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Trump will testify alongside Don Jr. and
Ivanka on July 15 as part of New York
Attorney General's probe into his business
- and faces up to $430,000 in fines if
he still refuses to comply with his court order

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/8/2022 4:53:07 PM

Donald Trump and his two eldest children have agreed to testify in New York State Attorney General Letitia James' three-year investigation into their real estate business, a Tuesday court filing shows. The trio will be deposed under oath on July 15, according to an agreement reached by prosecutors and attorneys for the former president, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.That's despite Trump repeatedly blasting James' probe as a partisan 'witch hunt' and attacking the Democrat official herself as a 'racist.' Late last month a court dismissed the Trumps' effort to quash New York State's subpoena seeking their testimonies.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: skacmar 6/8/2022 5:55:27 PM (No. 1180055)
Why exactly is the Trump Organization being investigated? Are the banks complaining of being defrauded? Were property taxes not paid on the vales assessed by the city/state? Verifying the values stated on loans is/was the banks responsibility when making the loans. If they have not made fraud claims why is Trump being investigated for fraud? Donald Trump, Donald Jr., and Ivanka should all answer by referring the prosecutors to the financial departments or accountants who completed the loan forms and people who completed the assessments of values on the properties. They can claim they relied on their financial advisors for the valuations. Again, unless the banks claim to have been defrauded, there is no fraud to be investigated so the entire witch hunt by the NY Attorney General and the Manhattan DA do seem politically motivated.
47 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Birddog 6/8/2022 6:00:27 PM (No. 1180060)
All of this because they "Claim" he avoided $1.5 Million in taxes over 15 YEARS! While investing multi billions, creating thousands of jobs, paying $10s of Millions in other taxes.(even though multiple tax agencies accepted his returns, and several audits all confirmed he was within the law). Hunter Biden failed to pay over $2Million in a single year, failed to report $millions more, had a Calif attorney buddy pay it for him just ahead of his court date, expecting them to waive criminal charges as the result.
35 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: danu 6/8/2022 6:09:21 PM (No. 1180068)
witch and racist are not enough for her------go straight through to corrupt lawless lying hack politician
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Rich323 6/8/2022 6:09:38 PM (No. 1180070)
I believe they did what most developers do with property values and within the law. This is another witch hunt that in the end will find nothing wrong but drive a potential guilty narrative in the liberal media to discredit. This is a NY state and media impeachment attempt etc. all BS. Some of the city lawyers on this case resigned a while back.
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: stablemoney 6/8/2022 6:46:49 PM (No. 1180104)
We have a lawsuit where the complainant was not a party to the contract. Very unusual. Unprecedented. And the courts have ruled the AG of Texas does not have standing to enter a complaint about the 2020 presidential election. Very odd court system you have there.
27 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Venturer 6/8/2022 7:31:53 PM (No. 1180143)
Just a never-Trump Knee grow trying to impress her fellow liberal America haters.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: oldsfc 6/8/2022 9:01:38 PM (No. 1180230)
Use the hilldabeast answer, "I can't recall."
16 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: cor-vet 6/8/2022 9:41:00 PM (No. 1180271)
I assume Revrun Al is next on her list? I've heard he owes North of $8 million!
18 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Rinktum 6/9/2022 6:06:05 AM (No. 1180440)
This gal is big game hunting and knows if she is able to damage the Trumps in any small way, the world will be her oyster because democrats will see to it. This is nothing more than a total politicalization of her office. It is a political witch hunt. This kind of partisan lawfare is one of the reasons I want President Trump to run and win in 2024. I want him to do to the Justice Department exactly what Biden’s judicial zealots have done to this country. A purge is needed. Democrats have used the judiciary, district attorney’s offices, and law enforcement as a weapon against the good people of this country, and it has to stop.
22 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Richard from Norwood 6/9/2022 8:12:00 AM (No. 1180526)
Ms. Letitia doesn't know how the system works. The owner of the property says the property is worth X plus Y when filing for the loan. The lender either agrees to the valuation or they do due diligence to confirm or deny the valuation. The IRS is supposed to do the same thing. simple yes I know but that is all you need to know. Ms. Letitia is a partisan HACK and she herself should be removed from any position of authority. She doesn't realize just how much egg is going to be on her face when this dog and pony show is over!!!
13 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Zigrid 6/9/2022 9:00:28 AM (No. 1180585)
Of course this is politically's all about trying to bring the Trump family down...and stopping President Trump from running in 2024...just as the Jan 6th joke is....I think the democrats don't know what they're doing...challenging the Trump's is like waving a red flag in front of a bull...
9 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Solid_Oak 6/9/2022 10:41:51 AM (No. 1180687)
Brace yourself for a steady diet of this crap, especially if Trump decides to run in 2024. In addition to the phony BS being pursued by the DA in NY, you can bet that the Jan 6 Committee will refer "criminal" charges to the Dept of Justice before Republicans take over Congress. O'Biden's Justice Department will wait until Trump announces his intention to run, then they will bring the charges bring him personally into court.
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DebraAnn 6/9/2022 11:20:56 AM (No. 1180724)
Will they (Democrats) ever leave this lovely, decent man alone? What is wrong with these so-called people??
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 6/9/2022 9:00:16 PM (No. 1181235)
The reason why Donald Trump’s Company is being investigated by “Tish” James is that she is a partisan, crooked Demoncrat who won’t investigate the blatant fraud of Hillary and Bill Clinton and, of course, Chirlane McCray who “couldn’t account for” $850 Million in taxpayer dollars. But Orange Man Bad. It’s so typical and so dirty.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: NYbob 6/9/2022 11:22:27 PM (No. 1181350)
Plenty of time to prepare. Bring all the backup and then some. Have a summons ready and serve the hack James on camera. It won't take much to confuse her, so turn the big event to a panic room. If the lunatic Depp can win in US courts over slander, why not a private citizen like Trump? Make sure she understands SHE is being sued and SHE will be responsible for any damages.
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“Complete BS from the Left” – Ashli
Babbitt’s Husband Responds to Sham Jan.
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:19:49 PM Post Reply
Despite the federal government’s attempt to withhold evidence surrounding the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt and the corporate media’s effort to demonize the slain Air Force veteran, her family vows to never stop fighting for her until justice prevails. Before the partisan and unconstitutional public hearing started, Aaron Babbitt, a US Marine veteran and husband of the late Ashli Babbitt, joined Greg Kelly on Thursday night.
'I have NO intention of losing the House':
Nancy Pelosi says Democrats can still
win in November despite dire polls and
admits she would accept a smaller gun
package if it can get through the Senate
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 10:55:19 PM Post Reply
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democrats have 'absolutely no intention' of losing the House despite historic norms and dire polls suggesting otherwise and acquiesced that she would accept a more narrow gun control package from the Senate. In a wide-ranging briefing, the speaker proclaimed: 'We have absolutely no intention of losing the House.' As the party in the White House, the historical odds are not in the favor of Democrats, not to mention inflation and gas prices have dragged on Democrats' poll numbers. Republicans need a net gain of just five seats to take back the majority, and the Cook Report rates 26 Democratic-held seats as toss-up or leaning Republican.
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 10:37:38 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden finally came face-to-face with the 'Trump of the Tropics,' Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Thursday, telling him how he had visited the 'wonderful place' three times, including for the World Cup, and enjoyed its 'magnificent people.' Bolsonaro, who in the run-up to the Summit of the Americas meeting questioned Biden's 2020 win and also suggested he might not adhere to Brazil's October election result, defended his country's ability to hold fair elections, its environmental record and its decision to stay neutral in Russia's war against Ukraine. 'This year we will be having elections in Brazil and we do wish to have honest,
State-Run Television: Rep. Benni Thompson
Kicks Off Sham J6 Hearing By Comparing
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 9:59:29 PM Post Reply
After a yearlong investigation, the sham House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th began its first hearing Thursday night. The unprecedently partisan and unconstitutional committee is debuting never-before-seen recordings and documentation from closed-door depositions with Trump officials on primetime. Rep. Bennie Thompson kicked off the proceedings by playing the race card and deflecting the Democrat Party’s Ku Klux Klan legacy onto the GOP.
Trump says January 6 'represented the
greatest movement in the history of our
country' accuses the 'Unselect Committee'
of not studying the reason why people
went to the Capitol ahead of their primetime hearing
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 9:45:04 PM Post Reply
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Tonight Only — Watch “THE TRUTH ABOUT
JANUARY 6th” Documentary: Narrated by
Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside
Solitary Confinement! MUST WATCH!
2 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:44:06 PM Post Reply
The highly anticipated documentary “The Truth About January 6th” premiered today on The Gateway Pundit this week!This groundbreaking documentary contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th.The film is narrated by Jake Lang, a January 6 political prisoner who is currently being held in Alexandria, Virginia.Watch the film BELOW and share to get out the truth about January 6th!
Donald Trump Goes on the Offensive Ahead
of Capitol Riot Hearing
0 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:38:49 PM Post Reply
Bracing for the January 6 House committee's public hearing on Thursday, former President Donald Trump attacked the panel's probe in a series of statements on his Truth Social account, arguing the real investigation should have been on the "rigged and stolen" election and not on the riot at the Capitol."The Unselect Committee didn't spend one minute studying the reason that people went to Washington, D.C., in massive numbers, far greater than the Fake News Media is willing to report, or that the Unselects are willing to even mention, because January 6th was simply not a protest," Trump wrote on Thursday morning. "It represented the greatest movement in the history of
Conservative group launches own Jan. 6
fact-checking website
0 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:14:50 PM Post Reply
On the day the Jan. 6 committee hearings began, the American Conservative Union launched a website to publish information about the attack. (Photo) The site,, was created to "debunk the lies told by the corrupt members of the January 6th Committee," according to a Twitter account by the same name. This Twitter account also seemingly launched Thursday, issuing its first tweet that day. As of this report, the account has 239 followers."It’s a place to go and get the facts," ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp explained. He also claimed it will be run by political operatives.
If You're Reading This Message, You're
Ready to Resist Tyranny
1 reply
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:08:50 PM Post Reply
Great Reset. Green New Deal. Build Back Better. New World Order. Bilderberg. Davos. Council on Foreign Relations. World Health Organization. The list of secretive global societies and their mission directives for humanity are daunting. Many people who would prefer to be left alone to live their lives free from government interference have an understandable sense of impending doom. The COVID Crisis showed Westerners how quickly (and easily) their governments would impose unilateral mandates against their will, destroying any illusion that self-congratulating "democracies" have any more respect for individual rights or bodily autonomy than the authoritarian regimes the West routinely condemns.
Trump says Capitol attack 'represented
the greatest movement'
5 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:05:48 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday said the Jan. 6 Capitol attack "was not simply a protest, it represented the greatest movement in the history of our Country to Make America Great Again."Trump made the remark on his Truth Social platform, publishing it ahead of the first of six televised hearings by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot. He referred to the panel as the "Unselect Committee," The Independent reports, and again falsely claimed that the election was rigged.President Biden also commented on the Capitol attack on Thursday, saying during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that the assault was
Abortion Activists Send Disturbing ‘Special
Message’ To Brett Kavanaugh’s Wife
And Kids
11 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 7:40:01 PM Post Reply
A radical left-wing pro-abortion group known as Ruth Sent Us, sent a very disturbing, unsettling “special message” on Wednesday to the family of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.The message in question was delivered the very same day an armed man, Nicholas John Roske, was arrested near his home. Roske had told authorities he had planned to kill Kavanaugh and then himself because he was mad about the leaked draft opinion that suggests the court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade.This same abortion group also publicized the addresses of the conservative-leaning folks on the Supreme Court as well. Obviously, these folks do not care at all if their actions lead to
Here's Who Pelosi's J6 Committee Is Trotting
Out for Thursday's Primetime Circus
5 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 7:13:01 PM Post Reply
It's been 17 exhausting months since Jan. 6, 2021, the Left's self-proclaimed 9/11. Gas prices are hitting historic highs, inflation is through the roof, and baby formula is nowhere to be seen, but the Democrats are ignoring the compiling crises to televise Watergate-styled House hearings on the Capitol riot.A majority of sensible Americans have moved on, now worrying about the high cost of living and rampant crime in their communities, but progressives with the obsessive vengeance of career cyberbully and professional victim Taylor Lorenz have beaten the dead J6 horse into the grave.
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Posted by Lets Go Brandon 6/9/2022 4:33:42 PM Post Reply
It wasn’t that long ago when the left’s narrative on ‘gay rights’ was simple, straightforward, and easy to support: Let’s all be tolerant of one another, live and let live, and don’t discriminate. Tolerance is, after all, one of the fundamental tenets of the philosophy which drove America’s founding. But as the saying goes, “give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile,” which is the situation in which we find ourselves today. The message of ‘tolerance’ eventually morphed into ‘acceptance.’ At some point late in the Obama Administration, our culture decided that it was inadequate to merely tolerate the shenanigans of the LGBTQ community, we needed to welcome them.
Robert De Niro Says He Sleeps Better Knowing
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/8/2022 3:04:51 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2022 7:57:40 AM Post Reply
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How to watch the Jan. 6 committee public hearings 33 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:22:30 AM Post Reply
The first public hearing held by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot will take place Thursday evening with witness testimony and video footage surrounding last year's attack on the Capitol.The televised hearing is the first in a series that's expected to last through July. (Video) When does the hearing start?The first hearing is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. ET. The committee is looking to capture a large audience by holding the event in prime-time. Where to watch the hearing The hearings will be streamed live on NBC News NOW, and will also feature a live blog with news and analysis.
Woke San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin is
RECALLED by voters in notoriously liberal
city as murders soar 11% and locals furious
with rising crime say his progressive
policies are to blame
33 replies
Posted by Imright 6/8/2022 4:13:36 AM Post Reply
San Francisco on Tuesday voted to recall its progressive district attorney amid rising anger at the city's crime-ridden state.Chesa Boudin, 41, had been widely expected to lose his job and 60.5 per cent of voters made their feelings clear over his woke policies by deciding to recall him.Only 24 percent of the city's electorate of 495,000 turned out, with 70,730 voting against the DA, with some ballots remaining to be counted. Recall proponents cheered the news at a victory party, with California state leaders of the hotel and retailers associations lauding Boudin's removal as
Biden White House Deflects: ‘The Economy
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Posted by Imright 6/8/2022 10:16:09 PM Post Reply
The Biden White House is attempting to deflect from the dire state of affairs — rampant inflation and ever-rising gas prices — as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday claimed that the administration understands but asserted that the economy is “in a better place than it has been historically.”“We understand that people are feeling — feeling this. They are feeling the increase of prices, which — with food, in particular, right now, and gas. That is — that is something that we understand,” Jean-Pierre said during Tuesday’s press conference.“What we’re trying to say, what I’m trying to say to you is that the economy is
Video: Reporter Asks General Motors CEO
Where The Charging Electricity Comes From
For Their New Chevy Volt - Her Answer
Is Hilarious
27 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/8/2022 12:58:35 PM Post Reply
Okay, so she did try to whitewash her accidental admission by switching it to “natural gas” – which is not much different, according to the climate mafia – at the last second. Still, General Motors (GM) spokesperson Kristin Zimmerman has become something of an internet sensation for letting the cat out of the bag that their new “electric” car is charged by a power plant that runs on coal, so basically, their new car at the moment would actually run on about 95 percent coal. During an unveiling of the new Chevy Volt, Zimmerman demonstrated for the media how the supposedly “green” vehicle...
Outraged mom claims teacher ‘shamed’
son with ‘Zero Award’ in class
26 replies
Posted by Imright 6/8/2022 8:47:41 PM Post Reply
They’re not handing out any participation trophies here.A Mississippi woman was fighting tears after her son’s school allegedly “shamed” him by giving the teen a “zero” award in class. Her saga detailing the cruel and unusual punishment is sending shockwaves online.“I think it was so horrible for him to get this award,” Patricia Buckley told local ABC outlet WAPT of the scholastic scarlet letter, which she said her son Bradley, 14, received from a teacher at the Leake Central Junior High School in Leake County.The distraught mom said she first realized something was awry after she picked Bradley up from school and noticed that the award certificate
House Votes to Increase Semi-Automatic
Rifle Purchase Age to 21
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/8/2022 8:31:15 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, as part of a slate of bills aimed at curbing mass shootings and gun violence, the House voted to increase the age required to purchase a semi-automatic rifle from 18 to 21. The vote was 228 to 199, with ten Republicans joining Democrats in supporting the measure. Those GOP members were Representatives Fitzpatrick, Gonzalez, Jacobs, Katko, Kinzinger, Malliotakis, Salazar, Smith, Turner, and Upton. After an 18-year-old gunman used an AR-15-style weapon to massacre 19 children and two teachers in a fourth-grade elementary-school classroom in Uvalde, Texas, in May, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been moving with urgency
73% of Trump voters think Democrats are
trying to REPLACE white people with 'immigrants
and people of color who share their political
views', shock new poll shows
23 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/8/2022 4:23:50 PM Post Reply
A new poll shows that 73 percent of Trump voters believe that Democrats are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color to shore up more votes.(Snip)A new YouGov poll asked voters: 'Do you personally believe that in the U.S., Democrats are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Democrats’ views?' Seventy-three percent of Trump voters replied 'yes,' while 8 percent of Biden voters said the same. Overall 61 percent of Republicans, 10 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of Independents replied yes to the question.(Snip)'Nazi thinking veiled as political banter can no longer go unrecognized,
Jan. 6 insurrection hearings: How to watch
and what to know
22 replies
Posted by Solid_Oak 6/9/2022 10:56:23 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly a year since its inception, the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol will go public with its findings starting this week as lawmakers hope to show the American public how democracy came to the brink of disaster. The series of hearings that will take place over the next several weeks begin with a prime-time session Thursday night in which the nine-member panel plans to give an overview of its 11-month investigation. More than 1,000 people have been interviewed by the panel, and only snippets of that testimony have been revealed to the public, mostly through court filings.
Concerns are raised about national stockpile
of drugs to fight monkeypox - as federal
officials refuse to reveal figures: US
tally reaches 40 cases of rare virus
21 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/9/2022 3:51:49 PM Post Reply
As the rare virus monkeypox continues to spread across the U.S., now having been detected 40 times in 15 states and the District of Columbia, some are raising concerns about the national stockpile of drugs to deal with the infection. While officials at the White House say the country has enough access to vaccines and medicine to deal with the upcoming surge, official figures have not been revealed, making it hard for Americans to gauge how easy it will be to access resources if a large scale outbreak occurs.(Snip)The White House has failed to be transparent as to how many available vaccine doses the nation has to fight monkeypox.
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