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Polls Show Texas Governor Abbott’s Immigrant
Busing To DC and NYC Is Shifting Public Opinion

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Posted By: PeterWolosin, 8/10/2022 8:57:58 AM

During the runup to his 2016 presidential election victory, former President Donald Trump made illegal immigration and border security one of the primary aspects of his campaign’s platform. He would frequently encourage chants of “Build the Wall” at his rallies, and he wasn’t shy about calling out the problems America was facing due to the border crisis. Put simply: Donald Trump was the face of the “Tighten Immigration” movement. That is… until now. Though Arizona’s Republican Governor Doug Ducey has also been vocal in addressing the out-of-control influx of immigrants over our southern border,


DeSantis is fantastic, but Abbott isn't far behind.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Dr. Constant 8/10/2022 9:26:30 AM (No. 1243703)
Abbott is a lot more nuanced (To use a democratic term) than DeSantis. Not saying better or worse, just different.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: cor-vet 8/10/2022 9:39:00 AM (No. 1243718)
Too bad New Mexico and Louisiana have pelosicrat governors, or you could get a few more states in the bussing mix.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 8/10/2022 9:51:18 AM (No. 1243732)
Abbott simply but boldly shined a spotlight on the problem and at the same time exposed the dems hypocrisy. It WAS a masterstroke. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the NY & DC mayers put up a "wall" to keep the immigrants out?
14 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: MDConservative 8/10/2022 10:18:56 AM (No. 1243770)
Public opinion be damned. This is a "winner" for all sides. Abbott becomes the white hat in Texas while Bowser and Adams become the humanitarians overwhelmed by...well, a few busloads of sanctuary seekers yearning to be free. Bowser could easily solve her "problem" with Metro tickets to the Maryland and Northern Virginia suburbs. Adams can walk them up the street and park them at St. Patricks for the cardinal and Catholic Relief to settle and support.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: padiva 8/10/2022 10:34:25 AM (No. 1243786)
#4 you are a great word smith!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: bad-hair 8/10/2022 11:31:21 AM (No. 1243851)
Joe Bonamassa, the BEST electric guitar player on planet Earth (sorry Eric) has moved from NYC to Nashville. Just heard him at the Ryman, 2300 seats. Kiss another New Yorker goddbye NYC Your taxes, crime, and general shytieness are losing big time.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: mc squared 8/10/2022 12:05:14 PM (No. 1243907)
My governor, DeSantis is great but I'm still waiting for him to charter some buses like Abbott did. Secondly, maybe the shift in opinion is connected with the concurrent increase in crimes.
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Posted by PeterWolosin 8/11/2022 8:03:01 AM Post Reply
At the beginning of the school year in 2019, Jennifer received an email from her daughter’s 5th-grade teacher. The teacher, a male, was using a different name for her then-10-year-old daughter. Jennifer thought it was a mistake. The teacher must have accidentally emailed the wrong parent. But then, Jennifer went to her daughter’s room and found a yellow Post-It note stuck to her dresser with that same name, along with the pronouns “they/them.” “Do you have a new nickname?” Jennifer asked. Her daughter responded yes. Jennifer didn’t think much of it beyond harmless identity exploration. But a couple of months later, Jennifer received a more concerning call from a school counselor
Polls Show Texas Governor Abbott’s Immigrant
Busing To DC and NYC Is Shifting Public Opinion
7 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 8/10/2022 8:57:58 AM Post Reply
During the runup to his 2016 presidential election victory, former President Donald Trump made illegal immigration and border security one of the primary aspects of his campaign’s platform. He would frequently encourage chants of “Build the Wall” at his rallies, and he wasn’t shy about calling out the problems America was facing due to the border crisis. Put simply: Donald Trump was the face of the “Tighten Immigration” movement. That is… until now. Though Arizona’s Republican Governor Doug Ducey has also been vocal in addressing the out-of-control influx of immigrants over our southern border,
The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition
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Posted by PeterWolosin 8/8/2022 8:17:25 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder decided it was the time to bring the subtext of the Jan. 6 show trials and related domestic security state activities into the open. “My guess is that by the end of this process, you’re going to see indictments involving high-level people in the White House, you’re going to see indictments against people outside the White House who were advising them with regard to the attempt to steal the election, and I think ultimately you’re probably going to see the president, former president of the United States indicted as well,” Holder told SiriusXM host Joe Madison.
The Time To Hold Corrupt Bureaucrats Like
Christopher Wray Accountable Is Before
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Posted by PeterWolosin 8/6/2022 8:23:54 AM Post Reply
Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee agree that FBI Director Christopher Wray needs to be better at his job, but their attempts to rein in the incompetence and scandal plaguing a multitude of federal agencies, including intelligence agencies, just aren’t cutting it. Several Republicans have signaled they plan to investigate corrupt and partisan bureaucrats such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and Wray if they win back Congress in the November midterms. For now, while Democrats control the White House and the legislative branch,
Russia Hoax Reckoning: Durham Takes Leading
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Key Figure
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Posted by PeterWolosin 8/4/2022 9:05:22 AM Post Reply
The findings from the examination into the origins of the Democratic establishment’s attempts to destroy President Donald Trump by accusing him of colluding with key members of the Russian government – better known as The Durham Investigation – have always hinged on one key aspect of the hoax: The Steele Dossier. It was the cornerstone card upon which the entire farcical house of cards was built. In October, one of the key enablers of the dossier’s eventual prominence, Igor Danchenko, will stand trial for making false statements to the FBI. And while Special Counsel John Durham has clearly been deeply involved with all the pieces of the Russia Hoax puzzle,
No, NYT, The Difference Between Abortion
And A Miscarriage Is Not The Mother’s Feelings
6 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 8/3/2022 8:40:07 AM Post Reply
There’s been an awful lot of talk about miscarriage in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling that had nothing to do with it. As the pro-abortion left clings to its movement in a post-Roe world, two law professors have taken to the New York Times opinion section to ask, “Why Do We Talk About Miscarriage Differently From Abortion?” It’s an absurd question on its face, with the obvious rejoinder being that we talk differently about miscarriage and abortion for the same reason we talk differently about aneurysms and first-degree murder, consensual sex and rape, or salaried employment and slavery.
Out-Of-State Democrats Pay Millions To
Influence Kansas Election Because Abortion
Is On The Ballot
12 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 8/1/2022 8:27:12 AM Post Reply
Kansans head to the polls Tuesday to vote on the proposed “Value Them Both” constitutional amendment that seeks to overturn the Kansas Supreme Court’s decision in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt that declared that the state constitution guarantees a “fundamental right to abortion.” Many Kansans may not realize, however, that the votes they cast on Tuesday may have been heavily influenced by out-of-state abortion apologists who contributed a whopping 71 percent of the $6.54 million spent by the lead group campaigning against the amendment.
Boom: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito
Torches Prince Harry In Unfiltered Speech
23 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 7/30/2022 7:49:22 AM Post Reply
There is perhaps no better example of a privileged, leftist elitist than the Duke of Sussex: aka Britain’s Prince Harry. He was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth and has lived a life so detached from reality that he can’t begin to relate to regular folks, yet he somehow feels empowered, or perhaps obligated, to lecture the rest of us after a caviar brunch and immediately prior to being whisked away with bodyguards in a limousine. Add to the equation Harry’s apparently unavoidable penchant for condescension and pompousness, along with his complete betrayal of his family, and the prince
Pay Attention To The Dutch Farmer Protests
Because America Is Next
10 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 7/29/2022 8:40:02 AM Post Reply
Americans should start paying closer attention to the ongoing farmer protests in the Netherlands, which this week transformed long swaths of Dutch highways into what looked like a post-apocalyptic warzone: roadside fires raging out of control, manure and farming detritus heaped across highways, traffic stalled for miles, and massive protests across the country in support of the farmers. Why is the Netherlands, of all places, experiencing such unrest? Americans need to understand what’s happening over there because the ruinous climate policies
DOJ Insiders Say Delaware US Attorney’s
Office Too Inadequate To Investigate Biden
Family Corruption
11 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 7/27/2022 8:14:06 AM Post Reply
The Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office investigating Hunter Biden lacks the wherewithal and resources to adequately probe the dubious financial dealings of the Biden family and their business partners, according to three current or former Department of Justice officials. “If any single one of the dozens of issues had been alleged about the Bush or Trump families, a special counsel would have been appointed immediately,” said one career official familiar with the probe.
Reality Is Setting In! Even Reliable CNN
Commentator Turns On Biden, Admits The
Undeniable [Video]
16 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 7/25/2022 9:09:17 AM Post Reply
For a football team, when your hometown fans boo at you as you take the field in your own stadium, you know you’ve been playing poorly. For a young student, if your own father tells you the essay you just wrote is crap, it’s probably time to scrap that homework assignment and start from scratch. And for a Democratic president, if the pundits on CNN and/or MSNBC start trashing your performance, you know you’re in a world of hurt. Such is the case with President Joe Biden who received a thorough beatdown from far-left, ultra-loyal Democrat and CNN commentator and former Obama Administration official Van Jones recently.
Trump Was Right About Europe’s Dangerous
Dependence On Russian Energy
5 replies
Posted by PeterWolosin 7/23/2022 7:49:05 AM Post Reply
For years, Europe has depended on Russia for more than 40 percent of its natural gas imports as well as a large portion of its oil and solid fuels. Now that Russia is embroiled in war and facing sanctions from multiple nations, it has tightened its supply to the European Union. As a result, Europeans are struggling with an energy crisis that is forcing millions to dim their lights and ration hot water. One Washington Post article soberly announced, “Europe braces for gas ‘nightmare’ as pipeline from Russia shuts off,”
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
FBI director Chris Wray and agents are
seeing an increase in death threats after
the raid on Mar-a-Lago and are considering
increasing their security, report claims
39 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2022 8:42:00 PM Post Reply
The FBI director and staff have seen a surge in threats and are considering steps to improve their security following the raid on Mar-a-Lago, according to sources. Allies of Donald Trump have heaped abuse on the FBI and the Department of Justice ever since it emerged that agents had arrived at former president's Florida home on Monday. Authorities monitoring social media posts are reporting a significant rise in death threats directed at FBI agents, its director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, according to Fox News.
Longtime ESPN reporter announces he's
transgender and changes name to 'M.A.'
Voepel so he can accept Basketball Hall
of Fame media honor next month as his
'authentic self'
39 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/10/2022 10:40:29 AM Post Reply
Award-winning ESPN reporter Mechelle Voepel is transitioning from female to male and will now be going by 'M.A. Voepel' while using he/him pronouns. Voepel revealed his transition on Tuesday, saying he wants to accept the Curt Gowdy Media Award from the Basketball Hall of Fame next month as his 'authentic self.' 'In sports media, we're lucky to tell stories of others' journeys,' Voepel tweeted Tuesday. 'We have our own, too. Part of mine is being transgender, and I'm transitioning to male. Byline now M.A. Voepel, pronouns he/him. Please feel free to call me Voepel, MV, Michael, Mike; I'm good with them all.
Forget Epstein, This Could Bring The Whole
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37 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 8/10/2022 7:58:01 AM Post Reply
The Florida magistrate judge who reportedly signed off on the FBI’s raid of former President Donald Trump’s home allegedly disparaged the former president and shared “woke” content on what appears to be his personal Facebook page. Josiah Lippincott, a Hillsdale College Van Adel Graduate School of Statesmanship Ph.D. candidate and writer, first reported that Bruce Reinhart — the suspected judge who approved the raid of Mar-a-Lago — apparently denigrated then-president-elect Trump in 2017 via Facebook. In a Facebook post screenshotted by Lippincott and reviewed by Defiant America Reinhart wrote,
Oh Carolinas! President holds grandson
Beau's hand and gives grand salute from
top of Air Force One as the Biden's head
to Kiawah Island for family vacation
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/10/2022 3:59:14 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden and his family left Washington Wednesday for a week-long vacation on Kiawah Island in South Carolina. Biden's motorcade pulled up to the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews with first lady Jill Biden, son Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen, and grandson baby Beau Biden in tow. The president was holding his grandson's hand. Baby Beau waved at the military greeter, as the president saluted—while the first lady helped him up Air Force One's stairs.(Snip)The White House has not said how long the Bidens will be on the private island but there are FAA flight restrictions in place through Tuesday. Those restrictions are standard
Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams tests positive
for COVID-19
36 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 8/10/2022 1:42:46 PM Post Reply
Georgia's Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has tested positive for COVID-19. "This morning I took my daily COVID test and tested positive for COVID-19," she tweeted on Wednesday. "Before my speech yesterday, I tested negative. Today I’m experiencing mild symptoms, and I’m grateful to have been vaccinated and boosted." Abrams said she would be spending the next few days at home, and taking meetings using Zoom and her phone. "I look forward to getting back on the road and meeting folks across Georgia soon," she said.
The Silence of DeSantis – Florida Governor
Ducks Media Appearances, Records Statements,
Seeking to Avoid Questions About Trump Raid
35 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/10/2022 6:06:22 PM Post Reply
We are here because we discuss uncomfortable truths. We accept things as they are, and not as we would wish them to be. Since the original innocuous tweet 48 hours ago, from a private account, which did not even use the name “Trump,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been absolutely silent about the illicit FBI raid on the home of Florida citizen and former President Donald J Trump. DeSantis is showing us all who he really is; but are you willing to accept it?
The 2024 GOP Primaries Are Over. The FBI's
Raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago Ended Them.
32 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/11/2022 4:25:56 AM Post Reply
If Donald Trump was going to run again, we assumed that the media would once again be the former president's largest pool of support, unwittingly, of course, with the nonstop negative coverage that would have only pushed more voters into his corner. Matt Taibbi noted that they're the "kingmakers of suck," arrogant, and more concerned with expounding on their moral superiority than covering the elections properly. Post-Russian collusion hoax, no one believes them, as evidenced by the appalling trust numbers the American public has given this industry over the past five or so years. That all ended last night.
Mitch McConnell Refuses to Answer Questions
on FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid
29 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2022 6:27:08 AM Post Reply
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused to answer questions about the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, the home of former President Donald Trump. During a press event, when McConnell was asked about his reaction to the FBI’s raid at Mar-a-Lago, he quickly responded, “I’m here today to talk about the flood and the recovery from the flood.” Watch:(Tweet/Video) Breitbart News attempted to reach McConnell’s office for comment earlier Tuesday morning and has not heard back by the time of publication. The minority leader has not made any public announcement regarding the raid and has appeared to show no concern.
Biden's history lesson: President was
told the U.S. is facing a crisis similar
to the tensions before the Civil War and
the fascist movement leading to the Second
World War in two-hour White House talk
from historians
28 replies
Posted by Imright 8/11/2022 5:18:18 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has been holding a series of secret meetings with historians, policy experts and even former President Bill Clinton, a new report revealed Thursday, as he navigates a variety of problems facing the nation. Biden met with a group of scholars last week on August 4, the same day a fierce lightning storm raged across Washington D.C., where they told him it a perilous moment in modern day political history, the Washington Post reported. The historians compared Biden's moment in history to the 1860 election when Abraham Lincoln warned that a 'house divided against itself cannot stand'
Horrific Humiliation: What The FBI Did
to Melania’s Clothes Is Disgusting and
Shows Massive Overreach
28 replies
Posted by Imright 8/11/2022 5:28:15 AM Post Reply
When the FBI raided Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, it didn’t just senselessly root through the former President’s files, crack open his safe, and snatch up boxes of documents to confiscate for whatever anti-Trump investigation they have going on. Though all that seems to have happened during the banana republic-like raid, the FBI did something else, something even more horrific: it rooted through Melania Trump’s clothes, rifling through her outfits and underwear in what can be interpreted as nothing other than a gross attempt at humiliating the former president and his family.
IRS Job Page Removed After Alarming Description
of the Special Agent Position Got Exposed
28 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2022 7:46:48 PM Post Reply
Again, there’s that long-running joke that we don’t have a secret police force or an American version of the Schutzstaffel because the Internal Revenue Service exists. Of all agencies in the government, this one probably has the most accurate and up-to-date files on every taxpayer, which is no surprise. It was seen as the most hated agency in America for legitimate purposes, though the FBI and DOJ might have supplanted them given the recent raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. Still, the IRS becoming secret police might no longer be a joke. The page was taken down for problematic copy regarding the special agent positions,
IRS seeks armed accountants ready for
‘deadly force’
26 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 8/10/2022 8:47:04 PM Post Reply
Even before Congress and President Joe Biden give the final OK for the IRS to hire 87,000 more agents in an $80 billion package, the tax agency is revealing a priority job category that could get first dibs on the huge budget expansion. On its jobs page is a listing of vacancies for special agents to be placed around the country to root out financial fraud. But these are opening for more than just financial experts: They will also be armed. Among the job requirements listed: “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”
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