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So Much For Being Social Justice Warriors…
NBA Adds Another Authoritarian Government
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Posted By: LoveYourCountry, 5/13/2022 8:40:36 AM

The players, management, and executives of the National Basketball Association care very deeply about social justice issues. Just ask them, and you’re sure to get an earful. Ask LeBron James about his thoughts on Black Lives Matter and he’s certain to go into a lengthy rant about his all-in support for the group and the movement. Ask league commissioner Adam Silver about his commitment to LGBTQ causes, and you’ll likely hear a lengthy lecture about his commitment including that time he pulled the league’s All-Star game out of Charlotte to protest North Carolina’s reasonable bathroom bill. The NBA even has a strong opinion on the 2nd Amendment,


Rumor has it, the NBA playoffs are currently going on. But, does anyone even care?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: beancounter 5/13/2022 8:48:58 AM (No. 1153995)
It's all about the benjamins.
4 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: john56 5/13/2022 9:44:37 AM (No. 1154051)
That's okay. The NBA (and WNBA) are basically personna non gratta in our house. And I used to be a season ticket holder with the San Antonio Spurs. Now, who cares? At least Michael Jordan understood that people he disagreed with were customers for his sneakers. I can live with that.
2 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Are You Serious 5/13/2022 9:56:21 AM (No. 1154065)
This is no surprise. Countries run by blacks tend to be dictatorial and violent.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Highlander 5/13/2022 10:46:16 AM (No. 1154108)
Haven’t watched thug-ball since O’Neal retired. Don’t miss a second of it.
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 5/13/2022 10:53:17 AM (No. 1154118)
NBA has sold out to thug governments for money. I was never much of a fan of the game of BBall, and when the inner city thugs took over the game, I became actively repelled by the sport. Now.....well, I already don't watch, actually never have, so can't decrease my viewership since it has been zero for decades.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: DW626 5/13/2022 10:58:34 AM (No. 1154128)
What’s the NBA.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: padiva 5/13/2022 11:45:43 AM (No. 1154190)
Don't eat at LeBron James' Blaze Pizza.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Dannee 5/13/2022 12:12:31 PM (No. 1154213)
My viewership of NBA games for the past 10+ years is Zero (0) and I will continue without a break. I would even pass if offered a courtside ticket to our local team (The $$$$$) if I was required to attend.
1 person likes this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: JimBob 5/14/2022 1:13:10 AM (No. 1154842)
They can go play with their balls on their own dime. They won't get ONE of mine! Other than that, the only way I could care less about the 'Men Playing Children's Games' branch of the Entertainment Industry is if I made a conscious effort to not care..... but that's too much effort.
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So Much For Being Social Justice Warriors…
NBA Adds Another Authoritarian Government
To List Of Friends
9 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/13/2022 8:40:36 AM Post Reply
The players, management, and executives of the National Basketball Association care very deeply about social justice issues. Just ask them, and you’re sure to get an earful. Ask LeBron James about his thoughts on Black Lives Matter and he’s certain to go into a lengthy rant about his all-in support for the group and the movement. Ask league commissioner Adam Silver about his commitment to LGBTQ causes, and you’ll likely hear a lengthy lecture about his commitment including that time he pulled the league’s All-Star game out of Charlotte to protest North Carolina’s reasonable bathroom bill. The NBA even has a strong opinion on the 2nd Amendment,
Report: Newsrooms Warn Journalists to
Keep Abortion Views Private
7 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/12/2022 7:58:54 AM Post Reply
It appears that newsroom managers have warned reporters against voicing their personal views on abortion as the Supreme Court potentially stands on the cusp of overturning Roe v. Wade. According to a recent Vanity Fair report, certain news outlets have taken a markedly different tone than the one they employed during the Black Lives Matter protests over the death of George Floyd. For instance, during the height of the protests/riots of 2020, Axios chief executive Jim VandeHei told employees in a company-wide memo that they were encouraged to exercise their “rights to free speech, press, and protest.”
Grocery Store Prices Up 10.8%, Most in
Nearly 42 Years as Americans Face Higher
Prices on Hamburger Meat, Baby Food, Chicken,
Bacon, Soup, and Coffee
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Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/11/2022 11:46:51 AM Post Reply
It got even more difficult in April for American families to put food on the kitchen table in January. Food prices rose 9.4 compared with a year earlier, data from the Department of Labor showed on Wednesday. That is the fastest rate of inflation for food since 1981. Grocery store prices were up by even more, 10.8 percent. The broader Consumer Price Index rose by 8.3 percent. Inflation is now not only running high but it has broadened to an economy-wide phenomenon. Even the kitchen table itself is more expensive. Prices for the category of “living room, kitchen, and dining room
Report: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Gas Prices Hit ‘All Time Highs’
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Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/9/2022 12:26:26 PM Post Reply
Democrat-led Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware are experiencing “all-time high” gas prices,WPVI-TV reported on Monday. “It’s $4.64 a record gallon in Philadelphia, 14 cents above the statewide average,” the ABC News affiliate found. “It’s $4.50 in Pennsylvania, $4.47 in New Jersey and $4.40 in Delaware.” According to the report, drivers are paying on average $4.32 per gallon nationally for unleaded — “$1.36 over what it was on this day a year ago.” The national average for diesel has also hit an all-time high at $5.54. The corporate media affiliate toed the Democrat Party line, blaming
A Mother’s Day Thanks To A Woman I Have
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Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/8/2022 7:30:16 AM Post Reply
I am a retired engineer in my mid-60s. Both my sister and I were adopted as babies and never knew our biological parents. We had a wonderful upbringing and I never really gave my adoption much thought. That is until now. At this late stage in my life, a dream brought emotions about my adoption to the surface that I never knew I had. In my dream, I was working in the backyard and happened to see
The U.S. Economy Added 428,000 Jobs in
April, Unemployment at 3.6%, But Participation
Rate Fell
11 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/6/2022 9:04:31 AM Post Reply
The U.S. economy added 428,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate held steady at 3.6 percent, the Department of Labor said Friday. Economists had expected the economy to add 400,000 jobs and the unemployment rate to come in unchanged from the prior month at 3.6 percent. The range of forecasts by economists surveyed by Econoday was between a gain of 300,000 to a gain of 500,000. The labor force participation rate unexpectedly declined to 62.2 percent from 62.4 percent.
ABC’s Hostin on Dave Chappelle Attack:
Trump Unleashed ‘Incivility’ in Our Country
37 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/5/2022 7:37:52 AM Post Reply
ABC’s legal analyst Sunny Hostin said Tuesday on ABC’s “The View” that comedian Dave Chappelle getting attacked on stage during the “Netflix Is A Joke Fest” was in part due to former President Donald Trump unleashing “incivility.” Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “What do you think is happening? It’s happening on airplanes. It’s happening on street corners. People are just running up. I mean, the Hollywood Bowl. He just ran up on there.”
Red Tsunami Update: It’s Not Just Hispanics
That Are Jumping Off The Democrats’
Sinking Ship
15 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/4/2022 9:27:50 AM Post Reply
There are certain demographics that are critical for the success of Republicans and Democrats. For instance, if Republicans want to succeed at the ballot box they must do well with evangelical Christians and non-college-educated white men. If they perform poorly with those two groups, they’re going to have a rough time on Election Day. Similarly, Democrats rely on college-educated single white women, Hispanics, and black folks. If they lose significant ground in any of those identity groups, they’re likely going to be in trouble. The way things are looking right now, Democratic support has eroded considerably in not just one of those demographics, but two.
PHOTOS – Parents Rally Against After
School Satan Club: ‘Let Our Voices Be Heard’
10 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 5/2/2022 1:57:24 PM Post Reply
Dozens of protesters joined forces in Greensboro, North Carolina, to pray against an after school Satan club scheduled to meet inside a local elementary school Friday. Police were stationed near Joyner Elementary School as 50 citizens gathered, carrying signs. Some participants knelt down to pray, Fox 8 reported. “Kind of a rallying thing to say ‘we here in Greensboro does not want this in our schools,'” explained Tempe Moore, who organized the event.
Oops: Congressman Caught On Tape Explaining
How “Special Interest Groups Run Washington” [WATCH]
10 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 4/27/2022 8:38:24 AM Post Reply
In March, at a campaign fundraiser, Alabama Republican Congressman Mo Brooks was filmed and confirmed what many voters have suspected for years—money runs congress. Brooks is running for the Republican nomination for the senate seat being vacated by retiring Richard Shelby. The Alabama Senate primary is May 24 and polling has Brooks in third. Here are the most substantial Mo Brooks quotes from the video. “Special interest groups run Washington.” “In the House of Representatives (I’ll use that as an example because that’s where I work), if you want to be a chairman of a major committee,
TX Gov. Abbott: Border Crisis ‘a Total
Disaster’ — ‘The Worst I’ve Ever Seen’
10 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 4/25/2022 9:24:45 AM Post Reply
During an interview on this week’s airing of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) slammed the ongoing border crisis that he attributed to President Joe Biden and the Democrats. Abbott described the border as a “total disaster” and called it “the worst” he had ever seen. “As you know, it’s a total disaster — not only by President Biden and his administration but by the Democrats across the board,” Abbott declared. “And we have a President of the United States who has not negotiated with the president of Mexico.
Democrats: We’ll Keep Border Barrier
If Republicans OK More Legal Migration
37 replies
Posted by LoveYourCountry 4/23/2022 7:31:11 AM Post Reply
Democrats and their business-backed allies are hinting they want the Republicans to okay more legal migration in exchange for keeping border barriers against illegal migration. “I don’t think there’s any incentive for the Republicans to deal,” amid Democratic threats to lift the Title 42 border barrier against migration, responded Jessica Vaughan, the policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies. “The Republicans know enough to insist on a clean extension of Title 42, not one encumbered with the Democrats’ wish list items,” she said, adding:
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Posted by Imright 5/13/2022 3:45:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 5/14/2022 10:51:47 AM Post Reply
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday led a delegation of Republican lawmakers to Kyiv and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Video shared by Zelensky shows him greeting the GOP delegation on a street in Kyiv, which remains firmly in Ukrainian control nearly two months after Russia launched its invasion of the country. The video showed McConnell, who represents the state of Kentucky, and senators Susan Collins of Maine, John Barrasso of Wyoming and John Cornyn of Texas greeting Zelensky.(Snip)'I strongly support the next package of lethal military assistance, which the House has passed with an overwhelming bipartisan majority. I hope the Senate can reach an agreement
America-Hating WNBA Player Brittney Griner’s
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27 replies
Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 5/14/2022 9:04:53 AM Post Reply
Brittney Griner had been one of the premier players in the WNBA. She is undeniably a blessed athlete, standing at 6’9” tall with remarkable coordination and agility for such a large athlete. She’s an Olympic gold medalist, a league champion, and has received scores of individual awards honoring her athletic achievements. And along with those physical blessings have come financial rewards as well, with Griner reportedly worth in excess of $3 million. One might assume that someone like Brittney Griner would have been grateful for her gifts. For her natural size and abilities.
Report: Liberals Spent Six Months Coming
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 5/14/2022 8:37:29 AM Post Reply
Liberal, Democratic Party-aligned strategists, pollsters, and think tank experts spent six months coming up with the “ultra MAGA” label that President Joe Biden has begun to deploy against Republicans ahead of a difficult midterm election. The Washington Post reported Friday: Biden’s attempt to appropriate the “MAGA” brand as a political attack was hardly accidental. It arose from a six-month research project to find the best way to target Republicans, helmed by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal group.
Wisconsin mom says son, 13, was accused
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27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2022 10:13:31 PM Post Reply
A Wisconsin mom shared her horror after her 13 year-old son was accused of sexual harassment for refusing to refer to a non-binary schoolmate with 'they/them' pronouns. Rosemary Rabidoux hit out after her son Bradon became one of three eighth grade schoolboys at Kiel Middle School subjected to an ongoing probe. It was triggered after they chose not to use the gender neutral pronoun for their unidentified classmate, who they instead referred to using 'she' and her'. Things appear to have escalated quickly with the school district now filing a Title IX complaint against the students, accusing them of sexual harassment for using the 'incorrect' pronouns.
Clyburn: If GOP Not Held Accountable ‘Democracy
and This Country Really Is Teetering on
the Edge’
27 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2022 7:27:16 PM Post Reply
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports” that if Republican lawmakers were not held accountable for their role leading up to the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, America’s democracy was “teetering on the edge.”Clyburn was discussing the House Select Committee subpoenaed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Scott Perry (R-PA).Clyburn said, “At some point in time, you need to think about this country, and all of us are aware that we are at a very critical stage in our country’s history.”
Netflix Goes Scorched Earth on Woke Employees 27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/13/2022 8:30:00 AM Post Reply
When you go woke, you run the risk of going broke, and apparently, Netflix is pulling the ripcord before the streaming giant good and fully faceplants. Following a financial report that saw its stock price plummet 37 percent in late April, Netflix is now moving to adjust its culture and reengage its frustrated audience. A new “culture memo” dealing with “artistic expression” has been sent out, and it’s clearly a shot at the woke staffers who have been sandbagging the company. Excerpts come via The Daily Wire. “If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you,” 
Dan Crenshaw reveals his true colors, again 27 replies
Posted by DW626 5/13/2022 6:11:03 AM Post Reply
A few days ago, GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, and Dan Crenshaw from Texas, were involved in a heated online exchange over providing U.S. aid to Ukraine Since Russia's incursion began, the U.S has supplied Ukraine with billions of dollars in aid. Back in March, the House and the Senate approved $13.6bn for ‘assistance’ to Ukraine. On Tuesday, the House approved $40 billion more in aid. At the beginning of the month, Biden had requested $33 billion but the House generously offered $7 billion more. The aid to Ukraine comes as the US, under Biden, is struggling on several fronts.
Marvel introduces new trans mutant hero
Escapade: A ‘total goofball’ with
‘profound loyalty to her friends’
26 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2022 5:44:38 PM Post Reply
Meet Marvel’s new mutant. A new superhero is getting ready to make her comic debut: Shela Sexton, a.k.a. Escapade, is described as a “total goofball” who’s extremely loyal to her friends and has “a super-strong sense of justice.” She’s also transgender, which according to her co-creator Charlie Jane Anders, has led her to experience “some rejection,” but also shaped her into becoming the superhero she is today.(Snip)Escapade will be introduced to the world in the pages of “Marvel’s Voices: Pride #1,” set to be released on June 22 as part of the publisher’s Pride Month celebrations. She’ll also bring along her best friend and fellow trans mutant
Biden used the term "ultra-MAGA" after
6 months of research. Now Republican have
put it on T-shirts.
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/14/2022 10:04:29 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's use of the term "ultra-MAGA" reportedly followed six months of research into the best ways to target Republicans. And it only took days for Republicans to put it T-shirts for fundraising sales. The House Republicans' campaign arm is offering "ultra-MAGA" shirts with former President Donald Trump's likeness and a US flag. MAGA, which stands for "Make America Great Again," was Trump's 2016 campaign slogan "House GOP's giving away 1,000 'ULTRA MAGA' shirts! Offer ends at Midnight
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