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Randy Quaid Says He's 'Seriously Considering'
Running For Governor Of California

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Posted By: Black Conservative Voice, 4/28/2021 4:52:01 AM

Randy Quaid may be joining the race for governor of California. After months of sharp criticism, the state's current governor, Gavin Newsom, will face a recall election, as it was announced on Monday that the signature threshold to trigger such an election has been met. Reality star Caitlyn Jenner has already announced her own candidacy for the position, and now, Quaid has said that he's interested in tossing his hat into the ring. The "Christmas Vacation" star, 70, took to Twitter on Tuesday to share his thoughts on the matter.


He saved us in Independence Day so I think he's earned his chance.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Attila DiMedici 4/28/2021 5:50:02 AM (No. 769253)
If Jenner is going to run, why not another mentally unstable person.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Kitty Myers 4/28/2021 6:37:29 AM (No. 769267)
Hey, it's California after all. Archie Bunker said California is the land of the fruit and nuts, where every nut is a little fruity and every fruit is a little nutty.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: RuckusTom 4/28/2021 6:53:12 AM (No. 769276)
"Reality star Caitlyn Jenner has already announced her own candidacy ..." Sheez. It's "Reality star Caitlyn Jenner has already announced HIS own candidacy ..."
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 4/28/2021 7:35:15 AM (No. 769312)
He’s got a bit of baggage. But that may help him.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 4/28/2021 7:39:17 AM (No. 769315)
Bruce Jenner is not a her, and it is unacceptable to call him that, when anyone who isn't as crazy as he is knows better.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: homefry 4/28/2021 8:10:21 AM (No. 769345)
Randy MUST be a Republican. I decided that years ago when I saw him on a cartoon depicted as a drug addled, sheeit drawers stained lunatic. I think it was on the simpsons.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Winstonian 4/28/2021 8:22:17 AM (No. 769360)
Clark : Hey, Kids, I heard on the news that Randy Quaid is seriously considering running for governor of California.. Eddie : You serious, Clark? Looks like cousin Eddie
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Bassman1911 4/28/2021 8:53:04 AM (No. 769401)
I’m Baaaaaack. What could possibly go wrong.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: kiwinews 4/28/2021 9:54:49 AM (No. 769490)
Is *anybody* running who isn't bug-eating nuts??? Please?
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: clayusmcret 4/28/2021 11:20:47 AM (No. 769585)
By all means, put as many conservatives in the race as possible to cut each other's throats, leaving the race to some rabid democrat. That's the classic M.O. for republicans. Someday they'll coalesce around a candidate to actually try to win.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 4/28/2021 11:22:55 AM (No. 769587)
If I still lived in Cali, and fortunately I do not, I'd vote for Quaid over Bruce Nutcase without hesitation.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: kono 4/28/2021 2:21:20 PM (No. 769782)
"Reality" needs to be put in quotes in that "reality star" attribution. Getting surgery, hormones, and a new name and wardrobe are not enough to make Jenner's female act real.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 4/28/2021 3:37:30 PM (No. 769838)
OP - he also did time at the Portsmouth Naval Prison. (That one goes waaay back!)
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Randy Quaid Says He's 'Seriously Considering'
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13 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 4/28/2021 4:52:01 AM Post Reply
Randy Quaid may be joining the race for governor of California. After months of sharp criticism, the state's current governor, Gavin Newsom, will face a recall election, as it was announced on Monday that the signature threshold to trigger such an election has been met. Reality star Caitlyn Jenner has already announced her own candidacy for the position, and now, Quaid has said that he's interested in tossing his hat into the ring. The "Christmas Vacation" star, 70, took to Twitter on Tuesday to share his thoughts on the matter.
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 4/26/2021 1:44:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 4/26/2021 7:25:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 4/25/2021 9:18:13 AM Post Reply
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9 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 4/25/2021 6:50:51 AM Post Reply
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28 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 4/24/2021 2:17:22 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 4/23/2021 4:40:03 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 4/29/2021 12:54:33 PM Post Reply
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US Catholic bishops may ask Biden to
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40 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/28/2021 11:33:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 4/28/2021 12:37:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/29/2021 1:42:44 PM Post Reply
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31 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/28/2021 3:13:27 AM Post Reply
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Kamala's Not Looking So Good Lately 30 replies
Posted by Magnante 4/29/2021 7:32:57 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris hasn't been looking well lately. She gave a maskless interview to CNN's Dana Bash a week ago, and she looked much more jowly and wrinkly than she did just three months ago, when she took the oath of office. She has a bit more junk in the trunk now, and gone are the purple, maroon, and ivory suits; it's black or navy all the time now, the better to hide the extra jiggly bits. A lot of her sentences now begin with "Well, I mean," signaling the intellectual vacuity she's settled for, as though she's completely given up on trying to sound smart.
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Posted by Imright 4/28/2021 10:47:48 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden delivered his first address to a joint meeting of Congress Wednesday night as he pitched his economic plan took a dig at Wall Street and invoked the Jan. 6th riot to level criticism at former President Donald Trump.Speaking to a slice of lawmakers that reflected the growing muscle of the progressive wing of his own party, Biden said there were 'good guys and women on Wall Street – but Wall Street didn't build this country. The middle class built the country. And unions built the middle class.' 'Look, I’m not out to punish anyone. But I will not add to the tax burden
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Posted by Ribicon 4/29/2021 12:34:56 PM Post Reply
A cop has died after his head was stomped by a suspect who also attacked an elderly couple, sending both to hospital. Cpl. Keith Heacook, 54, was declared 'clinically dead' on Wednesday at a Baltimore hospital, three days after he was allegedly attacked by Randon Wilkerson, 30. The veteran cop had been responding to an early morning 911 call that Wilkerson had reportedly attacked his roommate at the Yorkshire Estates Community in Delmar, Delaware, on Sunday. A second call came through moments later, to say Wilkerson had then crossed the street and attacked his neighbors; 73-year-old Steve Franklin and his wife Judy, 76.
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the anniversary of his death next month
27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 4/29/2021 9:46:56 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden proclaimed that 'white supremacist terrorists' are the worst threat to the homeland today, directly before asking Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act by next month. 'By the first anniversary of George Floyd’s death,' the president said at his first joint address before Congress Wednesday night. The act is currently stuck in the Senate with Sen. Tim Scott, tasked with rebutting Biden tonight for the Republican Party, leading negotiations for the GOP.(Snip) The bill is a police reform package, named for Floyd, a black man who was killed by convicted police officer Derek Chauvin, who is white,
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/29/2021 11:46:19 AM Post Reply
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in Hypothetical ‘Race War’
26 replies
Posted by earlybird 4/28/2021 5:14:33 PM Post Reply
During an appearance on Canadian radio show Monday, a Barnard College English instructor discussed with a Jewish host a passage from his new book about how he would gas white people in a locked room “when the race war hits its crescendo.” (Snip) When this race war hits its crescendo, I’ll gather you all into a beautifully decorated room under the pretense of unity. I’ll give a speech to civility and all the good times we share; I’ll smile as we raise glasses to your good, white health, while the detonator blinks under the table, knowing the exits are locked and the air vents filled with gas.
BREAKING: In Chilling Video, Antifa Doxes,
Threatens to KILL Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler
25 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 4/29/2021 4:45:36 PM Post Reply
Late last week Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler took to video to plea for the community’s help to “unmask” antifa. The violence-prone anarchist-fascist group has terrorized Portland with months of violent and destructive insurrectionist riots despite Joe Biden merely calling antifa an “idea.” Someone purporting to represent antifa has responded to Wheeler with a new video. In this video, the masked individual pushes anti-American themes and publishes Wheeler’s home address. The individual finishes the disturbing presentation with a veiled threat to kill Mayor Wheeler.
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