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My Visit to America's Southern Border

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Posted By: Moritz55, 6/1/2021 7:37:09 PM

On my tour of America over the last few weeks, I have inevitably spent a certain amount of time watching cable TV in hotel rooms. A recurring story that has cropped up on the news is the border crisis. Many of the images I've seen showed large groups of immigrants being rounded up. Others, which were even more distressing, depicted young children who have simply been abandoned. The total number of people who have come into the U.S. illegally so far this year is unknown. Some estimates claim it is as high as 700,000. Many—perhaps most—voters agree that it is at an unsustainable level. Yet given the Biden administration's reluctance


Great article, despite the source

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 6/1/2021 8:07:50 PM (No. 803072)
Biden the cheater and the dims could care less. More the better. They see past, present, and future dims voters crossing the border illegally. Nothing else matters.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: downnout 6/1/2021 8:22:48 PM (No. 803082)
Newsweek must be trying to regain some readers if they’re publishing an article by Nigel Farage.
3 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: smokincol 6/2/2021 1:13:10 AM (No. 803289)
Nigel, pleasse don't leave us and go back to the 14th century
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My Visit to America's Southern Border 3 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/1/2021 7:37:09 PM Post Reply
On my tour of America over the last few weeks, I have inevitably spent a certain amount of time watching cable TV in hotel rooms. A recurring story that has cropped up on the news is the border crisis. Many of the images I've seen showed large groups of immigrants being rounded up. Others, which were even more distressing, depicted young children who have simply been abandoned. The total number of people who have come into the U.S. illegally so far this year is unknown. Some estimates claim it is as high as 700,000. Many—perhaps most—voters agree that it is at an unsustainable level. Yet given the Biden administration's reluctance
Group of Tech Execs Takes On
Social Media Censorship
3 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/1/2021 2:25:32 PM Post Reply
Facebook’s abrupt decision last week to change its policy of censoring any posts elevating the theory that COVID-19 might have been manmade came as no surprise to Mike Matthys, a tech venture capital executive who has worked in Silicon Valley for several decades. The social media giant only made the about-face once President Biden acknowledged that some facets of the U.S. intelligence community believe that COVID escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China. Biden then announced a 90-day investigation into the virus’s origins. Before that, many Democrats and most members of the media had dismissed the COVID-came-from-a-lab narrative as a crackpot conspiracy theory.
Sidney Powell says Trump 'can simply
be reinstated'
20 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/30/2021 7:53:29 PM Post Reply
Attorney Sidney Powell, who is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for spreading allegedly defamatory claims about the 2020 election, insisted on Saturday former President Donald Trump could "simply be reinstated" as president and fill the rest of President Joe Biden's term. Powell's remarks were made at a right-wing conference in Dallas on Saturday called the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup," which also featured retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser who has echoed the former president's claims of widespread voter fraud in the November election, as a guest speaker.
Black mothers of police shooting victims
accuse BLM of profiting from their
‘loved ones’
23 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/29/2021 8:48:31 PM Post Reply
Some mothers of Black sons and daughters killed by police officers are criticizing the Black Lives Matter national organization amid controversy over co-founder Patrisse Cullors’ lavish lifestyle. "It’s all a facade," Samaria Rice, the mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was killed by a White police officer in Cleveland in 2014, told the New York Post on Saturday. Rice said she requested Cullors' help in re-launching a federal investigation into her son’s death. But short of exchanging a few emails, her pleas never garnered face time with the Black Lives Matter executive director. "They are benefiting off the blood of our loved ones, and they won’t even talk to us
Biden received funds from top Russia
lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/29/2021 3:28:09 PM Post Reply
President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany. Richard Burt, a managing partner at McLarty Associates and a former U.S. ambassador to Germany during the Reagan administration, ponied up $4,000 for Joe Biden in October 2020 and dropped another $10,000 in the lefty-aligned political action committee Unite The County in March 2020, FEC records show. In addition to violating Biden’s own campaign pledge not to take lobbyist cash, the money from Burt is particularly noteworthy as he is currently directly
Facebook says mentions of COVID-19's possible
origins in Wuhan are now allowed.
How generous
11 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/29/2021 10:23:04 AM Post Reply
Read the headline above a couple times. There was a time when such a headline would only appear on the satirical outlet The Onion but it is actually true. Facebook has long banned anyone who discussed the evidence that a worldwide pandemic killing millions and destroying the global economy may have been released from a government lab in Wuhan, China. Facebook would not allow the theory to be discussed as "debunked" despite widespread criticism that the social media giant was, again, engaging in corporate censorship. The false claim that this theory was "debunked" was pushed by various media platforms as part of the criticism of then-President Donald Trump
Biden is mortgaging our future with
more spending, debt and taxes than
ever before
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/28/2021 10:40:47 AM Post Reply
Two distressing facts to remember about President Biden’s new 10-year budget proposal. First, his proposed spending spree would bring the largest federal debt in American history. Second, this budget does not even include additional spending and debt proposals that are coming later. On that first point, President Biden proposes that Washington spend $6 trillion next year — even as the pandemic recedes and the economy moves back towards full employment. Just a few years after federal spending first passed the $4 trillion threshold, President Biden would quickly blow past $6 trillion next year on the way past $8 trillion within a decade. Federal spending next year would exceed $45,000 per
Nobody is checking the social media
fact checkers. It's time that changed
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/27/2021 2:13:56 PM Post Reply
The left-leaning American news media’s stunning reversal on whether the coronavirus could have been created in a Chinese laboratory is the latest example of the dangers of fact checking. For most of 2020 the supposed arbiters of truthiness insisted that lab leak stories should not be taken seriously and should be suppressed on social media. Just yesterday Facebook finally lifted is baseless ban of the lab leak theory. The real problem here is not that fact checkers got something wrong, it’s that they have the power to censor what journalism Americans see and consume unilaterally. Nobody is checking the fact checkers, and it is time that changed.
Michigan high school violates federal law
by opposing religious language in grad
speech: complaint
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/26/2021 7:16:58 PM Post Reply
Michigan student Elizabeth Turner is fighting back after her public high school told her not to include certain religious content in her upcoming valedictory speech for graduation. Hillsdale High School Principal Amy Goldsmith took issue with the portion of Turner's draft that mentioned her belief in Jesus Christ, according to a complaint obtained by Fox News. Sent by First Liberty on Wednesday, the complaint alleges that the Michigan school violated federal law allowing private religious speech at school events. Turner's draft speech read: "For me, my future hope is found in my relationship with Christ.
‘Equity’ is just racial discrimination by
another name
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/26/2021 10:53:44 AM Post Reply
Since entering the White House, Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats have talked incessantly about racial ‘equity’. On his first day in office, in fact, Biden signed an Executive Order on ‘Advancing Racial Equity’. For those not paying close attention, it is possible to think that this notion of equity is synonymous with equality. But it is becoming clearer by the day that equity means the opposite of equal treatment and opportunity – it’s a new form of racial discrimination. Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago, provides the latest example of a Democratic politician deploying ‘equity’ to reward some racial groups and punish others.
Otto Warmbier's mom pleads with judge
to stop Biden WH extradition: 'North
Korea will kill Chris'
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/26/2021 10:48:28 AM Post Reply
A Los Angeles federal courtroom was riveted Tuesday as Cindy Warmbier, mother of Otto Warmbier, gave a heartfelt plea of support to protect the life of a former U.S. Marine who was arrested for being an activist against North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s regime. Christopher Ahn faces extradition to Spain as a member of the group advocating freedom for North Korea. His supporters fear he could be killed by Kim Jong Un if the Biden administration continues to press a request by Spanish authorities to send him back to Madrid to face charges. No decision on his extradition was made, but lawyers have
Surging crime rate spells trouble for
Democrats in 2022 elections
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/25/2021 9:52:22 PM Post Reply
A rise in violent crime is endangering slim Democratic congressional majorities more than a year out from the midterm elections and threatening to revive “law and order” as a major campaign issue for Republicans for the first time since the 1990s. Homicides in cities increased by up to 40% over the previous year, the biggest single-year increase since 1960, a trend that has not abated so far in 2021. Sixty-three of the 66 largest police jurisdictions saw a rise in at least one category of violent crime, ranging from homicide and rape to robbery and assault, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association.
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Joe Biden Says Black Entrepreneurs Don’t
Succeed Like Whites Because They Don’t Know
How to Find Lawyers or Accountants (VIDEO)
57 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/2/2021 2:32:25 AM Post Reply
Well this sounds a little racist. Joe Biden on Tuesday delivered a speech on the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. Biden was being his old perverted, racist self on Tuesday. He just can’t help himself. Joe Biden made a racist remark during his speech after telling little girls in pigtails they would get ice cream if they sat through his speech. “The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas,” Biden said.
Joe Biden: ‘Terrorism from White Supremacy’
the ‘Most Lethal Threat to the Homeland’
43 replies
Posted by Imright 6/1/2021 9:26:50 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden asserted Tuesday that terrorism from white supremacy was “the most lethal threat” facing the United States.Biden spoke about the threat of white supremacy during a speech in Tulsa marking the 100th anniversary of the 1921 race massacre in the Greenwood neighborhood. “According to the intelligence community, terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today,” Biden said. “Not ISIS. Not Al Qaeda. White supremacists.”Biden was likely referring to a statement from acting U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, who told members of Congress that white supremacy was “the most persistent and lethal threat” to the United States in September 2020.
Obama says GOP backlash to first Black
president reflects 'the history of America'
40 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 6/2/2021 10:44:37 AM Post Reply
In a wide-ranging interview, former President Barack Obama reflected on right-wing backlash to the election of the nation’s first Black president that saw the emergence of Donald Trump and acceleration of a “shift” in the Republican Party. “That’s been the history of America, right?” he told Ezra Klein in The New York Times. “There is abolition, and the Civil War, and then there’s backlash, and the rise of the KKK, and then Reconstruction ends, and Jim Crow arises, and then you have a civil rights movement, a modern civil rights movement, and desegregation,” he said. Mr Obama added: “What I
The Award for Worst Political Strategy in
History Goes to Republicans Who Sided
with Communist-Democrats in Stealing
2020 Election
38 replies
Posted by Imright 6/2/2021 2:46:55 AM Post Reply
The Republican Party successfully captured the record for ‘Worst Political Strategy in World History.’ There is no way they could have performed any worse. What were they thinking?It’s pretty clear after decades of failures and the rise of the Marxist left in the US that Republicans are not the brightest politicians and strategists.They somehow stumble into wins. Their policies make sense and most Americans agree with these policies. But Republicans have a knack for losing even when wins are handed to them.
Dem Rep. Crow: We Have
‘Growing Violent Extremism
Movement’ Spreading The
‘Big Lie’ That Trump Won
36 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/1/2021 6:14:03 AM Post Reply
Representative Jason Crow (D-CO) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “we have a growing violent extremism movement in the United States” spreading “the big lie” that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. When asked about a 1/6 commission, Crow said, “The question now is of timing. If Mitch McConnell said we’ll take another vote on this, I think the question for Speaker Pelosi and Chuck Schumer is, do we believe him that this will be a vote in good faith? We had 54 votes on Friday. We think there were a couple more people who would have voted had they been present.
Fauci will be gone in 90 days 35 replies
Posted by Magnante 6/1/2021 6:15:20 AM Post Reply
A lot has happened in the last two weeks that may result in the retirement of Dr. Anthony Fauci. The face of the government’s Covid-19 response may have finally met his Waterloo. The way things are going, a forced retirement at age 80 may be the best outcome that “Dr. Doom” can expect. It turns out that all roads to Covid-19 – even more than we expected – lead back to Fauci. Finally, after a year of stonewalling and obfuscation, the news about Fauci’s apparent role in directing U.S. government funding to the notorious Wuhan Virology Lab
Seattle Police expected to lose 300 officers
by the end of the month, 'that's a third of the
34 replies
Posted by Ron_lfp 6/1/2021 10:30:32 PM Post Reply
In a heartbreaking and revealing interview on The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI, President of the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild Mike Solan said regarding police officers leaving the department, "At the end of this month [May]…we will be close to 300 officers (leaving), that’s a third of the agency." (snip) In August, the Seattle City Council defunded the department in response to the riots following the death of George Floyd.
Does Anyone Actually Like Adam Schiff? 33 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/1/2021 2:21:39 AM Post Reply
There are some Members of Congress you see and think, “I get it, I can see how that person got elected.” Either they’re charismatic, smart, attractive, have that “it” factor, or some combination of those traits and you get it. Then there are some who have you thinking they made some kind of deal with the devil to get there – personality-less, weird, creepy, almost soulless people who’d say or do anything if it helped them, even a little. California Congressman Adam Schiff is the perfect example of that.
World's largest meat supplier JBS shuts All
of its US beef plants after Russian cyber
attack: Government asks other producers
to pick up slack to avoid meat shortages
and 30% price hikes
31 replies
Posted by Imright 6/2/2021 2:00:53 AM Post Reply
The US could be hit with beef shortages and price rises after the world's largest meat producer was forced to close all of its plants due to a cyber attack which the White House has blamed on Russian hackers. JBS - which supplies 20 per cent of all beef and pork in the US - warned the Memorial Day weekend hack could disrupt its supply chains and increase prices up up to 30 per cent.JBS received a demand from 'a criminal organization likely based in Russia' following the attack that has affected its operations in Australia and North America, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday.
Report: Joe Biden’s DHS May Bring Deported
Illegal Aliens Back to U.S.
30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/1/2021 12:43:28 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may consider a plan to bring deported illegal aliens back to the United States, presumably paid for by American taxpayers. The open borders lobby shared a plan with the Biden administration to bring illegal aliens deported by former President Donald Trump’s administration back to the U.S., according to the Associated Press (AP). More than 935,000 illegal aliens were deported by the Trump administration. The plan, open borders activists with the corporate-backed National Immigrant Justice Center suggest, could be done through executive order by Biden and create an office inside DHS that allows deported illegal aliens to submit requests to return to the U.S.
Trump 'is telling people he will be reinstated as
president by AUGUST' after Mike Flynn called
for a 'Myanmar-style coup' to replace Biden
29 replies
Posted by Imright 6/1/2021 2:57:34 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is telling people that he will be reinstated as president by August according to a report, after his original National Security Advisor Michael Flynn said a Myanmar-style coup 'should happen.'The New York Times' Maggie Haberman commented Tuesday on a CNN story that showed Trump supporters expressing support for a Myanmar-style coup to bring Trump back. 'Trump has been telling a number of people he's in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn't how it works but simply sharing the information),' the journalist wrote on Twitter.
WATCH: Harris' team says dealing with the
border is not her job and focus is
only on 'root causes' of migration
28 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 6/1/2021 10:26:09 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris' was tasked by President Biden with dealing with the crisis at the US-Mexico border, but now she's distancing herself from that crisis she cannot solve. Harris' team explained that Harris isn't supposed to be dealing with the border, that this was never her job. Instead, she's meant to handle the "root causes" of migration. For Harris, those include climate change and violence against LGBTQ people. [snip] Harris has come under critique for refusing to set a time to visit the southern border. Now it seems she has no plans to go at all because she doesn't think it's relevant to her job.
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