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Why The Left Tells Lies About Christopher Columbus

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 10/11/2021 8:28:55 AM

For over a decade, Columbus has been painted as a mass murderer, committing all sorts of crimes in the New World, including genocide. So far, though, he has not–at least, not yet–been accused of not providing transgender bathrooms in his ships. Those accusations are complete fabrications, unsupported by even one shred of historical evidence. Let me repeat that because it is very important: there is no historical basis, no contemporary documents, nothing, that indicates that he engaged in all of the “crimes” that present-day activists have promulgated. None! Zip! Nada!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Muguy 10/11/2021 8:52:44 AM (No. 941755)
Agenda-driven of "woke" history ignores, covers up, or CHANGES the facts of history to FORCE it to agree with their pronouncements. The CREW on those three ships were largely convicts who would have their sentences commuted if they went with Columbus, and were ready to mutiny until the morning before the landing when they saw plants in the water and birds until land was spotted. The first thing Columbus did upon reaching shore was to claim the land for God and King and actually kissed the ground. His crew had to be chastised for their actions. These woke types would have you believe that Columbus HIMSELF ordered bad actions. Christopher Columbus was a man of faith and that in itself riles up the unbelievers.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: udanja99 10/11/2021 8:59:14 AM (No. 941760)
Over a decade? The PC dolts started going after Columbus back in the 80’s and by 1992 had so damaged his image that we ignored the 500th anniversary of his landing. Just imagine what kind of celebration that could have been. Just an aside - without Columbus, the French would not have chocolate mousse and the Italians would not have pasta sauce - Columbus took both chocolate and tomatoes back to the old world as they were not indigenous in Europe.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: reefdiver 10/11/2021 9:08:01 AM (No. 941772)
The Left tells lies. That is the bottom line.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: mathman 10/11/2021 9:16:39 AM (No. 941778)
There remains a question to which the answer will probably never be known. Was Columbus a secret Jew? Remember that the Inquisition was gearing up in his day. Throughout Spain and Portugal a choice was given to Jews: convert or die. The preferred response was death, as ritual executions were real crowd pleasers. See Mel Brooks for details.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: bgarrett 10/11/2021 9:16:57 AM (No. 941779)
Who decided to give Christophorus Columbus a fake name?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: bgarrett 10/11/2021 9:22:18 AM (No. 941785)
oops his name is Cristoforo Colombo
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Paperpuncher 10/11/2021 9:58:04 AM (No. 941810)
So today is Columbus Day. Is your bank open? Is the post office delivering mail? How about the federal government? Are they working today? Schools open? Most of these people have been indoctrinated to the lies about Columbus and hate his guts, yet they will take advantage of a day off work they do not deserve being the low life bottom feeders they are.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: MDConservative 10/11/2021 10:26:56 AM (No. 941834)
Why? The author cannot be so naive. Columbus is a figure for an era when the indigenous peoples had their halcyon days and fine living destroyed. What's never mentioned is the "clap" and tobacco given Columbus and his crews as tokens of the locals; affection. This murder stuff works both ways...
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Reply 9 - Posted by: hershey 10/11/2021 10:45:01 AM (No. 941860)
Ah just more of the liberal pantywaist democraps trying to undermine our will be Columbus Day for me until I die, and then, please don't let me vote democrat...
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Reply 10 - Posted by: columba 10/11/2021 10:56:47 AM (No. 941873)
ADMIRAL OF THE OCEAN SEA is an excellent book wherein the author sailed all of the admiral's treks from Europe to America. A good book about a man with a mission ...a mission that has helped Western Civilization.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: bigfatslob 10/11/2021 11:43:37 AM (No. 941908)
I like stories and real history of sailing wooden ships. What we know of history or possibly some stories about Columbuses' trek is interesting to me to see it attacked by woke activist replacing the day with a bogus made up holiday about Indians. What next the novel Moby Dick will be attacked because the whale is 'too white' maybe Moby has some 'white' issues and hidden anger. That how stupid the PC activist crowd are vicious along with sounding ignorant. Christopher Columbus is forever the activist are not.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: Kumoan 10/11/2021 3:59:27 PM (No. 942230)
Same smears are directed at the Spanish Conquistadores; tough men forged by tough times, thanks to centuries of muslim persecution in their homeland.
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