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Joe Biden’s Dangerous World

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Posted By: Moritz55, 4/14/2024 11:15:32 AM

In the past three years, the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas invaded Israel, China increased its pressure on Taiwan, the China-Russian partnership solidified, Houthi terrorists wreaked havoc on Red Sea shipping, Iran moved closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon, North Korea enhanced its intercontinental missile capacity, China and Russia modernized their nuclear forces, and illegal immigrants flooded the U.S. southern border. The Biden administration conducted an amateurish withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost the lives of several Americans and many more of our Afghan allies. Biden provided aid to Ukraine and used rhetoric that risked escalating the Ukraine War into a broader

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PChristopher 4/14/2024 11:26:13 AM (No. 1699202)
And it's all Biden's fault! I never thought I would live to see this insanity
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: volksford 4/14/2024 11:44:21 AM (No. 1699206)
The stupidest man in the Senate carries his legacy to the White House.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: aasilver 4/14/2024 11:51:51 AM (No. 1699208)
The real problem is the Americans who let all of this mess start and who let the crazy fanatics take over our once great country. Washington is the problem and the liberal fanatics took over after the Republican party was hijacked by RINO's.
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: udanja99 4/14/2024 12:18:12 PM (No. 1699222)
“ The Biden administration appears helpless to steer events in a direction that favors our country and protects our national interests.” Wrong. Every bit of this is intentional and being carried out with extreme malice and treason.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 4/14/2024 12:20:53 PM (No. 1699225)
Yep that is Joe Biden, the "great uniter"...for our adversaries!
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: John Moses Browning 4/14/2024 1:04:53 PM (No. 1699258)
The democrat voters of Delaware have to be the dumbest people on earth. They have elected and re elected the corrupt, plagiarizing, senile old fool for going on 50 years. Just stuck on stupid.
8 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: rochow 4/14/2024 3:02:33 PM (No. 1699313)
Oh, just shut up. I want my ice-cream and my 9000078th vacation in Delaware. What are all these silly complaints about? I didn't do nothing wrong; everything is going to my plan. What plan was that?? How am I supposed to know!
1 person likes this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mifla 4/15/2024 6:02:50 AM (No. 1699598)
Unfortunately, there are no sane Democrats left to tell this fool that he is ruining the country,
0 people like this.

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Turley: I Think Trump Won The Case, "It
Is Going Very Well For The Defense"
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/20/2024 6:19:13 PM Post Reply
FOX News correspondent and George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley on Monday said the Trump defense calling Robert Costello, a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen, to the witness stand is an attempt at a "kill shot" to put this case to rest. Last week, Costello told FOX News host Martha MacCallum that he can prove Cohen is lying and that he is ready to testify. "This has been rather otherworldly to sit and watch this," Turley described the trial. "It's like you've entered a parallel universe. How this case is going forward, I just cannot explain. You have a disbarred convicted serial perjurer on the stand matter-of-factly detailing
Joe Biden was racist and patronizing in
his speech to Morehouse grads
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/20/2024 3:52:24 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is right. Black people are treated as negatively different, inferior and undeserving of being seen as equals. The culprit of such behavior: Joe Biden himself. He’s incapable of speaking to black people without reminding us of past plights, or ones that we’re all supposedly dealing with today, as an emotional ploy to leverage our votes. Worse, even in the face of success and celebratory triumph, like graduating from college, Joe Biden is unable to let us have our moment to reflect on what we were capable of doing. Instead, he patronizes, telling us what he believes we won’t be able to achieve.
Joe Biden was racist and patronizing in
his speech to Morehouse grads
3 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/20/2024 3:46:07 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is right. Black people are treated as negatively different, inferior and undeserving of being seen as equals. The culprit of such behavior: Joe Biden himself. He’s incapable of speaking to black people without reminding us of past plights, or ones that we’re all supposedly dealing with today, as an emotional ploy to leverage our votes. Joe Biden is right. Black people are treated as negatively different, inferior and undeserving of being seen as equals. The culprit of such behavior: Joe Biden himself. He’s incapable of speaking to black people without reminding us of past plights, or ones that we’re all supposedly dealing with today, as an emotional ploy to leverage our votes.
Pope Francis denounces attempts to close
southern border as ‘madness’
35 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/20/2024 2:48:35 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis denounced efforts to limit migration at the U.S.-Mexico border on Sunday, calling out a Texas effort to shut down a Catholic charity “madness.” The Catholic leader said in a “60 Minutes” interview with Norah O’Donnell that American leaders should instead embrace forgiveness toward migrants entering the country. “Migration is something that makes a country grow,” he said. “They say that you Irish migrated and brought the whiskey, and that the Italians migrated and brought the mafia. Migrants sometimes suffer a lot. They suffer a lot.”
Biden’s Voldemortian theory of privilege:
The president whose voice must not be heard
2 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/19/2024 9:09:11 PM Post Reply
While all eyes were focused on a Manhattan courthouse for Donald Trump’s trial, a curious thing happened in Washington. President Joe Biden invoked executive privilege in defiance of Congress. It is not the invocation that is particularly unusual. What is curious is that Biden is withholding the audiotape of his own interrogation by Special Counsel Robert Hur, even though the transcript has been released as unprivileged. It appears that Joe Biden is “he who must not be heard.” The invocation of privilege over the audiotape is so transparently political and cynical that it would make Richard Nixon blush.
Joe Biden’s Problem Is in the Pews 4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/19/2024 2:10:46 PM Post Reply
To locate Joe Biden’s electoral problem, you need only to look on Sunday morning. Polling shows the mass-attending Catholic president trails Donald Trump by 10 points among those who attend religious services a few times a year or more. The score is reversed with voters who report they seldom or never attend church, with Biden leading by 10. It’s the starkest divide in the electorate – and one that political journalists rarely mention, perhaps because, as a profession, journalists are more removed from religion than the average American. Trump’s advantage with white evangelical Protestants is widely understood, but he also leads Biden by healthy margins among less politically conservative Christians.
Argentina's Milei shuts up critics with
miracle turnaround of economy, strong
security policies
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/18/2024 5:02:54 PM Post Reply
President Javier Milei of Argentina continues to stun his critics with an economy that has outperformed expectations and continues along an ambitious path for national security, including pursuit of a NATO global partnership. "The fact that you have a president, head of state, who is defending the free market, who is defending the role of entrepreneurs and businessmen as creators of value and just defending deregulation when the tendency in Latin America and much of the West has been to regulate the economy . . . I think that's very positive, not only for Argentina, but for the region as a whole and maybe beyond,"
Will the Biden-Trump Debates Even Matter? 7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/18/2024 1:39:07 PM Post Reply
It was the political equivalent of a surprise Taylor Swift album: At 8 a.m. on May 15, with no advance warning, President Biden challenged former president Donald Trump to a debate. Within the hour, Trump accepted. And within hours after that, Biden and Trump had committed to two debates over three months. The first, at CNN headquarters on June 27, will be held before either candidate accepts his party's nomination. ABC plans on hosting the second debate on September 10. The deal was worked out by lunch. And the details were settled as well. No live audience. No open mics while the other man is speaking. No Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Bidenflation Soars To 19.2%, Eroding Americans’
Purchasing Power
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/18/2024 10:35:24 AM Post Reply
President Biden, a seasoned politician, has failed miserably in tackling inflation, and it is nearly certain that he can’t wave a magic wand and tame the beast before November. So, he has embarked on an alternate strategy to pin it on Trump. The President, famous for his tales about the "bad dude" Corn Pop, calling a voter at a campaign stop a "lying dog-faced pony soldier," the death of his uncle Finnegan due to 'cannibalism' in Papua New Guinea, and how the xenophobia of Indians and Japanese impede progress, keeps claiming that inflation was nine percent when he took office, even though it was 1.4%.
AOC rips Fetterman for comparing House
to 'Jerry Springer' show: 'I stand up
to bullies'
15 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/17/2024 9:07:52 PM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., criticized fellow Democrat from Pennsylvania, Sen. John Fetterman, on Friday after he made fun of a House markup that spiraled out of control. A late-night House Oversight markup for a resolution to hold Biden administration Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress devolved into a shouting match on Thursday, which involved several representatives, including Ocasio-Cortez, and Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas.
How Donald Trump can use the debates to
put Joe Biden away
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/17/2024 11:04:03 AM Post Reply
In deciding to debate ex-President Donald Trump on June 27 and Sept. 10, President Biden tacitly admitted he’s losing right now; this is a Hail Mary gambit to turn the race around. Trump needs to figure out how to seal the deal instead. That means practicing so he can keep his cool, and pull off a performance more like the second 2020 Biden-Trump faceoff than the first.Biden’s goal will be to goad Trump into shooting himself in the foot on things like abortion and early voting.
AOC, 'baby girl' Marjorie Taylor Greene
trade barbs in fiery Garland hearing:
'Are your feelings hurt?'
21 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/17/2024 9:29:33 AM Post Reply
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene had a heated exchange Thursday evening during what was supposed to be a contempt hearing for Attorney General Merrick Garland. The House Oversight Committee had originally been convened to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for refusing to comply with a subpoena to hand over an audio recording of President Biden’s interview with a special counsel. The hearing quickly spiraled out of control, with lawmakers bickering with one another. Less than an hour after the hearing was underway, Greene took shots at her Democratic colleague, Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas.
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Pope Francis denounces attempts to close
southern border as ‘madness’
35 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/20/2024 2:48:35 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis denounced efforts to limit migration at the U.S.-Mexico border on Sunday, calling out a Texas effort to shut down a Catholic charity “madness.” The Catholic leader said in a “60 Minutes” interview with Norah O’Donnell that American leaders should instead embrace forgiveness toward migrants entering the country. “Migration is something that makes a country grow,” he said. “They say that you Irish migrated and brought the whiskey, and that the Italians migrated and brought the mafia. Migrants sometimes suffer a lot. They suffer a lot.”
Biden asks NAACP crowd what they think
Trump would have done if January 6 rioters
were black
31 replies
Posted by Imright 5/20/2024 5:41:39 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden sharpened his racially-charged attack on former President Donald Trump during Sunday night's annual NAACP Detroit Branch Freedom Fund dinner. 'What do you think he would have done on January 6 if black Americans had stormed the Capitol?' Biden asked - as members of the crowd collectively gasped. The president then added, 'No, I'm serious. What do you think? I can only imagine,' as Trump has long promised to pardon those involved in the 2021 Capitol attack if he's elected to a second term in November.
Jill Biden ludicrously claims Trump would
‘destroy’ public education if elected
31 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 5:25:34 PM Post Reply
First lady and fake “doctor” Jill Biden ludicrously claimed Saturday that former President Donald Trump will destroy the public education system if reelected to office. Speaking at the United Federation of Teachers’ annual spring conference, she argued instead that her husband, President Joe Biden, is the one who’ll bless public education. “I always believed that Joe would be the best education president,” she said, according to the New York Post. Uh huh … [Tweet] Trump, on the other hand, “wakes up every morning caring about one person — and one person only — himself,” she added. “Donald Trump doesn’t want to strengthen our public education system — he wants to destroy it,”
Watch — Biden Delivers Bleak Commencement
Address: Black Men ‘Being Killed in
the Street’
27 replies
Posted by Imright 5/20/2024 8:26:03 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden delivered a bleak commencement address this weekend, characterizing America as a racist place that does not love black people. Biden gave a commencement speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta on Sunday where he appeared to characterize America in the harshest light in terms of race relations. “You started college just as George Floyd was murdered,” Biden proclaimed. “And there was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if the democracy you hear about actually works for you.”
Self-Described ‘Catholic Republican’
Senate Candidate Larry Hogan Advocates
for ‘Restoring Roe v. Wade as the Law
of the Land’
23 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 10:48:50 PM Post Reply
Self-described “Catholic” and “Republican” senate candidate Larry Hogan is advocating for “restoring Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.” Hogan previously served as the governor of Maryland. “As governor, I protected the rights of Maryland women to make their own reproductive health decisions. I will do the same in the Senate by restoring Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. No one should come between a woman and her doctor,” Hogan wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. (X) The candidate also linked to an article from the New York Times headlined, “Hogan Backs Codifying Roe, Tacking Left on Abortion
Shock study shows how 42M recipients spend
their food stamps -- and they're not buying broccoli
22 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/20/2024 1:51:20 PM Post Reply
An alarming study has spotlighted how 42 million food stamp recipients spend their welfare handouts on ultra-processed junk food. Coca-Cola, Sprite and other soft drinks are the most commonly-bought items via the $135 billion-a-year Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a new study says. Candy, potato chips, frozen pizza, ice cream, cookies, and other ultra-processed food dominates the top 20 items, says a report from the Economic Policy Innovation Center (EPIC). Report author Matthew Dickerson says recipients spend 'spend significant portions of their allotments on junk food.'
Mosquitoes swarm Texas town, officials
blame climate change
22 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/19/2024 11:03:37 PM Post Reply
Officials are pointing the finger at climate change as a Texas town battles with another spring of exploding mosquito populations. "If you open the car door to go somewhere, you’ve got 10 mosquitoes inside," Mith Varley, a resident of the Houston suburb of Conroe, Texas, said of the issue, according to a report in the Washington Post. Varley, who has lived in the area of Montgomery County for nearly 10 years, told the Washington Post he has never seen it worse. While the area of Texas has always been known as an ideal mosquito habitat,
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi is seen
in eerie photo moments before helicopter
crash: Hamas-backing leader is still missing
amid fears his death will spark power
vacuum in Tehran
21 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 7:28:14 PM Post Reply
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi was pictured moments before the helicopter crash near the border with Azerbaijan which put his ‘life at risk’. He was seen staring out of the window of the aircraft, which was traveling in Iran's East Azerbaijan province near Jolfa, around 375 miles northwest of Tehran when it crashed. There have been conflicting reports among Iranian state media about whether the helicopter has been found following a frantic search mission. The video player is currently playing an ad. You can skip the ad in 5 sec with a mouse or keyboard The president is still missing hours after the crash and there is no confirmation they are close to finding Raisi.
Biden tells black graduates Republicans
'don't see you in the future of America'
in fiery speech slamming right-wing 'extremists'
20 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/19/2024 12:52:19 PM Post Reply
The president didn't use Trump or the GOP's name as he addressed graduating seniors from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, but it was clear who he was talking about as he brought up January 6 amid their commencement ceremony. 'Insurrectionists who stormed the capitol with Confederate flags are called patriots by some,' Biden told the seniors, graduating from the historically black, all-male institution. 'Not in my house.' Trump often refers to his supporters who ramsacked the Capitol by that term. 'Black police officers, black veterans, protecting the Capitol were called another word as you recall,' Biden continued. The president added that 'extremists close the doors of opportunity.'
White House Refuses to Confirm or Deny
If Joe Biden Plans to Use Performance-Enhancing
Drugs in Debates
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/20/2024 12:41:58 PM Post Reply
The White House refused to confirm or deny Monday whether President Joe Biden intends to use performance-enhancing drugs in preparation for the presidential debates. Former President Donald Trump believes Biden should receive a drug test before the debates. “I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union,” Trump told Republicans during a speech in Minnesota on Friday. “He was high as a kite. I said, ‘Is that Joe up there, that beautiful room? And by the end of the evening, he’s like” — Trump made a guttural sound — “He was exhausted, right? No, we’re going to demand a drug test.”
Joe Biden Falls Apart at NAACP Dinner:
“I Got Involved in Civil Rights When
I Was 15!” (Video)
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/20/2024 12:12:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Sunday evening pandered to black voters at the annual NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Detroit, Michigan. Joe “you ain’t black” Biden is losing support among black voters so he spent the last several days traveling to key swing states lying to blacks. Meanwhile, President Trump has more than doubled his support among black voters. ( X Video) As usual, Biden’s speech was full of lies and gaffes.“Because of your vote, it’s the only reason I’m standing here as President of the United States of America,” Biden said. Biden told the crowd of blacks one of his favorite lies: “I got involved in civil rights when I was 15!”
Biden's presidential motorcade drives
through deep blue Atlanta neighborhood
- but draws only sparse crowd
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/20/2024 12:33:36 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's motorcade drove through deep blue Atlanta this weekend to little fanfare, leading many to wonder about the enthusiasm for his 2024 campaign. In 2020, the president became the first Democrat to win a presidential election in Georgia in 30 years. The party also won both senate seats in the Southern state. But the state's landscape has shifted significantly over the last four years, with recent polls suggesting former president Donald Trump is in the lead in the Peach State.
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