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EXCLUSIVE: Freedom Convoy truckers say
Trudeau and North America’s liberal
media are falsely demonizing them as ultra-right-wing
crazies. And after spending a week in
their midst, the Mail’s reporter can
only conclude these peaceful, good-natured
protestors are 100% correct about that
– if nothing else

Original Article

Posted By: AltaD, 2/8/2022 8:52:44 AM

Angry truckers have lashed out at Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau after members of their convoy protest were arrested and charged with hate crimes during another weekend of unrest in the country's capital city. They have also strongly denied that they have ties to ultra-right-wing groups, insisting they are just 'ordinary truckers.' 'It's intimidation, nothing else,' Freedom Convoy protestor Guy Meister told on Monday. 'We are just a bunch of hard working truck drivers (Snip) Since arrived in Ottawa last week we have seen no indication of violence or vandalism or any extremist political agenda. In fact, the demonstrations have shown the opposite.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: curious1 2/8/2022 9:02:17 AM (No. 1065327)
This from the DM?
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Highlander 2/8/2022 9:32:40 AM (No. 1065352)
Fidel Castro’s son. What else does anyone expects him to do?
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: BarryNo 2/8/2022 9:33:56 AM (No. 1065356)
Anyone who does not precisely think like a liberal is labeled a frothing Right Wing Extremist. For examle: Nonliberal: I don't think abortion should be permissable right up till birth... Liberal: You dusgusting Right Wing Extremist Maniac!! It HER BODY! HER CHOICE! Abortion should should have NO restriction!!
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: downnout 2/8/2022 9:39:53 AM (No. 1065362)
We are citizens, not serfs.
25 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: kennedylaw 2/8/2022 9:44:46 AM (No. 1065368)
Rioters, looters and arsonists supporting the "correct" cause are "peaceful protests." Peaceful protesters supporting an incorrect cause are an "insurrection." War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength
31 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: red1066 2/8/2022 9:45:03 AM (No. 1065369)
Of course, the truckers would be viewed as ultra right wing by ultra left wing government officials. Anyone who stands up and resists the orders from the communists is of course considered right wing. How dare you object to our orders.
23 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Chiritwo 2/8/2022 9:58:47 AM (No. 1065381)
Hang in there, truckers. The main stream press has overplayed it's hand one too many times so they have no credibility left. The world is with you!
25 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: formerNYer 2/8/2022 10:05:34 AM (No. 1065392)
You can tell the press are a bunch of left-wing crazies because they are no longer capable to tell the truth either.
21 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Jebediah 2/8/2022 10:30:21 AM (No. 1065438)
I would put any amount of $ on those identified as crazies and racists and vast lawbreakers among the truckers are Canada's version of our FBI plants!!!!!!!!!
18 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Debrawr 2/8/2022 10:47:56 AM (No. 1065469)
The link to the Ottawa Police bulletin [] lists mostly charges for catch-all charge of "mischief". Three "mischief" charges are the subject of "ongoing investigation". These catch-all police powers should be abolished everywhere. And what gives them the power to arrest people and confiscate legal fuel? Is the Canadian Constitution that squishy?
12 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 2/8/2022 10:49:07 AM (No. 1065472)
Ted Cruz was born in Canada and no doubt has a special love for that country and hates to see the utter domination of the Canadian people by that idiot Trudeau and his cabal. That's why he's speaking out against tyranny in Canada. God bless Senator Ted Cruz...may more politicians speak out for freedom loving Canadians.
11 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: ChattyCatsSusan 2/8/2022 11:12:26 AM (No. 1065502)
Once again, the Daily Mail posts real reporting on something. Unlike our domestic gate keepers who refuse to inform the public about anything. Maybe it is because our domestic gate keepers are such a big part of the slime party as well. Never thought I would find myself searching out for items from the DM, but they are about the only way we here in the US can find out what is going on in our own front yard.
10 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 2/8/2022 12:12:35 PM (No. 1065590)
These truckers need to be on the watch for any of the literal 'false flag' folks who bring a swastika, and grab the person and the flag and "take care of" both of them. Any swastika flags need to be immediately burned with minimum number of folks aware of it. The FBI is probably advising Soy Boy Justin's thugs on this, and they will be trying to infiltrate and cause problems, of course.
10 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: KatieJo 2/8/2022 1:20:40 PM (No. 1065684)
They do deserve credit for the article, but I noticed that they are not accepting comments. I wonder if it's because comments on similar articles have been HIGHLY in favor of the truckers.
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Kafka2 2/8/2022 3:23:40 PM (No. 1065812)
When you look at the noisy, but peaceful, demonstrators, I can only conclude that it is the Canadian government's over reaction to the demonstrators that is out of control. The extreme accusations the government has made about the demonstrators are slanderous.
2 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: paral04 2/8/2022 4:25:46 PM (No. 1065881)
Truckers, go home and refuse to make any deliveries to or from Ottawa. Let them starve or go without gasoline and whatever is shipped to them. Don't deliver to any railways either that might take stuff or passengers there. You don't have to take the terrorism that might come down on you and make it your January 6th.
0 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: AltaD 2/8/2022 6:15:44 PM (No. 1065989)
#14, I noticed that too about the comment section being closed. However, there are currently 6.8k comments on an article about a member of Trudeau's own party resigning and slamming him for his nazi lie. Top comments are not exactly pro-Trudeau, to say the least.
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Catholic school principal placed on leave,
believes he’ll be fired after making
masks optional
6 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/8/2022 11:05:52 PM Post Reply
Chicago - Parents protested the reported firing of a South Side Catholic school principal after he chose not to enforce the Archdiocese’s masking policy. Queen of Martyrs Catholic School principal Doc Mathius later told WGN News that while he hasn’t officially been fired, he is currently on paid leave and doesn’t anticipate being brought back. Speaking to WGN News in a phone interview Tuesday, Mathius said he didn’t make his decision lightly. “I just thought the time has come. Somebody has to do something,” Mathius said.(Snip)Mathius revealed he went against the Archdiocese’s decision because he felt it was the best for his students.
EXCLUSIVE: Freedom Convoy truckers say
Trudeau and North America’s liberal
media are falsely demonizing them as ultra-right-wing
crazies. And after spending a week in
their midst, the Mail’s reporter can
only conclude these peaceful, good-natured
protestors are 100% correct about that
– if nothing else
17 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/8/2022 8:52:44 AM Post Reply
Angry truckers have lashed out at Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau after members of their convoy protest were arrested and charged with hate crimes during another weekend of unrest in the country's capital city. They have also strongly denied that they have ties to ultra-right-wing groups, insisting they are just 'ordinary truckers.' 'It's intimidation, nothing else,' Freedom Convoy protestor Guy Meister told on Monday. 'We are just a bunch of hard working truck drivers (Snip) Since arrived in Ottawa last week we have seen no indication of violence or vandalism or any extremist political agenda. In fact, the demonstrations have shown the opposite.
Unreliable Speed Cameras Line Government Pockets 21 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/5/2022 11:41:15 AM Post Reply
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg's new National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) promotes speed cameras nationwide to make our roads safer. But research shows that speed cameras are subject to error and actually end up serving as a means to generate government revenue.(Snip) However, the cameras can commit errors when it comes to actually ticketing the right offenders. This can be a problem for drivers—but a windfall for enforcers. In Chicago, where speed cameras are abundant, the camera program improperly gave out over $2.4 million in fines from 2013 to 2015. Using a random sample analysis, the Chicago Tribune estimated the number of bad tickets to be somewhere around 110,000.
The censoring of Joe Rogan is a tactic
right out of old Soviet Union
11 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/5/2022 9:20:26 AM Post Reply
Make no mistake, the recent Joe Rogan vs. Spotify scandal is not about COVID and what constitutes proper medical protocols to fight it. It’s about the future of free speech in America. White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s statement on Tuesday, directing Big Tech and Spotify to do “more” to eradicate alleged COVID “misinformation” on the “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, suggests that the future of the First Amendment is bleak. A representative of a ruling party dictating to a private company what content is “accurate” and what is not, is a clear sign that the US government has embraced censorship. Just like the Soviets, the benevolent authoritarians want to “protect” you
Virginia judge grants temporary restraining
order allowing mask mandates to remain
in schools
8 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/4/2022 7:17:32 PM Post Reply
Students in northern Virginia schools will have to continue wearing face masks after an Arlington judge granted a temporary restraining order preventing Gov. Glenn Youngkin's mask-optional order from taking effect. The decision comes after seven school boards requested a temporary restraining order in a lawsuit to block Youngkin's order which allows parents to decide what's best for their children.(Snip)Following the judge's decision, Macaulay Porter, a spokesperson for Youngkin, released a statement and vowed to appeal the ruling, saying the ability for parents to decide what is best for their children in school is something Youngkin will continue to fight for.
Winter Olympics guests describe 'dystopian'
scenes inside the village after being
greeted by bartenders in full hazmat suits
and robots spraying disinfectant under
Zero Covid policy
17 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/4/2022 8:08:52 AM Post Reply
'Dystopian' scenes from inside Beijing Olympic village include barmen in full PPE mixing cocktails and robots spraying clouds of disinfectant into the air as China attempts to host a Covid-free Games. Video shot inside the Nanshanli Condotel on Thursday reveal journalists and Olympic personnel in light-touch masks mixing with hotel staff wearing full hazmat suits due to fears the Games could become a super-spreader event. A Reuters reporter inside the hotel described the atmosphere as 'dystopian', saying the air smells like disinfectant due to the number of times floors and walls are sprayed, while all food service arrives in hotel rooms plastic-wrapped.
Susan Sarandon Tweets Graphic Comparing
NYPD Funeral To Fascism, Implies Cops
‘Not Needed Any Day’
42 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/2/2022 3:20:27 PM Post Reply
Actress Susan Sarandon has drawn criticism for a Tuesday night tweet that appeared to compare the funerals of two fallen New York City police officers to a display of fascism. Sarandon posted an image of a tweet reading, “I’m gonna tell my kids this is what fascism looks like,” captioning an image of the funeral procession of Jason Rivera, a 22-year-old New York City police officer, who was shot dead while responding to a domestic violence call in Harlem. (Snip) Sarandon added, “So, if all these cops weren’t needed for CRIME that day, doesn’t that mean they aren’t needed ANY day?”
Olympian Eileen Gu ruffles US skiers with
decision to compete for China
37 replies
Posted by AltaD 2/1/2022 1:35:45 PM Post Reply
She could be America’s next Olympic darling — a stunning 18-year-old skier who signed with Victoria’s Secret and plans to attend Stanford after she vies for gold in Beijing. But Eileen Gu won’t be competing for the US. Instead, in a move that’s baffled members of the American skiing community, San Francisco-born-and bred Gu has joined Team China. (Snip) “She became the athlete she is because she grew up in the United States, where she had access to premier training grounds and coaching that, as a female, she might not have had in China,” Hudak told The Post. “I think she would be a different skier if she grew up in China.
11-year-old charged in armed carjacking
in Mount Greenwood
10 replies
Posted by AltaD 1/27/2022 11:59:59 AM Post Reply
Chicago - An 11-year-old boy was charged in connection with an armed carjacking last November in the Mount Greenwood neighborhood on the Far Southwest Side. The boy, who has not been identified because he is a minor, was accused of taking a car at gunpoint from two women on Nov. 19, 2021 in the 1100 block of South Harding Street, police said. During the investigation, the 11-year-old was spotted inside another vehicle that was reported stolen from the Lawndale neighborhood on Nov. 13, 2021, police said. (Snip) He is the second 11-year-old charged with carjacking in the past three months.
Pritzker not ready to reduce COVID mitigations
despite declining infection numbers
10 replies
Posted by AltaD 1/20/2022 7:07:27 PM Post Reply
Chicago - Illinois’ top health official cast more cold water Wednesday on dreams of Covid-19 fading away anytime soon. Despite declining infection numbers, neither Dr. Ngozi Ezike nor Gov. JB Pritzker were ready to reduce mitigations. When Covid-19 vaccines arrived, many experts said that once enough people had been immunized, so-called herd immunity could kick in and effectively end the pandemic. But that's not what Ezike said Wednesday afternoon. "Australia is 90% vaccinated. And they don't have herd immunity. They're still having outbreaks. They're still seeing an uptick," Ezike said. So when might Illinois and Chicago see an end to rules such as requiring proof of vaccination to
5 kids shot in Chicago — Pastor Brooks
asks where is BLM, NAACP?
15 replies
Posted by AltaD 1/19/2022 10:50:29 AM Post Reply
Chicago - Aside from his Rooftop Revelations series, Pastor Corey Brooks wanted to share his brief thoughts on the five children shot in Chicago in the last 24 hours. (Snip)That's five children shot in less than 24 hours. If this happened in any other community in America, it would be total outrage, and I mean, outrage. The question that I want to ask is: Where is Black Lives Matter? Where is ... unfortunately, I have to say it, the NAACP? Where are all these organizations that say they support and are committed to black lives, but when we have five young people shot, no one is saying a word?
Who Is Aleya Siyaj? CEO of Center for
COVID Control Testing Sites Under Investigation
10 replies
Posted by AltaD 1/14/2022 9:40:08 AM Post Reply
Aleya Siyaj is the woman behind a COVID testing company that is under investigation after complaints were lodged across the country. The Illinois-based Center for Covid Control runs more than 300 testing locations nationwide and offers free same-day rapid test results, according to the company's website. But it is now at the center of several state investigations after people complained about their experiences with the company's testing sites—some of which are pop-ups run out of sheds or mobile storage units.(Snip)The profile also lists Siyaj as the CEO of an axe throwing bar in South Barrington, Illinois. She previously operated a donut shop
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Biden Taps LGBTQ+ Activist, Drag Queen
“Pup” Fetishist For High-Level Position
at the Office of Nuclear Energy
50 replies
Posted by Beardo 2/11/2022 1:33:06 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has tapped an LGBTQ+ activist, drag queen “pup” fetishist to be the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Energy Department’s Office of Nuclear Energy. The Politico reported the news on Thursday: (snip) Sam Brinton, according to his profile on an LGBTQ website, has “a dual Master’s degree in engineering systems and nuclear science and engineering from MIT.” In his spare time, Brinton also enjoys roleplaying as a “pup handler,” and talking about having sex with animals. His drag queen alter ego is “Sister Ray Dee O’Active,” The National Pulse reported. Brinton is reportedly the son of Southern Baptist missionaries
Now Kevin McCarthy calls January 6 a 'violent
insurrection': GOP war deepens after Trump
attacked Mitch McConnell for calling it
an 'insurrection'
48 replies
Posted by Imright 2/10/2022 1:47:14 PM Post Reply
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has conceded that January 6th was a 'violent insurrection,' saying he agreed with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's description of that day. 'No one would disagree with that,' McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.His clarification comes after McCarthy was mocked by Democrats for walking away from an ABC News reporter who was asking him about the Republican National Committee censure of Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney for serving on the committee investigating the insurrection.
Pete Buttigieg says electric cars shouldn't
be a 'luxury' and unveils Biden's $5 BILLION
plan to put charging stations every 50
miles on interstates by 2030 - despite
as little as 7% of Americans owning EVs
44 replies
Posted by Ribicon 2/11/2022 1:10:35 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is putting out new details on its effort to create 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations–with new efforts to push out funds to have them line interstates at 50-mile intervals. The administration is awarding $5 billion over five years to states to have them build thousands of electric vehicle charging stations. Another $2.5 billion will go out in grants to be decided later. It all comes from the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan that was enacted late last year and that the administration continues to sell, amid the collapse of Biden's Build Back Better plan. The charging stations would work with all electric vehicles
New Yorkers strongly support COVID vaccine
edict as mandates dropped: poll
44 replies
Posted by Ribicon 2/10/2022 10:20:37 AM Post Reply
A majority of New York City residents say they agree with COVID-19 vaccine mandates–and they’re angry with the minority who refuse to get jabbed, a survey released Thursday shows. Residents polled by the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health said the coronavirus vaccine should be required for people who work in service industries and schools, and should be a mandate for indoor activities and airplane travel. More than half of New York respondents—54 percent—said they are angry with the small percentage of residents who have refused to get vaxxed.(Snip)“The mask lifting heightens the need to get vaccinated,” said Dr. Aymen El-Mohandes, dean of
AUDIO: Toyota Ad Says Kaepernick Anthem
Protest Was ‘Sign of Respect to the Military’
37 replies
Posted by WhamDBambam 2/10/2022 9:07:38 AM Post Reply
A new Toyota commercial featuring Colin Kaepernick claims the former NFL quarterback's controversial national anthem protest was a "sign of respect to the military." The ad, which aired Friday morning on Howard University's radio station, says Kaepernick's decision to go "on one knee" during the national anthem "came as a sign of respect to the military" and "changed the world." The commercial also calls Kaepernick a "two-time Super Bowl quarterback," which is false. Kaepernick appeared in one Super Bowl, a 34-31 loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor warns
of national 'crisis' because America is
so divided that new 'polarized' nominations
will undermine the 'legitimacy' of the
Supreme Court
35 replies
Posted by Imright 2/10/2022 9:55:40 PM Post Reply
Justice Sonia Sotomayor warned on Wednesday that the hyper-partisan state of politics has taken the country to the brink of crisis when it comes to nominating justices to the Supreme Court. She laid out her fears during a virtual event with New York University, amid calls to reform the nation's highest court and as the confirmation battle to fill Justice Stephen Breyer's seat looms.'I have concerns that we might be in crisis as norms in the nomination process are broken,' she said, according to CNN.'As norms of the nomination process are broken, as more senators, congressional representatives, governors, mayors, local politicians and the media question the legitimacy of the court,
It’s Time To Ask: Did Any Of The COVID
Mandates, Closures, Lockdowns Do Anything?
34 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/11/2022 5:22:55 AM Post Reply
With COVID deaths now topping 910,000, the Biden administration and the rest of the Democratic left are deciding to ease up on their mandate regime. We need to learn to live with COVID, they say – repeating advice President Donald Trump issued back in October 2020. We’re all for ditching the left’s COVID police state, even if Democrats’ reason is political, as we pointed out in this space yesterday. But that leaves us with a question: Was any of it worth it? Did any of the guidelines, mandates, orders, shutdowns, cancelations, lockdowns do anything to alter the course of the disease, or
Genocide Barbie: US-Born Freeskier Who
Won Gold for China, Calls Herself an ‘Ally’
of BLM, Remains Silent on China’s Genocide
31 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 2/10/2022 5:48:39 AM Post Reply
After shunning her native country and choosing to compete for China, many have questioned US-born Olympic freeskier Eileen Gu’s true allegiances. However, there is one group that Gu proudly associates with, Black Lives Matter. In March of last year, the California native gave an interview to the South China Morning Post, in which she called herself an “ally” of Black Lives Matter. In the article, Gu lamented the rash of anti-Asian hate crimes occurring across the country. Gu said that she and her grandmother had fallen victim to such an attack.
Former Obama official encourages arrests
and tire-slashing to punish Canada protesters
29 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/10/2022 8:50:27 PM Post Reply
A former Obama administration official is suggesting that Canadian authorities arrest members of the Freedom Convoy and encouraging people to "slash the tires" of their trucks. Juliette Kayyem, who was assistant secretary of homeland security for intergovernmental affairs under President Barack Obama, tweeted the message Thursday in response to footage showing trucks creating gridlock on the Ambassador Bridge, which links the United States and Canada. "Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks," Kayyem wrote. [Tweet] Kayyem is now a senior lecturer of international security at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government
Is This Proof Capitol Police Lied About
Why They Entered Rep. Nehls's Office?
25 replies
Posted by Beardo 2/11/2022 1:21:47 AM Post Reply
Earlier this week, U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger released a statement in response to a complaint from Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who says the USCP illegally entered his office, took photos, and later interrogated his staff. According to Manger, “The weekend before Thanksgiving, one of our vigilant officers spotted the Congressman’s door was wide open.” As such, Manger said it is the responsibility of the USCP to document the incident and secure the office. There’s just one problem with this explanation: (snip) This is the exact door @CapitolPolice claims their officer found “wide open” on that Saturday. The door automatically closes. See for yourself. How could this door be found wide open?
Disabled and immunocompromised people
fear lifting mask mandates will leave
them behind
25 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 2/10/2022 4:06:41 PM Post Reply
Madison Shaw left college in Boston for an online classroom as Covid spread in 2020 because she’s immunocompromised. She also had to flee New York City the following year as infection rates skyrocketed there again. Now 22 and having lived in Newport, Rhode Island, for a few months, Shaw said she’s wondering where she can find refuge next. Finding a safe place to live and work with common variable immunodeficiency — a condition that limits her body’s ability to produce antibodies and fight infections — is difficult outside of a pandemic. Right now, however, it's becoming near impossible. Even as
'My son didn't even know what oral was!'
Connecticut school district is left with
pie on its face after asking eighth-graders
to share their sexual desires in the form
of pizza toppings in bizarre school assignment
24 replies
Posted by Ribicon 2/10/2022 2:00:16 PM Post Reply
A school district in Enfield, Connecticut was left with pie on its face after asking eighth-graders to share their sexual desires in the form of pizza toppings. 'Now that you know this metaphor for sex, let's explore your preferences!' explained the instruction pamphlet distributed to students in a recent health class at John F. Kennedy Middle School. 'Draw and color your favorite type of pizza,' it added. 'What's your favorite style of pizza? Your favorite toppings? What are your pizza no-nos? Now mirror these preferences in relation to sex!'As if that wasn't explicit enough, the instructions offered some suggestions. 'Here are some examples: Likes: Cheese = Kissing. Dislikes:
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