Six Ways The Black Community Is Hurt By Democrat Policies
The Blue State Conservative,
The BSC Team
Original Article
Posted By: Stemocrats Dink,
6/13/2021 7:59:32 AM
In this installment of our weekly Sunday Six conversation, PF Whalen and Parker Beauregard of The Blue State Conservative review six policies and narratives supported by Democrats that do irreparably more harm than good for blacks, even though the latter still vote 90-95% consistently for the former.
#6: Lack of School Choice
Parker: The entire Obama family summarizes the power of school choice for individual families and the sheer hypocrisy of Democrats’ personal actions versus public policies. Barack Obama lived with his grandmother in Hawaii in order to attend the best private high school.
I no longer really care about how Democrats hurt blacks. When you, as a collective group, continue to elect the same party over and over again, you truly deserve the contempt of the party you vote for and everyone else who sees just how stupid the collective is,
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
bpl40 6/13/2021 9:06:20 AM (No. 814344)
We need to develop an integrated culture whose mainstream reflects all subcultures and races for racism and it s toxicity to go away. Both whites and blacks must move towards this center. Their movement will define where it will finally end up. When that happens the 95% black vote bank enjoyed by Liberals will disappear So for the last two/three generations their (i.e. the Democrats') efforts are concentrated toward preventing blacks from moving toward s this common mainstream culture and value system. All the six items shown in the article point towards this goal. Trump recognizes this and is trying to undo it. That is one primary reason why he is hated so passionately.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 6/13/2021 9:41:19 AM (No. 814381)
Some big ones are missing. Like importing millions of illegals to drive down wages of the low skilled. Or creating and supporting groups that promote violence and rioting that destroy black businesses and neighborhoods.
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Obama's plan was to force middle class suburbs to accomodate inner city youth by exporting that youth out to affordable housing contractors would be mandated to build adjacent to new suburbs.
Nevermind that many of those suburbanites moved there specifically to get their kids away from those influences. A family from one of Columbus's bad neighborhoods moved their thug kids to a nice suburb down in Circleville. Soon, kids there were getting assaulted. And at one point a thug kid got arrested vandalizing a car accross the street from a state trooper's house.
This is essentially Obama's plan.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
MDConservative 6/13/2021 10:53:47 AM (No. 814461)
Yeah, yeah, yeah...The Community is what it is. It must reform on its own. Leaders must emerge within The Community that overwhelm sixty years of conditioning. MLK is a hero until you start actually quoting him and his views of judging people on the content of their character. Modern black heroes are fools like Pooh Sheisty and his ilk. There is a black middle class that is just waiting for liberation from this groupthink and social chaos. Sadly, there are few emerging leaders to cut this umbilical back to The Community. Trump's was a great effort...
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bighambone 6/13/2021 12:10:27 PM (No. 814543)
The claim is that Black people elected Biden, Harris and leftist and socialist Democrats who promise to give them equity” across the board. But look what is really happening, the leftist and socialist Democrats are intent on keeping as many Black people as possible in the poor social conditions set out in the article.
Just look at what Biden, Harris, and the leftist and socialist Democrats are doing to the chances of Black people obtaining jobs in the future with their so-called “open borders” initiatives and policies that are designed to flood the USA with poor, uneducated, and socialist minded illegal aliens, just last month 180,000 illegal aliens unlawfully crossed the borderline coming from 60 foreign countries with the out of control borderline forecast to get much worse as far as illegal aliens and illicit dangerous illegal drugs being smuggled into the USA. Once inside the USA, Biden is allowing illegal aliens to take US jobs and has told them they they can stay in the USA without fear of being deported on into the future. Common sense will tell you that by doing that Biden, Harris, and he leftist and socialist Democrats are setting the USA up for continued and growing mass uncontrolled illegal immigration on in the future. So why is that being done? Obviously there is a huge partisan political angle involved. The leftist and socialist Democrats intend to legalize every illegal alien in the USA and those who will come in the future through Democrat designed rolling “path to citizenship” amnesty programs that will transform today’s illegal alien population into future Democrat leftist and socialist voters by the tens of millions sooner than later, to keep the Democrat leftist and socialists in permanent political power able to transform the USA into a socialist utopia.
How is that going to affect Black people and their communities? The almost immediate impact on Black people will be their ability to get jobs in any area where large numbers of illegal aliens are resettled, as Black people are going to have to compete in the future for available jobs with illegal aliens in all industries that will be able to hire illegal aliens. Employers know well that anytime they hire a Black person with a perceived attitude relating to race and discrimination that any incident in the workplace that could be turned into a race based issue could land the employer in court to face an expensive civil law suit. To avoid all that, all employers have to do is avoid hiring as many Black people as possible, and instead move on and hire as many pliable illegal alien employees as possible, who are happy to take any American job and will work hard for low wages without registering complaints. Remember both Black people and the vast majority of illegal aliens are deemed to be “people of color” by the leftist and socialist Democrats, so Black people will not in most cases be successful in any discrimination civil suit because an employer hired illegal aliens rather than Black people. As far as the leftist and socialist Democrats allowing mass uncontrolled illegal immigration, the Black population should be 100% opposed and you can easily see why.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Strike3 6/13/2021 1:38:38 PM (No. 814622)
This one is too good to pass up. Caution: Possible politically incorrect theories that apply to blacks who are failing, not those who have accepted their responsibilities and are good citizens and neighbors.
6: School choice: They choose not to go to school.
5: Lower Standards: The standards are just right, for them. The only time they reach is when going for a gun.
4: Fathers: The most common statement from a young black man is "that ain't my kid, see ya, beech."
3: High Crime rates: The democrats don't tell them to commit crimes but they don't punish them either. Crime is an individual choice.
2: Victim mindset. That has existed for centuries, even before democrats actually made them victims. Democrats just pile on, adding more imaginary insults and entitlements. You deserve ....
1: Welfare State: If not for welfare many would starve. The alternative lifestyle is unacceptable and actin' white.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
mathman 6/13/2021 3:44:14 PM (No. 814738)
Democrats want votes. They do not want justice. Democrats want money. They do not want black lives. Democrats, now as in 1797, like the idea of slavery. Blacks are expected to vote for Democrats, despite the harm Democrats cause. That is tradition.
And don't get in the way of tradition.
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