Haley: We Have to ‘Humanize’ Abortion
Issue — We’ve Got to Stop ‘Demonizing’ It
Breitbart Clips,
Jeff Poor
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
8/25/2023 11:33:00 PM
Friday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, argued the correct approach to taking on abortion for Republicans was to “humanize” it.According to the former South Carolina governor, the GOP demonizing it only added to the division in the country.
“Be realistic with the numbers,” “Fox & Friends” co-host Ainsley Earhardt said. “Yes, we don’t have enough votes in the House or in the Senate to abolish this. How did you come up with this answer, and what are you hearing from the voters
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Chiritwo 8/25/2023 11:39:51 PM (No. 1542557)
So when I was pregnant while my husband was a grad student, the dr said we could abort the child. He didn’t ask any questions etc I turned him down with no hesitation (no religion involved) bMy child has made such a difference in the world that it’s just amazing. Think before you abort
63 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
jalo1951 8/25/2023 11:48:06 PM (No. 1542559)
The best way to prevent abortions is to prevent the pregnancy. Will someone talk about birth control? Oral contraception has been around since the 1960's and barrier birth control has been around for a very long time. Too many people treat sexual relations no more seriously than a coffee date. I don't think things will change. I realize that you can possibly get pregnant even if you use birth control. But 44% of pregnancies in the US are unintended. Way to high.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
6079 Smith, W 8/25/2023 11:58:31 PM (No. 1542563)
It can be humanized by admitting that it is a human being that is being murdered as a result of the procedure. You could start with that.
104 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
MissMann 8/26/2023 12:06:20 AM (No. 1542565)
Well, if tearing apart an innocent baby isn't demonic what in the world is???
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DVC 8/26/2023 12:06:56 AM (No. 1542567)
Sane people don't murder babies.
It's just that simple.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bamboozle 8/26/2023 12:13:06 AM (No. 1542569)
Bye bye Nikki
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Catherine 8/26/2023 12:32:49 AM (No. 1542571)
The language has been co-opted from choice to pro-abortion. I don't know anyone pro-abortion but pretty much everyone I know, especially women, are pro-choice. The decision should be the woman's, with a time limit, and no one elses.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
sw penn 8/26/2023 12:56:20 AM (No. 1542576)
We Have to ‘Humanize’ Abortion Issue
Couldn't you get that from pretty much any democrat?
This is why election integrity matters.
You simply cannot allow the government to elect itself.
Or, this is what you get.
The illusion of choice...
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 8/26/2023 12:57:51 AM (No. 1542577)
Hindus and their demons... sikh. /s
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
HisHandmaiden 8/26/2023 1:39:24 AM (No. 1542582)
Reason enough to forget Haley, as we did in SC.
Wonder why ‘adoption’ wasn’t mentioned?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 8/26/2023 2:08:02 AM (No. 1542584)
Could Haley be more obscure? I don't see how her ambiguity helps her. Maybe she wants to stop hemorrhaging money. Pay your bills, girls and keep the rest. Goodbye.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
PChristopher 8/26/2023 3:28:06 AM (No. 1542594)
Humanize it?! In the movie Nefarious (2023), the demon talks about how great it was that humans were ripping babies to shreds in their mother's very wombs as sacrifices whether they realized it or not. Humanize it?! Go to blazes, Haley!!
See that movie, by the way.... it's incredibly sobering considering what's going on in the world today, but it can be a difficult watch.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 8/26/2023 4:45:41 AM (No. 1542601)
Well then, Nikki should be right at home in the garbage bin next to all those aborted human babies.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Strike3 8/26/2023 5:07:33 AM (No. 1542607)
By all means, humanize the murder of God's best creations and don't forget your COVID shots to help with the depopulation effort. Maybe India would benefit more from that one? Nikki should consider becoming a democrat. By the way, lady, the division between left and right will not disappear if we side with Satan on child murder, it goes far beyond this one issue.
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Oh!!! What a novel idea!! Make the killing of a baby in the safety of its mother's womb a matter of humanity! Why didn't I think of that!!!?
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#7.. What "time limit" do you propose and why? When is a human fetus not a human?
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
5 handicap 8/26/2023 5:58:55 AM (No. 1542626)
Humanize it? OK, it's perfectly normal Human behavior for some people to be murderous scum! They're fixed it!
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
jkb 8/26/2023 6:28:55 AM (No. 1542630)
So Nikki, if what nearly every crisis pregnancy center in America does (come along side a pregnant woman and provide medical care, housing, clothing, baby furniture, emotional support, etc) isn't 'humanizing' what is?
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 8/26/2023 6:44:44 AM (No. 1542635)
Gee, a RINO trying to get some extra Democrat votes. Imagine than. Bet she called Romney or McConnell or Collins for advise on this one.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 8/26/2023 6:55:45 AM (No. 1542638)
Here is my take on this subject.
I don't like abortion as a solution. #4 pretty much sums up what I think of the procedure especially when it is used as birth control. Where it becomes a difficult subject for me is when a female is raped. A violent act and, yet, our justice system is weak when it comes to this type of crime. I also believe that women who voluntarily have sex and then later on decide it was rape do injustice to females who are brutally raped. That is pretty evident in watching some of these true, crime stories. It is unimaginable some of the acts that are perpetrated and the possibility of pregnancy is a real scenario.
So I am conflicted when it comes to those specific situations because the abortion procedure is just as horrific. By the way #1, doctors can be slippery on this very subject and I wish I had known that about my ob/gyn doctor. I would have never gone to him in the first place. . .
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
privateer 8/26/2023 6:58:57 AM (No. 1542639)
Spoken like a High Priestess of Moloch. We could also humanize slavery, rape, murder and grave-robbing.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
franq 8/26/2023 8:00:18 AM (No. 1542659)
#20, it wasn't the child's fault that it was conceived by rape. This type of pregnancy is so rare, yet the argument is a wrench allowed to be thrown into the policy discussion. Adoption, adoption, adoption. No, I am not a woman, so flame me for not empathizing.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
bpl40 8/26/2023 8:01:17 AM (No. 1542661)
I am a man. But I would ask every woman (I know what a woman is) this question - Aren't you in the least bit interested or curious how your baby will turn out when he/she grows up??
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
anniebc 8/26/2023 8:14:34 AM (No. 1542672)
Stop sending unsolicited texts to my phone, Nikki. Reported as junk and blocked, you traitor whore.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
pixelero 8/26/2023 8:25:51 AM (No. 1542680)
Obviously, an argument that’s moving in the wrong direction.
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Haley has turned into a real Democrat.....as have all of them
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
avital2 8/26/2023 8:44:45 AM (No. 1542700)
there is nothing humane about abortion. what is humane and responsible is to use birth control which is never part of the discussion - probably because the $ is in abortion.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 8/26/2023 8:59:29 AM (No. 1542709)
RE poster 20. Rape pregnancies are rare, and are preventable. Statistics show that the vast majority of abortions are for convenience. Let’s rid the system of convenience abortions first, then we can worry about exceptions
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
felixcat 8/26/2023 9:20:19 AM (No. 1542726)
Seems to me the only people being demonized are those pro-life protestors getting arrested in pre-dawn raids by the FBI for simply praying outside a clinic.
I don't understand this obsession with abortion in terms of policy. Roe was overturned and each state can regulate the procedure. No need for a national/federal ban. The Hyde Amendment I believe says no tax dollars for it although Congress, even when controlled by Republicans, has not been willing to defund Planned Parenthood, so I guess we are paying for it. Abortion should not be for convenience and I am sure there are limited medical reasons for abortion, but the rape and incest exception has got to be very rare. Medical health of the mother - well that can interpreted many ways.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 8/26/2023 10:28:32 AM (No. 1542763)
Nikki 'Vote for me because I am a woman' Haley. What are you talking about? Can't humanize abortion any more than it is than by stating it's the murder of an unborn child. You can't make it any more human than that. Every Republican candidate running for president has had the opportunity to stand out. All have failed miserably except Trump. Rather than take a stand, they stand with Washington and the dumb dishonest mob that supports it. Any Republican has to be able to argue that Democrat policies DO NOT WORK. The Democrat party is the party of abortion. Your job is to convince people that abortion is wrong.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
FJB 8/26/2023 10:31:31 AM (No. 1542767)
So, is it time to play nice with leftist birth control?
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
Strike3 8/26/2023 10:40:30 AM (No. 1542778)
Abortion is brought up in every election because it is a guaranteed emotion-stirring topic for leftist loons who will automatically turn against the person who speaks out against it. Nikki is attempting to get enough of them on her side to push her popularity rating above 1%, nothing more.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
mc squared 8/26/2023 11:12:05 AM (No. 1542804)
Nikki's 15 minutes are up.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
dbdiva 8/26/2023 11:41:10 AM (No. 1542834)
I understand #20 since I was conflicted in the same way for a time. Then I remembered that God creates us all for a specific reason and purpose; the fetus didn't have a say concerning the means of conception or who its parents were to be. It's another victim of rape; why should it be punished for that?
I realize that the woman wouldn't want a constant reminder of that event though. I would hope that she wouldn't abort but give the child life and consider adoption. There are so many couples who are unable to have children who'd jump at the chance to have a baby to love and raise. Who knows what God has planned for that child? But as #22 indicates, I think pregnancies as a result of rape aren't that common.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
udanja99 8/26/2023 11:55:32 AM (No. 1542839)
Here’s a bit of irony for you - on the same day that Haley was uttering this nonsense, the South Carolina Supreme Court upheld the state’s new law of making abortion illegal after 6 weeks gestation.
I wish that it was illegal after conception, when gender is actually “assigned”, but this is a good start.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 8/26/2023 12:16:04 PM (No. 1542849)
Haley is right about one thing - the votes aren't there to put a national limit on abortions. Even if Republicans get a super-majority in the house and senate, I doubt they could pass one because a lot of RINOs wouldn't go for it. Fifty years after Roe v. Wade, abortion in some form is here to stay. The American public wants some limits, but not an outright ban. The best we can hope for is to limit it to the first trimester.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
Italiano 8/26/2023 12:36:26 PM (No. 1542857)
Nikki, shut up. Please. Just shut up and go away.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 8/26/2023 1:02:28 PM (No. 1542871)
Unfit or public office.
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
Sully 8/26/2023 1:42:56 PM (No. 1542885)
Hmm let's start by humanizing unborn children by...oh I don't know...not calling them "products of conception."
She stupid or something?
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Reply 40 - Posted by:
paral04 8/26/2023 2:18:35 PM (No. 1542906)
Nikki just lost lot of votes from the Republican Party. We have bigger issues than abortion. Our country is being run by dictators who want to control every aspect of our lives. We need someone to focus on that and not worry about abortion. There are numerous ways to avoid that state in this day and age and I think maybe instead of yammering about what gender you think you are, teach birth control in schools and to boys as well as girls.
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
MickTurn 8/26/2023 2:55:47 PM (No. 1542929)
Yea, Right, Haley, MURDER of the Unborn or even those born is your good idea?
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 8/26/2023 3:47:53 PM (No. 1542953)
Hey Nikki...are you proposing to "humanize" the murder of unborn infants?
What part of "Thou shalt not kill" do you not understand?
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Reply 43 - Posted by:
valerowe 8/26/2023 3:53:16 PM (No. 1542958)
The greatest justification for her comment (which is largely being misconstrued and misrepresented) is right here in this thread. No progress can be made with polarization. #2 is spot on. Abortion is a symptom of a breakdown in morality and a value for life. You can't force that value in the arena of ignorance (as suggested by #1 "think before you abort"). I have looked friends and family in the eye and talked about their abortion experiences (as well as deciding against it). I would bet that every single one of you here has done the same. That informs my feeling that Ms. Haley is on the right path and a Christian one. Where and how do we move the needle on this issue to bring others to embrace the value of life? Because the current trend is. not. working.
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
Sully 8/26/2023 9:17:27 PM (No. 1543098)
Hey are we gonna start "humanizing" child sexual abuse? Or just the child murder...
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