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Taxi Explosion Near UK Hospital Investigated
As Terrorist Attack

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Posted By: MAGA Might, 11/15/2021 10:55:48 AM

A taxi explosion Sunday outside of a women’s hospital in Liverpool, England, is being treated as an act of terrorism, authorities announced. A passenger riding in a taxi allegedly detonated an improvised explosive device outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital on Sunday, killing himself in the process and injuring the taxi driver, according to the Associated Press. Three men believed to be associates of the passenger were reportedly arrested under the country’s Terrorism Act. “Three males have today been arrested in the Kensington area under the Terrorism Act and remain in custody and enquiries remain ongoing,” Chief Constable Serena Kennedy announced in a press release.


I'm going to wait until the facts come out before weighing directly, but I do have one thought regardless of what the facts turn out to be: There is evil in our world, and only fools pretend there isn't.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Zarin 11/15/2021 11:20:56 AM (No. 978252)
According other reports the guy came from the 'Middle East' a few years back. And also - see his picture in the Daily Mail.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 11/15/2021 11:21:12 AM (No. 978253)
Terrorism? Ya think? Amazing powers of deduction! They must have Inspector Jacques Clouseau on the case.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: wilarrbie 11/15/2021 11:38:59 AM (No. 978272)
Nothing to see here, just an adherent of the ROP making a peaceful entry to paradise. We are not to draw conclusions.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 11/15/2021 12:13:00 PM (No. 978321)
And they will struggle for months trying to figure out his motivation, because they are especially cowardly, and unwilling to state the obvious.
1 person likes this.

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Taxi Explosion Near UK Hospital Investigated
As Terrorist Attack
4 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/15/2021 10:55:48 AM Post Reply
A taxi explosion Sunday outside of a women’s hospital in Liverpool, England, is being treated as an act of terrorism, authorities announced. A passenger riding in a taxi allegedly detonated an improvised explosive device outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital on Sunday, killing himself in the process and injuring the taxi driver, according to the Associated Press. Three men believed to be associates of the passenger were reportedly arrested under the country’s Terrorism Act. “Three males have today been arrested in the Kensington area under the Terrorism Act and remain in custody and enquiries remain ongoing,” Chief Constable Serena Kennedy announced in a press release.
GOP Holds Largest Lead In Early Midterm
Election Preferences In 40 Years, Poll Shows
23 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/14/2021 6:05:11 PM Post Reply
Republicans currently have the largest lead in the generic congressional ballot they have had since 1981, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday. “As things stand, if the midterm elections were today, 51 percent of registered voters say they’d support the Republican candidate in their congressional district, 41 percent the Democrat,” reads a press release from Langer Research, which conducted the poll for ABC News/Washington Post. “That’s the biggest lead for the Republicans in 110 ABC/Post polls to ask this question since November 1981.
Big Apple steps up for 91-year-old Purple
Heart vet robbed at gunpoint
6 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/13/2021 1:22:57 PM Post Reply
Things are finally breaking good for Walter White. An army of big-hearted New Yorkers are helping the down-on-his-luck 91-year-old Korean War veteran who was robbed at gunpoint inside his Harlem apartment Saturday morning. A GoFundMe page started Wednesday has received nearly $1,000 in donations and a non-profit veterans group has given the “feisty good soul” $400 and furnished his spartan digs with a platform bed, pillows, kitchen table set, bathroom supplies, cookware and non-perishables such as rice, pastas and peanut butter.
Manchin Opposes Biden’s FDA Nominee
Over Pharmaceutical Ties
9 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/12/2021 2:03:43 PM Post Reply
West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin came out against President Joe Biden’s expected pick to lead the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Robert Califf, almost immediately over his ties to the pharmaceutical industry. “Dr. Califf’s nomination and his significant ties to the pharmaceutical industry take us backwards not forward,” Manchin said in a statement. “His nomination is an insult to the many families and individuals who have had their lives changed forever as a result of addiction.” “I urge the Administration to nominate an FDA Commissioner that understands the gravity of the prescription drug epidemic and the role of the FDA in fighting back against
Richmond school board vaccine mandate:
On second thought...
11 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/10/2021 11:16:36 AM Post Reply
Back on October 1st, Richmond, Virginia public schools superintendent Jason Kamras followed President Joe Biden’s lead and announced a vaccine mandate for all teachers and staff in his district. Those failing to comply would have their pay withheld and could potentially face the loss of their jobs if they didn’t come into line with the policy. But that was then and this is now. The schools were already struggling to fill more than 100 vacancies, almost all of which were driven by the mandate. This week, on Monday night, the School Board was forced to approve 29 more resignations,
Inflation Increases At Record Rate For
Second Month In A Row
6 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/9/2021 1:33:31 PM Post Reply
The Producer Price Index (PPI), which measures inflation at the wholesale level, rose 8.6% year-over-year as of October, growing at a record rate for a second straight month, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced Thursday. BLS reported Thursday that the PPI, which measures inflation before it hits consumers, grew 0.6% in October, in line with Dow Jones estimates, highlighting that inflationary pressure is still strong. Over 60% of the month-over-month increase in producer prices resulted from a 1.2% spike in the price of goods rather than services, BLS reported.
Woke Gets Whacked — But Hold The Victory Lap 7 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/7/2021 7:59:57 AM Post Reply
It begins to look like the 2021 elections put a decisive end to the Woke-Jacobin-Progressive reign-of-terror, and its demonic efforts to cancel the authority of truth in human affairs — truth being derived from reality. For years, in an ever-escalating campaign of coercion, persecution, and punishment, the WJPs made their own reality-optional “truth” and foolishly expected the nation to roll over for it. On Tuesday, voters all over the land, in effect, whapped the Party of Chaos upside its head with thirty inches of No. 6 rebar and said “no more.” Days later, the Wokesters are still seeing stars
Democrats need to confront their privilege 7 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/6/2021 8:49:33 AM Post Reply
Democrats need a positive moral vision that would start by rejecting the idea that we are locked into incessant conflict along class, cultural, racial and ideological lines. It would reject all the appurtenances of the culture warrior pose — the us/them thinking, exaggerating the malevolence of the other half of the country, relying on crude essentialist stereotypes to categorize yourself and others. It would instead offer a vision of unity, unity, unity. That unity is based on a recognition of the complex humanity of each person — that each person is in the act of creating a meaningful life.
Sunny Hostin Says White Women Voted For
Youngkin So They Could Pretend Slavery
Didn’t Happen
33 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/3/2021 6:04:16 PM Post Reply
Sunny Hostin claimed Wednesday that white women had voted for Republican Virginia Governor-elect so they could pretend slavery didn’t happen. Cohost Joy Behar began the segment on ABC’s “The View” by saying that Democrats had lost in Virginia and other places because they had failed to deliver on President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda – a failure she said was due to holdouts on both the far left and moderate sides of the party – but Hostin placed the blame squarely on white women. Behar argued that the Build Back Better agenda would benefit a lot of the suburban women who voted for Republicans,
Cornell Prof Vows To Fail Students Who
Improperly Wore Masks During Class
17 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 11/1/2021 2:47:16 PM Post Reply
A Cornell University professor promised to fail two students who he alleges were improperly wearing their face masks during his lecture. Bruce Monger, the director of undergraduate studies for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell, sent an email to his students requesting that they help identify two students who were improperly wearing their masks. One of the students was eating at the time, according to Monger’s email. “I wanted to ask for your help in identifying two ocean students who were photographed with their masks off during the ocean class last Friday,” Monger said
How Many Vaccine Sciences Are There? 9 replies
Posted by MAGA Might 10/27/2021 8:33:23 AM Post Reply
Yesterday, the FDA gave clearance to children being vaccinated with a novel mRNA cocktail against a disease which they have higher than a 99.997% chance of survival. Keep in mind, that figure isn’t 100% because children with mostly severe underlying health conditions succumbed with the presence of the virus in their system. It’s no less tragic, but these are the facts. To sum up the advisory board’s authorization, children already aren’t vectors of transmission and are not at risk of the virus, but now they will get experimental poison injected into their minimal musculature that still doesn’t prevent transmission
"A living hell": ABC features family trapped
in Afghanistan ... from India?
1 reply
Posted by MAGA Might 10/26/2021 5:32:34 PM Post Reply
The good news: ABC has escalated coverage of those abandoned in the Afghanistan collapse and crying out for rescue. The not-so-good news: the family ABC chose for this segment comes from India. Their description of Taliban rule as “a living hell” is compelling, but … what happened to the Americans abandoned by Biden? “It’s like a living hell for us now,” Zahra, 20, told ABC News on a phone call while hiding out in western Afghanistan, in a country she hardly even knows. America's mainstream media is worthless.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Wyoming Republican Party Votes: Liz Cheney
No Longer Recognized as Republican
54 replies
Posted by Imright 11/15/2021 11:33:02 PM Post Reply
The Wyoming Republican Party voted on Saturday to no longer recognize Democrat-allied Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a Republican.“The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming’s 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican,” the Associated Press reported Monday evening.Cheney responded to the devastating vote by calling it “laughable.” Republicans have “allowed themselves to be held hostage to the lies of a dangerous and irrational man,” Cheney spokesman Jeremy Adler told the Hill, referencing former President Trump.Cheney is facing a tough reelection campaign against Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman, who is a Cheyenne attorney
Beto O’Rourke says he’s running for
Texas governor
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/15/2021 9:37:45 AM Post Reply
Beto O’Rourke is running for governor, challenging Republican Greg Abbott in a clash of two of Texas’ biggest politicians. “I’m running to serve the people of Texas, and I want to make sure that we have a governor that serves everyone, helps to bring this state together to do the really big things before us and get past the small, divisive politics and policies of Greg Abbott,” O’Rourke said in an interview with The Texas Tribune. “It is time for change.” The former El Paso congressman, 2018 U.S. Senate nominee and 2020 presidential contender said he was running for governor to improve public schools, health care and jobs in Texas.
Study says nearly two-thirds of vaxxed
Americans will BAN un-jabbed family members
during holiday gatherings
41 replies
Posted by Zarin 11/15/2021 11:52:11 AM Post Reply
The holiday season has long been a source of contention for many families, but this year families may be even more divided with almost two-thirds of fully jabbed Americans reportedly planning to ban their unvaccinated relatives from holiday festivities. The November 2 study by OnePoll analyzed the responses of 2,000 U.S. residents about how the COVID-19 vaccine has influenced relationships with loved ones. Fully vaccinated individuals accounted for 65 percent of respondents and nearly six out of 10 of those respondents had already severed ties with unvaccinated family members. CORRECTION*
Kamala is angry with Biden for defending
'white man' Buttigieg while giving her
'no-win' migration brief: White House
dislikes her 'awkward' laugh when asked
about border and aides say she relies
too heavily on family advice, CNN reveals
41 replies
Posted by Imright 11/15/2021 3:40:38 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris' increasing frustration and tension with President Joe Biden's inner circle has been laid bare in a new report.Harris and her top aides are frustrated with Biden for defending 'white man' Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, more vigorously than her, and handing her 'no-win' issues like the border crisis, according to a CNN report citing interviews with dozens of current an former Harris aides and White House officials.At the same time, Biden's staff are said to be privately frustrated with Harris over controversies they view as self-inflicted, such as her 'awkward' laughter
The Long Knives Come out for Kamala Harris
as Her Vice Presidency Continues to Collapse
36 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/15/2021 1:11:07 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’ vice presidency has not gotten off on the right foot, and the unrest surrounding her tenure continues. A new report is out that paints Harris and her staff as feeling isolated and undefended by the administration she serves in. But the report also shares the view from the other side of the equation, with Biden staffers showing frustration and anger with how the Vice President conducts herself and her affairs. The long knives are out, according to CNN. Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus, key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff
Rittenhouse jury to begin deliberations
at 9am TODAY as Kenosha National Guard
prepares for chaos: Judge tells jury to
ignore 'everyone's opinion' including
'that of the president' after Biden labeled
teen a 'white supremacist' in 2020
34 replies
Posted by Imright 11/16/2021 4:44:25 AM Post Reply
The jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse will retire to consider their verdict on Tuesday at 9am, as the city of Kenosha braced for protests ahead of the verdict.Rittenhouse, 18, is charged with first-degree intentional homicide and other counts for killing Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz on August 25, 2020. On Tuesday deliberations will begin in the case that has stirred fierce debate in the U.S. over guns, vigilantism and law and order.The jury has not been sequestered. (Photos) Eighteen jurors have been hearing the case; the 12 who will decide Rittenhouse's fate and the six who will be designated alternates will be
Why are COVID Cases Spiking? Again… 34 replies
Posted by Magnante 11/15/2021 3:43:25 AM Post Reply
Watching the news, one sees constant stories about COVID numbers rising, yet again, now almost two years into this pandemic, with COVID hospitalizations in some states higher than they have ever been except for the spike last December. In my state of Colorado, the test positivity rate is almost 10 percent, with 1 in 48 infected and if the current trend continues, this will be the worst COVID spike the state has seen. On the surface, that doesn’t make sense, since nearly 80 percent of eligible Coloradans have received at least one vaccine dose, suggesting the vaccines are not working as well as they should or as advertised
Biden Attempts to Take a Shot at Sarah
Palin But Fails Miserably
33 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 11/16/2021 8:25:56 AM Post Reply
During a signing ceremony for the infrastructure bill on Monday, President Biden praised the governors across America he worked with as vice president in the Obama administration—“save one.” He then took a potshot at former Gov. Sarah Palin without naming her, explaining, the one who "can see Alaska from her porch.” Biden got the “Saturday Night Live” joke completely wrong, given that he should’ve said Russia, not Alaska. Palin lives in Alaska so obviously she can see Alaska from her porch.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, 81, the chamber’s
longest-serving Democrat, announces he
will retire
32 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 11/15/2021 10:45:22 AM Post Reply
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), the longest-serving Democrat in the Senate, on Monday announced he will retire at the end of his term next year. Leahy, 81, who was first elected in 1974, would have been up for reelection to a ninth term in 2022. “It’s time to put down the gavel. It is time to pass the torch to the next Vermonter to carry on this work for our great state. It’s time to come home,” Leahy said at a news conference Monday at the Vermont State House in Montpelier from the same room where he announced his first
Former Sen. Chris Dodd Suggests Longtime
Friend Joe Biden May Not Run In 2024
32 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 11/15/2021 5:25:38 AM Post Reply
Nearly a year into the Joe Biden presidency, enthusiasm has reached such a nadir that former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) has suggested the aging politician may not seek reelection come 2024. Speaking with the New York Times about the Biden administration’s efforts to bolster Vice President Kamala Harris’s approval, Dodd, who worked alongside Joe Biden in the Senate for 28 years and who served as a member of the Biden campaign vice-presidential search committee, said that the president “might not” seek reelection. “I’m hoping the president runs for re-election,” Dodd said.
Twitter Explodes After Rittenhouse Prosecutor
Points Gun At Jury With Finger On Trigger
31 replies
Posted by Imright 11/15/2021 6:28:26 PM Post Reply
During closing arguments in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial, the prosecution lawyer pointed an AR-15 directly at the jury with his finger on the trigger. He broke every law of gun safety, and Twitter users exploded with reaction. “What’s wrong with this picture?” begins Beth Baumann on Twitter. “He didn’t check to make sure it was clear. He has his finger on the trigger. Gun is pointed at people (likely the jury)” she tweeted. (Tweet) Here is more Twitter reaction:(Tweets) Here’s a video of the incident:
Kamala Harris sidelined amid growing tensions
with Biden, insiders say
31 replies
Posted by Lets Go Brandon 11/15/2021 9:11:05 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is being increasingly alienated in the White House as her approval ratings plummet — as the first female veep feels she’s not getting the same support President Biden gives to white male politicians, according to a detailed new report. Despite their public show of unity, Biden and his right-hand woman have a dysfunctional relationship that has reached an “exhausted stalemate,” CNN said based on interviews with nearly three dozen insiders. At a time when the president would usually be expected to promote his vice president as a future replacement in the White House, Biden has instead been sidelining Harris as a potential liability, the report said.
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