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Stumbling before the midterms: Biden trips
on the steps of Air Force One after saying
Tuesday's progressive election losses
prove BOTH parties need to 'step up and
do something about crime and gun violence'

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/8/2022 4:45:57 PM

President Joe Biden said voters had given politicians a clear order in Tuesday night's ballots: It is time to act on crime and gun violence. He spoke to reporters on Wednesday before boarding Air Force One to fly to California, stumbling on the steps as he did so. He left after two closely watched votes in California showed how voters were prioritizing rising crime - in San Francisco, where the city's liberal district attorney was recalled and in Los Angeles were a tough-on-crime Republican finished ahead of a progressive Democrat in the race to be mayor.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: marbles 6/8/2022 4:55:26 PM (No. 1180016)
Try enforcing the law. You know , crime = punishment. Arrest, trial, Jail and prison.
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Nimby 6/8/2022 5:06:54 PM (No. 1180023)
And we are told this clown will be on "late Night" with Kimmel?
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: downnout 6/8/2022 5:13:34 PM (No. 1180030)
I object to my tax dollars being spent to fly this bozo to California so he can have an “in depth” interview with Kimmel. Aren’t the presstitutes in DC fawning enough?
27 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Kutchk 6/8/2022 5:48:11 PM (No. 1180051)
This dunce is too out of it to comprehend how much he is detested.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 6/8/2022 6:03:08 PM (No. 1180063)
El wrongo, biden you cheater. YOUR party needs to step up.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: FJB 6/8/2022 6:29:45 PM (No. 1180086)
I wear a "Let's go Brandon" shirt and "Buck Fiden" ball cap wherever I go in Clearwater, West Palm Beach, but get very few thumbs-up or nods. Way sorry to say it, but people have become apathetic to this Marxist traitor's destruction of America.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: rochow 6/8/2022 7:05:14 PM (No. 1180118)
The potted plant used to make fun of President Trump when he exited or climbed the steps that he held on to the rail. The jerk is at it again to demonstrate his 'fitness' by falling up the steps!!! So, both parties need to step up?? Really, Bidet you are a lying POS! Been to the border lately? Visited the people who live around there and have to put up with the illegal trash that trashes their properties and homes?? Send the Kamel cow czar?? The people and the Republicans are complaining loudly how you and Mayorkas, the Cuban commie, abuse our laws. Don't tell us to 'step up' when you are the one who ought to be doing the stepping. Of course, the jerk that you are you have to blame someone else!
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 6/8/2022 7:36:27 PM (No. 1180147)
This demented fool can't even walk, and can barely read the words that the PuppetMastes write. He decides nothing.
6 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 6/8/2022 7:58:44 PM (No. 1180177)
No...Joe. It's still about gas prices, food prices,and inflation. Don't kid yourself. Everytime I pass a gas station price sign, it's like I'm in Bizarro World. Worried about school shootings? Why not go ask the Israelis why nobody ever screws around with an Israeli public school? Go ahead, ask them.
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: deerejon 6/8/2022 9:57:50 PM (No. 1180287)
Looks like they will have to install a chair lift on Air force One for the feeble minded old fool.
0 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Faithfully 6/9/2022 7:02:54 PM (No. 1181165)
Hollywood & Democrats & Weinsteins & Kimmels & Epsteins are all in bed together. All wanting to bring down society. For what?
0 people like this.

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The Serious Questions Left Unanswered
by the January 6 Committee
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:44:13 PM Post Reply
The January 6 committee was doomed from the start. Comprised of anti-Trump partisans picked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), one of the most anti-Trump partisans of them all, the committee appeared destined to do a political hatchet job on the former president rather than expose the real derelictions of duty that gave rise to the absence of adequate protection for the Capitol that day. Despite conjecture to the contrary, there remains no actual proof sufficient to tie President Donald Trump to any crimes committed at the Capitol on January 6. He gave no order, and he took no action, to cause any single person to break into the Capitol
January 6 Hearing: No ‘Shocking Revelations’;
Will Recap ‘What Has Been Reported’
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:39:37 PM Post Reply
An aide to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol said Thursday that the first public hearings, scheduled for prime time broadcast, would largely recapitulate what “has been reported” already.The Washington Post reported: Committee aides sought to temper expectations of any shocking revelations during Thursday’s hearing and instead framed the session as an opening argument. “[Thursday] night is connecting the dots,” said a second aide. “A lot of this has been reported and bits and pieces of it have been shared. But our aim is to tie all that together
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:35:44 PM Post Reply
Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions..This slur: “Is it as obvious as it seems that domestic violent extremists are an important part of the voting coalition on the right?”— MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, Tuesday — the day before a left-wing nut planned to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh..We say: Don’t write off Wallace’s reality-free slur as mere bad timing. With the Justice Department labeling parents “domestic terrorists” and the left hyping (and distorting) fringe “white replacement theory” (while ignoring left-wing extremists, antifa, etc.), partisans like Wallace really do see right-wing terrorists around every corner.
NFL Coach Has Opinion on January 6th,
Twitter Implodes
0 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:30:53 PM Post Reply
Sometimes it’s best to say the quiet part very quietly. Especially if you are in a high profile position. Even if you are reasonable, factually accurate, and fair and balanced, it doesn’t matter. If the wacky, destructive leftists on Twitter decide to roast you, consider yourself roasted. And apologizing, whether you mean it or not, is essential.When you tackle hot button lefty issues like January 6th, George Floyd, Covid, abortion, and such, if you get a paycheck from a sports team, television network, production company, etc, you’d better tread lightly.(Tweet) This week, an NFL coach found that out the very hard way. Per Outkick:
*** January 6 Committee Hearing Livewire
*** Democrats Push All In on Capitol Riot Probe
0 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:22:39 PM Post Reply
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, get ready for the main event. Step right up, get your tickets for the greatest show on earth. Democrats have decided to bet their entire political future on a few hours of a primetime televised hearing for the January 6 Select Committee to present its findings, and Thursday night, starting at 8:00 p.m. ET the party makes its move toward that endgame for the first of several hearings.It is notable first and foremost that Democrats have picked primetime television for the first hearing after a yearlong investigation,
“Complete BS from the Left” – Ashli
Babbitt’s Husband Responds to Sham Jan.
6 Hearings (Video)
1 reply
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:19:49 PM Post Reply
Despite the federal government’s attempt to withhold evidence surrounding the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt and the corporate media’s effort to demonize the slain Air Force veteran, her family vows to never stop fighting for her until justice prevails. Before the partisan and unconstitutional public hearing started, Aaron Babbitt, a US Marine veteran and husband of the late Ashli Babbitt, joined Greg Kelly on Thursday night.
'I have NO intention of losing the House':
Nancy Pelosi says Democrats can still
win in November despite dire polls and
admits she would accept a smaller gun
package if it can get through the Senate
9 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 10:55:19 PM Post Reply
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democrats have 'absolutely no intention' of losing the House despite historic norms and dire polls suggesting otherwise and acquiesced that she would accept a more narrow gun control package from the Senate. In a wide-ranging briefing, the speaker proclaimed: 'We have absolutely no intention of losing the House.' As the party in the White House, the historical odds are not in the favor of Democrats, not to mention inflation and gas prices have dragged on Democrats' poll numbers. Republicans need a net gain of just five seats to take back the majority, and the Cook Report rates 26 Democratic-held seats as toss-up or leaning Republican.
Biden is all smiles with Bolsonaro: Brazil's
leader defends his country's 'clean' 'auditable'
elections after casting doubt on Trump's
loss as Argentina and Belize slam US president
for 'incomprehensible' decision to not
invite Cuba and Venezuela
1 reply
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 10:37:38 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden finally came face-to-face with the 'Trump of the Tropics,' Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Thursday, telling him how he had visited the 'wonderful place' three times, including for the World Cup, and enjoyed its 'magnificent people.' Bolsonaro, who in the run-up to the Summit of the Americas meeting questioned Biden's 2020 win and also suggested he might not adhere to Brazil's October election result, defended his country's ability to hold fair elections, its environmental record and its decision to stay neutral in Russia's war against Ukraine. 'This year we will be having elections in Brazil and we do wish to have honest,
State-Run Television: Rep. Benni Thompson
Kicks Off Sham J6 Hearing By Comparing
Republicans To The Ku Klux Klan
11 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 9:59:29 PM Post Reply
After a yearlong investigation, the sham House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th began its first hearing Thursday night. The unprecedently partisan and unconstitutional committee is debuting never-before-seen recordings and documentation from closed-door depositions with Trump officials on primetime. Rep. Bennie Thompson kicked off the proceedings by playing the race card and deflecting the Democrat Party’s Ku Klux Klan legacy onto the GOP.
Trump says January 6 'represented the
greatest movement in the history of our
country' accuses the 'Unselect Committee'
of not studying the reason why people
went to the Capitol ahead of their primetime hearing
0 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 9:45:04 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump went on a lengthy rant attacking the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday, hours before the Democrat-led panel holds the first in a series of six hearings looking into the ex-president's role that day. And rather than downplaying the riot like he has in the past, Trump held it up as the 'greatest movement' in history and lashed out at the 'Unselect Committee' for not instead investigating the election fraud theories that motivated his supporters to storm the US Capitol last year.
Tonight Only — Watch “THE TRUTH ABOUT
JANUARY 6th” Documentary: Narrated by
Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside
Solitary Confinement! MUST WATCH!
3 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:44:06 PM Post Reply
The highly anticipated documentary “The Truth About January 6th” premiered today on The Gateway Pundit this week!This groundbreaking documentary contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th.The film is narrated by Jake Lang, a January 6 political prisoner who is currently being held in Alexandria, Virginia.Watch the film BELOW and share to get out the truth about January 6th!
Donald Trump Goes on the Offensive Ahead
of Capitol Riot Hearing
0 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 8:38:49 PM Post Reply
Bracing for the January 6 House committee's public hearing on Thursday, former President Donald Trump attacked the panel's probe in a series of statements on his Truth Social account, arguing the real investigation should have been on the "rigged and stolen" election and not on the riot at the Capitol."The Unselect Committee didn't spend one minute studying the reason that people went to Washington, D.C., in massive numbers, far greater than the Fake News Media is willing to report, or that the Unselects are willing to even mention, because January 6th was simply not a protest," Trump wrote on Thursday morning. "It represented the greatest movement in the history of
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Woke Burger King Introduces “Pride Whopper”
– Here’s What That Looks Like
41 replies
Posted by Lets Go Brandon 6/9/2022 4:33:42 PM Post Reply
It wasn’t that long ago when the left’s narrative on ‘gay rights’ was simple, straightforward, and easy to support: Let’s all be tolerant of one another, live and let live, and don’t discriminate. Tolerance is, after all, one of the fundamental tenets of the philosophy which drove America’s founding. But as the saying goes, “give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile,” which is the situation in which we find ourselves today. The message of ‘tolerance’ eventually morphed into ‘acceptance.’ At some point late in the Obama Administration, our culture decided that it was inadequate to merely tolerate the shenanigans of the LGBTQ community, we needed to welcome them.
Trump or DeSantis? 34 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2022 7:57:40 AM Post Reply
Speculation is rife concerning the possible presidential candidates representing the two major parties as the nation approaches the 2024 elections. Everyone has an opinion, and the pundits are competing in the expertise sweepstakes. What can we say with some degree of plausibility? The Democrat roster is, by all accounts, dramatically uninspiring. Biden, who speaks in tongues, is plainly beyond redeeming; the question is whether he will manage to survive the year, let alone stumble, lollop, and whiffle to the end of his first term. Kamala Harris belongs in vaudeville or farce, given her talent for provoking laughter. Both will have to be retired in favor of an electable candidate. But who?
How to watch the Jan. 6 committee public hearings 33 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 11:22:30 AM Post Reply
The first public hearing held by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot will take place Thursday evening with witness testimony and video footage surrounding last year's attack on the Capitol.The televised hearing is the first in a series that's expected to last through July. (Video) When does the hearing start?The first hearing is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. ET. The committee is looking to capture a large audience by holding the event in prime-time. Where to watch the hearing The hearings will be streamed live on NBC News NOW, and will also feature a live blog with news and analysis.
Jan. 6 insurrection hearings: How to watch
and what to know
22 replies
Posted by Solid_Oak 6/9/2022 10:56:23 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly a year since its inception, the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol will go public with its findings starting this week as lawmakers hope to show the American public how democracy came to the brink of disaster. The series of hearings that will take place over the next several weeks begin with a prime-time session Thursday night in which the nine-member panel plans to give an overview of its 11-month investigation. More than 1,000 people have been interviewed by the panel, and only snippets of that testimony have been revealed to the public, mostly through court filings.
Concerns are raised about national stockpile
of drugs to fight monkeypox - as federal
officials refuse to reveal figures: US
tally reaches 40 cases of rare virus
21 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/9/2022 3:51:49 PM Post Reply
As the rare virus monkeypox continues to spread across the U.S., now having been detected 40 times in 15 states and the District of Columbia, some are raising concerns about the national stockpile of drugs to deal with the infection. While officials at the White House say the country has enough access to vaccines and medicine to deal with the upcoming surge, official figures have not been revealed, making it hard for Americans to gauge how easy it will be to access resources if a large scale outbreak occurs.(Snip)The White House has failed to be transparent as to how many available vaccine doses the nation has to fight monkeypox.
Michigan GOP candidate for governor charged
for role in Capitol riot
20 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 1:19:35 PM Post Reply
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.— Ryan Kelley, one of five Republican candidates for Michigan governor and an ardent defender of former President Donald Trump, was charged with misdemeanors Thursday for his role in the 2021 postelection riot at the U.S. Capitol. Kelley, 40, was arrested in western Michigan and awaits a court hearing in Grand Rapids, FBI spokeswoman Mara Schneider said.His arrest came hours before the House committee investigating the insurrection holds a widely anticipated public hearing, showing never-seen video, audio and an array of evidence highlighting the
Jan. 6 Committee’s Alleged Hiring of
Former ABC News President May Violate
Rules: House GOP
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/9/2022 12:08:14 PM Post Reply
A group of House Republicans on Wednesday requested confirmation that the former president of ABC News, James Goldston, is working for the committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 breach of the U.S. Capitol, and questioned whether his alleged hiring violated House rules.(snip)It comes after Axios first reported Monday that the former network news executive had joined the committee as an “unannounced adviser” and is “busily producing Thursday’s 8 p.m. ET hearing as if it were a blockbuster investigative special.” Goldston has previously served as a producer for some of the network’s biggest news programs like “20/20,” “Nightline,” and “Good Morning America.” He left ABC in March.
Biden takes shot at Trump and Republicans
on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’
19 replies
Posted by Imright 6/9/2022 7:57:15 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden used his first in-person appearance on a late-night talk show since taking office to take shots at his White House predecessor and the “hard right” Republican party in an interview that was dominated by gun control talk.Biden also touched on a number of other hot-button issues like abortion rights, climate change and inflation during his Wednesday night appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” — which came about four months after his last on-the-record interview with a reporter.The president knocked former President Donald Trump during the roughly 20-minute Q&A when host Jimmy Kimmel questioned the possible use of executive orders
Trump's education secretary Betsy DeVos
says she spoke directly to Mike Pence
about using the 25th amendment to remove
Trump from office and calls January 6
the 'last straw' that made her resign
18 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/9/2022 9:20:17 PM Post Reply
Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is revealing for the first time the extent of her revulsion at former President Donald Trump's inability to 'do what he could have done' to try to counter the events of January 6th, she said in a new interview. DeVos resigned her post on Jan. 7, 2020–calling the riot the previous day and Trump's rhetoric an 'inflection point.' Now in a new interview promoting a book, she says she discussed using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office–and says she faulted Trump for failing to 'address the situation.' She even raised the 25th Amendment issue directly with Vice President Mike Pence,
Duke Energy Sponsors ‘Youth Pride Carnival’
for Children
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/9/2022 2:21:05 PM Post Reply
Duke Energy continued the trend of corporate wokeism this week by sponsoring a “Youth Pride Carnival” for children in honor of Pride Month. Even though Duke Energy is an electric power and natural gas holding company, for some inexplicable reason the Fortune 150 company teamed with Indy Pride Inc. of Indiana for the carnival. (snip) According to the event page, the carnival will “create a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth ages 12-20″ and will include a “King and Queen drag show”:
NY hotels to be converted into housing
for homeless
18 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/9/2022 1:02:22 PM Post Reply
New York—New York has relied on hotels to temporarily house the homeless for years, but now underutilized hotel space will be converted into permanent housing under a new plan announced by Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday.(Snip)Hochul’s new plan involves a detailed application process for hotel owners and developers to convert their facilities. She said that run-down hotels can present a safety risk in their respective neighborhoods. “With hotels hit so hard by the pandemic, many of them never reopened, an opportunity has arisen to use vacant hotels in a way that’ll lift people up and give them yes, the dignity of a home,” Hochul said.
FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress’s 'Gang
of 8' Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/9/2022 8:25:41 AM Post Reply
The FBI deceived the House, Senate and the Justice Department about the substance and strength of evidence undergirding its counterintelligence investigation of President Trump, according to a recently declassified document and other material. A seven-page internal FBI memo dated March 8, 2017, shows that "talking points" prepared for then-FBI Director James Comey for his meeting the next day with the congressional leadership were riddled with half-truths, outright falsehoods, and critical omissions. Both the Senate and the House opened investigations and held hearings based in part on the misrepresentations made in those FBI briefings,
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