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Kyrsten Sinema Tells Chuck Schumer to
Pound Sand and Leaves Democrats With Nowhere
to Go

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 1/6/2022 7:03:40 PM

What exactly is Chuck Schumer doing? That’s the big question that’s emerged in light of his push to hold a vote on blowing up the filibuster. Ostensibly, he’s doing so in order to pass “voting rights” and save our “democracy” by having the federal government rig the 2022 election. But is that really his plan here? I ask that because it’s been obvious since his “dear colleagues” letter was released that he doesn’t have the votes. Last night, Joe Manchin said he’s not on board. Now, Kyrsten Sinema has weighed in, letting it be known that her position hasn’t changed. She’s still against any maneuver that would eliminate the 60-vote threshold


Excellent, for now. But I don't trust ANY leftists far as I can throw them!! Money is king and all of them have a price to be met!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NorthernDog 1/6/2022 7:29:49 PM (No. 1030487)
Upchuck has to appear he is 'fighting' for what the party's left wing wants. He's afraid that a mouthy, gum-smacking congresscritter from Brooklyn will derail his career.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: SALady 1/6/2022 9:10:56 PM (No. 1030533)
If these were safe Demon-Rat seats, both Manchin and Sinema would have already "tragically and unexpectedly committed suicide". But Manchen's seat would almost guaranteed go to a Republican, and Sinema's seat is 50/50, if something did happen to them. At least it's nice to see the Demon-Rats understand how Republicans felt with John McCain in as our pain in the derriere "maverick" for all those years!!!!
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 1/6/2022 9:56:54 PM (No. 1030571)
What's the matter with the rest of the democrats. Too stupid to see the light?
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Omen55 1/6/2022 10:31:08 PM (No. 1030588)
The major reason Manchin & Sinema are not gonna gut the filibuster is they know the GOP can do it to dem like they did when Harry FU.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Come And Take It 1/6/2022 10:38:21 PM (No. 1030596)
Well played, Chiuckie. You tried to shame them into falling into line, and you drove them further away. I guarantee you there are a bunch of nervous commies up for election in states that Trump carried that are terrified to support this crap, but too spineless to come out like Manchin and Sinema have. They have been in the 'vote like us or die' for so long, they have no clue how to stand up for themselves or their states. Chuckie must be hoping that one of their Antifa/BLM buddies 'convinces' them to flip. He's not holding much in his hand right now.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Newtsche 1/6/2022 11:27:03 PM (No. 1030632)
Au contraire, the dims have somewhere they can go.
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mifla 1/7/2022 4:36:44 AM (No. 1030741)
Chuck, remember the Reid Rule.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: doctorfixit 1/7/2022 12:38:25 PM (No. 1031248)
If Sinema and Manchin keep the CommuNazis from federalizing US elections they will be bigger heroes than anything the GOP has done lately.
2 people like this.

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Posted by ladydawgfan 1/6/2022 10:56:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 1/6/2022 7:18:32 PM Post Reply
2021 was a miserable enough year, but apparently, it has coattails. As last year’s auto sales numbers come in, a sad new reality has come to light: America’s best-selling carmaker is no longer an American company. Japanese automaker Toyota sold more cars in the United States than any other manufacturer, edging historical bestseller General Motors out of the top spot. This marks the first time since 1931 that GM isn’t the top-selling automaker in the states. Before them, Ford was number one. This marks the first time in history that the top-selling carmaker in the United States is a foreign company. Toyota has been at the top of global sales for a decade,
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Posted by ladydawgfan 1/6/2022 7:09:10 PM Post Reply
This is one of those stories that makes you just say what the heck is going on here, that there probably is more that we’re going to find out later. Because this surely doesn’t make a lot of sense now. A Long Island high school science teacher, 54-year-old Laura Russo, allegedly gave a 17-year-old boy a shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in her home — and it was captured on video. [Video] “You’ll be fine, I hope,” Russo told him. “Here you go. At-home vaccine,” the boy responded. This is all kinds of scary. The Herricks High School biology teacher isn’t a medical professional
Kyrsten Sinema Tells Chuck Schumer to
Pound Sand and Leaves Democrats With Nowhere
to Go
8 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/6/2022 7:03:40 PM Post Reply
What exactly is Chuck Schumer doing? That’s the big question that’s emerged in light of his push to hold a vote on blowing up the filibuster. Ostensibly, he’s doing so in order to pass “voting rights” and save our “democracy” by having the federal government rig the 2022 election. But is that really his plan here? I ask that because it’s been obvious since his “dear colleagues” letter was released that he doesn’t have the votes. Last night, Joe Manchin said he’s not on board. Now, Kyrsten Sinema has weighed in, letting it be known that her position hasn’t changed. She’s still against any maneuver that would eliminate the 60-vote threshold
High Noon at High Court for Vax Mandate 16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/5/2022 3:50:30 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court takes up the issue of vaccine mandates on Friday, holding a special hearing that is nearly unprecedented in its rushed timing. At issue are two of Biden’s mandates. One compels the vaccination or testing of everyone who works at a 100+ employee company; the other requires vaccination of every staffer at every hospital, nursing home, or health care facility that receives funding from Medicare or Medicaid. Will we become a country of haves and have nots concerning the Covid vaccine, whereby those who sensibly decline the vaccine are segregated in cities, schools, hospitals, and concerts?
Longtime Democratic Rep to Retire After
30 Years in Congress
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/5/2022 3:13:52 AM Post Reply
Democratic Rep. Bobby Rush, who represents Illinois’ 1st congressional district, announced Tuesday that he will not seek a 16th term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Rush first assumed office in January of 1993. “After nearly three decades in Congress, I have been reassigned,” Rush said in a statement. “Let me make it clear that I am not retiring, I am returning. I’m returning home, returning to my church, returning to my family and grandchildren – but my calling to a life of service is stronger than ever. I am expanding my tent beyond the guardrails of Congress.”
Viagra Lifts Woman Out of COVID Coma 16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/5/2022 1:44:31 AM Post Reply
Viagra is a miracle drug that keeps on growing. A 37-year-old nurse in England is back on her feet, thanks to the little blue pill. The fully vaxxed Monica Almeida tested positive for the Chinese Wu-flu on October 31. Soon she had the Chinese sneeze and pneumonia as well. She also has asthma and is a bit on the portly side. By November 16 she was in a medically induced coma. That’s when she caught an infection. She also had to undergo a tracheotomy just over two weeks later. She was in bad shape. Her parents were contacted and told to fly in from Portugal to say goodbye. Before being put into the coma,
Biden Mercilessly Mocked Over Goofy 'Fake
Oval Office' and 'Playskool Desk'
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/5/2022 1:28:44 AM Post Reply
Let’s play a quick game of “What if?” to kick off the festivities, shall we? First, you almost have to hand it to Basement Joe™ and his terrified handlers, as the latter desperately continue to try to shield the former from reality and real-life at every opportunity — real and concocted. I get it. The mumbling dude hardly instills confidence in the American people. But here’s the thing: What if Donald Trump as president would have given fake Oval Office speeches from a TV studio across the street from the White House? What would have been the reaction on CNN and MSNBC? From the Washington Post and The New York Times?
Reporters Describe January 6, 2021, Like
They Were at Omaha Beach, and It Turns
My Stomach
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/3/2022 2:48:05 AM Post Reply
I’ve never watched, from start to finish, a Mr. Potato Head (Brian Stelter) segment. I’ve watched parts (so you don’t have to), but with each tick of the second hand clanging in my head, like barbarians pounding at the gate, I could feel synapses snapping. I don’t mean firing, I mean blowing, like a transformer getting zapped. It might take me a week of therapy to get over the banality of what I watched. I took a bullet for the team. You’re welcome. [Video] Two journalists joined Brian Stelter to discuss their J6 trauma. The in-studio guest was Hunter Walker. Walker writes a newsletter called “The Uprising.”
CAIR Files Discrimination Lawsuit Against
Missouri Gun Range
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/2/2022 11:26:47 PM Post Reply
“Islamophobia” is reaching epidemic proportions in Old Joe Biden’s America: the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Independence, Mo. law firm of Baldwin & Vernon filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday, claiming that Frontier Justice, a gun store and firing range in the Kansas City suburb of Lee’s Summit, discriminated against a Muslim woman, Rania Barakat, when it wouldn’t allow her to use the range while she was wearing her hijab. If you believe the likes of CAIR, this is nothing out of the ordinary. You have already accepted the contention that America is a racist, redneck pesthole where roaming Trump supporters
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90 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/7/2022 12:06:09 AM Post Reply
Texas Senator Ted Cruz gave a mea culpa to Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson Thursday after Carlson criticized Cruz Wednesday for comments he made last week branding the Capitol riot 'a violent terrorist attack.' Cruz, introduced by Carlson as 'smarter than me,' called his own comments 'dumb and sloppy' and said he texted Carlson shortly after and asked to go on the show.(Snip)'Tucker, as a result of my sloppy phrasing it's caused a lot of people to misunderstand what I meant,' Cruz responded. 'What I was referring to are the limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers.'
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Posted by Ribicon 1/6/2022 7:48:11 PM Post Reply
Penzeys Spices CEO Bill Penzey sent out a marketing email to customers on the anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol wherein he unleashed on Republican voters at large, calling them the "#1 threat" to the United States. In the email obtained by FOX Business, Penzey promotes a new "Remember January 6" box of a combination of spices, and calls on his customers to "remember this day forever," saying that Jan. 6, 2021, was "the plot that will live infamy."(Snip)The CEO also unleashed a string of insults against Republican voters in general along with independents who vote GOP, as he urged his customers
Joy Reid: Republicans must only hate Biden
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Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 10:12:13 AM Post Reply
Her ongoing campaign to convince everyone who will listen that Republicans are the epitome of evil in the United States, MSNBC host Joy Reid on Wednesday accused the GOP of hating President Joe Biden because he was the Vice President under “the Black president.”Her guests, veritable yes-men former advisor to President Bush Matthew Dowd and former Sen. Claire McCaskill, had no issues with her assertion. Dowd himself even argued that if Republicans take back control of Congress during the 2022 midterms, democracy has “failed.”
Kamala Harris: Jan. 6 Riot Like Bombing
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Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 10:26:53 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off the Biden administration’s remarks on the first anniversary of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot by comparing it to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.“Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place in our calendars, but a place in our collective memory. December 7th, 1941. September 11, 2001. And January 6th, 2021.”
Report: Democrats Seek to Disqualify Trump
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37 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 7:09:23 PM Post Reply
Democrats worried about Donald Trump’s resurgence in 2024 are reportedly seeking to disqualify him from mounting a comeback.While Trump’s polling numbers have regained momentum, a dozen Democrats are fearing Trump’s presumable intention to mount a 2024 campaign to retake the White House, the Hill reported. Among those Democrats reportedly seeking to deprive Trump of eligibility are reportedly Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN).The Democrats have reportedly sought advice on how to leverage Section 3 of the 14 Amendment, which states:
Liz and Dick Cheney stand ALONE as the
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Nancy Pelosi's moment of silence: Former
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36 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 6:00:37 PM Post Reply
GOP Rep. Liz Cheney and her father, former vice president Dick, were the only two Republicans standing in the House chamber when Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a moment of silence on the first anniversary of January 6. Pelosi announced the moment of silence as one of a series of events to mark the anniversary days in advance, and had asked lawmakers to tell her office if they planned to attend.But when it came time for the moment at noon Thursday, Cheney, a member of the select House committee probing January 6, didn't have much company on her side of the aisle.
Does NASCAR have a death wish? 35 replies
Posted by Magnante 1/7/2022 7:05:12 AM Post Reply
A pair of reports yesterday lead me to question the sanity of the management of NASCAR, the privately held giant of the sport of stock car racing. (snip) NASCAR has officially canceled driver Brandon Brown’s sponsorship deal with the “Let’s Go Brandon” cryptocurrency purveyor. (snip) The entire “Let’s go Brandon” craze began at a NASCAR track (snip) one of the largest LGBT Chambers within the region pushing for equitable change within the workplace and marketplace, announced Wednesday that NASCAR will become the organization’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion partner for the 2022 term.
Buh-Bye, Joy Reid! 33 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/7/2022 5:48:46 AM Post Reply
I bring you some happy news tonight. According to sources breaking out of Comcast, MSNBC’s Joy-less Reid is going to get the ax. Her show is going to go bye-bye because they finally just had enough with her. Now, obviously, I’ll caveat it with this isn’t an official word yet, but John Nicosia of News Cycle Media is the one reporting it and he generally has great sources when it comes to things like this. “Joy Reid will lose her 7p show in the next round of reshuffling at MSNBC,” Nicosia tweeted quoting a source. “She does not have a show come mid Spring.”
Biden tears into Trump for watching TV
on January 6 and doing nothing while mob
erected gallows to hang Mike Pence, says
he created a 'web of lies' and mocks his
'bruised ego mattering more to him than Democracy'
33 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 9:56:32 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden blasted former President Donald Trump for spreading a 'web of lies' and sitting idly by as his supporters attacked the Capitol Building one year ago on Thursday. On Thursday morning, Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris by his side, addressed the Capitol attack from Statuary Hall, one of the rooms hoards of Trump supporters traipsed through on January 6 of last year. 'We saw with our own eyes rioters menace these halls threatening the life of the Speaker of the House. Literally erecting gallows to hang the vice president of the United States of America,' Biden recalled.
Benny Hill had his theme music and now
Jill Biden does too
32 replies
Posted by Magnante 1/6/2022 9:07:20 AM Post Reply
The Washington Examiner has broken what is, so far, the best story of the year: It turns out that Jill Biden has her own “walk-up” music. That is, whenever she makes an official appearance, this music is played for her, just as Hail to the Chief is played when the president appears. Someone within the Marine Corps band wrote it, although there is some dispute as to whether the White House requested such music or the Marine Corps band members spontaneously felt that Jill needed that special song.
For the First Time Ever, the Best-Selling
Carmaker in America Isn't an American Carmaker
31 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/6/2022 7:18:32 PM Post Reply
2021 was a miserable enough year, but apparently, it has coattails. As last year’s auto sales numbers come in, a sad new reality has come to light: America’s best-selling carmaker is no longer an American company. Japanese automaker Toyota sold more cars in the United States than any other manufacturer, edging historical bestseller General Motors out of the top spot. This marks the first time since 1931 that GM isn’t the top-selling automaker in the states. Before them, Ford was number one. This marks the first time in history that the top-selling carmaker in the United States is a foreign company. Toyota has been at the top of global sales for a decade,
AOC Uses Waitress Experience to Call Out
Eric Adams For 'Low-Skilled' Worker Comments
30 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 1/7/2022 9:08:38 AM Post Reply
New York Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used her previous waitressing experience to call out fellow Democrat and new New York City Mayor Eric Adams' recent comments on "low-skilled workers" comment. "The suggestion that any job is 'low skill' is a myth perpetuated by wealthy interests to justify inhumane working conditions, little/no healthcare, and low wages," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Wednesday. "Plus being a waitress has made me and many others *better* at our jobs than those who've never known that life." The congresswoman's remarks come in response to a statement Adams made during one of his first press conferences as
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