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After Two ‘Save America’ Rallies, Trump
Shares What He Believes May
Be America’s ‘Biggest Problem’

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Posted By: Imright, 7/6/2021 12:40:37 AM

Donald Trump had a message to share after two massive “Save America” rallies: One in Ohio and one in Florida. He released his statement on Monday.(Photo of Statement) “Seeing the record crowds of over 45,000 people in Ohio and Florida, waiting for days, standing the the pouring rain, they come from near and far,” Trump said. “All they want is Hope for their Great Country again.”“Their arms are outstretched, they cry over the Rigged Election–and the RINOs have no idea what this movement is all about,” he added.“In fact, they are perhaps our biggest problem,” he continued. “We will never save our Country or be great again unless Republicans

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Reply 1 - Posted by: stablemoney 7/6/2021 1:18:26 AM (No. 836971)
Trump is 100% correct.
125 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Come And Take It 7/6/2021 1:27:14 AM (No. 836977)
The two biggest problems go hand in hand - Dems have become full blown communists, and the RINOs are their willing enablers.
139 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: idahoskook 7/6/2021 1:34:02 AM (No. 836978)
New Party Yesterday! If the Democrats all decided to move to another country tomorrow we’d still be lead by losers. Enough is enough. Form a new party and let’s roll! We’ve already lost valuable time and momentum hoping on primaries to get rid of Rinos when the whole party apparatus is the real villain. Who do you think chooses and supports these Rinos to run for office?
51 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 7/6/2021 2:00:13 AM (No. 836990)
I sure miss that man. Most patriotic President ever. A man says he wants to Make America Great Again and heads explode. Says a lot.
125 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rinktum 7/6/2021 2:13:46 AM (No. 836997)
Forming a new party now is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. It’s too late for that. Like the democrats, the Rinos must be destroyed. Work hard for conservatives. Expose the Rinos. Start now. We cannot any longer accept anymore frauds. We must have warriors willing to do battle with this cancer that is killing the country. If we cannot win after everything we have experienced these past few months, there is no hope. If our politicians cannot see the merit of the Trump administration and the success of Gov. DeSantis, what hope do we have. Lay out the facts to the people. Offer a different way that has been proven effective and make promises and keep them. Now is not the time to paint in pastels. Offer bold solutions we know work. The Rinos believe they can win by being democrat lite. They cannot and they must go. An enemy within is more dangerous than the one outside. Their treachery must be exposed and excised.
91 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: TXknitter 7/6/2021 4:26:14 AM (No. 837030)
I agree with so much of what you said, #5, but even in my own state I see too many Republicans unwilling to kick out incumbents with no courage. If we win the House and Senate, what good if the Republican leadership team are the same useless globalists?
63 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 7/6/2021 5:11:51 AM (No. 837039)
People will be waiting in the rain forever for that to happen. If we want this country back we will have to take it.
39 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Richard from Norwood 7/6/2021 6:31:16 AM (No. 837064)
To No. 6 and others; Your post is to me at least another GREAT example that a bigger problem is the aids that stay and stay and stay around in and around Washington. Our elected officials depend on their advice and supposedly wisdom and herein lies the problem. Our elected officials are 'blinded' by these hangers-on, and it is and has crippled our government.
52 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Johnnie Barleykorn 7/6/2021 7:03:30 AM (No. 837091)
i can't believe I used to respect the back-stabbing Pierre Delecto. Thank you President Trump for fully exposing more RINOs. It will take time, but their days are numbered.
49 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: bobmadison 7/6/2021 7:05:29 AM (No. 837092)
The biggest problem is SIN. Sin of all kinds. "If MY people...will turn from their wicked ways"... 2nd Chronicles 7:14.
40 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Daisymay 7/6/2021 7:07:40 AM (No. 837093)
I agree it's now or never!! We will never again have anyone, like Trump, who is willing to give his all to save this country. So, we need to get rid of the Dead Wood. Trump is willing to help! He will do what he can, but he can't do it all! The VOTERS need to seek out Strong Candidates who can beat these RINOS and Dead Wood Members of Congress who have been there for years, but we don't even know their name because they do NOTHING! They are just there! They collect their pay, but don't earn it! THOSE are the people we need to weed out. We are all responsible for our own State! It takes young, energetic people who are willing to hold meetings and Bang on doors to get the Ball rolling. Those States with RINOS need to get on Board. We need those people gone! The only way we can move forward, with them in the Senate, is to win so many more Seats that the RINOS have no power! Then one by one, we need to boot them out. Start with Utah and Romney, perhaps the Biggest Turncoat Republicans have ever elected!
46 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Venturer 7/6/2021 7:50:17 AM (No. 837130)
We have to elect Republican candidates who are smart and tough instead of the wimpy cowards who we have in Washington now.
25 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: bpl40 7/6/2021 7:53:58 AM (No. 837133)
What are these 'guidelines' and how is the video of Trump's Ohio rally outside? And moreover who gave You Tube the uncontested right to sit in judgement over this?? This institution is a monster.
17 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Zigrid 7/6/2021 8:10:22 AM (No. 837152)
AND... President Trump is right AGAIN...he's amazing... he cuts through the crap and spells it out...nuff said!!
37 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Clinger 7/6/2021 9:06:25 AM (No. 837225)
Does anybody remember Trump calling out the democrats as Marxists in the 2016 campaign? I think Trump got the ultimate crash course in political reality while serving as POTUS. Frankly, I think a significant proportion of the posters on this site have been more serious students of history and the complex relationship to politics and economics than Trump was prior to 2016. He sure as hell gets it now. He's a hell of a fighter and he understands the nature of the fight.
24 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Laotzu 7/6/2021 9:41:19 AM (No. 837297)
“We will never save our Country or be great again unless Republicans get TOUGH and get SMART!” That's the first published political commentary I've read here this morning that rings true. Take it one more step further beyond cursory platitude, into political and legal strategy, and the Country might have a chance. In the meantime, keep planning your exit strategy. (I initially wrote "operational plan" rather than political and legal strategy. And then I changed it for fear of how those words might be twisted by my government and used against me . That's the world we live in now. I'm afraid of improper vocabulary, while Democrats fear nothing and no one. We are the wealthiest slaves in the history of humankind.)
9 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: sherlock1 7/6/2021 12:10:07 PM (No. 837450)
Biden is not America's President, he is the Media's President, which is all that counts today. We have to fix that!!
14 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Are You Serious 7/6/2021 2:14:58 PM (No. 837589)
The biggest problem in the USA today is that Democrats are still contributing to our CO2 problem.
3 people like this.

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Exclusive: 'It's a disease from mommy and
me.' Joe Biden's shocking admission of
addiction is disclosed in texts to son Hunter -
as it's revealed FIVE members of the Biden
family have been to rehab for drug or
alcohol abuse
6 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 7:59:42 PM Post Reply
Five members of Joe Biden's close family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse, can reveal.The president's brother Frank, children Hunter and Ashley, his niece Caroline and his late son's widow who also became Hunter's lover, Hallie, have all suffered from addiction issues and had spells in treatment centers – some at the orders of a judge. In text messages to Hunter, Joe even referred to his son's addiction as a 'disease from mommy and me.'The revelations shed a new personal light on the president's previous war on drugs, criticizing George Bush Sr's 1980s War on Drugs for being 'not tough enough' and writing punitive laws
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Trump Claims He Has Seen Hunter
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Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 7:49:03 PM Post Reply
During a press conference in Bedminster on Wednesday, President Donald Trump claimed that he had seen Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell,” asserting the computer had “more criminal activity than Al Capone had.”The comments from the former president came as he revealed his massive lawsuit against Big Tech giants including Facebook, Twitter and Google.“The laptop from hell,” Trump said during the event.“You look at that thing, there’s more criminal activity on that laptop than Al Capone had if he ever had a laptop,” he added.The former president continued by stating
You can be Joe Biden’s neighbor
for $2.4 million
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Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 6:46:53 PM Post Reply
Won’t you be my neighbor? You’ll need $2.4 million, though.During his 2020 campaign, now-President Joe Biden was compared to children’s television figure Mister Rogers — and now you can really be Joe and Jill Biden’s neighbor.A property next to Biden’s custom-built three-bedroom, four-and-a-half-bathroom Wilmington, Delaware, home was listed Monday for $2.39 million, according to, who also owns a Delaware beach house but spent this past holiday weekend at the White House, purchased his Wilmington plot for $350,000 in 1998. The property, including the 6,850-square-foot mansion, is now estimated to be worth at least $2 million,
“How Old Are You? 14?” Biden Asks Little
Girl if She’s a Teenager During Tour of Child
Development Center in Illinois (Video)
18 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 6:02:14 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Illinois to promote his infrastructure bill that has nothing to do with infrastructure.Biden was greeted by 1,000 Trump supporters as he arrived in Crystal Lake.Joe Biden creeped on a little girl as he toured a child development center.Creepy Joe beelined it to a little girl as soon as he entered one of the classrooms.Biden leaned down in the little girl’s face and asked her if she’s a teenager.“How old are you? 14?” Biden said to the adorable 4-year-old.
Man bitten by neighbor’s escaped
pet python while on toilet, cops say
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Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 4:38:54 PM Post Reply
A man in Austria was bitten on the genitals by a python while he was on the toilet — after it’s believed the reptile escaped his neighbor’s home and slithered through the drains, police said.The 65-year-old man in Graz was nipped by the 5-foot-plus albino reticulated python about 6 a.m. Monday as he sat down in the bathroom, Reuters reported, citing a statement from police in Styria province.“Shortly after he sat on the toilet the Graz resident — by his own account — felt a ‘pinch’ in the area of his genitals,” police said.The snake, a nonvenomous constrictor native to Asia, can reportedly grow to 29 feet long.
Buffoonery Abounds as Adam Schiff
Accidentally Proves GOP Right About
Focus of Capitol Riots Committee
6 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 4:32:22 PM Post Reply
Democrats and the mainstream media have raked Republicans over the coals for months now over their continued objections to a Capitol Riots Commission.While the Democrat argument is that Republicans are supposedly afraid of the truth, the GOP’s argument is that it is unnecessary to add a “commission” on top of the DOJ investigation as well as the other numerous inevitable Democrat-run committee “investigations” into the attack, which they feel will ultimately be little more than show trials designed not only for Democrats to obfuscate the matter even more so than they’ve already done but also to keep the issue and Trump’s name out there going into the 2022 midterms.
Trump files a class-action lawsuit against
Facebook, Twitter and Google for censoring
him, demands an end to Big Tech's 'silencing
and blacklisting' of conservative voices
and calls for punitive damages for
'cancel culture' victims
10 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 4:26:44 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday he was launching a class action law suit against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google CEO Sundar Pichai on behalf of victims of 'cancel culture.'He demanded the end of 'shadow banning,' and 'blacklisting' as he stood in the blazing sun, using his Bedminster golf course clubhouse as a backdrop. 'In addition, we are asking the court to impose punitive damages on these social media giants,' he said. 'We're going to hold big tech very accountable.'Trump will serve as the lead plaintiff in the suit,
Exclusive: Sen. John Barrasso –
Republicans Must Unite in 2022 to Stop
Joe Biden’s ‘Freight Train to Socialism’
12 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 2:13:03 PM Post Reply
CODY, Wyoming — Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) called for Republicans to unite during the 2022 midterms in order to stop President Joe Biden’s agenda. “It’s the freight train to socialism,” he said. “They have the possibility with Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden — together the three of them, we as a nation are always at risk.” First elected as a U.S. in 2007, Barrasso has risen in the ranks of Republican leadership to the position of chairman of the party conference, the third-ranking member in Senate. During the 4th of July holiday, Barrasso appeared at a parade in Cody, Wyoming and a celebration of freedom and America’s veterans before he spoke about the current
Breaking: Forensic Investigation of 2020
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Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 12:07:24 PM Post Reply
Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano has just announced a “forensic investigation of the 2020 General Election and 2021 Primary” in the Keystone State. The following has been communicated by Mastriano via press release. It is provided in full below.“A forensic investigation of our election results and processes for the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary will go a long way to restore trust in our system. Voting is the fundamental right of all citizens. We should continually look for ways to improve the voting process to ensure every voice is heard.Today, as Chair of the Intergovernmental Operations Committee, I issued letters
Washington Post Admits Republicans Have
Not Defunded Police Despite White House
4 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 10:30:14 AM Post Reply
The Washington Post admitted Wednesday that Republicans do not support defunding the police following the White House’s claims the GOP backed such measures. “Although Republicans all opposed Biden’s coronavirus relief package, no one voted to cut, or defund, anything,” WaPo wrote, as White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed on June 23, when she said, “That was voted into law by Democrats just a couple of months ago. Some might say that the other party was for defunding the police; I’ll let others say that, but that’s a piece.” WaPo added that “voting against a one-time infusion of cash is not the same as voting to cut funding, so there is
Trump to sue Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg,
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21 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 10:25:51 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump, who was kicked off Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms earlier this year, will reportedly announce class-action lawsuits Wednesday against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.Trump is expected to announced the news at an 11 a.m. ET press conference, Axios reported.The legal effort will be supported by the America First Policy Institute, a nonprofit formed earlier this year by alumni of the Trump administration.On Jan. 8, two days after the riot at the US Capitol, Twitter took the unprecedented step of permanently banning then-President Trump’s world-famous account from the platform.
President of Haiti Jovenel Moise, 53, is
assassinated by 'gunmen claiming to be
DEA agents speaking in English and
Spanish' in night-time raid on his home
that also left his wife seriously injured
13 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2021 10:23:23 AM Post Reply
The President of Haiti Jovenel Moise has been assassinated by gunmen claiming to be DEA agents in a night-time raid on his home that also left his wife seriously injured, according to reports. A group of 'foreigners', some of whom spoke English and Spanish, broke into Mr Moise's home in the hills above Port-au-Prince at around 1am on Wednesday, according to a statement by country's prime minister. The 53-year-old was shot dead and the First Lady Martine, 47, was wounded in what PM Claude Joseph called a 'hateful, inhumane and barbaric act.' Haiti's embassy in the Dominican Republic said the First Lady has since been flown to another country
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What if the 2020 Election Audits
Show Trump Really Won?
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Posted by Magnante 7/7/2021 3:28:04 AM Post Reply
We just don't know. We just don't know what comes next. It is all a calculated guess. The US Constitution is silent. Even if, if, if, it is so very clear through professional forensic election audit results, that the presidential election of 2020 was stolen and President Trump actually won, there appears to be no obvious remedy stated in the US Constitution to right this wrong. (snip) We know that President Trump is planning something very big and important this summer, and America might look and fell very different by Labor Day Weekend. (snip) Trump supporters. Would they gear up for the 2022 off-year elections
Bill Barr re-emerges, spotlights total corruption
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Posted by FlyRight 7/7/2021 5:00:14 AM Post Reply
Six months after resigning as attorney general, William Barr recently re-entered the spotlight, reportedly telling friendly news correspondent Jonathan Karl that allegations of vote fraud during the 2020 election are bull. Now that civilian Bill Barr has jumped back into the political fray, it is time to take unflinching stock of the degraded Department of Justice (DOJ) and how it became even further corrupted during Barr's reign.
Video evidence suggests Biden is a
Potemkin president, without real support
39 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/6/2021 3:35:44 AM Post Reply
When Catherine the Great of Russia traveled in the late 18th-century, her former lover, Grigory Potemkin, would travel ahead of her and build hasty facades along the main thoroughfares in impoverished, bedraggled villages to create the impression of a prosperous nation. Thus, a Potemkin village is a fake that artificially puffs up a leader’s competence and popularity. Two recent videos, one of Biden’s fans turning out to greet him in Michigan and another of Trump’s fans turning out for him in Florida, show that Biden is a Potemkin president. It’s all fake.
Spike Lee at Cannes: Black people
still ‘hunted down like animals’
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/7/2021 1:22:38 PM Post Reply
Director and producer Spike Lee declared Tuesday that more than 30 years after he made “Do The Right Thing,” Black people are still being “hunted down like animals” in America. During the Cannes Film Festival jury press conference in France, Mr. Lee, who is the first Black person to lead the jury, spoke highly of the late film critic Roger Ebert after his widow mentioned her late husband was outraged and had even threatened to boycott the festival after “Do The Right Thing” didn’t win any awards in 1989. “I want you to know that I have a very special place in my heart for Roger,
Biden says administration will be
'knocking on doors' to get remaining
Americans vaccinated and the deadly
Indian Delta variant should make
everyone 'think twice' about not
getting the shot
35 replies
Posted by mc squared 7/6/2021 4:18:14 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Tuesday warned that those who have not gotten their COVID vaccine shot should be 'thinking twice' about that decision, given the rising cases tied to the Delta variant. 'It's more easily transmissible potentially more dangerous,' he said in remarks at the White House, adding 'let me put it another way, seems to be that should cause everybody to think twice.' COVID cases are up in nearly half the states, a new analysis showed, while the Delta variant, first detected in India, is responsible for 26% of new cases. Biden outlined a 'targeted' plan to have Americans go door to door to spread word about the
Afghan troops are filmed laying down
arms as US general overseeing NATO exit
says he's shocked by how quickly they've
surrendered to the Taliban and 1,000
are caught fleeing the country
35 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/6/2021 12:09:47 PM Post Reply
Afghan troops have been filmed laying down their arms to the Taliban as the terror group shows off the American-made weapons it has seized after US and Nato troops beat a hasty retreat. The Afghan army is collapsing across the country and the Taliban appear to be winning the propaganda war with videos to prove that they will welcome surrendering soldiers—as long as they hand over their state-of-the-art weapons and Humvee armoured cars.(Snip)However, General Austin Scott Miller, commander of US and Nato troops in Afghanistan, said he was shocked by how quickly the Afghan National Army had surrendered to the Taliban.
Joe Biden’s White House most diverse in
history, with lowest gender pay gap
34 replies
Posted by Imright 7/6/2021 6:32:52 PM Post Reply
The White House under President Joe Biden is staffed by the most women and employees who are members of ethnic or racial minority groups of any administration in recorded history, according to a personnel report delivered to Congress last week.The report, released on the White House website, indicated that women make up six in 10 staffers in the Biden White House, and earn less than one percent on average lower than their male peers. The average salary for a woman in the White House was $93,752 and for a man was $94,639.Those values starkly contrast with gender pay gaps that existed in both former Presidents
Watch: Members of U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Turn
Away from the Flag as WWII Vet Plays Anthem
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/6/2021 12:41:57 AM Post Reply
Several members of the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) turned away from the flag as a 98-year-old WWII veteran played the national anthem. The incident occurred Monday, just before the USWNT took-on Mexico in their final tune-up before the Tokyo Olympics. A longer version of the video can be seen here: The veteran playing the harmonica is Pete DuPré, who has gained national notoriety playing the anthem at sporting events all over the country. The USWNT protest on Monday was not the first time U.S. athletes have snubbed the flag while qualifying for the Olympics. In late June, hammer thrower Gwen Berry also turned away
Biden to outline 'door to door'
COVID-19 vaccine efforts
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/6/2021 3:35:41 PM Post Reply
President Biden on Tuesday will outline steps to persuade Americans to get vaccinated as fast-moving variants threaten his COVID-19 fight, launching “door to door” efforts in neighborhoods and making sure the shots are available in doctors’ offices. The initiative will spotlight vaccines in pediatricians’ offices so patients ages 12 to 18 can get immunized ahead of the school year and fall sports, according to a White House official. Mr. Biden also will detail efforts to get the shots into workplaces, so vaccination is more convenient.(Snip)Mr. Biden is navigating a duality of his own, celebrating his administration’s progress in the fight against the pandemic
'Crime is basically legal in San
Francisco': Furious shopper posts
video of horde of shoplifters fleeing
Neiman Marcus—totally unchecked
—with armfuls of designer bags
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/6/2021 2:55:19 PM Post Reply
A video posted to Instagram captures yet another brazen act of shoplifting in San Francisco, this time at the luxury department store Neiman Marcus where at least ten people stole armfuls of designer goods and then fled without anyone trying to stop them. The footage reveals the shoplifters leaving the Union Square store, each carrying bags of stolen items with the security tags still dangling off of them. The perpetrators then ran in different directions, with a few speeding away from the scene in a white sedan.(Snip)The city’s surge in such incidents arose almost immediately after the passage of Proposition 47, a ballot referendum
US Air Force Academy Prof. backs
Critical Race Theory for ALL troops
saying the Constitution created
'inequality', George Washington was
racist and US 'domestic and foreign
policy is shaped by racism'
28 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/7/2021 9:32:29 AM Post Reply
A United States Air Force Academy professor has argued Critical Race Theory should be taught to all cadets so that they can understand how the United States was 'shaped by racism.' Political scientist Lynne Chandler García said the Constitution brought about 'inequality' and that George Washington was a racist. She argued that the history of the U.S. proved that 'racism has shaped both foreign and domestic policy.' Garcia, who teaches Marxist theory at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, said she agreed with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley who recently told Congress that Critical Race Theory 'is not unpatriotic.'
Nancy Pelosi Directs Capitol Hill
Security Police Units to Regional
Offices in California and Florida,
Future Locations oming
28 replies
Posted by mc squared 7/6/2021 10:59:10 PM Post Reply
In a remarkable display of how committed the Democrat party is to utilizing the narrative of domestic extremism for their own benefit, Nancy Pelosi is placing satellite field offices for the DC Capitol Police in key regions around the country. When we consider the FBI has field offices all over the country, you might ask: why does the Capitol Hill police need to expand beyond Washington DC? Essentially, what Nancy Pelosi is doing is expanding the federal law enforcement mechanism of the legislative branch into specific areas where they can investigate political opposition armed with legal authority.
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