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'I feel cheated': California seniors disappointed
they're left out of state's inflation
relief package

Original Article

Posted By: NorthernDog, 7/3/2022 10:46:37 AM

MANTECA, Calif. — Karen Boyles lives back in her childhood home in Manteca, California. She lives a simple life. "I'm 78 years young," she said, smiling. (Snip) Boyles is one of the thousands of California seniors depending solely on social security. "Although we do pay into taxes every year, we buy houses, we buy cars, washing machines, groceries," she said. "We are paying taxes and we have paid our taxes in the past." She is in the group excluded from the state's new inflation relief program. "I feel very cheated and let down," she said. Boyle said it's no relief for


Those who need inflation relief the most are excluded. If only she were an illegal immigrant she would be drowning in state aid.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: paral04 7/3/2022 10:56:27 AM (No. 1205153)
She need to go down to Mexico and come back up as an illegal and ask for asylum She will get all kinds of money.
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Fasteddie 7/3/2022 10:59:03 AM (No. 1205156)
This is a perfect example of "The Socialist Strategy." Get the people totally dependent on whatever the Gov't decides to give them, then threaten to cut it off if they displease the Gov't in any way - such as complaining (which will be detected by The Truth Czar.) Or by voting the wrong way (you don't think that "secret ballots" are really secret, do you?)
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Rather Read 7/3/2022 11:08:38 AM (No. 1205160)
She's old. She is a useless eater to some of the Enlightened Ones. Unless you are one of the Chosen like Pelosi, once you get over 70, you don't matter to them. They are like Scrooge: “If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: downnout 7/3/2022 11:11:48 AM (No. 1205164)
The government wants us to die. Then they don’t have to pay social security or Medicare.
35 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rich323 7/3/2022 11:12:30 AM (No. 1205167)
It’s the communist way! If you’re no longer a contributor to the workforce, the sooner you starve or die, the more money for the worker bees and their elite masters.
15 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 7/3/2022 11:37:24 AM (No. 1205193)
California Thieving on such an everyday.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: singermom9 7/3/2022 11:51:55 AM (No. 1205207)
Maybe she should demand a sex change. Get the money and change her mind just before surgery.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: LanceLink1 7/3/2022 12:15:06 PM (No. 1205232)
California politics - say no more friend.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: stablemoney 7/3/2022 12:22:03 PM (No. 1205237)
Seniors tend to be conservative, worked, and paid taxes. That is why they were left out. They are not Democrats.
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Nimby 7/3/2022 12:28:56 PM (No. 1205241)
Why do they keep electing democrats?
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 7/3/2022 12:40:32 PM (No. 1205254)
In California, everyone is always cheated these days.
9 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: udanja99 7/3/2022 12:48:10 PM (No. 1205262)
I notice that the article doesn’t tell us her party affiliation. If she voted for Newsom, she brought this on herself.
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: bad-hair 7/3/2022 12:48:44 PM (No. 1205263)
Who'd you vote for lady ? Yep They cheated.
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: westsnoop 7/3/2022 1:26:24 PM (No. 1205296)
There is no doubt inflation is destroying seniors. A true calculation of inflation would be most useful when social security has its yearly adjustment, not the phony number that is used. AMAC and AARP should be all over that one!
9 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Penney 7/3/2022 1:46:48 PM (No. 1205314)
Socialism turns formerly free people into beggers and, 'beggars can't be choosers,' eh, California? (-Harsh, but true.)
5 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: mifla 7/3/2022 1:50:23 PM (No. 1205321)
Capitalism has lifted millions out of poverty. Socialism has enslaved millions into poverty. History does not lie.
12 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: mifla 7/3/2022 3:16:49 PM (No. 1205377)
Reminds me of Boxer in the book Animal Farm.
2 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: lakerman1 7/3/2022 3:33:02 PM (No. 1205389)
Inflation is especially difficult for most retirees because they make downward spending adjustments as part of retirement. That means there is less room to make more downward adjustments for Biden! Biden! Biden! inflation. As a retiree, I can attest to that.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: sterling431 7/3/2022 3:34:28 PM (No. 1205390)
Excellent idea Poster 1. Except if don’t look black, brown or something in between you will get the proper scrutiny the regular illegals don’t get. If that happened in large numbers they would likely profile the white ones much more.
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: AmericaYes 7/3/2022 3:50:21 PM (No. 1205396)
Remember Ezekiel Emanuel's "Death Curve" and his assertion everyone should die at 75? He was an advisor to Obama; he is now an advisor to Biden. They want old people to die. It's part of the population control agenda
6 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: rochow 7/3/2022 5:51:06 PM (No. 1205467)
Sorry to hear about your problems. Question, did you vote for the creep in the WH? Did you vote for Pelousi's nephew who believes he should run for the WH???? In that case I do not feel sorry for you. Otherwise follow #1's suggestion. Come in illegally, tell them where you live, you'll get a free ride, probably a new car? A new house? Who knows? Just watch who you are voting for the next time!!
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 7/3/2022 7:35:11 PM (No. 1205529)
Seniors don't typically vote for Democrats, so no money for you.
1 person likes this.

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'I feel cheated': California seniors disappointed
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/3/2022 10:46:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/4/2022 9:27:58 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/4/2022 11:18:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/4/2022 5:10:26 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2022 8:03:32 PM Post Reply
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Posted by PageTurner 7/4/2022 9:55:36 AM Post Reply
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Kamala likens end of Roe v. Wade to SLAVERY
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31 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2022 10:40:25 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris likened the end of Roe v. Wade to slavery by saying that the Supreme Court's ruling was an example of the United States government 'trying to claim ownership over human bodies.' Harris made the comparison while speaking at the Essence Festival in New Orleans on Saturday. 'We have to recognize we're a nation that was founded on certain principles that are — that are grounded in the concept of freedom and liberty,' she told the crowd. 'We also know that we've had a history in this country of government trying to claim ownership over human bodies. And we had supposedly evolved from that time
Buttigieg faces criticism from Democrats
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29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/4/2022 2:37:27 PM Post Reply
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is under fire from fellow Democrats for flight delays and cancellations that have paralyzed the nation’s airports, wrecked holiday travel plans and caused Americans undue financial stress. Progressive lawmakers, in particular, say Mr. Buttigieg needs to do more to rein in airline companies that have taken billions in public subsidies since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. “It’s time for the Transportation Department to impose massive fines on poor-performing airlines,” said Sen. Bernard Sanders, a self-described socialist from Vermont. In an email to supporters, Mr. Sanders called on the White House and Mr. Buttigieg to require airlines to refund passengers for flights delayed more
The Establishment Is Running Out of Cannon
Fodder for Its Woke Military
25 replies
Posted by DW626 7/4/2022 7:24:32 AM Post Reply
Jump out of a perfectly good airplane, charge a machine gun nest, be stationed at Ft. Irwin – these are just three of the myriad miseries American patriots are willing to endure to defend our country. But today's military is asking too much of our young people, as evidenced by the crashing recruitment rates that threaten to deplete a military already running short of soldiers. Have our young people suddenly turned from heroes to zeros, ne'er-do-well heirs of the brave warriors who confronted the forces of tyrannical gun control at Lexington and Concord?
'City gonna burn': Akron police fire tear
gas to quell rioters after black man,
27, was shot 60 times and killed by cops
following chase as union reveals victim
was involved in another pursuit the day before
24 replies
Posted by Happy Place USA 7/4/2022 8:44:22 AM Post Reply
Police in Akron, Ohio, unleashed a wave of tear gas on protesters who gathered outside of the city's main courthouse on Sunday night. Several hundred protesters marched in the city in the hours after the Akron Police Department released the bodycam footage showing the shooting death of 25-year-old Jayland Walker. Walker was killed after being shot at least 60 times by Akron cops following a traffic stop on June 27.
Shooter on store roof kills five and injures
16 at July 4th parade in affluent Chicago
suburb Highland Park: Bodies lie in street
as gunman remains at large
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2022 1:50:50 PM Post Reply
Five people are dead and at least 16 are injured after a shooting at a July 4th parade in the affluent Chicago suburb of Highland Park. The shooter - who remains at large - is said to have opened fire from the roof of what was an Uncle Dan's outdoor outfitting store, picking off people in the crowd who at first confused the sound of gunshots to with firecrackers and fireworks. Chicago Sun Times reporter Lynn Sweet was at the parade when gunfire rang out. She has since shared photos and videos from the event which show people lying on the ground, and has described it as a 'bloodbath'.
U.N. Says Joe Biden’s Border Is ‘Deadliest
Land Crossing in the World’
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2022 6:48:18 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s border with Mexico is the deadliest land crossing in the world, according to a United Nations group, the International Organization for Migration. “More than 1,238 lives have been lost during migration in the [north, central and south] Americas in 2021, among them at least 51 children,” said the group’s July 1 report. “At least 728 of these deaths occurred on the United States-Mexico border crossing, making this the deadliest land crossing in the world,” said the IOM statement, which added:
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