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Fauci’s Quagmire: Snopes to the Rescue

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Posted By: Hazymac, 11/25/2021 9:10:12 PM

Reprising the disastrous assumptions of Field Marshall Haig that the enemy could not sustain a war of attrition, General Westmoreland’s strategy in the Vietnam War put us on a path in which our primary goal quickly mutated into a desire to achieve the appearance of not losing while desperately looking for an exit. Trying to appear not to lose is now the sole basis for our COVID-19 policy. “Losing” does not mean the disease spreading until herd immunity reduces it to endemic status (which was always going to happen anyway). Losing would be a forced admission that the suppression strategies failed


Yes, of course. We implicitly trust leftist fact checkers.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/26/2021 8:18:29 AM (No. 989214)
The most egregious of public liars are the so-called fact checkers who tell us what we're supposed to believe. I severed ties with the Tampa Bay Times (formerly the St. Petersburg Times) because of the paper's imprint called PolitiFact. They're anything but factual. The corporate media in the United States, believed by about 29% of the population, the lowest in the civilized world, needs to be put out of business and replaced by independent media. The professional spinners need to find other lines of work.
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Have We Finally Reached Peak Davos? 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2021 5:10:53 PM Post Reply
If you look around the headlines from the past week or so, you will see a startling similarity among them. Coming in from all over the world are mandates from one country’s government after another instituting medical apartheid over the COVID-9/11 jab. Where these restrictions are the most draconian are within the walls of the European Union, that region where The Davos Crowd’s influence is undoubtedly the strongest. Latvia will bar unjabbed legislators from voting. Slovenia made the jab mandatory to go to the gas station. Austria’s new Chancellor, who’s been on the job for around a month, is now fining and arresting the unjabbed for even leaving their homes.
The Real Lesson of the Rittenhouse Trial 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2021 11:32:30 AM Post Reply
In a critical assessment of the Rittenhouse trial, Conrad Black denies that the outcome of the case vindicated the American justice system (Snip) Black is mainly concerned here with the plea-bargaining system that state prosecutors use to condemn defendants even before a trial has taken place. But this is not the part of Black’s criticism that riveted my attention. The American justice system has become “evil” for a reason that Black only mentions in passing, namely the role of the media in inciting mob violence by racializing criminal cases. We saw this play out in the Rittenhouse case; we are now witnessing something similar taking place
Coronavirus Death Toll Under Joe Biden
Expected to Surpass Deaths Under Trump
— in Less Time
11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2021 8:02:03 AM Post Reply
The U.S. death toll from the Chinese coronavirus under President Joe Biden’s administration will soon surpass the death toll recorded during former President Donald Trump’s administration, and in less time — despite vaccines being available under Biden and not under Trump. Approximately 378,955 people in the United States have died from the Wuhan virus in Joe Biden’s first ten months in office, according to statistics provided by Johns Hopkins University. The nationwide coronavirus death toll — which was at 396,442 when Biden first took office — is now at 775,397.
‘The Atlantic’ Gives Advice To “Deprogram”
Pro-Trump Relatives On Thanksgiving; Suggests
Reporting Them To FBI
23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 9:28:29 PM Post Reply
A writer for ‘The Atlantic’ wrote a piece that gives readers advice on how to “deprogram” their conservative relatives. Writer Molly Jong-Fast goes on to paint conservative family members as “creepy” on top of many other horrible things. Towards the end of the article, she even throws out the idea of reporting their relatives to the FBI. Some may think it’s a joke, but it’s something that is actually happening across the United States. “This is your chance to deprogram them. Facebook knows its algorithm radicalizes users. This is your chance to tell your aunt that maybe the news she gets from it isn’t all that reliable.
The Politics of Weaponized Car Attacks 15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 9:20:28 PM Post Reply
As we learn more about the senseless SUV attack on the crowd attending a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, some liberal media outlets are energetically attempting to spin away from the suspect Darrell Brooks and his left-wing politics on social media. That's funny. With Kyle Rittenhouse, they quickly dug into his social media activity. The Washington Post warned last summer "the 17-year-old shadowed local law enforcement, filling his social media feeds with posts declaring that 'Blue Lives Matter' and photos of himself posing with guns." For Brooks, the Post lamely mentioned Brooks wrote under the name MathBoi Fly and that "after multiple legal battles," he "started turning the life he lived
Fauci’s Quagmire: Snopes to the Rescue 1 reply
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 9:10:12 PM Post Reply
Reprising the disastrous assumptions of Field Marshall Haig that the enemy could not sustain a war of attrition, General Westmoreland’s strategy in the Vietnam War put us on a path in which our primary goal quickly mutated into a desire to achieve the appearance of not losing while desperately looking for an exit. Trying to appear not to lose is now the sole basis for our COVID-19 policy. “Losing” does not mean the disease spreading until herd immunity reduces it to endemic status (which was always going to happen anyway). Losing would be a forced admission that the suppression strategies failed
NIH Chief Wants Online ‘Misinformation’
Spreaders ‘Brought to Justice'
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 9:00:17 PM Post Reply
With secret police chief Merrick Garland siccing the FBI on parents at school board meetings and the social media giants continuing to cut the ground out from under dissenting voices, the Biden administration has not exactly provided a welcoming place for the freedom of speech. However, Francis Collins, the outgoing director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), thinks there is still altogether too much of it. Collins wants those who are spreading “misinformation” to be “brought to justice,” and pronto. It’s disconcerting to see an official of the United States government (the NIH is an agency of
Comrade Omarova's nomination crashes and
burns as five Dem senators announce opposition
to her appointment as comptroller of the currency
31 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 7:25:34 PM Post Reply
The radicals who tell Joe Biden what to do as president overreached when they had him nominate Saule Omarova as comptroller of the currency, a powerful regulator of the banking system. The émigré from Soviet-era Kazakhstan, a Lenin Scholar at Moscow State University, earned a credential as a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, while also earning the credential of thief for an arrest for shoplifting in Madison, demonstrating contempt for private property. Naturally, she ended up as a professor. That contempt, along with a Soviet commissar's view of private enterprise, when she expressed a desire to starve oil and gas producers of capital and drive them into bankruptcy,
In police-defunded Minnesota, thousands
of people are now just flat out refusing
to pull over for cops
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 5:13:41 PM Post Reply
MINNEAPOLIS, MN- According to reports, thousands of drivers are refusing to stop when police attempt to pull them over, with data showing that it happened more than 3,100 times in 2020. New research looks into what is behind the uptick in people not following the law. [Tweet] “Super speeding” is way up in Minnesota, with the Minnesota State Patrol regularly clocking speeds of more than 100 miles per hour. Fatalities are up too and there is something else that is making the roads even more risky. Col. Matt Langer said in a statement: “People are fleeing from police at a rate we’ve never seen before.
Texas woman found dead in yard was mauled
by her own dogs: cops
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 10:12:32 AM Post Reply
A Texas woman found dead in her backyard may have been mauled by her own dogs, police said. Tiffany L. Frangione, 48, was found with fatal puncture wounds to her neck in her Houston yard last Friday morning. Frangione had let her two pups out into her backyard when they started fighting with the neighbor’s dog through the fence, according to detectives. They believe Frangione was trying to intervene when her own dogs – a 5-year-old female Alaskan husky mix and male Cane Corso mix — turned on her. She was dead when cops arrived on the scene. Frangione’s husband turned the two dogs over to the BARC Animal Shelter
Brian Laundrie died of gunshot wound to
the head, final autopsy reveals
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/24/2021 12:07:08 PM Post Reply
Brian Laundrie, the sole suspect in the death of Long Island native Gabby Petito, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, a lawyer for his family said Tuesday. “Chris and Roberta Laundrie have been informed that the cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head and the manner of death was suicide,” attorney Steve Bertolino told The Post. “Chris and Roberta are still mourning the loss of their son and are hopeful that these findings bring closure to both families.” A forensic anthropologist determined the manner of death to be suicide. Neither Betolino nor the bureau had previously mentioned a gun being involved.
The Democrats Are a Communist Party Now 15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/24/2021 9:50:39 AM Post Reply
Saule Omarova, who attended Moscow State University on the Lenin Academic Scholarship, compared America unfavorably to the USSR, and called for nationalizing finance isn’t Biden’s first Communist nominee. Omarova is only Biden’s first openly Communist nominee. Biden’s pick for comptroller of the currency has been taken to task for her calls to "end banking as we know it”, bankrupt oil and gas companies, and seize control of the entire economy. Those used to be Communist articles of faith. Now they’re Democrat “solutions.” Democrats are no longer just socialists. They not only want to nationalize every industry, but there’s no area of our lives that they believe
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‘Too Late; We’re F****d’: Democrats
Panic Over 2022 As Surveys Show Their
‘Entire Brand’ A ‘Wreck’
41 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/26/2021 12:50:16 AM Post Reply
New surveys from Democrat Party strategists reportedly show that the party’s brand is in shambles nationwide as the Biden administration deals with skyrocketing inflation, rising fuel costs, a continued disaster on the U.S. Southern Border, fallout from the disaster in Afghanistan, and numerous other problems. “What they discovered, largely through focus groups and polling, was even worse than expected,” Politico reported. “The problems cut far deeper than the failings of their gubernatorial nominee, Terry McAuliffe, or President Joe Biden’s flagging approval ratings. Rather, the Democratic Party’s entire brand was a wreck.” People who voted for Democrat President Joe Biden could not name anything that Democrats had done
Bret Baier confirms his 'concerns' about
Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 documentary
37 replies
Posted by WhamDBambam 11/25/2021 7:26:29 AM Post Reply
Fox News anchor Bret Baier confirmed he has "concerns" about a documentary produced by the network's leading prime-time host, Tucker Carlson, that focuses on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. “I didn’t get hurt by it. I didn’t get damaged by it. Were you bothered by it? Because that’s the reporting," Brian Kilmeade, who is a co-host of the "Fox & Friends" morning program, asked Baier on Monday afternoon during an appearance on Kilmeade's radio show. “There’s a … Brian, I don’t want to go down this road,” Baier responded. “You know, I mean, there were concerns about it definitely ...
US leaves door open to Africa: Fauci says
there will be no ban on Southern Africa
travel - for now pending more study of
super vaccine-resistant mutant 'Nu' variant
- despite UK, Israel and Germany suspending
all flights
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/26/2021 12:12:36 PM Post Reply
The US will not restrict travel from South Africa, where a new 'super mutant' variant of COVID-19 is panicking scientists, until officials can study the variant more, Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Friday despite the UK and some European countries banning travel. The World Health Organization is currently meeting to discuss the variant, which is expected to be named Nu, today. It remains unclear exactly how deadly it is among unvaccinated people, and American health agencies are yet to make any form of warning about it but there are fears it is more transmissible than any other variant yet and that it may also render some vaccines ineffective.
The Buttigieg presidential buzz has hit
the White House
36 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 11/26/2021 11:04:38 AM Post Reply
PHOENIX — Pete Buttigieg has long been a man in a hurry. Since 2010, he has run for treasurer of Indiana, mayor of South Bend, chair of the Democratic National Committee, and president of the United States. At 39, he is one of the most omnipresent and newly-powerful members of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet. But he says he’s not thinking about what comes next, even as he’s buzzed about as a potential Biden heir. (Snip) The chatter has frustrated some staffers of color who see it as disrespectful to Kamala Harris — the first Black woman vice president — and
Joe Biden Claims Shelves Are Well Stocked
as Grocers Ration Food
33 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/25/2021 7:59:20 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden tweeted Wednesday that supermarket shelves are well stocked across the country while grocers ration food. “For all those concerns a few weeks ago that there would not be ample food available for Thanksgiving, families can rest easy today,” Biden claimed. “Grocery stores are well-stocked with turkey and everything else you need,” the president added. Meanwhile, Publix Supermarkets, a Florida-based grocer, warned customers this week to expect food shortages in all 1,280 stores across the southeast. According to the Orlando Sentinel, the list of rationed foods include the following: Canned cranberry sauce Jarred gravy Canned pie filling Canola and vegetable oil Cream cheese Bacon Rolled breakfast sausage Paper napkins Disposable plates, cups and cutlery Bath tissue Refrigerated snacks (Lunchables-type items) Sports drinks Aseptic-type juices
Hillary Clinton Coughs Up a Lung on Maddow
Show as She Accuses Trump of Running a
Coup (VIDEO)
33 replies
Posted by DW626 11/25/2021 7:37:41 AM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton looked like hell with giant bags under her eyes Tuesday night on Rachel Maddow’s show. Clinton attacked Trump and accused him of running a coup. “We have got to end impunity. We have to hold people accountable for their actions,” Hillary Clinton said. “There is a plot against the country by people who truly want to turn the clock back they believe that the progress we’ve made on all kinds of civil rights…are so deeply threatening that they want to stage a coup. Now think about it, that is truly what is behind Trump and his enablers and those who invaded and attacked our Capitol.”
MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle rips Dollar Tree
for blaming price hikes on inflation:
They don't 'NEED' to do this
32 replies
Posted by Rush Was Right 11/25/2021 9:43:33 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle is taking Dollar Tree to task over its shocking announcement that the company was increasing its famously cheap prices. Dollar Tree confirmed this week it is charging $1.25 for the majority of its products at all of its locations nationwide by the end of April. "For 35 years, Dollar Tree has managed through inflationary periods to maintain the everything-for-one-dollar philosophy that distinguished Dollar Tree and made it one of the most successful retail concepts for three decades," the company said in a press release on Tuesday.
Comrade Omarova's nomination crashes and
burns as five Dem senators announce opposition
to her appointment as comptroller of the currency
31 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2021 7:25:34 PM Post Reply
The radicals who tell Joe Biden what to do as president overreached when they had him nominate Saule Omarova as comptroller of the currency, a powerful regulator of the banking system. The émigré from Soviet-era Kazakhstan, a Lenin Scholar at Moscow State University, earned a credential as a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, while also earning the credential of thief for an arrest for shoplifting in Madison, demonstrating contempt for private property. Naturally, she ended up as a professor. That contempt, along with a Soviet commissar's view of private enterprise, when she expressed a desire to starve oil and gas producers of capital and drive them into bankruptcy,
Looting gang target LA Nordstrom stealing
pricy handbags and assaulting security
guard in latest example of 'organized
smash and grab' raids in California
31 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2021 10:53:12 AM Post Reply
A looting gang have targeted an LA Nordstrom, making off with eight luxury handbags and assaulting a cop - the latest in a string of smash-and-grab raids to plague California. Five people, one wearing an orange wig, entered the open store in Canoga Park shortly before 7pm on Wednesday and sprayed a security guard with 'some kind of chemical' in front of terrified shoppers, police said.The thieves sped off and managed to escape with thousands of dollars worth of handbags despite multiple police cruisers, as well as fire trucks and ambulances, responding to the raid.
California's new educational guidelines
say math is racist
30 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 11/26/2021 3:00:45 PM Post Reply
California is set to adopt new math teaching principles that are based in critical race theory. These changes, which include deemphasizing calculus and pulling programs for academically gifted students, will "apply social justice principles to math lessons." These guidelines do not instruct educators to teach critical race theory, but rather use critical race theory as a guide for the formation of teaching principles. Critical race theory is not being taught to students, but taught to teachers, who are then meant to use it to formulate their own practices.
Black Lives Matter Proclaims Thanksgiving
Is A Holiday Of ‘Colonization’ On
‘Stolen Land’
28 replies
Posted by Imright 11/26/2021 4:41:07 PM Post Reply
A major Black Lives Matter group tweeted a message to followers that Thanksgiving is a day of “colonization” celebrated on “stolen land.” “You are eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land,” the Twitter account of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation tweeted Thursday. “Colonization never ended, it just became normalized.” Then, it provided a link to, so viewers could “Find out which ancestral homeland” they were “currently occupying.” (Tweet)
Losing Confidence in the Pillars of Our Civilization 28 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2021 11:22:40 AM Post Reply
Millions of citizens long ago concluded that professional sports, academia, and entertainment were no longer disinterested institutions, but far Left and deliberately hostile to Middle America. Yet American conservatives still adamantly supported the nation’s traditional investigatory, intelligence, and military agencies—especially when they came under budgetary or cultural attacks. Not so much anymore. For the first time in memory, conservatives now connect the FBI hierarchy with bureaucratic bloat, political bias, and even illegality. In the last five years, the FBI was mostly in the news for the checkered careers of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok. Add in the criminality of convicted FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith.
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