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Biden administration tells businesses
to continue implementing COVID vaccine
mandate despite court order

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Posted By: Skinnydip, 11/9/2021 10:28:42 AM

The White House is pushing back against the Court of Appeals decision over the weekend to freeze Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate for private business. Officials have gone as far as to say businesses should ignore the recent court ruling. According to CNBC, during Monday’s White House briefing Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that: "People should not wait. They should continue to move forward and make sure they’re getting their workplace vaccinated."


Can the 5th District Court of Appeals hold the President in contempt of court?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 11/9/2021 10:34:20 AM (No. 972218)
Why is this not contempt of Court?
25 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Nashman 11/9/2021 10:35:35 AM (No. 972220)
Sounds like an impeachable offense to me.
28 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Donna M 11/9/2021 10:40:42 AM (No. 972225)
People in private businesses who are "unvaccinated" are being forced to quit, without severance and/or accumulated vacation time, and in many states it's considered 'for cause' and you don't receive UI. As to the job market, I'm already seeing 'must be vaccinated' even for 100% remote jobs and for contractors (I am one). There is no recourse for damages or court action if you have adverse effects from disability or death as it's on a EUA and the manufacturers are protected under CICP administered by HHS. There is a recourse through HHS but no one wins on it. Keep all of this in mind. It's doubtful that any of the elites have received anything but a saline jab due to the 18K deaths and 28K permanent disabilities now recorded in far in over 800,000 adverse events.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Starboard_side 11/9/2021 10:43:08 AM (No. 972229)
read a story on yahoo news that had a study of 800,000 U.S. veterans and the effectiveness of the 3 shots. It found by the end of Sept, Moderna's went from 89% to 58%. Pfizer went from 87% to 45% J&J went from 86% to 13% over 6 months - essentially like not having a shot at all, it would seem. Why aren't they focused on pushing the 2nd shot for those J&J people? And, are they a larger majority of the people with "breakthrough" infections? As far as mandates, they don't seem to be working as well as when it was voluntary, so wonder why they decided, or determined, it was necessary to implement? There must be a study, or paper that made that determination to shift policy to a mandate.
5 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DCGIRL 11/9/2021 10:55:22 AM (No. 972241)
This administration has no respect for the law. He's telling business to disrespect the decision of the court and do as he says. What would you expect from Pervert Joe. Everything this man does breaks the law. I say impeach this low life.
20 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mc squared 11/9/2021 10:56:41 AM (No. 972244)
DOJ says there should be no stay on the OSHA mandate. 1) no reason to rule on this now, ..blah,blah. Of course not. Whatever evil they are foisting on us must be completed before they obey a court order.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Condor44 11/9/2021 11:06:12 AM (No. 972260)
Why not. After all he cheated to gain the presidency and he is a lying mf@@@@r! FJB!
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: bamboozle 11/9/2021 11:09:59 AM (No. 972264)
A lawless man leading a lawless regime of lawless people who do not seem to respect God? One might then speculate then on whom they do follow. At least he doesn't send mean tweets.
13 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: seamusm 11/9/2021 11:10:03 AM (No. 972265)
A perfect example of this administration's philosophy and behavior - 'We are in charge and that's all that matters.' They think gaining the presidency is equivalent to owning every branch of government. They are fascists and enemies of our way of life.
18 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: BarryNo 11/9/2021 11:44:07 AM (No. 972305)
No, it's tyranny. It'the Imperial Presidency. Biden is Senator Palpatine. Behind him are the elites - let's call them the Sith. Sometimes reality imitates fantasy.
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 11/9/2021 11:44:15 AM (No. 972306)
As Andrew Jackson said, "How many troops does the court have?"
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: dickiedeeb 11/9/2021 11:47:52 AM (No. 972309)
Respect for the rule of law and such Hey Brandon how about that rigged election in nicaragua Glad youre on that travesty of Democracy lets go brandon is just too polite anymore arrrgh.,
7 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 11/9/2021 11:48:07 AM (No. 972311)
Whatever you do, if forced out by this vaccine NEVER 'quit'. Force them to fire you, and never, ever do anything that could be later construed as a reason to be fired. Fill out all their miserable paperwork, answer all their questions, and very likely you can at least get a huge settlement out of them after all this dust settles. These companies are WAY in the wrong, and you cannot get "unshot", ever. If you are one of the "lucky winners' in the clot shot sweepstakes, you could have a stroke, die immediately, be crippled, have heart damage which is irreversible, etc. Losing your job is external, and IS reversible. I think that big companies are going to be losing HUGE lawsuits over this. It may take years, but they are very likely to be paying out huge settlements.
12 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Namma 11/9/2021 12:11:09 PM (No. 972332)
Typical hussien tactic. He never obeyed the courts either
11 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: planetgeo 11/9/2021 12:17:39 PM (No. 972344)
Looks like the Democrats finally got the "President who is literally like Hitler" that they've always dreamed of.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: rochow 11/9/2021 12:18:55 PM (No. 972347)
I thought King George III was dead!! Still around???
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: smokincol 11/9/2021 12:29:12 PM (No. 972365)
Question: now how would that have gone over if our President was still in office? Answer: IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH diapers is the mouthpiece of the most dangerous and treasonous bunch to ever occupy D.C.
10 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: hope27 11/9/2021 1:14:30 PM (No. 972408)
Impeach Brandon
5 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: doctorfixit 11/9/2021 1:19:44 PM (No. 972412)
One thing about Democrats, the law means nothing to them except as a means to destroy Freedom Nevertheless, the takeaway is that federal courts really have no power. They have no army and they can be and should be routinely ignored
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: MickTurn 11/9/2021 1:27:48 PM (No. 972428)
Pound Sand...make sure it's Cut Sharp Glass!
5 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: anniebc 11/9/2021 3:41:33 PM (No. 972564)
They do whatever they want; the laws mean nothing to this bunch. Don't throw a little protest in their safe havens, though. You the people become those evil people who put their betters in harms way. They'll put you in the worst jails in the nation.
1 person likes this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: mifla 11/10/2021 5:19:35 AM (No. 972996)
Republicans, take notice. This is how you tell people to go pound sand. Write this down.
0 people like this.

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Biden Excludes Family Of Murdered U.S.
Special Agent From Ceremony Signing Bill
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Posted by Skinnydip 11/25/2021 7:53:09 AM Post Reply
Last week, President Biden signed into law the Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila Federal Officers and Employees Protection Act, named after two Special Agents who were targeted by the Los Zetas cartel in Mexico, with Zapata murdered and Avila seriously injured. But neither Avila nor Zapata’s family was invited to the ceremony, according to The Texan.
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Posted by Skinnydip 11/10/2021 3:09:51 PM Post Reply
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Biden administration tells businesses
to continue implementing COVID vaccine
mandate despite court order
22 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 11/9/2021 10:28:42 AM Post Reply
The White House is pushing back against the Court of Appeals decision over the weekend to freeze Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate for private business. Officials have gone as far as to say businesses should ignore the recent court ruling. According to CNBC, during Monday’s White House briefing Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that: "People should not wait. They should continue to move forward and make sure they’re getting their workplace vaccinated."
Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records
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Posted by Skinnydip 11/8/2021 1:13:42 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration in just the past year alone stockpiled the records of more than 54 million U.S. gun owners and is poised to drastically alter gun regulations to ensure that information on Americans who own firearms ultimately ends up in the federal government's hands, according to internal Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. [snip] The procurement of these records by the ATF comes as the Biden administration moves to alter current laws to ensure that gun records are stored in perpetuity. Currently, gun shops can destroy their records after 20 years, thereby preventing the ATF from accessing the information in the future.
Virginia elections chief scolds poll workers
over reports maskless voters turned away
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Posted by Skinnydip 11/2/2021 5:27:12 PM Post Reply
The commissioner of the Virginia Department of Elections admonished poll workers after receiving reports of voters being turned away for not wearing masks. "You may not turn voters away because they are not wearing masks," Chris Piper said in an email to poll workers on Tuesday, adding that it "is not sufficient to offer curbside voting as an alternative." Under Virginia Code 24.2-649.1, only a person with "a disability or who is age 65 or older" can be provided the option to vote curbside, according to Piper.
Democrats Hit New Low With Heinous Anti-Youngkin
Ad in Virginia
11 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 10/31/2021 6:14:22 PM Post Reply
It is apparently desperation time for Democrats in Virginia. Polls in the gubernatorial race are rapidly moving away from Terry McAuliffe and toward Republican Glenn Youngkin, who’s run a laser-focused race. As McAuliffe fades, his left-wing allies fired back Friday night. ActBlue, the organization that helps Democrat candidates and progressive groups raise money from individual Americans, released an appalling 30-second ad, with the theme of “This is Glenn Youngkin’s Virginia,” claiming “If Glenn Youngkin is elected no one is safe!” Yes, no one!
Democrats Hit New Low With Heinous Anti-Youngkin
Ad in Virginia
9 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 10/31/2021 6:13:25 PM Post Reply
It is apparently desperation time for Democrats in Virginia. Polls in the gubernatorial race are rapidly moving away from Terry McAuliffe and toward Republican Glenn Youngkin, who’s run a laser-focused race. As McAuliffe fades, his left-wing allies fired back Friday night. ActBlue, the organization that helps Democrat candidates and progressive groups raise money from individual Americans, released an appalling 30-second ad, with the theme of “This is Glenn Youngkin’s Virginia,” claiming “If Glenn Youngkin is elected no one is safe!” Yes, no one!
Biden’s USAID Launches $125 Million
Project To Find 12,000 New Viruses
16 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 10/17/2021 10:41:01 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s U.S. Agency for International Development launched a new $125 million dollar project with Washington State University and foreign collaborators to discover over 10,000 novel viruses in nature. [snip] The new program, announced by Washington State University [snip] "is expected to yield 8,000 to 12,000 novel viruses, which researchers will then screen and sequence the genomes of the ones that pose the most risk to animal and human health,” a summary adds. [snip] While WSU’s foreign collaborators have not been identified yet, in the past, the school has partnered with Chinese Communist Party-linked technology firms including DJI for research.
British lawmaker stabbed to death in church 15 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 10/15/2021 10:53:15 AM Post Reply
A British lawmaker from Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party was stabbed to death on Friday in a church by a man who attacked him at a meeting with voters from his electoral district. David Amess, 69, the member of parliamentfor Southend West in Essex, eastern England, was targeted at around midday at a meeting at the Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea. [snip] "A 25-year-old man was quickly arrested after officers arrived at the scene on suspicion of murder and a knife was recovered."
US to Open Canada, Mexico Borders For
Fully Vaccinated Travelers Next Month: Officials
11 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 10/13/2021 5:58:32 AM Post Reply
The United States plans to reopen its land borders with Mexico and Canada to non-essential travelers fully vaccinated against COVID-19 starting in early November, Biden administration officials said on Tuesday. [snip] Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is set to formally announce the rules on Wednesday, Biden administration officials told reporters during a press briefing. “Today and tomorrow, we are announcing that we will be implementing similar requirements for foreign nationals traveling across the land border from Canada and Mexico,” said White House deputy coordinator Natalie Quillian. “To be fully vaccinated is an important step that will further enhance the safety of international travel and the safety of Americans at home.”
Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise for Second
Straight Week
8 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 9/23/2021 1:57:42 PM Post Reply
New claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week, the second consecutive week of climbing claims. The Department of Labor said that there were a seasonally adjusted 351,000 initial claims for state unemployment benefits in the week ended September 18, up from 335,000 in the previous week. The four-week moving average—which smooths out short-term volatility—fell by 750 to 335,750. The previous week’s average was revised up by 750 to 336,500. The rising number of new claims, which are a proxy for layoffs, raises the risk that progress in the labor market may have stalled as the economy suffers the one-two punch of supply chain disruptions and the Delta variant.
Haitian migrants revolt in custody and
seize control of privately contracted bus
19 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 9/21/2021 3:31:52 PM Post Reply
Haitian migrants who were being transported on a federally contracted private bus away from the border revolted during the ride and overtook control of the commercial vehicle before escaping, according to two law enforcement officials. A large white bus bound for San Antonio, Texas, was overtaken Monday afternoon during the two-and-a-half-hour trip from the international bridge in Del Rio. [snip] "They did break out of the bus, and they did escape," a senior federal law enforcement official confirmed to the Washington Examiner on Tuesday.
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Disgusting: Salvation Army Wants White
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Posted by Imright 11/24/2021 7:19:17 PM Post Reply
What was founded in 1865 in London, England, as both a protestant Christian church and an international charitable organization, the Salvation Army has now embraced Critical Race Theory.Its first “red kettle” was set up in Oakland, California in 1891 and since then millions of people have dropped coins and bills into their kettles while a smiling person repeating ” Merry Christmas” rings a handheld bell perpetually.Unfortunately, this Christian organization, like many others who have drifted away from the sole purpose of advancing the Gospel, is now embracing racist ideology peddled by anti-white activists including Ibram Kendi.
Hillary Clinton hits Americans as gullible,
says they don't 'appreciate' Biden accomplishments
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Posted by Moritz55 11/24/2021 7:37:01 PM Post Reply
Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday praised the legislative accomplishments of President Biden while appearing to claim that everyday Americans didn't understand or "appreciate" them. During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," Clinton complained about the successful "exploiting" of social media misinformation by Republicans, blaming the lack of "gatekeepers" and "people with a historic perspective" to help Americans understand what they were seeing.
Hillary Clinton: Those Who Fear ‘Civil
Rights and Human Rights’ Are ‘Behind Trump’
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Posted by Imright 11/24/2021 4:11:04 AM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that former President Donald Trump supporters feared “civil rights and human rights, the cultural changes.”Clinton said, “I do think that we are facing a crisis of democracy, a crisis of legitimacy, a crisis that really goes to the heart of what the future of our country and many others around the world will be. So I spend my time trying to figure out what we can do about it. I am not ever going to give up because there’s just too much at stake.”She continued, “I think that the role of disinformation, the way that propaganda
New Botswana variant with 32 'horrific'
mutations is the most evolved Covid strain
EVER and could be 'worse than Delta' —
as expert says it may have emerged in
an HIV patient
41 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/24/2021 12:55:06 PM Post Reply
British experts have sounded the alarm over a new Covid variant believed to have emerged in Botswana that is the most mutated version of the virus yet. Only 10 cases of the strain, which could eventually be named 'Nu', have been detected so far. But it has already been spotted in three countries, suggesting the variant is more widespread. It carries 32 mutations, many of which suggest it is highly transmissible and vaccine-resistant, and has more alterations to its spike protein than any other variant.(Snip)Dr Tom Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College who first picked up on its spread, described the variant's combination of mutations as 'horrific'.
Liberal college professor suggests Biden
'declare war' on Republicans, compares
them to Civil War slaveholders
41 replies
Posted by RayLRiv 11/24/2021 10:49:58 AM Post Reply
Liberal college professor Heather Cox Richardson suggested in an article published Tuesday that President Biden "declare war" on Republicans in an effort to combat what she claimed was the party's move towards authoritarianism.
Catholic University Displays Painting
Depicting George Floyd as Jesus Christ
32 replies
Posted by Imright 11/24/2021 7:24:54 PM Post Reply
The Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, DC, has hung two copies of a painting of George Floyd in the role of Jesus Christ in the arms of the Virgin Mary, which some students are decrying as “blasphemous.”The icon by Kelly Latimore, titled Mama, is exhibited outside the chapel at the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law as well as in its campus ministry office. Blayne Clegg, a junior at the university, said he was shocked when he spotted the painting hung on campus some weeks ago, calling the conflation of George Floyd with Jesus Christ “heretical, blasphemous idolatry,” Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide (MEAWW) reported Wednesday.
Seven doctors contract Covid after attending
Florida anti-vaccine summit
30 replies
Posted by IowaDad 11/24/2021 7:20:08 AM Post Reply
Seven anti-vaccine doctors fell sick after gathering earlier this month for a Florida “summit” at which alternative treatments for Covid-19 were discussed. “I have been on ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I,” Dr Bruce Boros told the audience at the event held at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, adding: “I have never felt healthier in my life". The 71-year-old cardiologist and staunch anti-vaccine advocate contracted Covid-19 two days later, according to the head event organizer, Dr John Littell. Littell, an Ocala family physician, also told the Daily Beast six other doctors among 800 to 900 participants at the event also tested positive or developed Covid-19 symptoms.
Joe Biden is spending Thanksgiving at
private-equity billionaire’s home
26 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/24/2021 1:38:15 PM Post Reply
President Biden and first lady Jill Biden said they will spend Thanksgiving at the Nantucket home of a private-equity billionaire. In a statement to reporters, the White House said, “The First Family will stay at the home of their friend, David Rubenstein, as they have done previously.” The buyout tycoon’s Nantucket spread spans 13 acres and is worth a reported $20 million. Rubenstein, who is worth $4.6 billion, according to a Forbes estimate, co-founded private-equity behemoth The Carlyle Group. The Washington-based firm, which boasts $293 billion in assets, is known for its leveraged buyouts and investments that have included Dunkin’, Oriental Trading and Hertz.
If GOP wins in 2022, they must investigate
Biden family corruption
25 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/24/2021 9:33:42 AM Post Reply
As Republicans and Democrats are examining the results of the November elections, including Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin’s convincing victory in Virginia, it is clear that campaigning on issues close to the heart of the American people will bring real political results in 2022 and 2024. However, the Republicans should not ignore the matters of integrity and government transparency and questions about corruption at the highest levels of U.S. politics. Jimmy Carter had his brother Billy, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi’s registered foreign agent. Similarly, Roger Clinton, Bill Clinton’s half-brother, was paid by the Gambino mafia family figure, for whom he allegedly tried to arrange a pardon, and was then himself pardoned by his half-brother
'It's not a question of if I could win…..Am
I best equipped for the state?' Matthew
McConaughey says he is still deciding
if he will run for Texas Governor as December
13 deadline to declare looms
24 replies
Posted by Imright 11/24/2021 2:20:58 PM Post Reply
Hollywood star Matthew McConaughey has said he remains undecided on whether to run for Texas Governor just three weeks out from the deadline - but stated it's 'not a question of if I could win.'McConaughey, who lives in Austin, has for months teased a run to unseat Republican Gregg Abbott - and was even tipped to beat the incumbent by pollsters this week in a head-to-head race.However, the 52-year-old actor and philanthropist would also need to see off stiff competition from Democrat Beto O'Rourke, and has yet to say whether he would run as a red or a blue.
High Drama at D.C. Soup Kitchen as Joe
Biden Appears to Snub Kamala
24 replies
Posted by Imright 11/24/2021 1:19:46 PM Post Reply
We’ve written extensively on how embattled Vice President Kamala Harris has been hit with more bad press just in time for the holidays, with even the Democrat apologists at CNN getting in on the action by reporting how Biden staffers were allegedly growing increasingly frustrated with Harris. In addition to that are reports of an alleged rift between President Biden and Harris, which is said to be growing even as the lame excuses for it all are presented (and rejected).In the midst of the burgeoning turmoil at Kamala HQ and as Biden dashes her hopes of a 2024 run for president, we turn to Biden and Harris appearing together Tuesday
The Biden Administration Hasn't a Clue
About Why Gas Prices are Soaring
24 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/24/2021 11:01:46 AM Post Reply
It's hard to not find oneself full of contempt with the Biden White House, given its flatfooted response to soaring energy prices. Nationwide average energy prices have shot up 70.63% since Joe took office back in January, going from $2.40 a gallon on Jan. 25, to $3.40 a gallon today, according to AAA data. In the eight western-most states in the union, plus Pennsylvania, the average goes as high as $4.71 a gallon. That comes on top of a record 69% rise in oil prices that occurred in the interim between Joe's "election" and the day Joe took office. That kind of pricing is known in markets as "anticipatory."
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