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Silenced! What’s Happening Now in Cuba?

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Posted By: GustoGrabber, 8/12/2021 5:12:26 AM

Are they still protesting in Cuba? I don’t know. The Cuban government has shut off the Cuban people’s internet. The big demonstrations began four weeks ago, sparked, curiously, by a rap song. The key lyric is: “Freedom! No more Doctrine!” “Doctrine” refers to the “constant cycle of propaganda” from the government, explains Cuban emigre Alian Collazo in my newest video. Sadly, silly TV reporters in America claimed the protests were about “hunger, pandemic restrictions and the lack of COVID vaccinations,” or, according to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, “food and fuel shortages.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 5 handicap 8/12/2021 5:16:48 AM (No. 876064)
Truth and honor have never been strong in Stephanopoulos.
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 8/12/2021 6:00:33 AM (No. 876083)
Nothing to worry about! Once they’ve purged all of the non communists, they’ll turn the Internet back on…
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Clinger 8/12/2021 8:25:33 AM (No. 876168)
Its gone dark and nothing good happens in the darkness. Pray for the Cuban people, pray for their freedom, pray for our freedom.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/12/2021 8:45:20 AM (No. 876187)
After the troublemakers are rounded up by the regime and fed into the wood chippers in front of their families, the internet will be turned back and a serene and calm populace will soon be shown to the world.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: reefdiver 8/12/2021 9:26:23 AM (No. 876238)
Looks like the USA may follow in step with Cuba soon (shut up and put your mask on).
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Reply 6 - Posted by: MDConservative 8/12/2021 10:43:43 AM (No. 876369)
FTA: "The United States could beam internet into Cuba." Uh, how does that work? Shortwave radio? The problem isn't "beaming into", it's getting information out of. I don't hear any "Western Democracy" making much of a stink over this.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: smokincol 8/12/2021 10:47:39 AM (No. 876373)
I was just thinking of this very thing just yesterday and lo and behold. it took GustoGrabber, to post an article about it. Thank you, very much GG. where are we going and what are turning into as a people and as a nation?
1 person likes this.

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Cardinal Cupich Reportedly ‘Leaning Hard’ on
Bioethics Center to Retract Stance on
COVID Vaccine Exemptions
14 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 8/12/2021 8:03:25 AM Post Reply
Amid disagreement among Catholic leaders over whether there is a moral obligation to receive a coronavirus vaccine, board members at the National Catholic Bioethics Center have told CNA that Blase Cardinal Cupich has urged that the center retract its guidance against mandated immunization. One board member told CNA that Cardinal Cupich has been “leaning hard” on the bishops and some prominent lay board members, but did not elaborate on specific names.The NCBC board members spoke with CNA on the condition they not be identified by name. The Archdiocese of Chicago did not respond to CNA’s request for comment.
Silenced! What’s Happening Now in Cuba? 7 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 8/12/2021 5:12:26 AM Post Reply
Are they still protesting in Cuba? I don’t know. The Cuban government has shut off the Cuban people’s internet. The big demonstrations began four weeks ago, sparked, curiously, by a rap song. The key lyric is: “Freedom! No more Doctrine!” “Doctrine” refers to the “constant cycle of propaganda” from the government, explains Cuban emigre Alian Collazo in my newest video. Sadly, silly TV reporters in America claimed the protests were about “hunger, pandemic restrictions and the lack of COVID vaccinations,” or, according to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, “food and fuel shortages.”
Why We Should Care That YouTube
Has Silenced Sen. Rand Paul
22 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 8/12/2021 5:09:09 AM Post Reply
Another day, another instance of a Big Tech company censoring content it doesn’t like. This time, YouTube—owned by Google—took down a video by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in which he discusses face masks and COVID-19. YouTube also banned Paul from its platform for a week. “We removed content from Senator Paul’s channel for including claims that masks are ineffective in preventing the contraction or transmission of COVID-19, in accordance with our COVID-19 medical misinformation policies,” YouTube said in a public statement. Notably, YouTube’s policy cites the World Health Organization and “local authorities” as its source of what’s correct about COVID-19.
Biggest US Navy war games in 40 years
to prepare for WW3 across 17 times
zones amid tensions with Russia, China
and Iran
25 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 8/5/2021 5:59:49 AM Post Reply
THOUSANDS of Marines and sailors are taking part in the US Navy's largest war games in 40 years as Washington "prepares" for a future world war amid rising tensions with Russia and China. Fleets began the Large Scale Exercise on Tuesday and the drills across 17 time zones will continue until August 16.    Forces will participate in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the exercises are designed to show the US' "readiness" for a potential global conflict.  Marines’ ability to conduct operations in difficult environments will be tested during the drills, according to
The Surprising
Benefits of Talking to Strangers
12 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 8/5/2021 5:54:29 AM Post Reply
Nic spent most of her childhood avoiding people. She was raised by a volatile father and a mother who transferred much of the trauma she’d experienced onto her daughter. The combination left Nic fearful and isolated. “My primitive brain was programmed to be afraid of everybody, because everybody’s evil and they’re gonna hurt you,” she told me. (Nic asked to be referred to by only her first name to protect her privacy.) Nic’s fear isn’t uncommon in a country where valid lessons about “stranger danger” can cast all people you don’t know as threats to be feared, but she recognized it was unhealthy
Utah’s Mitt Romney praises ‘historic’
bipartisan infrastructure bill
24 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 8/1/2021 7:28:50 AM Post Reply
U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, on Wednesday called a bipartisan infrastructure bill a “historic investment” that will “help Utah rebuild its roads, mitigate drought conditions, fulfill critical water needs, and prepare for and respond to wildfires.” The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a nearly $1 trillion investment bill. The Senate voted 67-32 on Wednesday to take the first proceeding step toward debating the bill, which is supported by President Joe Biden. According to Reuters, the bill is supported by 48 Democrats, two independents and 17 Republicans, including Romney.
Irish Ice Hockey Star Resigns
in Protest Over Vaccine Passports,
'Total Government Control'
13 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 7/18/2021 4:16:11 AM Post Reply
Irish ice hockey star Niall McEvoy announced to his coaches and teammates that he was resigning, explaining he could no longer represent a country that requires vaccine passports. The Irish government passed a bill in the last two days that will require proof of vaccination if customers want to dine in restaurants, pubs and cafes indoors. A "vaccine passport," either paper documentation or an EU digital COVID-19 certificate, will very soon be required for people to enter all indoor establishments in Ireland, according to BBC.
Herd Immunity to Herd Mentality 17 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 7/16/2021 5:52:23 AM Post Reply
When my family and I contracted COVID last November and December, we sighed that at least we wouldn’t need to get vaccinated. We need not worry about investigating which of the experimental vaccines we might reluctantly consider injecting into our bodies, especially the non-conventional mRNA-based vaccines (i.e., Pfizer and Moderna), which are quite new and quite concerning. But hey, at least we were contributing to the herd immunity that the nation and world were eagerly racing toward. (Yes, you can thank us for our suffering.)
Trump Winds and Biden Whirlwinds 9 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 7/13/2021 6:15:12 AM Post Reply
Victimizers quickly becoming victims is a recurrent theme of Thucydides’ history. In his commentary on the so-called stasis at Corcyra, he offers his most explicit warning about the long-term dangers of destroying legal institutions, customs, and traditions that serve the common good for short-term gain. The historian notes that in the inevitable yin and yang of politics, the destroyers inevitably will seek, but do so in vain, refuge in what they have destroyed.
Kim Jong-un bans mullets,
skinny jeans in North Korea
8 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 5/21/2021 11:00:36 PM Post Reply
There is no “party in the back” on Kim Jong-un’s watch. The North Korean dictator has outlawed mullets and skinny jeans in an attempt to cut off “decadent” western-style fashion trends, according to a report. The tubby tyrant has approved only 15 official “non-socialist” haircuts — and the long-in-the-back look isn’t up to snuff, according to The Daily Express. He also ordered a bizarre crackdown on ripped jeans, sloganed T-shirts and nose and lip piercings, according to the outlet, which cited North Korea’s The Rondong Sinmun newspaper.
Opposition to critical race theory
intensifies in Georgia
6 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 5/21/2021 4:45:13 AM Post Reply
The superintendent of schools in Cherokee County issued the latest volley against a perceived threat that has drawn the attention of the state’s Republican leadership, saying an academic construct known as “critical race theory” will not be taught in classrooms. In a meeting that drew hundreds, with hundreds left outside after the school board meeting room reached capacity, Superintendent Brian Hightower addressed a local debate of an issue that has flared up across the country. The school board voted 4-1, with two abstentions, to approve a resolution to prohibit implementation of critical race theory and the 1619 Project, a New York Times project that put slavery and Black contributions
The Deep Roots of Radicalism 4 replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 5/21/2021 4:33:25 AM Post Reply
In 2016, John Brennan, Obama’s CIA director, acknowledged that he had once voted for Gus Hall, the Communist Party’s candidate. Brennan feared that his vote for Hall in 1976 threatened to doom his chances of entering the CIA. But it didn’t, Brennan happily noted to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation: “So if back in 1980, John Brennan was allowed to say, ‘I voted for the Communist Party with Gus Hall’ … and still got through, rest assured that your rights and your expressions and your freedom of speech as Americans is something that’s not going to be disqualifying of you as you pursue a career in government.
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GOING VIRAL: Rep. Dan Crenshaw tells Supporters “Don’t Kid Yourself” the 2020 Election “Absolutely Not a Stolen Election” #RINOReveal 67 replies
Posted by hershey 8/12/2021 2:45:57 PM Post Reply
Every now and then the RINOs tell you how they REALLY feel about their base voters. Last night Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) spoke at an event in Chicago. During questions and answers Crenshaw told supporters there was no voter fraud in the 2020 election adding, “Don’t kid yourself into believing that’s why we lost. It’s not. I’ll tell you openly.” At that point conservative activist Bobby Piton jumped in to challenge Crenshaw. “You’re wrong. Dan Crenshaw: “I’m not wrong.”
Pentagon sends 3,000 troops BACK to Afghanistan to evacuate Americans and won't say whether US will stay past August 31: State Dept announces Kabul embassy drawdown as Taliban captures 12 cities 48 replies
Posted by Imright 8/12/2021 5:15:15 PM Post Reply
The Pentagon is sending 3,000 troops back into Afghanistan to help evacuate some personnel from the US embassy amid the Taliban's surging encroachment on the capital city of Kabul.Those 3,000 troops, part of three infantry battalions, are in addition to the over 650 US service members still currently stationed in Afghanistan. Another 3,500 to 4,000 reserve forces will be stationed in Kuwait on standby, and another 1,000 will go to Qatar to help with Special Immigrant Visa processing. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said: 'We believe this is it the prudent thing to do given the rapidly deteriorating security situation in and around Kabul.'
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'illegal activity' that may be
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Posted by NorthernDog 8/12/2021 8:40:09 AM Post Reply
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Joe Biden Weighs Mandating Vaccines for
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39 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/13/2021 12:07:45 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is weighing vaccines mandates for interstate travel, according to the Associated Press (AP) on Thursday. “Still, while more severe [coronavirus] measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed,” the AP writes, “the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.” For the time being, the White House seems content with shaming those who are unvaccinated, while demanding private companies mandate vaccinations for their employees. For instance, Biden told churchgoers April 1, they were being ungodly if they did not become vaccinated.
US Media Goes Full Pravda: Not One Single
Mainstream Outlet Reports on
President’s Naked Son with Hooker
Complaining About Russians Stealing
His Laptop for Blackmail
38 replies
Posted by Imright 8/13/2021 4:47:28 AM Post Reply
Earlier this week video was released of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden naked with a hooker complaining about Russians stealing his laptop for blackmail purposes. Hunter Biden filmed the whole thing and kept the video on his laptop that he later abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware.This is a national scandal like Nothing this country has ever seen before. Certainly, dirtbag Chris Wray and the FBI are on top of this? And yet Not One mainstream liberal outlet even ran the story!
America's white population is shrinking:
2020 Census reveals whites make
up less than 60% for the first
time and there are nearly 20m less
than in 2010
37 replies
Posted by Imright 8/12/2021 7:30:13 PM Post Reply
The 2020 Census has revealed that America's white population is shrinking and is now less than 60 percent for the first time on record, with nearly 20million fewer white Americans alive today than ten years ago.White Americans make up 57.8 percent of the country, according to the data that was released on Thursday, a decrease of over 6 percent since 2010. That is the number of people who replied 'white alone, non Hispanic or Latino' to the survey. Another group who just answered 'white alone' make up 61 percent of the country, according to a data map. The white population is still the largest in the country
After Arnold Schwarzenegger Said “Screw
Your Freedom” To The American
Patriots, Images Resurface And
Reveal That The Actor’s Father
Was Nazi Storm Trooper In WWII
36 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 8/12/2021 9:49:25 AM Post Reply
The “Terminator” film icon and former governor of California spoke via YouTube Wednesday to urge people to follow the rules and get vaccinated. “There is a virus here — it kills people,” the Schwarzenegger said, “and the only way we prevent it is get vaccinated, get masks, do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about ‘well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom.” The 74-year-old actor was part of a panel with CNN’s Alex Vindman and Bianna Golodryga to discuss misinformation and COVID-19 policy.
Democrats are going to get a shellacking
in 2022
35 replies
Posted by Moritz55 8/13/2021 1:23:57 PM Post Reply
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney chose to raise awareness recently about the most obvious thing in Washington: The Democrats’ control of the U.S. House of Representatives is in serious jeopardy. Politico’s story “House Dem campaign chief warns the majority at risk without message reboot” amplified Mr. Maloney’s cry for help but made it clear that Democrats are in serious denial about the dire situation they’ve created for themselves. Not only is history working against them - a new President’s party almost always loses seats in Congress in their first midterm election - but Democrats have the smallest majority in 100 years and
Dr. Fauci warns Americans may face having
booster shots INDEFINITELY and
says fully-vaccinated 'breakthrough'
infections could still cause
long COVID: FDA approves third
dose for those with weakened immune systems
31 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 8/13/2021 10:20:20 AM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Thursday that he can't rule out people having to have COVID-19 booster shots indefinitely as the virus continues to surge. Fauci, the chief medical advisor to the president, made his comments in an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN in which he also warned that fully vaccinated people with so-called breakthrough infections can still get long-term COVID. 'We know a lot more than we did to start, but there's obviously, you know, we need to be humble in the face of this virus,' Fauci said.
Biden says he bears ‘zero responsibility'
for Afghanistan debacle
29 replies
Posted by Imright 8/13/2021 1:10:50 PM Post Reply
The Taliban have retaken 12 provincial Afghanistan capitals following the U.S. military’s secretive overnight withdrawal from Bagram Airfield earlier this year (U.S. officials didn’t even notify the base’s new Afghan commander before silently slipping away, leaving the official to discover for himself, nearly two hours after the fact, that the Americans had Irish Goodbye’d after nearly 20 years of occupation).Since the May 1 departure, the Taliban have captured 69 of the country's 407 districts, including ones American and Afghan officials previously considered impenetrable government strongholds against the terrorist group. In total,
Justice Amy Barrett denies appeal from
Indiana University students fighting
COVID-19 vaccine mandate
29 replies
Posted by Hermoine 8/13/2021 7:40:49 AM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied an appeal from students at Indiana University to block the school’s vaccine mandate. Barrett, who has jurisdiction over the appeals court involved in the case, denied the students request for an injunction against Indiana University’s vaccine mandate on her own without consulting other colleagues on the court and without hearing from the school.
“Double Death Tax”: Joe Biden Wants
to Tax Your Dead Body
28 replies
Posted by Imright 8/13/2021 4:43:03 AM Post Reply
For decades, the Democrat “death tax” has been greatly frowned upon by Republicans and the American people. Most Americans hate the concept of taxing someone’s wealth after they have died however this has not stopped Democrats from gouging money from a deceased person’s family.National Review reports that the death tax has dropped from 55% to 40% this century however it now appears that the Biden administration wants more.You heard that right: The Biden administration wants to tax you or your loved one’s dead body.
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