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Sorry, ABC: Politico/Morning Consult poll
shows majority support for Florida sex-ed limits

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/16/2022 10:34:03 PM

And it’s not even close, despite Politico’s carefully crafted lead: American voters are sharply divided over two contentious bills Florida’s state Legislature recently passed that deal with the teaching of race and gender identity, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll of registered voters. “Sharply divided,” in this case, means majority support for the supposed “Don’t Say Gay” bill that Ron DeSantis has endorsed. That’s no narrow window either, but instead a 51/35 support level for restricting discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity below the fourth-grade level. An even slightly higher percentage, 52/37, support limiting such discussions at and above that level to “age-appropriate discussions.” That isn’t just a GOP phenomenon either:

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Rich323 3/16/2022 10:46:17 PM (No. 1102178)
And now in Florida, we have 108 arrests for human trafficking, and child predators four of whom are Disney employees. So Chapek, you better do some house cleaning as we don’t need children being abused in your parks or in our K-3 classrooms. We don’t need children being exposed to differing lifestyles unless the parents choose to do so.
29 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Rinktum 3/17/2022 6:40:34 AM (No. 1102319)
The LGBTQ++++ community has now so alienated the majority of Americans that they will openly condemn them and their activities where before it was pretty much live and let live. They promised all they wanted was acceptance. Now we know that their goal was dominance and they want it to start early. Parents, on the other hand, have a different idea. They are sick of having this lifestyle crammed down their throats. They pushed too hard and too far and now we know it all was just a ruse to open the door to every perversion under the sun. The majority of people do not want their child exposed to highly sexualized material in the classroom. They believe sexual education is a parental right.
33 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: lakerman1 3/17/2022 7:02:24 AM (No. 1102330)
I entered first grade at age 5, at a two room schoolhouse in Erie County, Pennsylvania, in 1944. Discussions about sex, between the boys on the playground, were limited to the birth of babies. There were conflicting opinions, once we agreed that the baby grew in the mommy's belly, about how the baby exited. None of the theories made sense at the time.. And I can't even imagine how the LBGTQ+ stuff would have confused us.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Wetenschapper 3/17/2022 8:45:17 AM (No. 1102421)
I think it's becoming clear that a significant proportion of those entering public education do so because they are sexually attracted to children. Being an 'educator' gives them both access and an opportunity to groom their charges away from parents' watchful eyes. To be sure, some radical teachers pushing a sexualized agenda are 'merely' Marxists, who simply wish to destroy the fabric of marriage and American society; however, that having been said, a surprising number of radicals also turn out to be pedophiles. It would be interesting, and probably telling, to investigate exactly what percent of the educational establishmnet has a sexual interest in minors.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: ironchefw 3/17/2022 8:57:35 AM (No. 1102440)
Let's make sure the kids get a solid start in reading, writing and arithmetic. There's plenty of time for them for them to be subjected to the "correct" social views outside of school on Disney+, social media and TikTok.
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: columba 3/17/2022 9:57:22 AM (No. 1102499)
If you want to entice children with lies about sex, please go to another planet.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: little guy 3/17/2022 10:28:27 AM (No. 1102535)
The biggest problem is that most gays (75%??) are quite radical in their thinking. They are not interested in being tolerated with respect ... they want acceptance of their values but ... most importantly ... they want affirmation. And they don't just want a hug. So, it's not enough that you mind your own business and just leave them the heck alone to life their lifestyle. No ... you have to be a part of their lifestyle. Being gay for many of them is like a religion that demands you bow before their "god" ... even if it's a sin in your own religion to do so. Sorry ... but children from kindergarten (literally translated as "a garden for children") age to 3rd grade do not need to learn about sex of any kind. Period. And if you think they need to know about gay sex then go and check your own moral compass as the needle if off true North!
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: MickTurn 3/17/2022 10:42:16 AM (No. 1102550)
SO WHEN are the Red State Governors going to pursue Criminal Charges against Unions, Teachers, School Boards et. al. for Child Abuse? The case is quite clear!
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Zigrid 3/17/2022 10:50:41 AM (No. 1102563)
I'm always leery about polls offered by the fake media...they twist and massage the truth to fit their in this if there's 35% of Floridians who want this education for their kids...go to Disney world and leave the rest of the parents and their children alone...what's the push for all children to be exposed...pardon the this crap...
2 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 3/17/2022 11:43:15 AM (No. 1102598)
#4 You are right on target. Our son's 2nd grade teacher in CA was a homosexual and had the boys in his class calling themselves "pretty girls." We don't know what else he was teaching and/or telling his pupils, or what was going on in our son's school classroom, because parents weren't allowed in. This response of gay men going into teaching is probably the same reason that many go into the priesthood in the Catholic Church. They have access to young boys. There is a Man/Boy Nambla love assoc. that encourages sex between adult men and young boys. Sick and evil and will lead to the destruction of the family unit. Pray for our children, especially our young boys.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Rumblehog 3/17/2022 1:57:29 PM (No. 1102682)
I've got an idea... let's have the Schools require PARENTS come to school at night and get taught what the School District wants kids to know; then let PARENTS teach the children accordingly. I suspect brawls would break out in sex night-school and police would be called in. Imagine the PURE EVIL coming from the mouths of these disgusting evangelists of degeneracy.
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Sorry, ABC: Politico/Morning Consult poll
shows majority support for Florida sex-ed limits
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2022 10:34:03 PM Post Reply
And it’s not even close, despite Politico’s carefully crafted lead: American voters are sharply divided over two contentious bills Florida’s state Legislature recently passed that deal with the teaching of race and gender identity, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll of registered voters. “Sharply divided,” in this case, means majority support for the supposed “Don’t Say Gay” bill that Ron DeSantis has endorsed. That’s no narrow window either, but instead a 51/35 support level for restricting discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity below the fourth-grade level. An even slightly higher percentage, 52/37, support limiting such discussions at and above that level to “age-appropriate discussions.” That isn’t just a GOP phenomenon either:
Fed to Raise Interest Rates for First
Time in Three Years in Bid to Combat Inflation
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2022 9:07:30 PM Post Reply
The Federal Reserve announced on Wednesday that it will raise interests rates by a quarter of a percentage point, hiking rates for the first time since December 2018 in an effort to curb rising inflation. Following their March meeting, Fed officials said in a statement that the Federal Open Market Committee would raise the benchmark federal funds rate in order to cool an overheated economy, bringing the rate to between .25 and .5 percent. “With appropriate firming in the stance of monetary policy, the committee expects inflation to return to its 2 percent objective and the labor market to remain strong,” the Fed said in its March statement, adding that
7.3-magnitude earthquake in Japan triggers
tsunami advisory, blackouts
2 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2022 12:45:40 PM Post Reply
Tokyo — A massive 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck near Namie, Japan, triggering a one-meter-high tsunami advisory in the region 11 years after it was devastated by a deadly quake. The earthquake was reported just before 11 a.m. ET on Wednesday, which is around midnight Thursday in Japan. The Japan Meteorological Agency said the quake struck about 36 miles below the sea. Namie is a small town in the Fukushima prefecture. Police said there were no reports of injuries or damage from the initial quake, according to local news station NHK Fukushima. Two aftershocks in Japan left seven people injured including six from falling objects, the station reported.
UK Defense Ministry: Russia's offense
has stalled as it struggles to replace
personnel losses
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2022 12:34:44 AM Post Reply
If you read Allahpundit’s post earlier then you know there’s some speculation that the clock is ticking on the Russian invasion. Retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges estimates Russia can only sustain its current levels of deployment for about 10 more days before its troops and ammunition are depleted to the point they can’t really mount an effective fight. Hodges also pointed to the possibility of a Russian default as soon as tomorrow which would also create serious domestic problems that might keep Putin occupied. Lt. Gen. Hodges was quick to say his view of the current situation was based not on any inside information or intelligence
US producer prices increased 10% in February
from a year ago
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2022 6:06:09 PM Post Reply
Prices paid to U.S. producers rose strongly in February on higher costs of goods, underscoring inflationary pressures that set the stage for a Federal Reserve rate hike this week. The producer price index for final demand increased 10% from February of last year and 0.8% from the prior month, Labor Department data showed Tuesday. That followed an upwardly revised 1.2% monthly gain in JanuaryThe median forecasts in a Bloomberg survey of economists called for a 10% year-over-year increase and a 0.9% monthly advance. Two-year Treasury yields extended declines and U.S. stock futures rose after the data showed producer prices rose less than expected
Psaki Says No Venezuelan Oil ‘at This
Time’ as Hispanic Support for Democrats Collapses
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2022 4:15:45 PM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki repeatedly shut down questions about President Joe Biden potentially cutting a deal to import oil from socialist Venezuela on Monday after rumors of such a move, fueled by a U.S. delegation to Caracas, prompted international outrage. Psaki temporarily ruled out importing Venezuelan oil shortly after polling released in the past week showed a dramatic collapse in support to the Democrats from Hispanic Americans that began during the 2020 election, fueled by concerns that socialists friendly with, among others, the Venezuelan regime had become too powerful within the Party.
Sarah Bloom Raskin withdraws her candidacy
for Federal Reserve board
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2022 3:41:28 PM Post Reply
Sarah Bloom Raskin, President Joe Biden's embattled nominee to the Federal Reserve, on Tuesday withdrew her candidacy to serve at the central bank, ending a weekslong partisan battle over her views on climate policy, a person familiar with the matter said. Her withdrawal comes a day after Sen. Joe Manchin, a conservative Democrat from West Virginia, said he could not support her nomination. His defection would have made her confirmation nearly impossible in a Senate split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans. Biden had picked Raskin — a former Fed governor and deputy Treasury secretary — to be the Fed's next vice chair for supervision, one of globe's most powerful banking regulators.
Biden to Travel to Europe Next Week for
NATO Summit on Ukraine War
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2022 2:31:28 PM Post Reply
President Biden is set to travel to Brussels, Belgium, next week to attend a NATO summit on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said of the March 24 meeting: “We will address Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, our strong support for Ukraine, and further strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defense.” Psaki said Biden will “reaffirm our ironclad commitment to our NATO allies” at next week’s summit. Biden will also meet with the European Union Council in Brussels “to discuss our shared concerns about Ukraine, including transatlantic efforts to impose economic costs on Russia,
Fox News Cameraman Killed, Reporter Injured
in Attacks on Kyiv
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2022 1:43:32 PM Post Reply
Pierre Zakrzewski, a cameraman for Fox News, was killed in an attack outside of the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on Monday that also left Fox reporter Benjamin Hall injured, Fox announced Tuesday. Fox’s Bill Hemmer delivered the news on Tuesday morning, calling Zakrzewski “an absolute legend” and his loss “devastating.” Zakrzewski covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria prior to Ukraine. “We here at the Fox News Channel want to offer our deepest condolences to Pierre’s wife, Michelle, and his entire family. Pierre Zakrzewski was only 55 years old and we miss him already,” said Hemmer.
Border Patrol Apprehends 165,000 Migrants
in February, Up 60 Percent from Previous Year
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2022 11:19:37 AM Post Reply
U.S. border agents encountered 164,973 migrants at the southern border in February, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data released on Tuesday. The number marked an over 60 percent increase from February 2021, which saw 101,099 encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border. “February…registered a slight uptick in the number of encounters along the Southwest border, with most individuals arriving from Mexico and the Northern Triangle, and the majority of noncitizens expelled under Title 42,” CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said in a statement.
Ukraine invasion splits Orthodox Church,
isolates Russian patriarch
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/14/2022 11:34:54 PM Post Reply
Vatican City - Russian Patriarch Kirill's full-throated blessing for Moscow's invasion of Ukraine has splintered the worldwide Orthodox Church and unleashed an internal rebellion that experts say is unprecedented. Kirill, 75, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, sees the war as a bulwark against a West he considers decadent, particularly over the acceptance of homosexuality. He and Putin share a vision of the "Russkiy Mir", or "Russian World", linking spiritual unity and territorial expansion aimed at parts of the ex-Soviet Union, experts told Reuters. What Putin sees as a political restoration, Kirill sees as a crusade. But the patriarch has sparked a backlash
Israeli Government Websites Crash after
Alleged Cyber Attack
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/14/2022 11:05:40 PM Post Reply
Israeli government websites crashed on Tuesday following an alleged cyber attack. Several government websites were inaccessible including sites for the Ministries of Health, Interior, and the Foreign Ministry. The sites crashed due to a cyber attack, sources told Channel 11 News and Haaretz. Israeli’s National Cyber Directorate declared a state of emergency while the attack is being investigated, Haaretz reported. The strike was the largest cyber attack ever carried out against Israel, a senior defense official claimed to Haaretz.
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Posted by Imright 3/17/2022 12:28:35 AM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci is getting a little nervous. The White House chief medical advisor, whose handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn either abject endorsement or stinging rebuke depending on whom you ask, expects to face some tough questions come next year. In an interview with The Washington Post, a mouthpiece not known for its hostility to the good doctor, Fauci speculated that he’d likely be in the hot seat if Republicans take Congress in the upcoming midterm elections.“It’s Benghazi hearings all over again,” Fauci told the Post, an odd comment for a supposedly apolitical and neutral medical advisor and chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
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'Don't Say Gay' bill: LGBTQ orgs say they'll
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Posted by Ribicon 3/16/2022 4:34:56 PM Post Reply
Disney workers are planning walkouts during their breaks every day this week to protest CEO Bob Chapek's 'slow response' in publicly criticizing Florida legislation that critics have dubbed the 'Don't Say Gay' bill. The act of protest will culminate next Tuesday with a larger walkout by LGBTQ workers and their supporters at Disney worksites in California, Florida and elsewhere, the group of Disney employees said this week on their website. Organizers asked Disney workers to respond online whether or not they were planning to participate in the full-scale walkout next week.(Snip)Statements by Disney leadership over the Florida legislation 'have utterly failed to match the magnitude of the threat
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Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 3:20:05 AM Post Reply
Thousands of American soldiers trained to use surface-to-air missile systems, High Mobility Artillery Rockets and unmanned aircraft are bound for Australia as tensions grow with China.The rotational US Marine force of about 2200 servicemen and women will be based in the Northern Territory during the upcoming dry season from September.It is the 11th deployment to the Top End and for the first time will include 250 US Army personnel, the Australian Defence Force announced. The contingent is part of an ongoing US initiative in the Indo-Pacific region to prepare for a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan in coming years.
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Posted by Imright 3/17/2022 1:21:09 AM Post Reply
Google and YouTube have declared former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to be inappropriate viewing.Ms. Gabbard posted a three-minute clip on Twitter on Wednesday evening, most of which was of an appearance by her on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle.” (Tweet/Video) But she labeled the clip “this is what Google/YouTube doesn’t want you to say,” based on the first several seconds.The video shows someone logging in via Google and, before the Gabbard-Ingraham interview begins, the viewer is warned that “the following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”
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Posted by Imright 3/17/2022 1:43:54 AM Post Reply
Woke Yale law students have been filmed threatening speakers and staff for attending a free speech event which saw a humanist speaker invited to debate a high-profile conservative on First Amendment rights. Police were forced to escort guest speakers from Yale Law School's free speech debate after more than 100 students intimated a conservative panelist and caused a riot in the auditorium by yelling and blocking exits out of the hall.The chaos broke out last week at the start of a panel featuring progressive Monica Miller from the American Humanist Association and conservative Christian Kristen Waggoner of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) nonprofit.
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Tells US to shut the skies because it
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30 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 10:00:13 AM Post Reply
President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine is going through 9/11 and Pearl Harbor every day, urged the US to protect his skies as he invoked Martin Luther King and the Founding Fathers in a heart-wrenching speech to Congress on Wednesday morning.He also confronted President Joe Biden and told him to become the 'leader of the free world', demanded more sanctions for Russia to stop the 'war machine', asked for fighter jets and shared devastating footage of civilians being maimed in Kyiv as he called on lawmakers to 'do more' to protect his country.'I am addressing the President Biden. You are the leader of the nation, of your great nation.
What if the COVID-19 vaccines are not
really vaccines?
30 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/16/2022 9:01:17 AM Post Reply
Evidence has come to light strongly indicating that the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are not really "vaccines" in the medical and legal sense of the word, but rather "experimental gene therapies." If proven true, the significance and legal ramifications of this allegation are profound. (snip) "By their own patents and reference material, neither Pfizer nor Moderna claims this. Rather, they only classify their products as 'gene therapy.'" Dr. Martin states the Moderna and Pfizer products "do not prevent you from getting the COVID-19 infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They are really experimental gene therapies
Horrifying video shows final moments of
LA DUI suspect who died screaming 'I can't
breathe' after being pinned to ground
face-down for refusing to give blood sample
over fear of needles
27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/16/2022 11:36:36 PM Post Reply
A California father's harrowing final moments have emerged in harrowing police footage showing him scream 'I can't breathe' while dying as he was held face-down on the ground so cops could extract a blood sample. Edward Bronstein, 38, died on March 31, 2020, less than two months before George Floyd was killed by police in Minnesota, after an altercation during his arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence. He was pulled over for a DUI, but taken to a police station after refusing to give a blood sample, which his family says was due to a fear of needles.(Snip)Five officers can be seen kneeling on him
Jussie Smollett is back on the streets again 26 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/17/2022 3:54:32 AM Post Reply
Just five days after going to jail to begin his 150-day sentence, Jussie Smollett is a free man again. Considering what’s been happening in D.C. to people who, at most, trespassed, the whole Jussie saga has been disgusting and this is one more chapter to irritate or even enrage those who believe in the rule of law. However, much as I hate to say this, the appellate court that released him while his appeal is pending probably made the correct legal decision. (snip) Smollett’s attorneys had argued that he would have completed the jail sentence by the time the appeal process was completed
Andrea Mitchell Hopes War In Ukraine ‘At
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26 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 6:56:18 PM Post Reply
On her MSNBC show early Wednesday afternoon, host Andrea Mitchell hoped that the war in Ukraine “at least is helping the Democrats” politically heading into the midterm elections. Washington Post deputy national editor Phil Rucker agreed with her partisan assessment and touted how President Biden was trying to falsely use the conflict as a “scapegoat” for high gas prices.“And I want to quickly ask both of you about midterms because we have seen the President’s declining poll ratings stabilize and even edge up with the way he’s responded on Ukraine,” Mitchell told her guests in the 12:00 p.m. ET hour.
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but I am not stupid' before calling Putin
a 'murderous dictator and pure thug' in
St Patrick's Day speech
25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/17/2022 4:38:08 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a 'murderous dictator and pure thug' in his St Patrick's Day speech on Thursday that started with the quip: 'I may be Irish but I am not stupid'. Biden ramped up his attacks on the Russian leader, a day after finally calling him a war criminal, in remarks that started with him going through his Irish heritage at the annual Friends of Ireland Luncheon. 'Father before I began, bless me, father I'm about to sin,' Biden cracked, making the sign of the cross as he addressed Rev. Thomas O'Connor while standing between Irish and American flags inside the wood paneled Rayburn Room
Mass deaths feared as Putin's forces bomb
Ukrainian theatre where hundreds of people
were sheltering - despite the word CHILDREN
being written outside it - leaving many
trapped in the rubble and rescuers unable
to get close due to continued shelling
24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 8:36:59 PM Post Reply
Russian forces bombed a theatre where hundreds of civilians, including children, were sheltering in the encircled port city of Mariupol on Wednesday, the city council said.Officials said it is impossible to know how many people were killed or injured in the attack on the Mariupol Drama Theatre because the shelling of residential areas continues in the city, meaning rescuers can't reach those in the rubble. Satellite imagery from Monday showed the word 'children' written in large white letters in Russian in front of and behind the theatre building in an apparent effort to stave off any attack by Putin's forces. But two days later, Russian forces bombed the theatre
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