RFK Jr. admits he ‘would definitely
not’ vote for himself if he believed
the news: ‘Even more than Trump was slammed’
New York Post,
Ryan King
Original Article
Posted By: Grateful,
7/24/2023 9:15:58 AM
Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. acknowledged Sunday that even he wouldn’t vote for himself if he believed the news. “If I believed the stuff that’s written about me in the papers and reported about me on the mainstream news sites, I would definitely not vote for me,” Kennedy said on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.” “I would think I was a very despicable person.”
Reply 1 - Posted by:
avital2 7/24/2023 9:35:18 AM (No. 1519233)
they both are being smeared and persecuted
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
ThreeBadCats3 7/24/2023 9:38:13 AM (No. 1519235)
It is remarkable that a conscious, even minimally informed and mentally sound person would prefer Biden to Kennedy. Obviously, a large part of the democrat party isn’t included in this description.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
DW626 7/24/2023 10:00:15 AM (No. 1519249)
So is RFK Jr. getting hammered by the MMC (marxicrat media collective)?! No doubt about it. He’s getting a taste of what all republicans who run for office contend with no matter how media friendly, or democrat light they are.
See, McCain, John Senator Rep/Uni, when he was the Republican Party nominee for POTUS.
To say he, Bobby Jr. is getting worse treatment than President Trump, though, is laughable.
No one has gotten worse treatment from press than Donald J. Trump. The runner up to that type of abuse would be former presidents Richard M. Nixon, followed by Ronald Reagan.
Notice any similarities?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
MickTurn 7/24/2023 10:12:19 AM (No. 1519262)
He's learning, the hard way, how the Commies have taken over the old Democrat Party!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DVC 7/24/2023 11:03:21 AM (No. 1519330)
I heard a person on the radio, and the idiot interviewer never said who they were interviewing, like good interviewers used to do regularly. "If you just tuned in, I'm talking to Senator Bloviator, representing blah, blah, blah" about every five minutes is what an actual pro does.
But I THINK it may have been RFK, Jr. In any case, his voice was horribly bad. I had trouble understanding what he was saying. Is this RFK's normal voice or has he been sick or something? Yelling at a rally? His voice was wrecked. Anyone here know anything about this?
No way I'd vote for the man, but he is far, far more sane than any other Dem that I can think of other than perhaps Tulsi Gabbard, although I think I remember that Tulsi has officially left the Dem party.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
mean Gene 7/24/2023 11:13:35 AM (No. 1519336)
I know people who think they are "plugged in" but only get the one-sided "news" from the Lefty narrative media.
So sad.
Someday they, too, like RFKjr, might get mugged by reality.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Ekim2001 7/24/2023 11:14:22 AM (No. 1519338)
It is hard to tell if RFK Jr. or Qanon's conspiracy theories are less credible. RFK Jr. is a convicted felon. He was convicted of possession of heroin. Can you imagine any Republican candidate being a convicted felon. How is this not disqualifying?
I am prepared to register as a Democrat for the first time in my life to vote against RFK Jr. RFK Jr.is the worst presidential candidate in US history. Do we as a country want the possibility of an election between two convicted felons. Come on Man.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
avital2 7/24/2023 11:25:51 AM (No. 1519346)
#5 RFKJr is afflicted w/spasmodic dysphonia, a chronic neurological disorder affecting his voice.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
capecodfox 7/24/2023 11:34:55 AM (No. 1519356)
Give 'em hell, Bobby!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
bad-hair 7/24/2023 2:33:08 PM (No. 1519433)
The Kennedy crime wave has been surpassed by the Clinton, Biden. and even the Obama crime wave.
Bobby J ain't missing any meals, pleeease.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
jayjeti 7/24/2023 5:28:08 PM (No. 1519540)
He, like Trump before him, is now sounding the fake news alarm -- the mainstream media who act as an arm of the DNC elite to squash any who oppose prescribed talking points.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 7/24/2023 5:32:28 PM (No. 1519542)
Thank you, #8. A quick check for that condition on the web mentions that it can be 'related to' drug abuse and brain damage.
Ooops. IIRC, wasn't this guy a serious drug abuser for a long time in younger days?
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