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Marjorie Taylor Greene says Jan. 6th defendants
are being ‘abused’ and treated ‘worse
than we treat terrorists at Gitmo’ and
with some being ‘force-fed gluten food’

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 12/7/2021 5:56:31 PM

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed at a Capitol press conference that Jan. 6th defendants are being treated 'worse' than terrorists while they await trial. 'They have been beaten by the guards. They are called white supremacist. They are denied religious services, haircuts, shaving, the ability to trim their fingernails,' she said at an event along with Reps. Rep. Louis Gohmert of Texas, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz and Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar. She said Jan. 6th prisoners were being 'mistreated and abused worse than we treat terrorists at Gitmo,' in reference to the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


One America News Network and C-Span covered the news conference.....

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 12/7/2021 6:18:14 PM (No. 1000082)
Then do something about it.
29 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Newtsche 12/7/2021 6:22:07 PM (No. 1000086)
We're staring down the barrel of systemic, sanctioned and encouraged hate from the left.
35 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: stablemoney 12/7/2021 6:41:40 PM (No. 1000106)
MTG is correct, and McCarthy is a worthless wimp for taking her off committee assignments, which MTG described as worthless, again MTG correct.
36 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 12/7/2021 6:46:20 PM (No. 1000113)
One of these days, those defendants will be telling their stories about their treatment.
35 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Imright 12/7/2021 6:50:57 PM (No. 1000118)
Here's a link to the Press Conference on C-Span:
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Citoyen 12/7/2021 7:25:53 PM (No. 1000137)
#1, MTG and the others can’t do anything about it because they are backbenchers with no power. Who can do something about it are Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell. From these so-called Republican leaders we hear nothing about the massive civil liberties abuse happening to these poor suckers who were manipulated into “invading” the capitol. Also silent is Lindsey Graham who sits on the Judiciary Committee. When next we hear from him, most likely on Hannity, he will be demanding that we go to war with Russia.
39 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: smidgen 12/7/2021 7:54:30 PM (No. 1000157)
I fear I believe this! We have not seen nor heard from these folks since Jan 6, I usually take all of this with a grain of salt from some of our folks but this is becoming very concerning.. 10 months with nothing to deny this info leaves me fraught with worry.
21 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: billa57 12/7/2021 7:57:11 PM (No. 1000160)
Why are they even incarcerated? Not one pre supplied brick thrown, didn't set anything on fire, didn't block all the doors on a police station and set it on fire, no guns, no molotov cocktails,..I could go on. They are plain simply political prisoners.
38 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: thatsomewhereplace 12/7/2021 9:16:48 PM (No. 1000222)
...and where are the pubbies on this? All's quiet. Not a word, that I know of, about the treatment of these people. What in the he;; is going on in this country?
26 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: TXknitter 12/7/2021 10:50:32 PM (No. 1000263)
MTG is doing all she can do about this. The House Freedom Caucus is MIA. Kevin McCarthy and McConnell over in the Senate do not care at all. Thank God for One America News and the War Room.
18 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: judy 12/8/2021 12:22:28 AM (No. 1000298)
Only Four brave republicans are brave enough to attempt to place light on the January 6th fraud...2 Trump fake Impeachments, Mueller, January 6th Pelosi...Liz show ...
12 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: The Remnants 12/8/2021 4:11:02 AM (No. 1000339)
Is this what our prison system is about? Isn't there a Bureau of Prisons? Who are their jailers and how are they legally allowed to get away with this? Who is in charge? Anyone?
10 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 12/8/2021 4:43:23 AM (No. 1000343)
I contacted my Dem rep and Dem senators about this horrible treatment. Fell on deaf ears.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: blueline 12/8/2021 5:53:16 AM (No. 1000364)
Senator Blackburn, Senator Hagerty where ARE you? Why weren't you with them and why aren't you putting pressure on McConnell to put a stop to this? Congressman Burchett; likewise with McCarthy. Logjam the "work" of the CONgress until this injustice is halted.
8 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 9:32:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 5:41:46 PM Post Reply
Philadelphia has shattered its 30-year-old record for annual murders, surpassing the much larger cities of New York and Los Angeles as a dozen major cities post all-time records for homicides -- all of them with Democratic mayors.As of December 6, Philadelphia had recorded 521 homicides for the year, surpassing New York's 443 and Los Angeles at 352. This is despite the fact that with a population of 1.5 million, the City of Brotherly Love is less than half the size of Los Angeles and one-fifth of New York. Though Los Angeles, New York and Chicago, which leads the nation with 739 murders this year,
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Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 5:38:06 PM Post Reply
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Hillary Clinton cries as she reads would-be
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Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 2:29:12 PM Post Reply
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton choked up in a video released Wednesday as she read portions of the speech she would have given had she won the 2016 election. The video of her speech comes from her new talk on the power of resilience for MasterClass, a streaming platform featuring stories from people sharing what they have learned with others. Clinton says in the video that she has never shared her speech with anyone or even read it out loud. However, she says her speech helps to encapsulate who she is and what she believes in, according to TODAY .
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Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 2:20:16 PM Post Reply
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Capitol riot committee is 'moving forward'
with contempt charges for Mark Meadows
after he fails to show for deposition:
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turned over 38-page PowerPoint called
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13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 12:19:56 PM Post Reply
The House committee investigating Jan. 6 will move forward with recommending contempt charges for Donald Trump's ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Chairman Bennie Thompson revealed in a new letter. The committee threatened to do so on Tuesday if he did not show up for his scheduled deposition this morning at 10am. 'The Select Committee is left with no choice but to advance contempt proceedings and recommend that the body in which Mr. Meadows once served refer him for criminal prosecution,' Thompson wrote on Tuesday.
Lt. Mike Byrd Raises $122,000 on GoFundMe
After Killing Unarmed US Veteran Ashli
Babbitt in Cold Blood
30 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 11:03:53 AM Post Reply
In July, The Gateway Pundit confirmed that Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s shooter.Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 in the US Capitol. Ashli Babbitt, a Trump-supporting US veteran, was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was unarmed and posed no threat to the police or anyone. There were several police officers surrounding her when she was shot dead without warning. Her killer Lt. Mike Byrd then fled down the hall after he shot her dead without warning.
Is nothing sacred? NYC homeless man is
arrested for torching News Corp's giant
50ft Xmas tree outside its Manhattan HQ
23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 8:18:46 AM Post Reply
A 49-year-old homeless man has been arrested for setting fire to the iconic 50ft Christmas Tree outside the News Corp HQ in Times Square last night. Fox News employees watched as the Craig Tamanaha, 49, climbed the tree at 12.14am and called police. He tried to scramble away, but was taken into custody. NYPD detectives tell that it was a completely random act and not politically motivated against News Corp, which owns The New York Post and The Wall Street Journal.It's unclear how long Tamahana had been living in the city. He has two prior arrests with the NYPD - one in February and
Biden demands media fall into line: White
House holds secret meetings with news
organizations and Washington Post columnist
goes on CNN to claim that president is
being treated WORSE than Trump by press
30 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 8:16:19 AM Post Reply
Three senior White House officials have embarked on a campaign to persuade newsroom executives to be more favorable in their coverage of President Joe Biden, according to a report on Tuesday night.The trio - National Economic Council Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti, along with Ports Envoy John Porcari - have been 'briefing major newsrooms over the past week,' according to CNN's media correspondent, Oliver Darcy. Darcy, in his newsletter, said that their outreach was sparked by concern that Biden was not being treated fairly.
Rittenhouse calls Binger fat eighth-grader,
jokes about shooting, talks 'adult jail'
27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 12:16:42 AM Post Reply
Sipping on his ice tea and smiling, Kyle Rittenhouse joined BlazeTV's You Are Here show to rip lead prosecutor Thomas Binger, joke about the night he killed two men, and discuss his time in "adult jail."After addressing the fashion and weight of the lead prosecutor in his case, Rittenhouse called out Binger's "unicorn" hairstyle and talked about the "moronic" prosecution. "So, uh, Binger is like you're looking at somebody going to eighth-grade prom," Rittenhouse, 18, said. "Wearing their Star Wars pin on their shirt, and then you have the fat guy lunch box, um, give him a ham sandwich, he'll leave you alone."
Why You Should Come Out of the Closet
With Your Conservative Values
11 replies
Posted by Imright 12/7/2021 11:14:55 PM Post Reply
I received a phone call on my radio show from a man who said, “Dennis, I’m a gay conservative actor in Hollywood, and it is far easier to come out of the closet as gay than as a conservative.”That call was in the 1980s.While the current cancel culture—the firing, humiliation, disparagement, and smearing—of conservatives is exponentially worse today than 30 years ago, it is not new.As a result, the great majority of Americans who are conservative—that is, about half the country—hide their true beliefs. They fear saying anything that differs with the Left. This would include such reprehensible sentiments as:With all its flaws, America is the finest country ever made.
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Posted by Ribicon 12/7/2021 7:58:48 PM Post Reply
The Charlottesville, Va. city council on Tuesday unanimously approved a move for its now-infamous statue of Confederate leader Robert E. Lee to be melted down to create public artwork that will "reflect racial justice," The New York Times reported. The city council will give the statue to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, which plans to melt the monument to create a new piece of public artwork, according to the measure. The city council selected the Jefferson School’s proposal “Swords Into Plowshares,” from other potential bidders for the statue, according to The Times. According to its Indiegogo campaign page, the Jefferson School plans to “transform a national symbol
Hillary Clinton cries as she reads would-be
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Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 2:29:12 PM Post Reply
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton choked up in a video released Wednesday as she read portions of the speech she would have given had she won the 2016 election. The video of her speech comes from her new talk on the power of resilience for MasterClass, a streaming platform featuring stories from people sharing what they have learned with others. Clinton says in the video that she has never shared her speech with anyone or even read it out loud. However, she says her speech helps to encapsulate who she is and what she believes in, according to TODAY .
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if he invades Ukraine - but will stop
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Posted by Imright 12/7/2021 5:20:54 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is planning to impose punitive economic sanctions on Russia if Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine, it was claimed, hours ahead of a meeting between the two leaders.The Biden administration refused to rule out deploying additional US troops to Eastern Europe should Putin invade Ukraine, although sources insist there is no plans for direct military action against the Kremlin. A White House spokesman said Monday evening said that Biden had spoken to the leaders of France, the UK, Germany and Italy, and they discussed 'their shared concern about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders and Russia's increasingly harsh rhetoric.'
A Science Lesson for Justice Sotomayor 40 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/7/2021 5:48:35 PM Post Reply
Does Justice Sonia Sotomayor even read the briefs in cases before the Supreme Court? I ask because the cases don't come any bigger than Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which addresses Mississippi's limit on abortion after 15 weeks. The Court is being asked to overturn the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade and 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. I joined two other female physicians (a neonatologist and an obstetrician) in an amicus brief detailing advances in fetal science that have happened since 1973. During oral arguments, Justice Sotomayor displayed abysmal ignorance of the most basic scientific and medical facts about developing human life.
Biden-Putin call: Analysts say US president
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35 replies
Posted by Rush Was Right 12/7/2021 10:02:57 AM Post Reply
With a massive build of Russian troops near Ukraine’s border, Russia’s Vladimir Putin is indicating a willingness to risk a military conflict, but analysts say while the threat is serious, an invasion is not certain. The threat of an invasion will be the central subject of President Biden’s video call with Putin on Tuesday. Biden is expected to warn of dire consequences should Russia follow through with a military offensive, while Putin is expected to reiterate his ultimatum that NATO should not allow Ukraine to join its military alliance. The outcome of the video call could have major implications as Putin weighs the potential costs of a full-fledged invasion of Ukraine.
Hillary Clinton needs to move on 32 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2021 5:08:10 PM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton lost, and now she needs to move on from the 2016 election. I’m not trying to be cruel or twist the knife. I mean this with all sincerity. She just needs to move on for her own good. The constant reliving of her failed campaign against former President Donald Trump is unhealthy. She’s clearly still upset about it. She’s clearly still angry. But she’ll never recover from her defeat so long as she continues to wallow in it, relentlessly poring over every excruciating detail. She’ll certainly never recover if she continues in both word and deed to define herself by her failed campaign.
Oakland Unified among Calif. school districts
phasing out D, F grades for high school students
32 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 12/8/2021 12:24:50 PM Post Reply
Some of California's largest school districts are trying an unconventional tactic to help students re-engage in school after distance learning and boost their chances of acceptance into the state's public colleges: by dropping D and F grades. Los Angeles Unified [snip] and other districts are phasing out grades below a C for high school students. The idea is to encourage students to learn the course material and not be derailed by a low grade that could potentially disqualify them from admission to the University of California and California State University.
Camels kicked out of $66M beauty pageant
for using Botox
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/8/2021 2:03:02 PM Post Reply
They were trying to embellish their lovely lady humps. More than 40 camels were booted from a Saudi Arabian beauty pageant after getting administered Botox, hormones and other appearance enhancing techniques. This marks the biggest crackdown in the contest’s history. “The club is keen to halt all acts of tampering and deception in the beautification of camels,” the Saudi Press Agency said of the dromedary disqualification which occurred at the annual Abdulaziz Camel Festival, near Riyadh, where breeders compete for some nearly $66 million in prize money, the Washington Post reported. The camels themselves are judged on the shape of their heads, necks, humps, dress and postures
Lt. Mike Byrd Raises $122,000 on GoFundMe
After Killing Unarmed US Veteran Ashli
Babbitt in Cold Blood
30 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 11:03:53 AM Post Reply
In July, The Gateway Pundit confirmed that Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s shooter.Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 in the US Capitol. Ashli Babbitt, a Trump-supporting US veteran, was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was unarmed and posed no threat to the police or anyone. There were several police officers surrounding her when she was shot dead without warning. Her killer Lt. Mike Byrd then fled down the hall after he shot her dead without warning.
Biden demands media fall into line: White
House holds secret meetings with news
organizations and Washington Post columnist
goes on CNN to claim that president is
being treated WORSE than Trump by press
30 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2021 8:16:19 AM Post Reply
Three senior White House officials have embarked on a campaign to persuade newsroom executives to be more favorable in their coverage of President Joe Biden, according to a report on Tuesday night.The trio - National Economic Council Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti, along with Ports Envoy John Porcari - have been 'briefing major newsrooms over the past week,' according to CNN's media correspondent, Oliver Darcy. Darcy, in his newsletter, said that their outreach was sparked by concern that Biden was not being treated fairly.
Why I’m celebrating news that a man
is breaking women’s swimming records
29 replies
Posted by Magnante 12/8/2021 3:32:12 AM Post Reply
Will Thomas is a strapping 22-year-old man who swam competitively at the University of Pennsylvania for three years. This year, though, Will announced that he’s a woman named “Lia” and, thanks to Biden’s executive orders regarding so-called “gender identity,” got a place on UPenn’s women’s swim team where, to no one’s surprise, he swam faster than the women. Frankly, I think it’s wonderful. That’s not because I’ve gone woke; it’s because this is so blatantly unfair to women, and Will is so obviously a man, that Americans are finally saying that the emperor is wearing the wrong dress.
Dismal new polling for Biden shows him
neck-in-neck with Trump in hypothetical
2024 rematch
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/7/2021 4:41:18 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are virtually tied in a hypothetical 2024 rematch in a new Wall Street Journal poll that showed dismal approval ratings for Biden and wide dissatisfaction with the direction of the US. The poll, the first under the Journal's new polling operation led by Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio, who worked for the Trump campaign in 2020, and Democratic pollster John Anzalone, who worked for Biden, surveyed 1,500 registered voters on their views of Biden and the state of the country from November 16 to 22.
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