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Bud Light breaks its silence after Dylan
Mulvaney slammed embattled beer brand
for failing to support her amid 'bullying
and transphobia' in wake of disastrous
marketing campaign

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/30/2023 8:03:32 AM

Bud Light has hit back at transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney after she hit out at the struggling beer brand for 'failing to reach out to her' amid the backlash of their campaign. Mulvaney, 26, yesterday broke her silence on the debacle - which has seen Anheuser-Busch lose $20million in market cap value since the advert for March Madness. Speaking to her 1.8million followers earlier Thursday, Mulvaney said: 'I was waiting for the brand to reach out to me, but they never did. I've been scared to leave my house.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: BillsMafia49 6/30/2023 8:07:35 AM (No. 1502579)
64 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: John Farson 6/30/2023 8:08:49 AM (No. 1502580)
Instead of 20 million I believe it is 20 billion. But who’s counting.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Muguy 6/30/2023 8:21:27 AM (No. 1502590)
Transgender "influencer"??? Who is influenced by the phony female? There is no 'transformation' without removing the part that make him a male transvestite-- the surgery know by Rush fans as a cutadicoffame, and even then the chromoxomes tell the real story. This is much worse than the "New Coke" debacle at Coca Cola in the early 1980's, and no amount or HOW MANY retro patriotic commercials they try to circumlate, make no mistake people will not soon forget this--
42 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Jethro bo 6/30/2023 8:21:55 AM (No. 1502591)
It might occur to some AB execs that celebrating 1 year Trannie anniversaries isn't what the vast majority of AB customers want. AB might try to come to grips that 'tolerate' means just that. Tolerate doesn't mean, like, respect, love, admire, celebrate or desire to be some form of deviant.. It just means putting up with them!
46 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: southernboy 6/30/2023 8:25:46 AM (No. 1502593)
Wiped that smile right off "her" cute little face! Who wouda' ever thought your choice of beer would involve a boy pretending to be a girl!
40 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Are You Serious 6/30/2023 8:41:48 AM (No. 1502618)
I stunned reactions by the media to the catastrophes that have befallen Busch, Gillette, Victoria's Secret and others is a testament to their isolation from reality. When you are selling a product, insulting and denigrating your target audience is ALWAYS a very bad idea.
38 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: cor-vet 6/30/2023 8:42:15 AM (No. 1502619)
The DM can refer to the pretender as "she" as many times in the article as they can fit into it, but it doesn't change the fact that Mulvaney is a he! The media (who would have guessed) is one of the main enablers of this farce and bears a lot of the responsibility for the downfall of Bud Lite, that and the fact that it's undrinkable swill.
38 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: varkdriver 6/30/2023 8:49:00 AM (No. 1502628)
Why keep bringing this freak up, AB? Let this disaster die a quiet death and let it GO! I can't stand Bud or Bud Light, but when you keep picking at the scab, it just keeps festering. 1.8 million 'followers'? I'll bet at least 1.799 million are bots...
27 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: greyseal 6/30/2023 8:49:29 AM (No. 1502629)
His schtick is being a performance artist - there's no way he will submit to having his man parts removed. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever seen an official declaration from him that he was "transgender". Just those ridiculous videos of his frolicking in the woods in high heels and "celebrating" his days of "girlhood". As the Critical Thinker always says, "Go away now." greyseal
33 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/30/2023 9:11:16 AM (No. 1502655)
Correction, Not a She, but an It!
15 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 6/30/2023 9:11:59 AM (No. 1502656)
This perv "influences" about half of one percent of the US population. I can surmise who they might be. If AB is smart, they'll also figure it out and stop wasting time and money on this garbage.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 6/30/2023 9:14:31 AM (No. 1502660)
Dude, Chill. He is not a her as indicate???
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Edgelady 6/30/2023 9:40:15 AM (No. 1502692)
I know people like this - never stop talking or screaming about something, anything until they get their way. Wait, AOC? These are narcissistic people. Best thing to do is tune them out, hang up the phone, walk out the door, kick them out of your life.
14 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: chumley 6/30/2023 9:42:36 AM (No. 1502695)
Aww. Its afraid to leave the house. My heart bleeds for it. Im afraid to leave the house too, because of all the freaks they have unleashed on society. Between the drug addicts, pedophiles, mentally ill and sex perverts running around and being celebrated, one absolutely must carry a gun just to go to the store. So yeah, be afraid. People are tired of you freaks.
17 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: MissNan 6/30/2023 9:51:46 AM (No. 1502702)
Awwwww…the brand didn’t reach out to you?? Poor baby! Now shut up and go away!
12 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: ControlFreak 6/30/2023 9:54:30 AM (No. 1502705)
It must be having its period. /s
11 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: DVC 6/30/2023 10:05:08 AM (No. 1502717)
HIM! That is a MAN.
10 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: IowaMarinesDad 6/30/2023 10:26:30 AM (No. 1502744)
So tired of this garbage !! They are all so brave !! They are FIGHTING FOR THEIR RIGHTS and on and on. He’s an inspiration to all brave SJWs everywhere. Then they get a little pushback and now HE’S afraid to leave his apartment. So much for our little, brave warrior !!!
6 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: kewmac 6/30/2023 10:36:18 AM (No. 1502752)
FTA: "Anheuser-Busch hit back in a statement to say they are 'committed to the programs and partnerships' they have forged with the LGBTQ+ community." AB needs to know that I am resolutely committed to never buying or consuming any of their products again.
11 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Periwinkel 6/30/2023 11:09:29 AM (No. 1502786)
Michael Jordan had the best advice for all these Wokest Companies and the attendant Executives. He was asked why he didn't share political opinions and his answer was this: "Why do that and alienate half my fans?" He didn't know the demographics of his fans and he didn't want to find ou!
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: mifla 6/30/2023 11:11:59 AM (No. 1502790)
Has Dylan registered with Selective Service?
11 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Talk2 6/30/2023 11:27:16 AM (No. 1502814)
1 person likes this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: broken01 6/30/2023 12:00:32 PM (No. 1502854)
Her? I my best Ausitn Powers impression, "That's a man baby, yeah!!"
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: billa57 6/30/2023 12:01:45 PM (No. 1502857)
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: M Stuart 6/30/2023 12:30:09 PM (No. 1502893)
Transgender…isn’t. I have done my part. I missed the semiannual Bath&BodyWorks sale this year. Target also avoided. I told the woman standing at the “Pride” display in BBW just to “sell your stuff and quit preaching to me”! Left without purchasing.
4 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: DVC 6/30/2023 12:36:06 PM (No. 1502901)
And beer drinkers should be aware that a large number of brands are run by the same extremist leftist leadership over A-B, at InBev. InBev brands include: Budweiser Bud Dry Bud Extra Bud Lime Budweiser Black Crown Bud Light Bud Light Chelada Bud Light Lime Busch Busch Light Corona Corona Extra Corona Latte Estrella Modelo Especial Modelo Light Negra Modelo Pacífico Victoria Natural Light Natural Natural Ice Natty Daddy Shock Top Belgian White Peeterman Artois Stella Artois Artois Bock Ziegenbock If you switch to Modelo with the idea to 'stick it to A-B'....they are laughing at your ignorance by you buying one of their other leftist trans beers.
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 6/30/2023 12:42:27 PM (No. 1502920)
Mulvaney has been Heinerscheided. The irony is so sweet.
4 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: farmwife 6/30/2023 12:43:51 PM (No. 1502922)
Not buying a specific brand for whatever reason is not hateful. It's a stupid idea to insult the people who buy your products. We can take our money elsewhere and we did.
5 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Msquared112 6/30/2023 1:59:53 PM (No. 1502980)
Every time a man in drag is referred to as “she”, a little more truth dies. Stop doing that.
8 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Hazymac 6/30/2023 2:20:17 PM (No. 1502993)
"Easy to drink" vs "Easier to boycott" ... I'll take Door #2, Monty. What AB's former customers want is an abject apology for hiring that fake woman as a spokessomething. Corporate desire to insult erstwhile loyal customers, both male and female, is deeply ingrained. (To a lesser extent, the same woke disease infests Miller and Coors. These big corporations cannot help themselves.) The top several floors of the AB-Inbev headquarters building require thorough cleansing. They don't deserve normal Americans' patronage. It's hard not to notice that at local supermarkets AB beers, especially Bud and Bud Light, are barely selling at all. As any brewer could tell you, beer is meant to be consumed soon after bottling. Unlike fine wine, it doesn't get better with age. As a living substance with a fruit fly's life span, it goes bad if stored. A lot of beer is getting thrown out. If they have to "write off" enough beer, they'll have to slow down or even stop brewing it. Well, it was their choice to do what they did on April Fool's Day.
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: PlayItAgain 6/30/2023 2:51:17 PM (No. 1503010)
There is one man who is 100% responsible for this 20 billion dollar loss of capital. His name is Brendan Whitworth, CEO of Anheuser-Busch. He has caused immense pain and difficulties for thousands of good people who work for the company. Until his authority is taken from him and given to someone else, AB has no hope of turning this around.
7 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: earlybird 6/30/2023 5:04:01 PM (No. 1503094)
Dylan is a him, not a her.
3 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: JimBob 6/30/2023 7:05:37 PM (No. 1503179)
Hey Brendon! In case you didn't notice, your little 'spokesperson' is a Pervert. NO WAY I'm going to support them, or you, or your Perversions by buying your product. Ever. You Made your Bed, now you get to Lie Down in it!
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 7/2/2023 7:12:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/2/2023 6:20:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/2/2023 1:37:34 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/2/2023 6:20:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/2/2023 5:54:32 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 7/2/2023 11:24:12 AM Post Reply
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/2/2023 1:35:39 PM Post Reply
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21 replies
Posted by DW626 7/2/2023 9:31:00 PM Post Reply
A violent mob attacked the home of Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun in Paris suburb L’Haÿ-les-Roses, a bedroom community of 31.000, as Jeanbrun posted at 6:46 am local time today, Valeurs Actuelles reports. Vincent Jeanbrun was at town hall, as he has been for the previous three nights of rioting, leaving his wife and two children home alone when rioters smashed down the gates with a burning vehicle at 1:30 am Sunday morning. They set fire to the house, garbage cans and the family car, and shot fireworks at the house.
Exclusive: Life in the fast lane! How
reckless Hunter Biden photographed himself
driving at 172mph while behind the wheel
of his Porsche en route to a days-long
Vegas bender with prostitutes and pictured
himself smoking CRACK while behind the wheel
19 replies
Posted by Imright 7/2/2023 9:16:44 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden picked up his phone to snap a picture while driving at an incredible 172mph on a highway outside Las Vegas, can reveal. He was racing his Porsche 911 to Sin City on August 1, 2018 for an encounter with multiple prostitutes when he took a snap of his dashboard showing how fast he was speeding. The picture was found on the First Son's abandoned laptop. Texts also on the computer, which he left at a Delaware repair shop, show him coordinating with multiple prostitutes and inviting them all to soak in his hotel hot tub. 'I don't have a bathing suit and I really really wanted to wear
Constitutional cruelty: Democrats now
oppose a democratic process on student loans
18 replies
Posted by Moritz55 7/2/2023 9:59:09 AM Post Reply
“Disappointing and cruel.” Those words from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) after the Supreme Court’s rejection of the Biden administration’s loan forgiveness program may say more than the opinion itself. The court’s “cruelty” was in supporting Congress’s core constitutional power of the purse. Schumer’s disappointment in having to address and vote on the forgiveness of hundreds of billions of dollars in loans speaks volumes about the collapse of our constitutional values.
William Barr: Upright defender of the
law or snake in the grass?
17 replies
Posted by DW626 7/2/2023 6:58:31 AM Post Reply
First, this point from Elle Purnell: Between April and June 2020, when IRS agents were preparing to execute interviews and search warrants, it was “career DOJ officials,” Shapley said, who “purposely slow-walk[ed] investigative actions.” She then points out: All of that happened under Trump and his attorney general, William Barr. That’s not to make the absurd suggestion that it happened at Trump or Barr’s direction. Rather, it shows how monstrous the triple-letter leviathan and its grip on our political process are. It is "absurd" to say that President Trump protected Biden. But is it so absurd to argue that Barr played a role in protecting the likely Democrat nominee? I don't think so.
Two people are dead and three more in
critical condition after gunfire erupted
at holiday weekend party in south Baltimore:
Police confirmed 30 were shot and suspect
is still at large
16 replies
Posted by mc squared 7/2/2023 9:16:14 AM Post Reply
An 18-year-old woman and 20-year-old man are dead after a mass shooting in Baltimore, Maryland, in the early hours of Sunday morning. Baltimore Police Department Acting Commissioner Richard Worley told reporters there were a total of 30 victims during a press conference at the scene. Three of the victims wounded are in critical condition. All of the victims were adults. The deceased female victim was pronounced dead at the scene and the man was declared dead at a local hospital a short time later. The shooting took place just after 12:30 a.m. at a block party in the Brooklyn Homes area in the southern part of the city, Worley said.
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