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Durham And Big Picture Stuff

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Posted By: earlybird, 11/7/2021 5:31:03 PM

Hillary begat Mueller, and Mueller begat Biden. It’s interesting that John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko appears to be exciting more speculation about targets within the Clinton Campaign than did the indictment of a pretty bona fide insider like Michael Sussmann. The reason for this seeming irony is actually clear enough. Chuck Dolan, while not an “apex defendant” in the usual sense, nevertheless points to involvement of actual Clinton Campaign personnel being involved in concocting the Clinton Dossier—not just paying for BS oppo research that (supposedly) fooled the FBI. Jonathan Turley and Shipwreckedcrew, experienced lawyers both, address the ramifications, each in their own way but in ways that, naturally enough, dovetail


Wauck is a retired FBI special agent and lawyer. He cites two lawyers - Shipwreckedcrew and Jonathan Turley, both of whom have followed this case for a long time. If there is too much singlespaced type, at least skim. It is interesting stuff on something which may not go away, as much as Hillz and Joebama and others might wish it to...

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bad-hair 11/7/2021 6:13:54 PM (No. 970525)
Biden's got the pardon pen. Let me know when somebody gets arrested for something other than lying to the FBI.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 11/7/2021 7:33:59 PM (No. 970576)
Mueller didn't begat Biden... The Dominion Voting Machines and China did.
8 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Hugh Akston 11/7/2021 7:41:21 PM (No. 970584)
I'm glad I read this and the article by Shipwreckedcrew linked in it. Took awhile. And we have a shiite-hole of a mess as a result of Trump being handcuffed for 4 years and losing the Repub congress in 2018, let alone the 2020 fraud enabling a criminal administration to set policy and issue mandates and other EO's to the detriment (by design) of our country. The RESET button better be damn big and hit quickly if the Pubbies with a spine (ever) get back in power. The damage gets institutionalized within the Gordian knot of government never to go away, only to get added to when criminal Democrats get back in. This mess needs to be unwound to before 2008 at a minimum.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: doctorfixit 11/7/2021 9:12:17 PM (No. 970667)
So far Durham is vaporware. When federal prisons get a bump in the numbers I'll lend Durham some credibility.
3 people like this.

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Posted by earlybird 11/8/2021 6:26:32 PM Post Reply
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Critical to Understanding Where Durham
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Posted by earlybird 11/7/2021 7:47:36 PM Post Reply
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Durham And Big Picture Stuff 4 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/7/2021 5:31:03 PM Post Reply
Hillary begat Mueller, and Mueller begat Biden. It’s interesting that John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko appears to be exciting more speculation about targets within the Clinton Campaign than did the indictment of a pretty bona fide insider like Michael Sussmann. The reason for this seeming irony is actually clear enough. Chuck Dolan, while not an “apex defendant” in the usual sense, nevertheless points to involvement of actual Clinton Campaign personnel being involved in concocting the Clinton Dossier—not just paying for BS oppo research that (supposedly) fooled the FBI. Jonathan Turley and Shipwreckedcrew, experienced lawyers both, address the ramifications, each in their own way but in ways that, naturally enough, dovetail
If Kavanaugh And Barrett Betray Pro-Lifers,
We Must Blow Up The Conservative Legal Movement
31 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/7/2021 4:22:12 PM Post Reply
Less than a handful of years after their hard-won elevation to the Supreme Court, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are sending a chill down the spines of conservatives with a string of bad signals from their seats on the court. In July, Kavanaugh and Barrett joined the court’s leftist majority in declining to hear Arlene’s Flowers v. Washington, a critical religious liberty case. They again sided with the court’s left in a similar decision to turn away a religious exemption challenge to Maine’s vaccine mandate — which Justices Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas took pains to note was staggering in its hypocrisy.
9 Truths From Aaron Rodgers’ Explosive
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12 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/7/2021 4:10:44 PM Post Reply
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Marjorie Taylor Greene Praises AOC and
Blasts GOP 'Traitors' for Backing Biden
Bill — in Single Tweet
10 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/7/2021 3:31:59 PM Post Reply
As the fallout continued for the 13 Republican lawmakers who joined forces with Nancy Pelosi’s House Democrats to pass the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill late Friday night, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) fired up her Twitter machine and praised Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her fellow Squad comrades for voting “no” on the bill, and also slammed the Republican “traitors.” In a single tweet.Marjorie Taylor Greene at her best, America: Here are the “Republicans” that just voted to help Biden screw America. But 6 Democrats did more than these 13 traitor Republicans to stop Biden’s fake Infrastructure bill by voting NO. AOC Tlaib Pressley Omar Bush Bowman
Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy In Fact? 4 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/7/2021 1:22:01 PM Post Reply
Last week, Fox Nation aired “Patriot Purge,” Tucker Carlson’s three-part series on the January 6 protest in Washington, D.C. No sooner had the program been announced than the regime media went nuts. (snip) Translation: Carlson disputes the accepted narrative according to which the protest at the Capitol was an “insurrection” aimed at undermining “our democracy.” Ergo Carlson must be wrong. Cue the heated rhetoric and wheel out that all-purpose epithet “conspiracy theorist.” As a side note, I have always wondered why people of a certain ilk believe that uttering the phrase “conspiracy theory” or charging someone with being a “conspiracy theorist” disposes of any argument.
Federal Court Blocks Biden Administration’s
Private Business COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
5 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/6/2021 6:40:06 PM Post Reply
A federal appeals court on Saturday blocked the Biden administration’s private employer COVID-19 vaccine mandate, asserting there may be constitutional issues with the requirement. “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate, the mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court,” a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit said in the brief order. (snip)Petitioners said the mandate, promulgated as an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) by the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), should be struck down because it exceeds OSHA’s authority
Lawyer: ‘PR Executive 1’ in Durham
Indictment Is Former Democratic Party Campaigner
8 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/5/2021 7:06:18 PM Post Reply
A lawyer on Thursday confirmed that Washington-based communications executive Charles Dolan Jr. is the individual referred to as “PR Executive-1” in special counsel John Durham’s indictment against Russia analyst Igor Danchenko, which was unsealed earlier this week. The grand jury indictment of Dachenko alleges that he lied when he told the FBI that he never communicated with a public relations executive who had been active in the Democratic Party about claims in a dossier issued by former UK spy Christopher Steele. Although the public relations executive, or “PR Executive-1,” is never named in the indictment, Dolan’s lawyer Ralph Martin told The Epoch Times on Friday that his client is the person
Study shows dramatic decline in effectiveness
of all three COVID-19 vaccines over time
23 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/5/2021 11:40:56 AM Post Reply
As the Delta variant became the dominant strain of coronavirus across the United States, all three COVID-19 vaccines available to Americans lost some of their protective power, with vaccine efficacy among a large group of veterans dropping between 35% and 85%, according to a new study. Researchers who scoured the records of nearly 800,000 U.S. veterans found that in early March, just as the Delta variant was gaining a toehold across American communities, the three vaccines were roughly equal in their ability to prevent infections. But over the next six months, that changed dramatically. By the end of September, Moderna’s two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, measured as 89% effective in March, was
In Discussing Massive Infrastructure Bill,
Pete Buttigieg Shows Off How Little He Knows
23 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/4/2021 7:22:02 PM Post Reply
As the United States careens off the economic tracks towards stagflation, the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress continue to posit that their proposed massive spending bill will counterintuitively decrease rates of inflation. This was the argument recently articulated by Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg during his conversation with Chris Wallace on the most recent “Fox News Sunday.” After Buttigieg praised the “historic” plan’s focus on providing “action on climate before its too late” and massive increased spending on “finally [getting] preschool for every child in this country” and “making childcare affordable for every family,” Wallace pressed Buttigieg on “the issues Americans care about the most,” including inflation.
Trump Nearing the Crossroads 16 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/4/2021 3:43:24 PM Post Reply
The Left may not wish to admit it, but the fortunes of a once moribund Donald Trump of January 2021 have now largely recovered—even before the stunning gubernatorial victory of Republican Glenn Youngkin in Virginia. How and why? One, Joe Biden did not, as dishonestly advertised, prove to be good Ol’ “Lunch bucket” Joe. He was no moderate from Scranton. Instead, Biden has served as the clueless gun barrel through which hard-core leftists fired off the most unpopular agenda in memory. Open borders, huge deficits, the Afghanistan catastrophe, looming stagflation, empty shelves, bottlenecked ports, soaring energy prices, toxic critical race theory,
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Chris Christie tells GOP's biggest donors
that Glenn Youngkin's Virginia win is
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'move on from Trump's 2020 election fraud
claims' - as he teases his own 2024 run
77 replies
Posted by Imright 11/7/2021 10:22:16 PM Post Reply
New Jersey's last Republican governor Chris Christie told a room full of top GOP donors that it was time for the party to move past Donald Trump - and held up Glenn Youngkin's victory in Virginia and Democrat losses in his own state as proof the controversial ex-president's influence on voters is waning. Speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas on Saturday night, Christie urged elected Republican officials and candidates to stop arguing over the 2020 election.He told the crowd that Youngkin's victory represented a 'new era' in the GOP.
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Posted by Ribicon 11/7/2021 10:18:47 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden let out a long, loud **** while speaking with the Duchess of Cornwall at the COP26 summit. Camilla Parker Bowles “hasn’t stopped talking about” the 78-year-old’s “long ****,” it has been reported. The pair were making small talk at the global climate change gathering in Scotland last week when the president broke wind, according to an informed source that spoke to The Mail on Sunday. “It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,” the source told the outlet. “Camilla hasn’t stopped talking about it.”(Snip) Parker Bowles, who has been married to Prince Charles since 2005, was taken aback by the flatulence. CORRECTIONS*
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Posted by FlyRight 11/7/2021 8:14:49 PM Post Reply
Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney says thousands of "recently found" ballots supports his refusal to concede to a Republican challenger who ran a low-budget campaign. "The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county," Sweeney said in an email to the Philadelphia Inquirer on Thursday. "While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results."
Procter & Gamble employees issue a warning
to America
46 replies
Posted by Magnante 11/7/2021 2:59:35 AM Post Reply
Procter & Gamble (“P&G”) is one of America’s largest corporations, with over 100,000 employees worldwide. It is putting a vaccine mandate into place for its more than 26,000 America-based employees, which will require them to get vaccinated, meet a “company-approved” exemption, or take weekly COVID tests. Those employees opposed to the vaccine mandate are pushing back. To that end, they released a powerful video warning, not P&G, but all Americans, what will happen if these employees lose their jobs. It’s unlikely that you’ve navigated through life without ever purchasing a product from P&G.
Canadian becomes world’s first patient
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Posted by NorthernDog 11/8/2021 12:47:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/7/2021 10:28:45 PM Post Reply
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Frank Luntz Claims Embarrassing 'Major
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38 replies
Posted by Imright 11/8/2021 11:02:53 AM Post Reply
Is some massive, embarrassing bombshell about to drop on the heads of Donald Trump and Republicans? That’s the claim by Frank Luntz, the grifting political consultant who was once a staple on Fox News.(related Lumpy GOP Consultatant Trashes Nurse Who Refused COVID-19 Vaccine and Gets It Totally Wrong) Per Luntz, a “major story” that will prove “embarrassing” is about to drop and it has something to do with January 20th. That claim is apparently originating with Jon Karl, yet another leftwing media hack who has decided to his allegations are so important that they can be held for a year until his book drops. Can’t you just feel the urgency?
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alleyway becomes city's BIGGEST homeless encampment
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Posted by zephyrgirl 11/7/2021 8:48:48 PM Post Reply
Residents of a San Francisco condo building where units sell for $1million say they’re living in fear after an adjoining alleyway became the city’s biggest homeless encampment. The massive tent city - occupied by a feces-hurling man and an assortment of other untoward characters - is paces away from The Artani, an eight-story Van Ness Avenue complex where residents say they’re being spooked by a growing number of vagrant neighbors. Condo resident Amber Lusko said the encampment, exacerbated by the COVID pandemic, has drawn rats, thieves, and mentally unstable adults who are turning their neighborhood into a state of bedlam.
Bosses at one of the world's biggest investment
firms State Street will need to get special
permission to hire white men as part of
new diversity drive
32 replies
Posted by AltaD 11/7/2021 7:38:02 AM Post Reply
Bosses at one of the world's biggest investment firms will need to get special approval to hire white men as part of a new diversity drive. State Street Global Advisors aims to triple the number of black, Asian and other minority staff in senior roles by 2023 as part of a drive to improve diversity within its middle and senior management. Failure to meet the target will result in a drop in executives' bonuses, reports The Times. State Street, which has 30 offices worldwide,(Snip) Jess McNicholas, the bank’s head of inclusion, diversity and corporate citizenship in London, said: 'This is now front and central for State Street
Should the US pay $2 trillion for climate
loss and damage?
31 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 11/8/2021 8:35:20 AM Post Reply
Poor countries, rocked by storms and flooding from climate change, have spent years trying to hold the big carbon-emitters accountable. While most rich nations have fiercely resisted this liability, attendees at COP26 will give it another try in Glasgow next week. The US is the $2 trillion elephant in the room. That figure is a rough estimate (most likely at the very low end) of how much the world’s largest economy could owe other nations if it accepted liability for the “loss and damage” caused by its historical emissions of carbon dioxide, according to Richard Tol, an economics professor at
If Kavanaugh And Barrett Betray Pro-Lifers,
We Must Blow Up The Conservative Legal Movement
31 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/7/2021 4:22:12 PM Post Reply
Less than a handful of years after their hard-won elevation to the Supreme Court, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are sending a chill down the spines of conservatives with a string of bad signals from their seats on the court. In July, Kavanaugh and Barrett joined the court’s leftist majority in declining to hear Arlene’s Flowers v. Washington, a critical religious liberty case. They again sided with the court’s left in a similar decision to turn away a religious exemption challenge to Maine’s vaccine mandate — which Justices Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas took pains to note was staggering in its hypocrisy.
Biden rages that illegal aliens 'deserve compensation' 31 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/7/2021 10:37:03 AM Post Reply
Following a series of contradictory statements around $450,000 taxpayer payoffs to illegals separated at the border, Joe Biden came out in a finger-pointing rage to let a reporter know that these lawbreakers "deserve compensation." According to the RealClearPolitics transcription: "Let's get it straight. You said everybody coming across the border gets $450,000. The number I was referring to." "Now here’s the thing," Biden said. "If, in fact, because of the outrageous behavior of the last administration, you were coming across the border, whether it was legal or illegal, and you lost your child. You lost your child, [your child] is gone, you deserve some kind of compensation! No matter what the circumstances."
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