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Biden’s border baloney

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Posted By: Garnet, 3/23/2021 12:23:07 PM

The administration sent Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Sunday shows with an impossible job -- to defend President Biden's policies that have led to a massive rush of illegal crossers at the U.S.-Mexico border. Mayorkas' assignment was to make a simple -- and false -- declaration. "The border is closed," he told ABC's "This Week." "The border is closed," he told NBC's "Meet the Press." "The border is closed," he told "Fox News Sunday." It was a preposterous statement. Everyone knows the Biden administration is struggling to find places to accommodate the more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors who have crossed the border illegally in the last few weeks.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Nimby 3/23/2021 12:32:07 PM (No. 732648)
Mayorkas is another Susan Rice - lying on every Sunday show.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: earlybird 3/23/2021 12:33:03 PM (No. 732651)
Mayorkas said the reason for this surge of juveniles was Trump’s shutting down the Central American Minors program. Byron sets the record straight. Mayorkas is either seriously ignorant of the facts or he is a baldfaced liar: FTA: That is utter malarkey, as the president might say. Yes, Trump killed the Central American Minors program. But the program never dealt with, and was never intended to deal with, the kind of border frenzy that is happening now. Its intended purpose was to help Central American children come to the United States with refugee status if they already had a parent who was in the U.S. legally. That is not the situation of most of the illegal crossers today. The Biden State Department announced on March 10 that it was restarting the Central American Minors program. Right in the announcement, the administration said the program will "reunite qualified children from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras with their parent or parents who are lawfully present in the United States." Note the word "lawfully.”
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 3/23/2021 12:43:44 PM (No. 732662)
I can only say that the lying that is coming from the sleepy joe administration is unmatched in my lifetime. No one has lied this much since the gulf of tonkin incident back when LBJ was in office. Leave it to a democRAT to out lie another democRAT. Anything I hear from the people in dc will be considered with much fact checking. I want my country back and this administration is certainly not "building back better".
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Reply 4 - Posted by: downnout 3/23/2021 3:39:03 PM (No. 732866)
Here’s a suggestion, Mr. Mayorkas: Start broadcasting all along the border that it is closed. Anyone attempting to cross will be shot on sight. If the illegals want to come to America, let them apply for asylum in their home country. No more free ride. I can’t begin to imagine the problems border towns and cities must be experiencing. The cartels are making millions off trafficking and smuggling and all we do is spout platitudes. For Gods sake, shut this disaster down!
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Reply 5 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 3/23/2021 7:36:10 PM (No. 733087)
The same guy who says the media need to be kept away from activities at the border due to covid is releasing illegals into the interior of the US without testing for same. #3 is correct - the blatant lying going on these days is worse than anything during the false prophet's reign of transparency.
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Posted by Garnet 3/24/2021 10:51:22 AM Post Reply
Fresh off of ramming through a $1.9 trillion monstrosity of a stimulus bill stuffed with pork spending and liberal pet projects, Democrats are gearing up to try to radically transform our election system and lock in majorities at every level of elected government for decades to come. Democrats call this bill the For the People Act, or HR 1, but a more appropriate name would be the Corrupt Politicians Act because it’s designed by the politicians, of the politicians, and for the politicians. Here are just a few of the countless reasons why this bill may be the single most dangerous piece of legislation we’ve seen in decades:
Will Democrats Really Nuke the Filibuster
—and What Happens If They Do?
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Posted by Garnet 3/24/2021 10:46:53 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's agenda has stalled on Capitol Hill halfway through his first 100 days in office. Biden's supporters fear that if Democrats in Congress don't act soon, they will have squandered their best opportunity to pass such policy priorities as a climate action bill, election legislation, and immigration reform. Supporters are especially frustrated with Senate Democrats for allowing their chamber's Republicans to filibuster bills passed by the Democratic-controlled House. The Senate, unlike the House, permits a minority of its members to block bills supported by a majority. Specifically, Rule 22 requires three-fifths of the Senate (60 senators) to vote to end a filibuster by invoking cloture on a bill.
Biden’s border baloney 5 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/23/2021 12:23:07 PM Post Reply
The administration sent Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Sunday shows with an impossible job -- to defend President Biden's policies that have led to a massive rush of illegal crossers at the U.S.-Mexico border. Mayorkas' assignment was to make a simple -- and false -- declaration. "The border is closed," he told ABC's "This Week." "The border is closed," he told NBC's "Meet the Press." "The border is closed," he told "Fox News Sunday." It was a preposterous statement. Everyone knows the Biden administration is struggling to find places to accommodate the more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors who have crossed the border illegally in the last few weeks.
‘COVID Relief’ Bill Collides
With the Constitution
21 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/22/2021 4:01:41 AM Post Reply
Well, that didn’t take long. The first major bill passed by the new Democratic congressional majority and signed into law by our new president on March 11 had already provoked a constitutional challenge by March 17. The attorney general of Ohio filed suit against the Biden administration last Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, alleging that the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) unconstitutionally and coercively limits the right of states to manage their internal fiscal policies: “This suit challenges an unconstitutional provision in the American Rescue Plan Act — a provision that allows the federal government to commandeer state taxing authority.”
One Of The Lockdowns’ Greatest
Casualties Could Be Science
15 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/18/2021 3:23:00 PM Post Reply
The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns have not only been devastating for society, they have had a chilling effect on the scientific community. For science to thrive, opposing ideas must be openly and vigorously discussed, supported, or countered based on scientific merit. Instead, some politicians, journalists, and (alas) scientists have engaged in vicious slander of dissident scientists, spreading damaging conspiracy theories, even with open calls for censorship in place of debate. In many cases, eminent scientific voices have been effectively silenced, often with gutter tactics. People who oppose lockdowns have been accused of having blood on their hands, their university positions threatened, with many of our colleagues choosing to stay quiet
Manchin’s Mendacious Filibuster Position 7 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/17/2021 3:37:35 AM Post Reply
For a sense of how credible West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is on protecting the filibuster, consider a 2018 campaign ad wherein he brandished a rifle and declared himself to be “Second Amendment always.” This ad allowed him to maintain the illusion that he was a gun-totin’ Mountain State patriot while he parroted the Democratic Party line. Manchin’s ad failed to mention that he twice introduced gun control bills during his first term. Moreover, he is once again working on gun control legislation. Sen. Manchin’s pledge to protect the prerogatives of the Republican Senate minority by supporting the filibuster is no more trustworthy than his support of the Second Amendment
Biden should thank Trump, not
blame him, for what he left
2 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/16/2021 12:44:28 PM Post Reply
Poor Joe Biden. It was his misfortune to inherit one of the technological marvels of our time. Before President Biden took office, the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines had been authorized for use (with another, from Johnson & Johnson, on the way) and were already being administered to people around the country. Typically, it takes 10 years or more to develop a vaccine, but here were two vaccines against a deadly virus that took less than a year from inception to finding their way into people’s arms. And yet, listening to Biden and much of his team, you’d be forgiven for thinking that he had to conjure the vaccines out of nowhere
The Fierce Urgency Of Reopening Schools Now 4 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/15/2021 2:48:36 PM Post Reply
Imagine the worst conference call you’ve ever been on. Imagine staying on that call for six or seven hours, with only short breaks to relieve the monotony. Imagine that you are 16 years old or 12 or 9 and you have to pay attention because there will be a social studies quiz next week. Welcome to the dreary reality of remote schooling. For many students, a year of classroom learning has been sacrificed to the fickle gods of Zoom. A cautious approach to reopening schools in the midst of a global pandemic is entirely reasonable. Schools, which are lax at enforcing personal hygiene to begin with, pack students
On Mexico’s Border With U.S.,
Desperation as Migrant Traffic Piles Up
8 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/15/2021 2:43:48 PM Post Reply
The migrants’ hopes have been drummed up by human smugglers who promise that President Biden’s administration will welcome them. Instead, the United States is expelling them back to Mexico, where they wait along with tens of thousands of others hoping to cross. The pressure, and desperation, is quickly building among families stuck in Mexico, as shelters and officials struggle to help them. In the United States, the federal authorities are scrambling to manage a sharp increase in children who are crossing the border on their own and then being held in detention facilities, often longer than permitted by law.
The Progressive Imaginarium 5 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/11/2021 12:05:37 PM Post Reply
“T-Bone” lives in the progressive Imaginarium. Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) conjured him up as his fake pal from the ’hood. The “Bone” would now and then materialize to prep the yuppie Booker on his street cred. “T” was the umbilical cord of authenticity with the underprivileged black community for Booker—the vegetarian, Rhodes scholar, Stanford- and Yale-educated, privileged child of two IBM executives. “Corn-pop” also resides in the Imaginarium. Good ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton occasionally would summon the “Pop.” Supposedly he was one tough, African American, razor-wielding gangster that the youthful Mighty Joe Biden won over.
HR1, the 'For the People Act,'
tells us the Democratic Party
is now the party of vote fraud
9 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/11/2021 12:01:31 PM Post Reply
The Democratic Party is the party of vote fraud. Yes, this is quite a charge, but abundant evidence confirms this allegation. •Democrats resist virtually every Republican idea to make America’s elections more secure, and they labor tirelessly to make this country’s elections more chaotic, more unsupervised, and more unreliable. Democrats used COVID-19 as an excuse to dilute voting standards that would make the citizens of almost any Third World country blush.•Democrats, not Republicans, blasted out mass-mail-in ballots to everyone on voter rolls in multiple states — whether requested or not. Among other places, these phantom ballots littered apartment-building lobbies in Las Vegas, where Democrat officials in Clark County,
The Blue State Rescue Plan 3 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/11/2021 5:40:11 AM Post Reply
Wednesday afternoon, the Democratic majority in the House passed HR 1319. Variously marketed as a “pandemic relief bill,” an “economic stimulus package,” and the “American Rescue Plan,” it is largely a wealth transfer from well-managed and prosperous red states to incompetently managed blue states. A mere 9 percent of the legislation’s $1.9 trillion cost will be devoted to mitigating COVID-19, and about 12 percent will go to individuals in the form of stimulus checks and unemployment payments. The rest will go to blue state bailouts, funding for school systems that remain closed, kickbacks to unions, new subsidies for Obamacare, and exorbitant financing for innumerable pet progressive projects.
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Posted by Imright 3/24/2021 3:56:35 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Bill Clinton will be speaking together at an event Friday hosted by the Clinton Foundation on the topic of empowering women in the United States and around the world.The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) event will feature the two speaking one-on-one and will focus on the challenges that women have had to endure during the coronavirus pandemic, and how to empower women throughout the world.(Tweet) Harris is set to speak with Clinton despite the former president having faced allegations of rape and sexual assault from multiple women spanning decades.
Americans have 'no right' to carry guns
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Posted by Ribicon 3/24/2021 6:54:32 PM Post Reply
A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that there is no right to carry a gun in public. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a 7-4 ruling rejected a challenge to Hawaii’s requirement that residents must pass an application to have weapons outside the home. Hawaii’s law requires residents to show an urgency or need to carry a firearm, the applicant must have good character, and be “engaged in the protection of life and property.”(Snip) “We can find no general right to carry arms into the public square for self-defense,” the majority wrote, claiming that the Second Amendment applies to
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Posted by ConservativeYogini 3/24/2021 12:51:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 3/24/2021 7:42:51 PM Post Reply
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Just In: Republican-Controlled Wisconsin
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31 replies
Posted by Imright 3/24/2021 3:52:06 AM Post Reply
The Republican-controlled Wisconsin state assembly on Tuesday passed a resolution to authorize an investigation into the 2020 presidential election.The resolution passed on a 58-35 party-line vote.The committee will now have subpoena power to compel testimony and gather documents.The Associated Press reported:The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Assembly passed a resolution Tuesday to authorize an investigation into the 2020 presidential election that President Joe Biden narrowly won in the state.The resolution, opposed by Democrats, is needed to give the committee authorization if it decides to issue subpoenas to compel testimony and gather documents, said Rep. Joe Sanfelippo.
Joe Biden puts Kamala Harris in charge
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amid 'serious spikes' in immigration
29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/24/2021 3:49:09 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the administration's efforts to stem what he called a 'serious spike' in immigration at the border. The president announced his decision on Wednesday in a meeting with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the situation at the border. Biden announced he has asked Harris 'to lead our efforts' with Mexico and other nations that need help in 'stemming' immigration.(Snip) 'They were coming north and we did nothing to do much about it. There's no surge we're dealing with now started with the last administration.
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26 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 3/24/2021 12:23:37 PM Post Reply
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So the FBI knew all about the
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25 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/24/2021 9:04:49 AM Post Reply
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Democrat Escobar: Saying Migrants
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Posted by OhioNick 3/24/2021 12:51:19 AM Post Reply
Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar blasted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for saying Joe Biden's immigration policy is bringing the coronavirus into the U.S. During Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” Escobar said Abbott is engaging in an “old, racist trope” that is “really dangerous.” She went on to say that such remarks could pawn violence like the 2019 mass shooting in El Paso. [SNIP] "The idea of immigrants bringing disease, that is an old, racist trope intended to inspire fear and hatred," she said.
Tucker Carlson calls Barack Obama a
'racial arsonist' for suggesting the Atlanta
and Boulder shootings were driven by
'racism and misogyny'
22 replies
Posted by Imright 3/24/2021 2:19:04 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama has been labeled 'a racial arsonist' by Tucker Carlson, with the Fox News host accusing the former president of emerging only to foment societal tension. Carlson on Tuesday night used his opening monologue to discuss responses to Monday's shooting in Boulder, Colorado, which killed 10 people. Carlson said that the former president 'took a break from becoming one of the richest men in the world' to weigh in. Obama issued a statement on Tuesday arguing that 'disaffection, racism and misogyny' help fuel mass shootings, and calling for tougher gun control laws. 'More than any other contemporary American leader, Barack Obama is a racial arsonist,' said Carlson.
All 10 Boulder, Colorado Victims Were
White. It's Time To End Anti-White Race
22 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/24/2021 12:46:33 AM Post Reply
The following ten people perished in the recent shooting in Boulder, Colorado carried out by Ahmad Al-Issa. All of them appear to be white, but neither the media nor politicians have bothered to resurrect their anti-race-hate campaign that ensues when Black Lives Matter riot, or when Asians are murdered in Atlanta. The victims include grocery store workers, local college graduates, medicare agents, a police officer, and an Orthodox Christian. Today, The National Pulse calls on the political left and their media counterparts to stop the racial hatred they continue to perpetuate against white people, which doubtlessly led to these murders in Colorado.
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consent' so the company can
track them as a condition of the job
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Posted by NorthernDog 3/24/2021 12:44:39 PM Post Reply
Amazon is telling its delivery drivers to sign a consent form that allows the company to track them based on biometric data as "a condition of delivering Amazon packages," Motherboard's Lauren Kaori Gurley reported on Tuesday. Thousands of drivers across the US must sign the "biometric consent" paperwork this week, and if they don't they'll lose their jobs, according to Motherboard. The form, which was viewed by the outlet and published in the report, states that Amazon would be allowed to use "on-board safety camera technology which collects your photograph for the purposes of confirming your identity and connecting you
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