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Man With Gun Arrested Near Supreme Court
Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Home; Told
Police He Was There to Kill Kavanaugh

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Posted By: Imright, 6/8/2022 10:44:34 AM

A man was arrested overnight near the Maryland home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The man reportedly told police he was there to kill Kavanaugh.Kavanaugh has been targeted by protesters at his home since the leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz posted to Twitter, “Breaking: A man was arrested outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s residence around 1:45am last night. The man had a gun and said he was there to kill Kavanaugh. He was taken into custody without incident…I can confirm the man taken into custody outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s house last night is a 26 year old white male

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Reply 1 - Posted by: singermom9 6/8/2022 10:48:15 AM (No. 1179698)
Dems THIS is ON YOU.
27 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: vrb8m 6/8/2022 10:52:25 AM (No. 1179703)
Liberalism is a deadly mental disorder.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Hazymac 6/8/2022 11:00:20 AM (No. 1179708)
The would be assassin took a taxi to Chevy Chase, Maryland. Schumer and Co. brought this on with their intemperate, evil remarks. They intended for a loser like this to succeed in his mission so Obama--Biden decides nothing--could appoint another Wise Latina Woman (sic) to the SCOTUS.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Readaholic 6/8/2022 11:01:34 AM (No. 1179709)
Why bother? He seems to be a Dem secret weapon.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: TLCary 6/8/2022 11:02:55 AM (No. 1179710)
CNN reporting deletes the weapon part. That wasn't newsworthy to them and their narrative.
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 6/8/2022 11:04:55 AM (No. 1179713)
This isn't going to stop, unfortunately. In fact, it's likely to ramp up. Three big cases were decided this term, and they are going to be announced in the next three weeks or so. In no particular order: NY will likely have their gun laws largely overturned, and very possibly will be forced to start issuing CCW permits based on objective standards. This ruling will apply nationally, so if "discretionary" CCW laws are struck down, which seems highly likely, and will force eight states to go to 'objective standards', generally called "shall issue" CCW permits. The EPA will likely be blocked from enforcing CO2 as a pollutant, and essentially destroying all normal power plants and automobiles which use various coal, natural gas, gasoline and diesel fuels for energy. This derails their plans to cripple the entire economy with these rules. And it may have wider ranging effects on the massive overstepping that many other bureaucracies have done, making "regulations" far beyond the bound of the laws that they claim to be supporting. Both effects could be huge. And, the one getting the most press, the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortion on demand as a federal "right". This has already angered huge numbers of people, including violent individuals like this man arrested threatening Kavanaugh. Three hugely important cases, each one (probably) reversing a huge swath of the leftist tyranny that we have been living under. The leftists will not be pleased at all at having their unconstitutional powers trimmed.
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: TexaTucky 6/8/2022 11:11:17 AM (No. 1179718)
Excellent summary, #7. Thanks.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Nimby 6/8/2022 11:17:09 AM (No. 1179727)
Hang this as an albatross around the leaker's neck
6 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Vaquero45 6/8/2022 11:22:42 AM (No. 1179733)
I'd be willing to bet we'll soon find out that this nutcase was already known to law enforcement. I'd also bet that he's a committed left-winger, with a record, and that the weapon was illegally obtained.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: jalo1951 6/8/2022 11:30:41 AM (No. 1179740)
Funny how "they" keep telling us the white, conservative Republicans need to be feared at all costs. Yet it is the liberal progressives who are causing all the problems. Boy, am I surprised. s/o
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: halfnorsk 6/8/2022 11:37:53 AM (No. 1179746)
Since the suspect is melanin-challenged and totes a gun, will the MSM label him a "white supremacist"?
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: coldborezero 6/8/2022 11:44:34 AM (No. 1179749)
Hopefully, these court cases will be decided against the tyrants. I WANT the left to go totally insane and get violent. I relish the idea of finally, FINALLY, being able to fully engage the little pusses. It will be glorious.
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: NorthernDog 6/8/2022 12:25:13 PM (No. 1179787)
They must have security watching his house. I wonder if the Kavanaugh family feels safe enough to even live in their own home.
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Starboard_side 6/8/2022 3:38:26 PM (No. 1179942)
I would blame Sen. Chuck Schumer for his reckless and incendiary comments directed at Justice Kavannaugh, as though it was permissible to attack him. I also blame Gov. Newsom, who is campaigning mostly on the Roe issue, and making people think it will be illegal in California if Roe was overturned. Yet, he also talks about California being a welcoming place for women who want an abortion, should Roe be overturned and their state has restrictions that wouldn't be an issue in California. I also blame the media for fanning the flames on Roe, by focusing on the states where there would be restrictions (in most of Europe they restrict abortion after 12-14 weeks, depending on the country) instead of being thorough and informative. It's likely this young man wouldn't have felt the need to travel across the country if he knew any decision on Roe would not impact people living in California, where he traveled from.
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Trump says January 6 'represented the
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went to the Capitol ahead of their primetime hearing
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 9:45:04 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump went on a lengthy rant attacking the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday, hours before the Democrat-led panel holds the first in a series of six hearings looking into the ex-president's role that day. And rather than downplaying the riot like he has in the past, Trump held it up as the 'greatest movement' in history and lashed out at the 'Unselect Committee' for not instead investigating the election fraud theories that motivated his supporters to storm the US Capitol last year.
Tonight Only — Watch “THE TRUTH ABOUT
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Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside
Solitary Confinement! MUST WATCH!
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:44:06 PM Post Reply
The highly anticipated documentary “The Truth About January 6th” premiered today on The Gateway Pundit this week!This groundbreaking documentary contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th.The film is narrated by Jake Lang, a January 6 political prisoner who is currently being held in Alexandria, Virginia.Watch the film BELOW and share to get out the truth about January 6th!
Donald Trump Goes on the Offensive Ahead
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:38:49 PM Post Reply
Bracing for the January 6 House committee's public hearing on Thursday, former President Donald Trump attacked the panel's probe in a series of statements on his Truth Social account, arguing the real investigation should have been on the "rigged and stolen" election and not on the riot at the Capitol."The Unselect Committee didn't spend one minute studying the reason that people went to Washington, D.C., in massive numbers, far greater than the Fake News Media is willing to report, or that the Unselects are willing to even mention, because January 6th was simply not a protest," Trump wrote on Thursday morning. "It represented the greatest movement in the history of
Conservative group launches own Jan. 6
fact-checking website
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:14:50 PM Post Reply
On the day the Jan. 6 committee hearings began, the American Conservative Union launched a website to publish information about the attack. (Photo) The site,, was created to "debunk the lies told by the corrupt members of the January 6th Committee," according to a Twitter account by the same name. This Twitter account also seemingly launched Thursday, issuing its first tweet that day. As of this report, the account has 239 followers."It’s a place to go and get the facts," ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp explained. He also claimed it will be run by political operatives.
If You're Reading This Message, You're
Ready to Resist Tyranny
1 reply
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:08:50 PM Post Reply
Great Reset. Green New Deal. Build Back Better. New World Order. Bilderberg. Davos. Council on Foreign Relations. World Health Organization. The list of secretive global societies and their mission directives for humanity are daunting. Many people who would prefer to be left alone to live their lives free from government interference have an understandable sense of impending doom. The COVID Crisis showed Westerners how quickly (and easily) their governments would impose unilateral mandates against their will, destroying any illusion that self-congratulating "democracies" have any more respect for individual rights or bodily autonomy than the authoritarian regimes the West routinely condemns.
Trump says Capitol attack 'represented
the greatest movement'
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:05:48 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday said the Jan. 6 Capitol attack "was not simply a protest, it represented the greatest movement in the history of our Country to Make America Great Again."Trump made the remark on his Truth Social platform, publishing it ahead of the first of six televised hearings by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot. He referred to the panel as the "Unselect Committee," The Independent reports, and again falsely claimed that the election was rigged.President Biden also commented on the Capitol attack on Thursday, saying during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that the assault was
Abortion Activists Send Disturbing ‘Special
Message’ To Brett Kavanaugh’s Wife
And Kids
7 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 7:40:01 PM Post Reply
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Here's Who Pelosi's J6 Committee Is Trotting
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5 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 7:13:01 PM Post Reply
It's been 17 exhausting months since Jan. 6, 2021, the Left's self-proclaimed 9/11. Gas prices are hitting historic highs, inflation is through the roof, and baby formula is nowhere to be seen, but the Democrats are ignoring the compiling crises to televise Watergate-styled House hearings on the Capitol riot.A majority of sensible Americans have moved on, now worrying about the high cost of living and rampant crime in their communities, but progressives with the obsessive vengeance of career cyberbully and professional victim Taylor Lorenz have beaten the dead J6 horse into the grave.
Exclusive — Carrie Severino: Merrick
Garland Ignored Threats Against Brett
Kavanaugh After Serving 10 Years Together
as Federal Judges
6 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 7:10:26 PM Post Reply
Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network, said on Thursday that Attorney General Merrick Garland did little in his capacity as head of the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute criminal threats against his former collegue, Justice Brett Kavanaugh.Garland was a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit between 1997 and 2020, including seven years as the court’s chief judge. Kavanaugh served as a federal judge alongside Garland on the same court between 2006 and 2018.
Biden approval sinks to 22% among young
adults, 24% among Hispanics: poll
6 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 7:02:55 PM Post Reply
Approval of President Biden’s job performance slipped to just 33% in a poll released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University — as even key Democratic voting blocs such as young people and racial minorities give the president a big thumbs-down.The survey, conducted June 3-6, found that 22% of Americans ages 18-34 approve of Biden’s performance — the lowest rating of any age group. Just 24% of Hispanic voters and 49% of black voters said they approve of Biden’s work.Although elected with the most votes in US history, Biden’s support cratered about seven months into office during the chaotic US pullout from Afghanistan
Eight Key Questions the January 6 Committee
Will Not Answer and One Nancy Pelosi Can't Avoid
3 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 5:33:37 PM Post Reply
Officially, the congressional body convening the special primetime hearing tonight is known as the “Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the Congress of the United States,” chaired by Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.).Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), views the J6 panel quite differently.During a news conference earlier this week, Banks called it a “fraud” because “Democrats aren’t investigating January 6, that is already abundantly clear … they are trying to use this select committee as a Trojan Horse to abolish the Electoral College, to intimidate President Trump’s aides, to block him from ever appearing on the ballot again,
Breaking: Rep. Troy Nehls Calls Out The
J6 Committee For Failing To Hold Capitol
Police Accountable For The Infamous Riots
3 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 5:31:18 PM Post Reply
On Thursday, during a hearing in the chamber, Congressman Troy Nehls of Texas called out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the January 6 Committee for failing to prepare appropriately for the safety and security of the Nation’s Capitol in 2020. During a roughly 3-minute speech from the House floor, Nehls referred to an internal intelligence briefing from January 3, 2020, in which federal intelligence agents warned of the impending violence and possible protests that would occur just three days later.
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Posted by Lets Go Brandon 6/9/2022 4:33:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2022 7:57:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:22:30 AM Post Reply
The first public hearing held by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot will take place Thursday evening with witness testimony and video footage surrounding last year's attack on the Capitol.The televised hearing is the first in a series that's expected to last through July. (Video) When does the hearing start?The first hearing is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. ET. The committee is looking to capture a large audience by holding the event in prime-time. Where to watch the hearing The hearings will be streamed live on NBC News NOW, and will also feature a live blog with news and analysis.
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Posted by Imright 6/8/2022 4:13:36 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/8/2022 10:16:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/8/2022 12:58:35 PM Post Reply
Okay, so she did try to whitewash her accidental admission by switching it to “natural gas” – which is not much different, according to the climate mafia – at the last second. Still, General Motors (GM) spokesperson Kristin Zimmerman has become something of an internet sensation for letting the cat out of the bag that their new “electric” car is charged by a power plant that runs on coal, so basically, their new car at the moment would actually run on about 95 percent coal. During an unveiling of the new Chevy Volt, Zimmerman demonstrated for the media how the supposedly “green” vehicle...
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Posted by Imright 6/8/2022 8:47:41 PM Post Reply
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House Votes to Increase Semi-Automatic
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23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/8/2022 8:31:15 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, as part of a slate of bills aimed at curbing mass shootings and gun violence, the House voted to increase the age required to purchase a semi-automatic rifle from 18 to 21. The vote was 228 to 199, with ten Republicans joining Democrats in supporting the measure. Those GOP members were Representatives Fitzpatrick, Gonzalez, Jacobs, Katko, Kinzinger, Malliotakis, Salazar, Smith, Turner, and Upton. After an 18-year-old gunman used an AR-15-style weapon to massacre 19 children and two teachers in a fourth-grade elementary-school classroom in Uvalde, Texas, in May, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been moving with urgency
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Posted by Ribicon 6/8/2022 4:23:50 PM Post Reply
A new poll shows that 73 percent of Trump voters believe that Democrats are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color to shore up more votes.(Snip)A new YouGov poll asked voters: 'Do you personally believe that in the U.S., Democrats are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Democrats’ views?' Seventy-three percent of Trump voters replied 'yes,' while 8 percent of Biden voters said the same. Overall 61 percent of Republicans, 10 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of Independents replied yes to the question.(Snip)'Nazi thinking veiled as political banter can no longer go unrecognized,
Jan. 6 insurrection hearings: How to watch
and what to know
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Posted by Solid_Oak 6/9/2022 10:56:23 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly a year since its inception, the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol will go public with its findings starting this week as lawmakers hope to show the American public how democracy came to the brink of disaster. The series of hearings that will take place over the next several weeks begin with a prime-time session Thursday night in which the nine-member panel plans to give an overview of its 11-month investigation. More than 1,000 people have been interviewed by the panel, and only snippets of that testimony have been revealed to the public, mostly through court filings.
I rented an electric car for a 4-day road
trip. I spent more time charging it than
I did sleeping.
21 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/8/2022 4:57:00 PM Post Reply
I thought it would be fun. That's what I told my friend Mack when I asked her to drive with me from New Orleans to Chicago and back in an electric car. I'd made long road trips before, surviving popped tires, blown headlights and shredded wheel-well liners in my 2008 Volkswagen Jetta. I figured driving the brand-new Kia EV6 I'd rented would be a piece of cake. If, that is, the public-charging infrastructure cooperated. We wouldn't be the first to test it.
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