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Bragg’s ‘Indictment’ Even Fails as
an Indictment

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Posted By: zoidberg, 4/5/2023 9:05:42 AM

It’s always possible to be surprised. The indictment brought by Manhattan’s elected Democratic district attorney Alvin Bragg against Donald Trump is even worse than I’d imagined. Bragg’s indictment fails to state a crime. Not once . . . but 34 times. On that ground alone, the case should be dismissed — before one ever gets to the facts that the statute of limitations has lapsed and that Bragg has no jurisdiction to enforce federal law (if that’s what he’s trying to do, which remains murky).


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Reply 1 - Posted by: MDConservative 4/5/2023 9:26:28 AM (No. 1441425)
This isn't a legal proceeding, it's a political show intended to smear Trump with his "criminal" acts, not to mention his bedding (or not) porn stars and beauty queens, then paying them off for silence. It is the opening salvo in a war to keep him from the nomination in '24 and, should that fail, from the White House in November. The UNIPARTY isn't going to waste its '20 election fix investment. There are other potential indictments and personal accusations lined up behind this should it collapse. Now, let's see how the Master handles this.
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: rikkitikki 4/5/2023 9:35:53 AM (No. 1441432)
This is all to distract us from Biden's crimes, Hunter's laptop, etc.. So far, it's working.
23 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 4/5/2023 9:45:08 AM (No. 1441437)
Affirmative Action Bragg, too stupid to even write an indictment. This is a media circus, not any sort of an actual legal proceeding. This mess needs to be tossed out with prejudice.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 4/5/2023 10:05:05 AM (No. 1441456)
The crime that was committed by 45 was attempting to subdue the Deep State. The Deep State has not forgiven him. Al-Sharpton-Wannabe-Bragg did as he was ordered. Indict 45 and let the corrupt NY Justice system tie him up until the 2024 elections are over. McCarthy should haul his fat arse before the Congressional Justice committee. ASWB committed prosecutorial misconduct financed by federal $$$. Bragg is in violation of Federal Law.
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Quigley 4/5/2023 10:09:26 AM (No. 1441460)
Very excellent analysis. It's hard to believe that the dims have allowed such a nonentity to file this naked accusation of unspecified wrongdoing when the dims supposedly have slam dunk cases related to presidential records and something about something somewhere else.
9 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BarryNo 4/5/2023 10:09:38 AM (No. 1441461)
The whole point is to keep him from running and damaging his brand.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Krause 4/5/2023 10:21:05 AM (No. 1441474)
Two impeachments, the J6 thing, and now this. All corrupt and high schooly.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 4/5/2023 10:22:52 AM (No. 1441476)
Bragg is an Affirmative Action hire, doesn't actually have the brain power to pull off this fraud. No crimes in an "indictment "......means it isn't actually an indictment, just a bunch of foolish words. Will their crooked judge be so stupid as to go along, knowing that if they proceed, it will be tossed out eventually?
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: chagrined 4/5/2023 10:34:12 AM (No. 1441485)
Yes, this is to distract from bidet's criminality on many fronts, but more importantly to keep President Trump off the ballot in 2024 if possible, or hamstring him at the least.
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Jethro bo 4/5/2023 10:39:39 AM (No. 1441488)
First, there doesn't have to be a crime to get a conviction. In fact, Trump has already been convicted. Bragg's hand pick uber-liberal, Trump hating judge will see Trump has a 'fair' trail and is convicted by a NYC jury. Any jury in NYC has already voted to convict any and all Republicans even before they know who the Rebublican is, much less Trump. The only thing Trump is assured will not happen is the death penalty since the NY Courts made it unconstitutional based on the NY state constitution. But I would put it pass the state of NY to pass an amendment specific to Trump authorizing the death penalty in his case.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: edgar 4/5/2023 11:18:13 AM (No. 1441510)
Very much like Russia Collusion, House Impeachment 1 and 2. The process has no integrity and the key grounds for the actions are never articulated. Something important is always missing, with a wink and a nod that something big exists. Is Nanny, Nads and Schiff on Bragg's staff?
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Lawsy0 4/5/2023 11:33:12 AM (No. 1441519)
Nowhere in Bragg's background does it claim he is a Rhodes Scholar. Did he actually go to Harvard, or only receive his ''law degree'' from Harvard? Little did I know about the various law degrees until I fell into a next of lawyers. Apparently, this bunch prefers the term ''attorney at law.''
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Reply 13 - Posted by: kono 4/5/2023 11:45:02 AM (No. 1441531)
So the woke media, whose greatest fury at PDJT seemed to be his willingness to call them out for dishonest reporting, are using dishonest reporting to make everybody believe he's being indicted, when it's not a proper indictment. Just like they spent 4 years "impeaching" him without even finding an impeachable charge to prosecute. More succinctly, fake news about a fake indictment. Or par for the swampy course.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: smokincol 4/5/2023 12:09:28 PM (No. 1441553)
it doesn't matter, it's the implications of the "indictment" that is supposed to erase our President, Donald J. Trump - 2024 can't come soon enough but the demcommies are already loading up the trucks with ballots, so we all know what that means
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Reply 15 - Posted by: rytwng 4/5/2023 12:22:09 PM (No. 1441575)
Fat Alvin not only looks like a idiot he is one.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: Venturer 4/5/2023 12:55:40 PM (No. 1441603)
He matriculated at Harvard,----must have been an affirmative action student. Except for that fact i would have sworn he attended Howard U. He makes Algonquin J, Calhoun, the Kingfish's attorney look good.
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Bragg’s ‘Indictment’ Even Fails as
an Indictment
16 replies
Posted by zoidberg 4/5/2023 9:05:42 AM Post Reply
It’s always possible to be surprised. The indictment brought by Manhattan’s elected Democratic district attorney Alvin Bragg against Donald Trump is even worse than I’d imagined. Bragg’s indictment fails to state a crime. Not once . . . but 34 times. On that ground alone, the case should be dismissed — before one ever gets to the facts that the statute of limitations has lapsed and that Bragg has no jurisdiction to enforce federal law (if that’s what he’s trying to do, which remains murky).
Trump’s Claim of Tuesday ‘Arrest’Is
Highly Unlikely
11 replies
Posted by zoidberg 3/19/2023 10:47:06 AM Post Reply
There seems little doubt that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Donald Trump is imminent.(Snip)All that said, though, reports that Trump will be arrested on Tuesday are premature and probably inaccurate. They appear to have been generated by the former president himself and apparently are not based on discussions between the Trump camp and the DA’s office.
Right on Schedule, the Media Decide DeSantis
Is ‘Worse’ Than Trump
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Posted by zoidberg 3/19/2023 10:43:38 AM Post Reply
One of the funnier quirks of the Trump era is how closely the former president and his critics in the press mirror one another. From indulging in absolute gutter rhetoric to embracing rank illiberalism to promoting unhinged conspiracy theories, Trump and his press critics tend to have more in common than not. And right now, Trump and his media counterparts agree (albeit for slightly different reasons): Ron DeSantis is the worst.
Biden's Drug Price Controls Will Kill
More Patients in the Long Run
11 replies
Posted by zoidberg 2/10/2023 9:28:44 AM Post Reply
Federal government interference has massively distorted American health care costs for decades. In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Joe Biden touted how the misnamed Inflation Adjustment Act (IRA) will further warp medical care costs by "finally giving Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices." The result is essentially putting price controls on prescription drugs. And price controls will do for prescription drugs what they do for all other products upon which they are imposed: create shortages, queues, black markets, and rationing.
Pregnant woman given HOV ticket argues
fetus is passenger, post-Roe
19 replies
Posted by zoidberg 7/10/2022 11:20:41 AM Post Reply
A pregnant Texas woman who was ticketed for driving in the HOV lane suggested that Roe v. Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court means that her fetus counted as a passenger, and that she should not have been cited. Brandy Bottone was recently driving down Central Expressway in Dallas when she was stopped by a sheriff’s deputy at an HOV checkpoint to see whether there were at least two occupants per vehicle as mandated.
Joe Biden Is Too Old to Be President 18 replies
Posted by zoidberg 6/1/2022 10:54:19 AM Post Reply
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Congress Should Not Legalize Marijuana,
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Weed Is'Laced With Fentanyl'
19 replies
Posted by zoidberg 4/15/2022 11:10:03 AM Post Reply
When Sen. Marco Rubio (R–Fla.) was seeking the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, a local paper noted that he had "a long history speaking out against marijuana legalization." Given that history and the fact that Rubio's position is rejected by two-thirds of Americans, you might think he would be prepared to defend marijuana prohibition with cogent arguments. If so, you would be wrong.
White Picket Fence 18 replies
Posted by zoidberg 3/15/2022 11:20:25 AM Post Reply
The Hollywood version of our Christian America was created by Jews. A quick-start guide to the phenomenon is Superman. He, like Batman and the Marvel superheroes, was the creation of Jews banned from the Christian publishing world. (Snip) His birth world, Krypton, had been destroyed (read: the Holocaust). He came to America with superpowers “far beyond those of mortal men” (an intellect honed by constant study, if you will), and he was committed to doing good in his adopted country. But he could be valued only if he clothed his identity.
Is Texas Sending Melissa Lucioto Die for
a CrimeThat Never Happened?
8 replies
Posted by zoidberg 3/8/2022 10:04:06 AM Post Reply
Dr. Thomas Young is adamant: Melissa Lucio should not be put to death. “This would be a horrible, horrible tragedy if she ends up getting executed over this,” he said. “It’s just not right.” Young is a veteran forensic pathologist and the former chief medical examiner in Kansas City, Missouri. For years he has sounded the alarm about forensic science practices that lead to wrongful convictions, with a focus on faulty inferences in death investigations. He said that’s exactly what happened in Lucio’s case.
Biden's False Gun Claims Are a Lousy Basis
for Law
4 replies
Posted by zoidberg 2/7/2022 11:03:09 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden so frequently and willfully tells lies about firearms that, if he were a podcaster talking about anything other than guns, aging rockers would trip over their walkers in a rush to sever even the most tenuous ties to him. Of course, we live in an age of misinformation and disinformation and probably should expect nothing better from the White House. But Biden proposes to impose ever-tougher rules based on his repetitive malarkey, illustrating the problem of governments wielding their vast regulatory apparatus based on misunderstandings and malice.
HPV vaccine reduced cervical cancer rates
by 87% in women,UK study finds
7 replies
Posted by zoidberg 11/4/2021 9:54:03 AM Post Reply
The first generation HPV vaccine cut cervical cancer rates among women by 87%, British researchers reported. The study published Wednesday in the journal The Lancet estimates that by mid-2019, there were 450 fewer cases of cervical cancer and 17,200 fewer cases of pre-cancers than expected in the vaccinated population. Researchers at Kings College London and the British government looked at population-based cancer registry data in the UK between January 2006 and June 2019 for seven groups of women, comparing those who were vaccinated to those who were not.
Judge tosses Roy Moore’s $95 million
defamation suit against
Sacha Baron Cohen: ‘Clearly a joke’
6 replies
Posted by zoidberg 7/14/2021 7:54:20 AM Post Reply
Sacha Baron Cohen’s biting political satire will not cost him $95 million, after a federal judge on Tuesday ended a years-long legal battle between the comedian and former U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore over a TV segment the judge deemed “clearly a joke.” (Snip) While acting as the made-up character in the satirical series, Cohen brought out a wandlike prop that he claimed could detect “sex offenders and particularly pedophiles.” When the actor waved the wand over Moore, it began beeping.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 4/6/2023 3:00:17 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes said Wednesday on his show “All In” that many people, including him, were “permanently scarred” by Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory. Hayes said, “Even by the standards of our time, of this day and age in the avalanche of news and spectacle, this sort of dizzying clawing for your attention the last 24 hours have really been something else. So I want to begin tonight by just taking a second here to try to collectively just wrap our heads around the meaning and significance of what we have seen in the last 24 hours.” He continued, “Of course, we have to begin with the biggest story,
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Posted by Imright 4/6/2023 2:40:54 PM Post Reply
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32 replies
Posted by WhamDBambam 4/6/2023 6:52:35 AM Post Reply
The FBI and other federal agents burst into the wrong Boston hotel room Tuesday night during a training exercise, startling the guest inside who had no idea what was going on as he was handcuffed. The incident occurred on the 15th floor of the Revere Hotel as agents were conducting a mock investigation. FBI agents were assisting the U.S. Department of Defense in a training exercise inside the hotel to simulate a situation that DOD personnel might encounter in a deployed environment.
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Posted by Imright 4/6/2023 2:10:43 PM Post Reply
Bud Light went woke and partnered with trans-TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney. They sent out packs of Bud Light featuring Mulvaney’s face to celebrate Mulvaney’s “365 Days of Girlhood.” They also had a promotional video of Mulvaney drinking beer in a bathtub as part of the campaign. Fox News reported: Trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney was announced as the latest spokesperson for Bud Light in a pair of videos that were attacked on social media.
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Posted by Moritz55 4/6/2023 7:00:56 PM Post Reply
Former secretary of state under President Trump Mike Pompeo fired back at claims from the Biden administration that Trump constrained the conditions of the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, during which 13 American soldiers died in a suicide bombing while protecting the Kabul airport, and untold numbers of Americans and Afghans eligible for evacuation were stranded. The White House on Thursday released its review of President Biden's fumbled 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan while Trump's indictment continues to dominate the headlines. The 12-page outline called the overall decision to end the 20-year war the right thing for America, but declined to acknowledge any mistakes made by Biden while instead repeatedly criticizing Trump's
Don Lemon’s Misogyny at CNN, Exposed:
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/6/2023 1:06:42 AM Post Reply
Back in 2008, Don Lemon was co-anchoring CNN’s “Live From” weekday show with Kyra Phillips, a gig that he landed after he arrived at the network two years prior from local news in Chicago. For months, tensions between the pair kept mounting. On more than one occasion, a “Live From” producer and a newsroom supervisor had to pull Lemon off the air during a commercial break because of the anchor’s provocative antics, not unlike his recent declaration that the 51-year-old Nikki Haley isn’t a viable presidential candidate because she “isn’t in her prime.” Amid the charged atmosphere, sources say Lemon disrespected colleague Nancy Grace
White House Releases 11-Page Review of
Biden Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal,
Blaming Trump for Biden’s Bad Decisions
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 4/6/2023 5:27:51 PM Post Reply
Because of course… Despite the Biden White House having complete control over the issues and events during their withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which included the murder of 13 U.S. servicemen during a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport, the Biden administration has to blame Donald Trump. Pathetic doesn’t even begin to appropriately outline the issue, and even U.S. corporate media can see it. Without announcing the release in advance, the White House dropped an 11-page after action report [SEE HERE] claiming the prior administration was in control of all their decision making in the summer and fall of 2021.
Supreme Court denies West Virginia's request
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16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/6/2023 3:56:50 PM Post Reply
Washington - The Supreme Court on Thursday denied West Virginia's request to let it fully enforce a state law that bans transgender women and girls from participating on public school sports teams consistent with their gender identity. In an unsigned order, the court denied West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey's emergency request to let the state enforce the 2021 law. Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented, saying they would have granted the request. Earlier this year, a lower federal court ordered the state to temporarily stop halt the ban against Becky Pepper-Jackson, a 12-year-old transgender girl who sued the state over the law shortly after its passage.
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15 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/6/2023 5:37:51 PM Post Reply
Tennessee’s GOP-dominated House on Thursday voted to expel Democratic Rep. Justin Jones from the Legislature for his role in a protest calling for gun control following last week’s shooting at a private Christian school in Nashville that killed six people, including three children. Fox 17 Nashville reports that Jones was sanctioned for using a bullhorn when he joined with protesters, which state House leaders called "disorderly behavior." Thursday’s vote marked an extraordinary move from lawmakers that has been executed only a handful of times since the Civil War. House lawmakers are also considering ousting Democratic Reps. Gloria Johnson and Justin Pearson.
Biden administration’s Title IX changes
would prevent broad bans on transgender athletes
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/6/2023 5:20:18 PM Post Reply
Blanket bans on transgender athletes participating on school sports teams consistent with their gender identity would constitute a violation of Title IX under a set of proposed changes unveiled Thursday by the Biden administration. Under the administration’s proposal, schools would be prohibited from adopting or applying a “one-size-fits-all” policy that categorically bans transgender students from participating on sports teams consistent with their gender identity. “Such bans fail to account for differences among students across grade and education levels,” the Education Department said Thursday in a news release. “They also fail to account for different levels of competition — including no-cut teams that let all students participate
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15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/6/2023 1:23:46 PM Post Reply
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case of FBI agent accused of colluding
with Russia
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/6/2023 12:47:32 PM Post Reply
The Justice Department acknowledged Thursday that it “inadvertently” withheld evidence from defense attorneys representing a former top FBI official who was involved in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation and is now charged with conspiring with Russia to violate U.S. sanctions. In a letter to Manhattan U.S. District Judge Jennifer Rearden, Justice Department prosecutor Damian Williams said his team mistakenly forgot to turn over four categories of evidence to ex-FBI official Charles McGonigal’s defense team during the discovery process. “In reviewing our files, the government identified certain items that were inadvertently omitted from the government’s prior productions,” Mr. Williams wrote. “The government expects to make a supplemental discovery production
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