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Letters From Union Pacific Police To The
DA’s Office Reveal The Real Reason Why
We Have Massive Sea Of Stolen Packages
Laying On Railroad Tracks Around Our Country
- No MSM Coverage

Original Article

Posted By: Black Conservative Voice, 1/15/2022 11:58:07 AM

  As we reported yesterday a video showing multiple packages reportedly looted from Los Angeles trains has gone viral with over 2 million views. CBS 2 photojournalist John Schreiber shared on Thursday showing what he discovered at the Lincoln Heights train tracks. He captioned the video: “Keep hearing of train burglaries in LA on the scanner so went to Lincoln Heights to see it all.


How about Federal prosecution? For that to be successful it would require a federal Department of Justice that wasn't singing from the same sheet of music as the progressive DA. Wokeness will destroy us all!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: berthabutt 1/15/2022 12:01:57 PM (No. 1039511)
Union Pacific needs to hire some newly released military with the skills in place to guard and ward off such thievery. Win-Win.
45 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 1/15/2022 12:05:29 PM (No. 1039515)
One guard with a rifle, and someone with a shotgun to cover his back and you could have a field day.
47 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: RUReadyY3K 1/15/2022 12:11:43 PM (No. 1039529)
Didn't Pinkerton goon squads protect the railroads in the old lawless west? Back to the future, maybe.
48 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 1/15/2022 12:19:09 PM (No. 1039538)
Once again as seen on the video the usual suspects are helping themselves to anything not tied down. These are all Biden voters. California land of fruits and nuts and thieves.
62 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Bur Oak 1/15/2022 12:23:55 PM (No. 1039545)
Here is Special Directive 20-07 reference in the letter. Special Directive 20-07 Explained The directive lists a total of 13 misdemeanors which are not to be charged by county law enforcement, such as the Sheriff’s office. However, this directive only applies to arrests by country law enforcement, and as such you can still be charged with all misdemeanors if arrested by the LAPD within LA city limits. The listed misdemeanors are: Trespass (Penal Code §602) Unless: you have repeat trespass offenses within two years; There was a verifiable, immediate safety risk; Or, there was no indication of substance abuse, mental illness, or homelessness Disturbing the Peace (Penal Code §415) Unless: you have repeat offenses of this type this within two years; Or, there is no evidence of substance abuse or mental illness Driving Without a Valid License (Vehicle Code §12500) Unless: you have repeat offenses of this type within two years Driving on a Suspended License (Vehicle Code §14601.1)) Unless: you have repeat offenses of this type within two years Criminal Threats (Penal Code §422) Unless: the offense is related to domestic abuse or a hate crime; You have three offenses of this type within two years; There is a documented history of threats towards the victim; You were in possession of a weapon capable of causing injury or death; Or, there was no indication of substance abuse or mental illness Drug and Paraphernalia Possession (Health and Safety Code §11350, 11357, 11364, 11377) Minor in Possession of Alcohol (Business and Professions §25662) Drinking in Public (LA County Municipal Code §13.18.010) Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance (Health and Safety Code §11550) Public Intoxication (Penal Code §647) Loitering (Penal Code §647) Unless: you have repeat offenses of this type within two years Loitering to Commit Prostitution (Penal Code §653.22) Resisting Arrest (Penal Code §148) Unless: you have repeat offenses of this type within two years; There was physical force used against an officer of the peace; Or, the charge is filed in relation to another offense not listed So long as none of the exceptions are met, you will not be charged with a misdemeanor. It’s important to reiterate that you can still be charged with the above misdemeanors, and any other, by the city attorney’s office if arrested by the LAPD within LA city limits.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: itsonlyme 1/15/2022 12:25:23 PM (No. 1039549)
LeBron, whare u git dat frum? Iz u gotz aa reeceit?
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: pixelero 1/15/2022 12:27:05 PM (No. 1039552)
Noted in the video the people sharing the looted merchandise did not seem to represent a proportionate cross-section of race, but rather seemed to be predominantly if not wholly African American. Poverty does not seem to be a factor, since so many of those on camera seemed overweight and colorfully- of not newly-dressed. The distance between the African American and European American racial groups— in terms of right and wrong and fair and unfair—seems unbridgeable. What rationale informs the criminal actions of these overweight people with— evidently— all kinds of free time, with any kind of justification? Does anyone know? I mean, it’s wrong to steal, right? No matter your race? Just don’t get it. Why debase oneself?
47 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: czechlist 1/15/2022 12:31:40 PM (No. 1039559)
Why can't white liberals accept reality ? Their good intentions have resulted in abject failure. The experiment failed decades ago but they keep trying to ameliorate some self inflicted white guilt. Blame genetics, blame environment but don't neglect to blame yourselves.
38 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: bighambone 1/15/2022 12:34:14 PM (No. 1039562)
Common sense will tell you that all that package damage and theft was not caused by a few wayward thieves but by organized tribes of hundreds of people. All those packages that were damaged and stolen were in interstate commerce at the times that those crimes occurred, so you would think that Biden and the federal criminal justice and law enforcement systems would have already taken notice and be responding appropriately?
45 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Namma 1/15/2022 1:07:02 PM (No. 1039586)
Maybe people should be able to pay for products when delivered. when the product is delivered the driver can have a code that is sent to the company the order was placed to. credit card is charged. No money handled by the driver. Or a much easier and more productive way to handle the theft, is to stop it. Horse thieves were shot. I have no sympathy for people who break the law and get shot. We all have free will. Your free to use it the way you want. But there are and should be consequences for one's choice of use.
30 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: udanja99 1/15/2022 1:14:03 PM (No. 1039593)
#7, in a word - GREED. You see a lot of it on Capitol Hill too with the same results.
19 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: SkeezerMcGee 1/15/2022 1:19:20 PM (No. 1039597)
Union Pacific [which has grown from the Pinkerton Agency] maintains a functioning police department staffed with officers given the title of Special Agent with jurisdiction over crimes against the railroad. ". . . its primary jurisdiction [consists of] 54,116 miles in 23 western U.S. states. Special Agents typically investigate . . . issues such as . . . vandalism/graffiti, and THEFT OF company property or CUSTOMER PRODUCT. Special Agents often coordinate and liaise with local, state, and federal law enforcement on issues concerning the railroad . . ." ** [Edits and emphasis added] As these Police are not courts of law, they can only turn their arrestees over to the applicable government(s) for prosecution. Considering these woke California prosecutors, WHY BOTHER? Perhaps this is what Union Pacific's management has concluded. ** Source: read://
16 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 1/15/2022 1:32:56 PM (No. 1039608)
Expect this to become a National problem now. Rail yards are usually located in poor areas where “opportunistic “ criminals gather. Why go to a mall to steal when the supply chain runs through your neighborhood? Thanks Obama-Biden.
27 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Sandpiper 1/15/2022 1:43:16 PM (No. 1039621)
Number 12, you have identified the issue UP deals with. I have a relative who is a mucky-muck in UP’s police dept. I asked him some years ago why they allowed so many homeless to camp on rr property. He said their jurisdiction extends only as far as the railroad right-of-way. Once someone steps past that line there is nothing UP can do. He said they would often clean up an area filled with homeless and then BEG local law enforcement to keep them away … and the local LEO’s wouldn’t do anything. He said often the best UP could do was get the homeless on misdemeanors - which the local DA’s wouldn’t prosecute. My relative said it was much worse in liberal cities. We the consumer will just pay more to cover the thefts. And small businesses will be hurt.
21 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Birddog 1/15/2022 1:44:15 PM (No. 1039622)
Have the Union Pacific Pinks catch them, stuff them in a container, ship them to the middle of the desert where a RR Court convenes(far from any road) Decline to charge them...and then let them walk home.(Buzzards gotta eat too , ya know)
23 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Birddog 1/15/2022 1:56:55 PM (No. 1039642)
In Chicago, in one of the most gerrymandered districts in the nation, C Shaped, connected only by freeways, much of it's western half consisting only of railyards...containers full of GUNS are broken into and looted. Wholesale shipments from the Gun Manufacturers, entire pallets of firearms.Thieves "seem to know" which containers on which trains carry certain products, and specifically target those.
22 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: GustoGrabber 1/15/2022 2:04:34 PM (No. 1039643)
Sons of Kenya local chapter of community organizers. Collecting donations for the underpriviledged.
11 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: D S Craft 1/15/2022 2:27:19 PM (No. 1039656)
What am I missing here? How hard would it be to lock the doors to the cargo cars in such a way that they could not be defeated in just a few minutes? For example, hanging padlocks can be easily cut with large bolt cutters but there are lots of ways to secure a door besides padlocks. Something here doesn't make sense.
17 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 1/15/2022 3:11:04 PM (No. 1039673)
#7, they're not African American, they're American African
16 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: GirlwithaCurl 1/15/2022 4:19:18 PM (No. 1039716)
I do feel sorry for these folks. There's no role models to show them how to pick themselves up and out of poverty. That is how they will go to the grave. You steal instead of earn. Pitiful.
4 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Proud Texan 1/15/2022 4:37:59 PM (No. 1039737)
#20. Why pick themselves up, when they can pick locks and get away with it?
11 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 1/15/2022 5:00:13 PM (No. 1039758)
Re #21....LOL! Lock picking is a skill, I'm sure that their "lock picks" have an 8 lb steel head and 30" handle, or two handles that you squeeze together....sledge hammers and bolt cutters.
5 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: smcchk 1/15/2022 7:21:25 PM (No. 1039845)
If they just had Woodcock, working for E.H. Harriman, guarding the trains (Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid reference).
2 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 1/15/2022 8:40:38 PM (No. 1039880)
Just got notified that a book I'd ordered from Amazon was "delayed." Checked the tracking, and its last location was a sorting facility outside Los Angeles. Guess it is lying by the side of the tracks somewhere in the LA area.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: red1066 1/15/2022 9:47:02 PM (No. 1039925)
Start shooting a few of these people and watch the stealing stop.
6 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: danu 1/15/2022 9:47:22 PM (No. 1039926)
We're missing a bottle of vitamins. If it's nicked, it's not loose diamonds. The thief is skunked.
2 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 1/16/2022 10:15:04 AM (No. 1040217)
Maybe my grandson's birthday gift of legos is out there in that pile. I had to reorder.
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Reply 28 - Posted by: lakerman1 1/16/2022 3:26:49 PM (No. 1040612)
My long departed father, a Polish immigrant, told stories about being a railroad car plunderer when he was a pre-teen, living in Erie, Pa. (Erie was an industrial city back around 1915 or so, and there were railroad tracks everywhere.) He and his friends, also Polish immigrants, were looking for food- candy, gum, stuff like that. I picture them as scruffy little urchins. And if they were caught by the railroad dicks, I think he called them, the railroad dicks kicked some butt.
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 1/16/2022 1:36:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 1/16/2022 7:17:17 AM Post Reply
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Letters From Union Pacific Police To The
DA’s Office Reveal The Real Reason Why
We Have Massive Sea Of Stolen Packages
Laying On Railroad Tracks Around Our Country
- No MSM Coverage
28 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 1/15/2022 11:58:07 AM Post Reply
  As we reported yesterday a video showing multiple packages reportedly looted from Los Angeles trains has gone viral with over 2 million views. CBS 2 photojournalist John Schreiber shared on Thursday showing what he discovered at the Lincoln Heights train tracks. He captioned the video: “Keep hearing of train burglaries in LA on the scanner so went to Lincoln Heights to see it all.
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Posted by mc squared 1/20/2022 11:48:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 1/20/2022 5:10:16 PM Post Reply
M&M’s are getting a sweet makeover in 2022. The chocolate candies that melt in your mouth and not in your hand are giving fans a new way to love their favorite treat. Mars, Incorporated announced Thursday that they will be redesigning their M&M’s mascots—the array of rainbow-colored talking chocolate balls.(Snip)“We took a deep look at our characters, both inside and out, and have evolved their look, personalities and backstories to be more representative of today’s society,” a brand representative said. “As the world changes, so do we.” The designs will soon be integrated into the company’s branding and marketing.
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Posted by DW626 1/20/2022 6:21:56 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/20/2022 3:03:23 PM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi's new excuse for opposing a ban or limit on lawmaker's stock trading activity is that she always defers to 'trusting our members' and claims it's the Justice Department's responsibility to tackle insider trading.'I do come down always in favor of trusting our members,' the House Speaker said during her weekly briefing on Thursday. 'Now if the impression that is given by some that somebody's doing insider trading – that's a Justice Department issue,' she continued. 'And that has no place in any of this.'
Harris vows Russia will pay ‘severe
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29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/20/2022 10:07:48 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris insisted Thursday morning that the US was prepared to levy “serious and severe costs” against Russia should its president, Vladimir Putin, order an invasion of Ukraine—hours after President Biden suggested during a White House news conference that a “minor incursion” would be met with a less robust response. Harris was dispatched to NBC’s “Today” show to clean up after her boss, who initially vowed Wednesday that Moscow “will be held accountable” in the event of an invasion, but then suggested that the severity of the consequences “depends on what it does.”(Snip)Harris began her answer by boasting that she starts every morning reading
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 1/20/2022 8:28:25 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden said Wednesday it would be a 'disaster' for Russia if President Vladimir Putin orders an invasion of neighboring Ukraine – as he said he did not know Putin's intentions but said his counterpart doesn't want a 'full-blown war.' But the president also said publicly it was unclear what the response would be if Russia did something short of an all-out invasion – requiring the White House to move immediately to clean up his remarks.'It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera,' Biden said at a White House press conference
Biden Admin Withdraws Support From Israel-Europe
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26 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/20/2022 6:03:28 PM Post Reply
The Biden White House has withdrawn U.S. support from a pipeline project designed to deliver Israeli natural gas to Europe, reversing a decision taken by President Donald Trump’s administration. The 1,180-mile undersea pipeline project from Israel to southern Europe, set to be completed by 2025, will ease Europe’s dependence on Russia and Turkey. These two countries have a stranglehold on the continent’s energy supply. “The United States is no longer supporting the construction of EastMed gas pipeline project as Washington’s interest is now switching to renewable energy sources, according to a State Department statement,” the Euractiv, a Brussels based news website, reported recently.
M&Ms reboots cartoon mascots as gender-neutral,
more inclusive
26 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/20/2022 3:46:01 PM Post Reply
The cartoon mascots who sell M&Ms in television commercials will now dress and act in more gender-neutral ways, the 80-year-old candymaker announced Thursday. Jane Hwang, global vice president for M&Ms at parent company Mars, told AdWeek it’s time to minimize traditional gender stereotypes in future marketing campaigns for the chocolate candies that feature the characters.(Snip)Meanwhile, the three male M&M characters will act in less traditionally masculine ways: AdWeek reported that Red will be less bossy, and Orange will “acknowledge and embrace his anxiety.”(Snip)She said the company will also stop attaching prefixes to the characters’ names, like “Mr. Blue” or “Ms. Brown,”
Justice Served – Robbery Suspects Pick
Car Of Rare Philly Concealed Carry Permit
Holder, One Dies
26 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 1/20/2022 3:00:45 PM Post Reply
A man in Philadelphia allegedly shot three men and killed one from his house while they were attempting to steal his car Tuesday morning. The victim of the robbery allegedly had a license to carry a firearm and shot the three men while they were trying to take his car, according to Philadelphia Police. Police have characterized the incident as a “robbery/attempted carjacking.” The trio tried to flee in a gray Honda Accord, but it crashed into a school bus. Two of the thieves fled, but the third one was pronounced dead after being taken to a local hospital, the report said.
NCAA changes transgender athlete participation
policy amid calls for reevaluation
25 replies
Posted by Rush Was Right 1/20/2022 10:04:35 AM Post Reply
The Board of Governors voted to pass the new policy as it "preserves opportunity for transgender student-athletes while balancing fairness, inclusion and safety for all who compete," according to the report. "It is important that NCAA member schools, conferences and college athletes compete in an inclusive, fair, safe and respectful environment and can move forward with a clear understanding of the new policy," DeGioia added. Each particular sport’s national governing body will be responsible for determining transgender athlete participation. If a sport does not have a national governing body, the international federation policy will be enacted, Sports Illustrated reported.
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