘To hell with this place’
28 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/4/2023 6:07:30 AM Post Reply
You don’t have to approve of George Santos to understand it should have been left to his constituents in Long Island and Queens to decide on his suitability to remain in Congress. Nonetheless, despite a slim majority in the House and crucial votes looming as they head into an election year, 105 Republicans were suckered by moral vanity into expelling one of their own Friday. The 35-year-old gay son of Brazilian immigrants, Santos had the most conservative voting record of the entire New York delegation, and now he is gone, taking his vote with him.
'This makes me sick to my stomach!' Outrage
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Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 2:14:15 AM Post Reply
A pair of transgender women won first and second place in a female race at the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships over the weekend, sparking fury among advocates for women's athletics. The championships were held on December 3 and were comprised of some one dozen different competitions divided into men, women, and junior athlete categories. But it was two biological men who placed atop the podium for the Women's Singlespeed category.
Temperatures in Siberia dip to minus 56
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27 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 12/4/2023 2:51:42 PM Post Reply
MOSCOW - Temperatures in parts of Siberia plummeted to minus 56 degrees Celsius (minus 69 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday while blizzards blanketed Moscow in record snowfall and disrupted flights as winter weather swept across Russia. In the Sakha Republic, located in the northeastern part of Siberia and home to Yakutsk, one of the world's coldest cities, temperatures fell below minus 50 C, according to the region's weather stations. In Oymyakon, an area in Sakha, the temperature was recorded at minus 56 degrees Celsius on Monday evening. Russian forecasters said it would feel like more than minus 60 degrees Celsius in Oymyakon
Israeli Minister: Michelle Obama Has Refused
to Condemn October 7 Attack on Israeli
Women; ‘Silence’
27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/4/2023 8:46:24 AM Post Reply
May Golan, Minister for the Advancement of the Status of Women of Israel, said Saturday that she had approached former U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama to condemn attacks on Israeli women by Hamas on October 7 — and been met with complete silence. Golan, a member of the ruling Likud party, spoke to host Erel Segal on Israel’s Channel 14, in the course of an interview about the broader failure of women’s rights organizations to condemn allegations of sexual violence against women during the terror attack.
Liz Cheney Exploring Third-Party 2024
Presidential Bid
26 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:54:03 PM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Monday she is exploring a third-party 2024 presidential bid after dramatically losing Wyoming’s congressional seat in the 2022 GOP primary by about 40 points before settling for a professorship at the University of Virginia. If Cheney decides to run, she said the calculation would include how to spoil former President Donald Trump’s path to reelection. She said that plan could entail joining a bipartisan ticket.
America's 250th birthday logo is revealed:
Patriotic red, white and blue ribbon design
was tested on t-shirts, CAKES, and caps
before it was signed off ahead of 2026 celebrations
25 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 2:01:17 AM Post Reply
A patriotic new logo has been unveiled that will be used to celebrate the United States' 250th birthday on July 4, 2026. The semiquincentennial - which celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence - is set to be part of an attempt to unite America around the landmark. The logo uses the number 250 with red, white and blue outlines in a ribbon type font, alongside the word 'America' in a classic black typeface. Sagi Haviv, one of the designers of the new logo, said coming up with the right symbol for the semiquincentennial has been tough,
Breaking: Hundreds of Pro-Hamas Protesters
Ignite Smoke Bombs at UPenn, Chant 'Intifada Revolution'
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/4/2023 1:00:20 AM Post Reply
Pro-Hamas protesters on Sunday night took to the streets of the West Philadelphia neighborhood known as University City, home to Ivy-league school UPenn, igniting smoke bombs with the colors of the Palestinian flag and chanting “Intifada revolution.” Merriam-Webster describes intifada as an “UPRISING, [or] REBELLION,” while Wikipedia defines it further: An intifada (Arabic: انتفاضة intifāḍah) is a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement. It is a key concept in contemporary Arabic usage referring to a uprising against oppression.[1 Yes, they are on the streets of an American city calling for rebellion. As Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik writes, "Imagine being a Jewish student there…"
Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Allowing
Illegal Immigrants to Join U.S. Military
as a Pathway to Citizenship (Video)
24 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 12:16:04 AM Post Reply
In a controversial turn of policy advocacy, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is now advocating for a bold and contentious plan as proposed by another Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL): allowing illegal immigrants to serve in the U.S. military as a pathway to citizenship. In his recent address, highlighted the demand for legal immigration, suggesting that illegal immigrants who can pass physical and background tests should be allowed to serve in the military. In return for their honorable service, they would be granted U.S. citizenship. Durbin’s rationale hinges on the military’s current recruitment struggles. He argues that there are illegal immigrants eager to serve
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