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GOP Lawmakers Demand Answers From Merrick
Garland Over Removal of Trump-era Immigration Judges

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Posted By: Deborah Grannet, 7/6/2022 10:24:32 AM

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, 12 House Republicans are demanding to know why Trump-appointed immigration judges are being dismissed even as the border crisis rages. “Your department is unfairly terminating Trump-appointed immigration judges amid a historic border crisis and rapidly growing immigration case backlog,” wrote the lawmakers, led by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ). According to a recent report from The Washington Times, at least six Trump-era judges have been removed from their posts.


Imagine if the Biden cabal spent time trying to make a better America, rather than employing every dirty trick they can think of to hurt the country... shameless.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 7/6/2022 10:26:09 AM (No. 1208000)
Not mentioned in the article - - - The letter was strongly worded.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: felixcat 7/6/2022 10:39:50 AM (No. 1208018)
Well GOP members of Congress. IF you take control of the House and maybe the Senate come November, what are you then going to do? Reduce the budgets for the non-operational portions of these departments? It's all talk talk talk but never walk the walk.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Krause 7/6/2022 11:38:09 AM (No. 1208055)
Garland will do what Obama wants him to do.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bighambone 7/6/2022 12:07:32 PM (No. 1208081)
Just as they wanted to pack the US Supreme Court with liberal Justices, Biden and the Democrats are now packing the administrative immigration courts with very liberal Democrat and amnesty supporting immigration judges who they know will allow illegal aliens by the millions to stay in the USA, by watering down the asylum laws to where all illegal aliens from the third world who fit within the ethnic and racial categories of Democrat identity politics will be allowed now, and in the future, to stay in the USA, be legalized through future Democrat designed “path to citizenship” amnesties that will also serve to manipulate those poor and uneducated peoples from all over the world, to become future leftist, progressive, and socialist Democrat supporters and voters by the tens of millions, to keep the Democrats in permanent political power controlling the Congress and the White House indefinitely. Common sense will tell you that Biden, who is a 100% political animal, and the Democrats would not have initiated their “open borders” agendas and policies to flood the USA with poor and uneducated illegal aliens if they ever thought that more than a small percentage of those illegal aliens in the future would become conservative Republican supporters and voters! The wimpy Republicans through the courts should have shutdown Biden’s and the Democrats mass violation of the immigration laws along the borderline long ago.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 7/6/2022 12:28:35 PM (No. 1208097)
Like they really expect Garland to give them an answer.
9 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: YorkieMom 7/6/2022 1:38:20 PM (No. 1208148)
We all complain a lot about the Republicans not stopping the Democrats from destroying the country, but darn, it’s hard to keep up with everything the Dems do. Merrick, alone, is everywhere turning the country in to a third world.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: rochow 7/6/2022 2:34:03 PM (No. 1208209)
Low life Garland will not even bother to answer. He is just another piece of dreck that pooh pants appointed!
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Reply 8 - Posted by: nwcudagal 7/6/2022 2:43:28 PM (No. 1208218)
Why are we allowing this to happen? Our Nation is being destroyed before our very eyes. I've sent emails previously to my lawmakers telling them I might as well vote for democrats; they seemed puzzled. Feeling helplessly this point.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Birddog 7/6/2022 6:58:31 PM (No. 1208405)
600+ judges sitting in 68 cities, many holding less than 1 case per week, some judges have heard barely 100 cases in five years, some over 1000...ruling on something the Border agent could have decided on site. National average is 90% denial of Asylum...But....there are Judges in Key cities that approve 90%, basically any and all claims.Perhaps THAT is where Biden is flying all of those arrested. Were I prez...I'd order at least half of the 600 judges to the border, to work 12hr TENTS, because "Emergency/Crises", until the border flood ceased(or the Judge quit, to be replaced by someone who will DO THE JOB). Asylum claims in particular are a very simple decision Tree. There are no emanations and Penumbras.Even during 1st interview nearly ALL border crossers exclude themselves from consideration..they do NOT qualify. Here is all of the judges, locations, cases heard, outcomes.
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GOP Lawmakers Demand Answers From Merrick
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Posted by Ribicon 7/7/2022 3:50:07 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/7/2022 4:39:40 PM Post Reply
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