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God works in mysterious ways

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Posted By: Magnante, 7/13/2021 9:09:11 AM

We hear a lot about road rage these days as the complexities of life cause stress and anger that often result in deadly consequences. Recently, during a Bible study session at my home, a friend, whom I'll refer to as Gregg, told us about a road confrontation that occurred a few days earlier. As he was making a left turn at an intersection near his home, Gregg noticed a car speeding up toward him as if to block his path.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: kono 7/13/2021 9:32:16 AM (No. 844144)
God is asking all of us to open our hearts to Him, behind our steering wheels and behind our keyboards.
27 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NamVet70 7/13/2021 9:51:27 AM (No. 844163)
Behind the steering wheel of our cars, many of us are tempted to ignore polite societal norms. I find it interesting on Sunday when we exit from our church service and go to our cars in a large crowded parking lot to see the variety of behavior of other drivers as we make our way into a slow exit line. Most are thoughtful of others, but some quickly assert a sense of privilege as they seek to more quickly depart.
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: JubilationTCornpone 7/13/2021 10:23:04 AM (No. 844210)
Thank you, poster, for getting my day off to a good start. We never know when the slightest good deed will have a day-changing or even life-changing result.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: athina 7/13/2021 10:42:45 AM (No. 844234)
Proverbs 15 1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. 4 A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit. 18 A hot-tempered person stirs up strife, But the slow to anger calms a dispute. 28 The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things. 33 The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom, And before honor comes humility.
23 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Laotzu 7/13/2021 10:57:22 AM (No. 844253)
Young people today are conditioned to passionately hate middle-aged and elderly white men. We are "them". They see themselves as heroically exacting revenge against us for our past "bad acts" -- defeating the Democrat slaveholders, defeating the democratic fascists, and defeating the social democrat communists. Road rage is directly proportional to law enforcement's abandonment of traffic law enforcement. It's the National Ferguson Effect. I am now convinced that, in the absence of law enforcement, most Americans are only retrained by social pressure, not moral conviction. They will only act morally when they think somebody is watching.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: red1066 7/13/2021 11:18:36 AM (No. 844289)
At 17, everything is a major disaster waiting to happen.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: columba 7/13/2021 11:24:17 AM (No. 844301)
I thank Lucianne for publishing this.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 7/13/2021 11:48:58 AM (No. 844335)
I'm really glad that this worked out well for Gregg, and for the young man. Sadly, in some places, Gregg was at great risk to have been murdered by the other driver. Gregg sets a great example for us, I hope he is protected by God when he does this. Apparently he was.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: athina 7/13/2021 1:07:02 PM (No. 844413)
Amen, #1, amen. Keyboards as well.
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Luke21 7/13/2021 2:40:26 PM (No. 844496)
Beautiful story of Christian love.
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Lightning strikes George Floyd memorial
mural, collapses its brick wall;
hilarity ensues
58 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/14/2021 3:06:52 AM Post Reply
For those who see the Hand of God in extraordinary natural phenomena, a lightning strike in Toledo, Ohio is being seen as divine retribution. Others call it karma. Witnesses reported that lightning struck a George Floyd memorial mural, not only burning the artistic expression, but collapsing the brick wall on which it was painted. (snip) plenty of people are laughing at the symbolism, while others piously bemoan their sentiments and/or denounce them, as racists. There are plenty of people calling it an act of God or divine retribution for idolizing a career criminal and drug addict. My favorites? "White lightning, I presume....."
TWA 800: 25 Years of
Deep State Deception
44 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/14/2021 3:03:16 AM Post Reply
On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800, a Paris-bound 747 out of JFK, blew up off the coast of Long Island. It seemed somehow fitting that James Kallstrom, the public face of the FBI investigation into the plane's destruction, would die two weeks before the 25th anniversary. As a patriot, a Vietnam vet, and an outspoken critic of all things Clinton, Kallstrom once held promise as the insider most likely to come clean. He never did. (snip) I can say with 100 percent confidence that missile fire destroyed TWA Flight 800. I can say with 95 percent confidence that the U.S. Navy fired those missiles.
God works in mysterious ways 10 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/13/2021 9:09:11 AM Post Reply
We hear a lot about road rage these days as the complexities of life cause stress and anger that often result in deadly consequences. Recently, during a Bible study session at my home, a friend, whom I'll refer to as Gregg, told us about a road confrontation that occurred a few days earlier. As he was making a left turn at an intersection near his home, Gregg noticed a car speeding up toward him as if to block his path.
As millions march against communism
across Cuba, Biden administration
makes an outrageous response
20 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/12/2021 8:30:45 AM Post Reply
Defying death, terror and beatings, millions of Cubans took to the streets across Cuba shouting "Freedom" and "We are not afraid" in a collective call to end to the 62-year communist dictatorship. (snip) It was very bad news for the wokester flag-burners and ruling socialists of every stripe over here, many of whom have praised Cuba's brutal regime and burned the U.S. flag, now that the Cubans are waving it. But the worst response of all has come from the far-left Biden administration.
When the Woke Eat Each Other Alive:
ESPN Edition
10 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/12/2021 4:06:43 AM Post Reply
Back when ESPN was watchable, I confess to having a petite faiblesse for Rachel Nichols. She was cute and congenial, and — unlike many females broadcasting male sports — she rarely pretended to know more than she did. These past weeks, however, Nichols has found herself embroiled in a petite scandale. Her transgression? Objecting to the professional mugging she received at the hand of ESPN's "diversity" goons. I would have preferred to portray my beloved Rachel as pure victim, but the story's not quite that simple.
COVID Began Far Earlier
Than We Were Told
28 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/12/2021 4:05:02 AM Post Reply
COVID has been a wrecking ball on the U.S. and world’s economies, devastating businesses, families, and individuals. How much of what we have been told by government “experts,” parroted by the media, has been false, either by design or incompetence? (snip) Isn’t a basic tenet of public health investigating the origin of contagious infectious disease, not just place but time? (snip) 11.6% of individuals in a lung cancer clinical trial, months before the known COVID outbreak, had already been exposed to the virus. As antibodies take several weeks post infection to develop, it’s likely that some individuals had active infections in August 2019
Definite sign of panic: Pennsylvania
acting Secretary of State issues
illegal orders to obstruct audit
of 2020 election
16 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/11/2021 9:58:23 AM Post Reply
Yesterday, I wrote that it looks like Pennsylvania Dems are panicking over the audit of the 2020 election announced by State Senator Doug Mastriano, chair of the state senate’s Intergovernmental Operations Committee. Two days after the announcement of the audit, President Biden suddenly was scheduled for a trip to the Keystone State "to deliver remarks on actions to protect the sacred constitutional right to vote." Bringing the “The Big Guy” to pressure officials to obstruct access to the data which the state senate has an absolute right to examine. But that was just half the story.
Nationalizing the Capitol Police 28 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/11/2021 4:57:30 AM Post Reply
Do we really want a nationwide federal police force accountable solely to a small number of legislators, not subject to FOIA and other citizen protections applicable to the executive branch? The Acting Chief of the U.S. Capitol Police has recently announced the expansion of their federal force into Florida and California. Two new field offices will be opening in Tampa and San Francisco, due to claims from Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman that the number of threats against sitting Congressmen has doubled in the last year. However, this isn’t D.C.’s first effort to implement a new national police force.
Nobody Ever Expects Authoritarian Imposition! 7 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/10/2021 5:51:05 AM Post Reply
The Monty Python boys, dressed in red frocks, once irreverently boasted, "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! ... Amongst our chief weapons are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope!" If you switch "pope" to "woke" and the "Spanish Inquisition" to "Authoritarian Imposition," I think that old comedy sketch nails our present situation in America pretty well. Consider how our D.C. despots, with their stern expressions of disapproval and general sense of entitlement, have responded to 75 million Trump voters who insist on auditing the 2020 election.
A brilliant Twitter thread perfectly explains
what drives today’s conservatives
31 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/10/2021 3:33:17 AM Post Reply
Darryl Cooper, aka MartyrMade, is a researcher, writer, and podcaster who has put together one of the most brilliant Twitter threads you will ever read. Over the course of 35 tweets, he examines fact after fact from the last five years to explain why conservatives – the people who used to believe in our government, in law enforcement, in the election process – have become cynical, disillusioned, and prone to accepting conspiracy theories to explain the manifest breakdowns in the American system. It’s a brilliant analysis
The question is when, not if,
Hunter Biden’s laptop will bring
down Joe Biden’s presidency
39 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/8/2021 6:36:15 AM Post Reply
Thanks to a series of leaks from the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer, we know there is more than enough evidence to appoint a special counsel, or at least convene a grand jury to investigate bribery, tax fraud, and probably several other categories of crime involving the Biden Crime Family. (snip) A mildly curious US Attorney ought to be able to get a grand jury to subpoena the financial records of the Biden clan on this basis. (snip) We understand why none of this is happening – yet. Biden is serving his purpose (snip) But the drip, drip, drip continues and accumulates.
The LGBTQs are coming for your kids
– and they’re not hiding it
23 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/8/2021 3:35:57 AM Post Reply
One of the real sticking points for American parents is the left’s insistence on forcing sexuality onto kids. In leftist world, kids must be exposed as early as possible – in preschool is best – to all 52 or 76 or 103 (or whatever) different “genders” and sexual practices the LGBTQ community is currently claiming. (snip) To leftists, though, saying that aloud is “homophobia,” so the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus created what they seem to think is an “enlightened” video about their “coming for your children.” Tim Rosser and Charlie Sohne composed the song which is really, really bad.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Gov. Abbott says 58 'hypocrite' Texas
Democrat runaways WILL be arrested when
they return to Austin after jetting to DC on
$100K chartered private jets to stop vote on
GOP's new state voting bills
62 replies
Posted by Imright 7/13/2021 4:34:37 AM Post Reply
The governor of Texas has described state Democrats who fled to Washington DC to prevent a vote as 'quitters' who were 'un-Texan' in running from a fight, and said they will be arrested on their return.At least 58 Democrats left Austin to avoid the vote on election bills, touching down in Washington D.C. on Monday evening in two private jets - chartered at a cost of $100,000. They have fled to prevent a vote on two bills which would add new identification requirements for mail voting; ban some early voting options; and create new criminal penalties for breaking election code, while empowering partisan poll watchers.
Lightning strikes George Floyd memorial
mural, collapses its brick wall;
hilarity ensues
58 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/14/2021 3:06:52 AM Post Reply
For those who see the Hand of God in extraordinary natural phenomena, a lightning strike in Toledo, Ohio is being seen as divine retribution. Others call it karma. Witnesses reported that lightning struck a George Floyd memorial mural, not only burning the artistic expression, but collapsing the brick wall on which it was painted. (snip) plenty of people are laughing at the symbolism, while others piously bemoan their sentiments and/or denounce them, as racists. There are plenty of people calling it an act of God or divine retribution for idolizing a career criminal and drug addict. My favorites? "White lightning, I presume....."
Texas Judge Says Muslim Woman Can’t
Get Divorce According to U.S. Law, Has
to Abide by Islamic Law
56 replies
Posted by nuclearnavymom 7/13/2021 11:19:19 AM Post Reply
Everything is bigger in Texas, including the egregious miscarriages of justice. The Blaze reported Wednesday that Collin County, Texas, District Judge Andrea Thompson “effectively denied a U.S. citizen,” a Muslim woman named Mariam Ayad, “her constitutionally protected due process rights, choosing instead to order her to appear before an Islamic tribunal where her testimony is considered inferior. And when her lawyers sounded the alarm — the judge doubled down.” Islamic law, Sharia, taking precedence over U.S. law — in Texas? Celebrate diversity! CORRECTION*
Geraldo Rivera calls for crackdown
on the unvaccinated: 'No work, no
school, no in-person shopping'
47 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/13/2021 5:46:23 PM Post Reply
One of Fox News Channel’s top personalities called for mandatory vaccination against COVID-19, upon threat of forced home isolation. Geraldo Rivera made the demand Tuesday reacting to a story in the New York Post that nearly one-third of New York’s nursing-home workers hadn’t been vaccinated. Mr. Rivera agreed on Twitter that this situation was “absolutely insane” and issued the crackdown demand.(Snip)Tuesday’s call to bar employment, shopping and schooling to the unvaccinated is not Mr. Rivera’s first demand for draconian state measures against those who do not take the COVID-19 shots. In February, according to tweets collected by Twitchy, he called for vaccine passports
TWA 800: 25 Years of
Deep State Deception
44 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/14/2021 3:03:16 AM Post Reply
On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800, a Paris-bound 747 out of JFK, blew up off the coast of Long Island. It seemed somehow fitting that James Kallstrom, the public face of the FBI investigation into the plane's destruction, would die two weeks before the 25th anniversary. As a patriot, a Vietnam vet, and an outspoken critic of all things Clinton, Kallstrom once held promise as the insider most likely to come clean. He never did. (snip) I can say with 100 percent confidence that missile fire destroyed TWA Flight 800. I can say with 95 percent confidence that the U.S. Navy fired those missiles.
Rapper gunned down outside
Chicago jail, shot 64 times
39 replies
Posted by mc squared 7/13/2021 9:52:27 AM Post Reply
A Chicago rapper was gunned down in a hail of bullets moments after he walked out of jail and had been fitted for an ankle bracelet, reports said. When 31-year-old Londre Sylvester left Cook County Jail just before 9 p.m. Saturday, gunmen got out of two parked cars and shot him 64 times, according to a police report obtained by the Chicago Tribune. Two women were also injured in the ambush — a 60-year old woman who’d just posted Sylvester’s bond and a 35-year-old woman who worked at the jail, CWBChicago said. Sylvester rapped locally as KTS Dre and had tattooed KTS on his neck alongside a
Peter Schweizer: Our Copy of Hunter Biden’s
Laptop Confirms ‘Joe Biden Was a Direct
Beneficiary’ of His Son’s Deals
39 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2021 1:21:03 AM Post Reply
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), said on Monday that his organization had confirmed that President Joe Biden “was a direct beneficiary” of Hunter Biden’s financial deals with foreign interests. “We do have a copy, by the way, here at GAI of [Hunter Biden’s] laptop and all the files,” Schweizer said on the Sean Hannity Show. “It confirms that Joe Biden was a direct beneficiary.” LISTEN (interview begins at 1:05:05): Schweizer explained how GAI cross-referenced Secret Service travel logs during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president to corroborate the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s emails. He remarked: GAI asked, “How can we demonstrate whether the emails are real?” …
'This is now a pandemic of the
unvaccinated': COVID cases surge in
43 states amid rise in Indian 'Delta'
variant as CDC says number of new
infections has doubled nationally
in the past three weeks
35 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/14/2021 12:07:35 PM Post Reply
The number of COVID-19 cases has started to surge in the United States after months of decline, with the number of new cases per day doubling over the past three weeks. Doctors and public health officials have said that the surge, in 43 out of the country's 50 states, comes amid a rise in the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and stagnating vaccination numbers.(Snip)Dr. Chris Pernell, a fellow at the American College of Preventative Medicine, called it a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' in an interview with CNN on Tuesday. 'This is primarily a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And we need to be very clear
‘The consequences are going to
be unbelievably bad’: Bush slams
Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal
34 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/14/2021 11:10:06 AM Post Reply
Former President George W. Bush on Wednesday offered fresh criticism of the withdrawal of American and NATO troops from Afghanistan, as the U.S.-backed government in Kabul appears increasingly imperiled and Taliban fighters continue to make rapid gains across the country. Asked whether the drawdown was a mistake, Bush told German broadcaster Deutsche Welle in an interview: “I think it is, yeah. Because I think the consequences are going to be unbelievably bad and sad.” Bush, whose administration launched the U.S. military invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, specifically cited the plight of Afghan women and girls whom he said could
First lady Jill Biden to fly to Tokyo
for virus-plagued Olympic Games
32 replies
Posted by Imright 7/13/2021 10:12:24 AM Post Reply
First lady Jill Biden will travel to Tokyo for the 2020 Summer Olympics despite the Japanese government declaring a state of emergency in an effort to prevent the postponed competition from becoming a COVID-19 superspreader event. Biden will attend the opening ceremony on July 23 as the head of the U.S. delegation, the East Wing announced Tuesday morning.Jill Biden led the U.S. delegation to the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games when her husband, President Joe Biden, was vice president.
Mental health clinicians will start
answering some 911 calls in Chicago
— instead of cops
30 replies
Posted by AltaD 7/14/2021 8:23:11 AM Post Reply
For the first time in Chicago, some 911 calls for mental health emergencies won’t be answered by police officers but by mental health professionals paired with paramedics. In one pilot program starting this fall, a paramedic will be dispatched with a mental health clinician for “behavioral health calls.” In another, a paramedic will work with a “recovery specialist” on calls involving substance abuse. Mental health clinicians will be on hand at the 911 center to monitor situations (Snip) Before the pilots begin, however, the city will staff two ambulances each with a police officer trained in crisis intervention, a paramedic and a mental health clinician.
California school district will spend
$40M making 'ethnic studies' mandatory
for for high school students sparking a
woke gold rush for consultants who will
charge $1,500 an HOUR to train teachers
in CRT
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/14/2021 1:05:39 AM Post Reply
A small school district in California is planning to spend $40 million teaching 'ethnic studies' to high school students—with consultants training teachers on the new curriculum at a cost of $1,500 an hour. Hayward Unified School District in June became the first in the state to officially adopt the new curriculum, promising in a press release cited by an op ed in The Wall Street Journal that it 'will be informed by and include Critical Race Theory.' On June 25, the Bay Area district announced that they had approved the teaching of ethnic studies throughout all grade levels, from preschool to 12th grade, and it will become
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